For a moment, MEG wanted to keep her. In this way, the family of three, living a carefree life, seemed very good.

Looking at Amy lying in Elena's arms with a smile in his sleep, he suddenly understood the meaning of the so-called "a family should be neat.".

Once he felt that he could give Amy the most love in the world and let her grow up happily.

But he must admit that maternal love is something he can never give to Amy, and it is also something she can't miss.

"I'll make the reunion shorter." McGonagall made up his mind that many things should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Elena gently shakes Amy in her arms, humming a gentle song in her mouth. It's a soft fairy song, just like a natural chant. Although she can't understand it, she still gives peace to her heart.

"What a wonderful feeling. That ugly little guy has grown up to be beautiful. He's very strange. He still calls me mother. Even though he doesn't know who I am, he knows how to be close to me. He's really a smart little guy. If only he could be with you all the time..."

After holding Amy for a long time, Elena stopped singing. Her eyes were full of sadness. She withdrew from Amy's small face, looked up at MEG and asked, "when will you pick me up?"

MEG looked into Irina's clear eyes, thought for a while, and said firmly, "one year."

"Well, I'll wait for you for a year. If you can't pick me up after a year, I'll pick you up." Irina nodded, handed Amy to Meg, leaned over to kiss her eyes, looked into Meg's eyes for a long time, and suddenly tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek.

"MEG, you remember, you're my Irina's man!"

A pale gold transmission array lights up, and Elena disappears with the night at the same time. The only thing left in the room is MEG with a sleepy Amy in her arms and the ugly duckling with the same face lying on the ground.

It was a long time before McGonagall regained his consciousness. He reached for his cheek and blinked. He was still a little surprised. When his soft lips were printed on his face, his brain was almost blank.

"Although there is no threat, it has surpassed countless threats." MEG sighed a little. Elena's man is not easy to be. From today on, he has to bear this kind of pressure.

A year's appointment. This is Meg's promise to Elena and Amy.

McGonagall didn't want to delay the time of their mother daughter's acquaintance for too long. The next thing he had to do was to try his best to let himself have the ability to go to the wind forest and take Irina back in this year.

After all, he didn't want to be picked up by Elena to the wind forest a year later.

Eating soft food is technical work, but MEG doesn't want to be looked down upon by Amy. He has to drive seven colored clouds to wind forest to pick up Elena.

Looking at Amy in his arms, McGonagall's eyes are gradually gentle. As long as it can make her happy, no matter what he can do.

"What's this?" Meg's eyes fell on Amy's wrist. There was a little green string on the wrist. On the string was a green bead the size of a soybean. It was like a seed. It was translucent, emitting a faint green light.

This bead should be left by Elena. MEG is very familiar with the green light. It is the light green light on Elena's hand when she rescued him today, which is full of vitality.

"I don't know what it is, but it must be precious." MEG pulled down Amy's sleeve a little bit, just covered the bead, wrapped Amy in his own clothes, then squatted down, picked up the ugly duckling lying on the ground, and pushed the door out.

The rainstorm has been much smaller, but the clattering rain is still fierce.

"Is master McGonagall going back? Let me give you an umbrella. " Leaning against the railing, the steward, who had fallen asleep, opened his eyes to the sound and saw McGonagall coming forward with a shy smile.

"Thank you." McGonagall smiles and nods. This is the best alibi you can't miss, and he really can't afford to hold an umbrella.

Out of the kitchen yard, not far away, a noisy sound came from afar, which was also mixed with some of Joe's scolding and smashing.

"What's this?"

McGonagall asked suspiciously.

"Maybe someone has done something wrong." The steward looked in that direction, shrunk his head, and secretly congratulated himself that he had got a relaxed job today, but he didn't dare to say more.

McGonagall nodded slightly and didn't ask much, but it was a pity that he just couldn't kill Joe.

Back in the room, McGonagall carefully put Amy on the bed, looked at the little guy's lovely face with a smile, and could not help leaning over to kiss her forehead.

"Alex's back. It's time for lo to be in a mess." MEG looked out of the window at the chrysanthemums waving in the rain and said with a smile.


"Go away! Get the hell out of here

Wet and hairy, Joe kicked down the servant who was kneeling on the ground with a hot towel and screamed.

Everything in the room was knocked over, precious porcelain bottles and jade were broken to pieces, and all of them were in a mess.

More than a dozen servants kneeling on the ground were pardoned. They got up in a hurry and walked towards the door. It was as if they had gone out of this room. Soon, Qiao Xiu was the only one left in the closed room.

Joe stumbling to the table, his hands on the table, some lost in the chair, some empty eyes.

Just then, a blue light was shining in the room. Richard came out of the teleportation array and looked at Joe sitting there as if he had been spirited. He frowned slightly and his voice sank slightly. "Your Highness, Alex appears again and his strength is back to its peak. If he makes public what happened three years ago, we will be under great pressure, We need to do some preparation. "

When Joe heard the sound, he regained his mind. Looking at Richard, his lips trembled and his face turned white. "He... He wanted to kill me. The sword passed my neck, and I almost died..."

Richard took a look at the scar on Joe Xiu's neck, with a slight look of awe inspiring. He said seriously, "Your Highness, we will protect you."

"No, no one can protect me under his sword." Joe held his hair in both hands, shook his head in pain, and suddenly stopped. His eyes were shining dangerously in his hair. His voice was hoarse and said, "unless he dies first!"

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