The reunion in the rainy night, because the two little guys become relaxed and warm, warm yellow light seems to be out of the window of the cold and rain completely isolated.

MEG went out as like as two peas in the long corridor, and changed his clothes. He went back to the room exactly the same as he had gone out. He closed the window and watched the two little cats who were still fighting with one cat. He picked up the knife that was lying aside and cut off three ice cream cakes in the small dish. Then he cut two smaller cakes and put them on another small plate.

"Eat ice cream cake. It's time to put it on for a while."

MEG handed Amy and Elena the ice cream cake with the spoon in it.

The ugly duckling's eyes immediately withdraw from night's body and looks up at McGonagall with an aggrieved face. Just now, it was about to eat ice cream cake, but it was trampled by his foot. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he was.

Night is also a face of curiosity, looking up at MEG, although do not know what it is, but still curious about what.

McGonagall was a little embarrassed by the ugly duckling's resentful eyes. After all, he had just stepped on his cake, put two small plates in front of the ugly duckling and night, and said with a smile, "this is yours."

"Meow, meow!"

The ugly duckling's face showed the color of excitement again. He came up to the ice cream cake and smelled it. He put out his little tongue and licked the ice cream. His eyes narrowed and his expression was super happy.


The night looked curiously at the ugly duckling licking the ice cream, and then looked at the ice cream cake in front of him. This beautiful looking thing has a sweet smell, which it has never smelled, making its eyes bright.

After a moment's hesitation, he leaned out his tongue and licked the ice cream like an ugly duckling.

The cold touch made it draw back its tongue, because it was frightened and fell down. It turned a somersault back and looked at the cake.

However, in addition to the feeling of cold, ice cream with strawberry fragrance melts on its tongue, bringing it an unprecedented delicious experience and making its eyes light up again.

Staring at the ice cream cake, hesitated for a while, and then looked at the ugly duckling lying in front of the small plate and licking the ice cream. The night still couldn't help but walk back to the ice cream slowly and try to lick the ice cream again.

This cold feeling did not make it panic back, but like an ugly duckling squatting in front of the plate happily licking the ice cream on the cake.

"Ice cream cake?" Elena took the small plate and looked at the delicate triangular cake in it.

Pink ice cream covered the top and side, flat cut can see clear layers, cream cake and pink ice cream look so lovely and delicate, half strawberry embellishment in the top, strawberry fragrance and cake fragrance from the shop, just look at it let her swallow.

"Yes, my father and Amy spent an afternoon making super delicious ice cream cake, which only Elena's sister can eat." Amy nodded her head, put the dish on one side of the table, and then dug a piece of cake with a small spoon. Ice cream and cake accounted for half of each, and fed it to her mouth. Her eyebrows suddenly bent into crescent moon, and her face showed a happy expression. She shook her body from left to right and looked very cute.

"Little one." Irene looked at Amy's silly appearance, her face couldn't help but smile, and then looked at the ice cream cake in her hand, her eyes became expectant.

This is the most important cake made by two people for her. For three years, she has been thinking of them all the time. Now she is reunited with them. This feeling is really special.

"Eat it." McGonagall also looked at Elena tenderly, but he was a little worried. Although he had made the ice cream cake countless times in the kitchen god auditorium, it was the first time he had made it in the real world, and it was made with Amy. Whether it could make Elena feel delicious or not was unknown. He didn't know whether she liked dessert or not.

"I'll try." Irina nodded, picked up the spoon and scooped a spoonful of cake as Amy did. Half of the ice cream and half of the cake came to her mouth.

As soon as the cake entered, Elena's eyes lit up.

Strawberry ice cream melts slowly on the tip of the tongue with sweet milk fragrance. The delicate and cool taste is full of sweet smell. Then comes the mousse cake with cream fragrance. The soft taste is released with the milk fragrance, just like the perfect combination of ice and fire, which brings incomparable delicious experience to the tip of the tongue.

Irina felt as if she was on the grassland of ice and snow, and suddenly found a small yellow flower in full bloom. The amazing feeling was exactly what she was feeling now.

After swallowing, strawberry flavor of milk lingers on the tip of the tongue, waiting for the next bite of ice cream.

"What a delicious dessert!"

Irina couldn't help exclaiming. She looked at the cake with a dime missing in her hand, and then looked at Ma GEI. Her eyes seemed to be shining.

What she likes most is all kinds of desserts. Those desserts with sweet and happy fragrance can bring her a good mood.

In fact, the biggest motivation for touring Nolan in those years was simply to try other delicacies and desserts in places other than the wind forest.

But after walking through so many places and tasting the desserts of all ethnic groups, none of them can match this small ice cream cake.

It turned out that what she was looking for was always by her side.

"I said, you didn't deliberately hide from me that you could cook, did you?"

Irina looked at MEG with a look on her face. After only three years, he made such a delicious dessert. The unique flavor and taste is unprecedented to her.

"That's probably talent."

MEG shrugged her shoulders and began to smile. It seemed that she was satisfied and liked it.

"Hum, we'll talk more about your talent later." Irina obviously didn't believe McGonagall's words, but she had a smile in her eyes. She picked up a spoon and fed another scoop of ice cream to her mouth with a happy smile on her face.

"Has your father and sister Elena made a breakthrough?" Amy looked at them curiously, then blinked at MEG, his big blue eyes full of curiosity.

MEG just smiles and pretends he doesn't understand.

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