A hundred miles to the southwest of Luodu, the void was twisted, and a fat figure covered with blood fell out of the black crack.

A long black sword stabbed out of the darkness, stabbed into Benson's heart from behind, pointed out from the chest, and then slowly pulled out.

"Ho ho..."

Benson's big eyes were full of unwilling to turn around, looking at the shadow which was almost completely hidden in the dark. His eyes were full of incredible color. His fat body fell to the ground, and he didn't close his eyes until he died.


In the void temple, a soul lamp at the top burst. The old man who guarded the temple was stunned for a moment. His eyes were full of fear and disbelief, and he exclaimed: "my grandfather is dead!"

A rapid trumpet rang through the territory of the void demon clan. Some powerful demons rushed out of the cave and rushed to the void temple.

This is the most urgent bugle of the nether demons. All nether demons above level 7 must rush to the nether Temple immediately after hearing the bugle, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Several elders of the void demon clan gathered together to discuss something, while ordinary demons stood in the hall with a blank face.

The news of Benson's death soon spread among the demons who came to the temple of void. The feelings of grief and fear spread rapidly among the demons. The demons of void can rank the third race of the demons. Benson's powerful strength is one of the important factors.

"My grandfather has been closed for a long time. Why did he die suddenly?"

There is a void devil full of don't understand of ask a way.

The old devil, who was guarding the temple, was full of grief and said: "after receiving the message today, Lao Zu said he would go to Luodu. It was less than half an hour before and after that. Then the soul lamp was broken, which means that Lao Zu was dead. I'm afraid that this matter has something to do with human beings."

"It's just human. How can we kill our ancestors? Alex is dead. Is there another human that can be big?"

"Yes, Lao Zu's strength is so strong that he can rank in the top three even among the demons, and with the help of void eyed beasts, who can stop him if he wants to go?"

The demons are still full of doubts. Obviously, they can't accept the result. Of course, they are more worried about the future of nihilistic demons. After losing their ancestors, the pressure that nihilistic demons will face can be predicted.

An old void devil came out, holding a piece of black iron in his hand, and said in a loud voice: "Alex is not dead. My grandfather sent a message before he died. He met Alex in lodu and was seriously injured. However, he has left lodu and is on the way back to his family. He died on the way. Now I don't know who killed him."

In the hall, all the demons looked at the black iron in the devil's hands, and their eyes showed the color of fear.

"Alex is not dead!"

The news was as overwhelming as Benson's death.

"The ancestor died, Alex did not die, then next, he will retaliate against our void clan?"

The silence lasted for a long time, and a demon asked with some fear.

As soon as these words came out, many demons showed concern on their faces.

Even the void ancestor was seriously injured or even killed by him, and they would be his opponents.


"My grandfather is dead!"

"Three elder's lamp is out!"


The same thing happened this evening in the tribes of many demons, orcs and forest trolls, and grief and fear spread.

It makes many people think of how many tribes and races lost their support that night three years ago, and it's all because of Alex.

This time, before more news came back, not many people knew what happened to Loto and who killed the top ten.


On the big island in the center of the devil islands, there is a dark hall.

On the spire of the hall, two shadows stood two meters apart, one thin and one fat, looking at the direction of Luodu.

"Benson is dead."

The fat devil broke the silence.

"I didn't expect Alex to be alive."

The thin devil's voice sank slightly, with some anger in it.

"Three years ago, our demons paid the lives of four level 10 soldiers in order to kill him. This time, two level 10 soldiers died in order to kill Elena. Even Benson was killed, which almost damaged one third of our demons. However, we didn't get anything. On the contrary, we ended up with a serious injury!" The fat devil clenched his fist and said angrily.

The thin devil soon calmed down and said in a deep voice: "our three races have lost so many strong men one after another, but human beings have hardly paid any price. Do you think that three years ago, it was possible that Joe played a play with Alex deliberately, slaughtered all the ten strong men sent by our three races, and then released the news that Alex had died?"

"Moreover, there are more ten strong men than any one of our three races. If he forms an alliance with elves and dwarves, our alliance may not be able to beat them."

"Cunning human!" The fat devil clenched his teeth, looked at the thin devil and said, "what should we do now?"

"Andre is an old fox. In recent decades, human beings have become more and more powerful under his leadership, but his two sons are still very young and not as cunning as Andre." The thin devil showed a sneer on his face. "Human life is short after all. Andre, the old fox, will die sooner or later. When he dies, it's time for us to declare war on human beings."

"The peace agreement in three months?" The fat devil frowned.

"Sign first, give them everything they want, it will be ours sooner or later anyway."


Meg, lying in Elena's warm chest, awkwardly opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with the majestic mind and the beautiful face with anger. He propped his hands aside and tried to stand up.

As a result, his hands were pressed on a piece of delicate and smooth skin, and his tight and elastic hand made Meg's heart lose consciousness for a moment. After her deep eyes, she almost jumped up from the Griffin's back.

While sitting up straight, MEG quickly took his hands back from the two slender legs. MEG didn't dare to look into Elena's eyes. For a moment, he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"How do you feel?" Irina asked, looking at MEG with a smile.

"This..." McGonagall looked at the playful smile on Elena's face. On the contrary, he suddenly calmed down and joked. As a man who read the sea of flowers, how can he counsel women? He nodded with a smile and said, "it's delicate and smooth. It's thin without losing the feeling of flesh. It feels very good."

"And here?" Elena grabs Meg's hand and puts it to her chest.

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