In the dark, dozens of elves in black came up from all around. Sharp arrows pointed to Sally, bloom and the elves standing in the middle.

The leader is a square faced middle-aged elf. Compared with the generally high face value of the elves, the square faced elf is quite eye-catching in the crowd. His fierce eyes sweep over the corpses on the ground and those elves with a scared face, and finally fall on Sally and bloom.

Although the elf on the left was in a bit of a mess, the damaged dress still couldn't hide the beautiful appearance, but in his impression, there didn't seem to be such a beautiful girl in the elf family.

The face on the right is covered with a layer of black gauze. I can't see her face clearly in the dark, but I think she is also a girl.

The corpses of orcs and demons in this area, including those at level 6 or 7, were the first group to escort the elves, but they were killed completely. From the scene, most of them were made by these two girls.

Since they are not the elves in the wind forest, and dare to ambush the escort team, these two guys must be the so-called free elves. Relying on their own strength, they do such bold things.

"But these two girls are beautiful and in good shape. If you give them to Lord Boris, he will like them." Cobil's eyes were on Sally and bloom. They should have been hurt in the previous battle. It was a good chance to catch them. He waved his hand and said, "catch them. Kill them if you dare to resist!"

The elves, who have just regained their freedom, have a look of despair on their faces. Looking at those sharp arrows, they can hardly feel the slightest idea of resistance. They stand in the same place, waiting for those who should be called the same clan to tie the iron chain again and make them enslaved.

"Corbier, the eight level wood magician, I will try to hold him down if you can take some." Bloom looked at Bill and whispered.

"I'll hold him and you'll take them." I don't know when to put on the black gauze of Sally calm way, looked at bloom, "you are caught like this, tomorrow the third young master of the Beverly family is a abnormal news will spread all over the wind forest."

"I am me, not a pervert, and I will not change because of what others say." Bloom looked at Sally with a smile on her face. "But you may be the hope of the future of the elves, the hope of freedom."

As soon as the words fell, bluer, who looked very weak, suddenly burst out with astonishing speed and strength, and rushed towards bill. There was light on the magic wand, which turned into flying wooden arrows and went towards bill.

"Oh, dare you do it to me?" Cowell looked at him with disdain. As soon as he raised his hand, a heavy wooden shield appeared in front of him. The wooden arrow fell on the shield, but it didn't do any damage to the shield.

On the way to bloom, the branches of the surrounding trees seemed to come back to life suddenly. They turned into whips, and the air was pulled out. The speed was amazing.

Countless vines spread from cobil's feet, crawling towards blull and the elves, like green snakes all over the place.

Sally took a look at bloom. For the first time, she had a different brilliance in her eyes. She stepped on the tree trunk, and her agile body was like a cheetah walking through the woods. She picked up two elves from the elves group, and then ran in the opposite direction.

"Don't let her run! Shoot the arrow

There are elves exclaimed, a feather arrow like rain toward Sally's back shot.

Sally's body is like an elf walking through the trees. Her feathers and arrows pass by her side, and then are deeply nailed to the tree trunk. But her speed is obviously decreasing.

She was caught in the armpit of the two elves a face of fear at her, it is quiet did not cry.


A flaming feather arrow comes through the air. The target is not Sally, but the elf in her left hand.

Elves are a race good at hunting, and they have learned extraordinary arrow skills. The speed and strength of this feather arrow are stronger than those before, and they can accurately judge Sally's way forward.

Sally's face suddenly changed, this is obviously an experienced hunter, waiting for the most appropriate time, and then shot the most lethal blow.

The forward step stops forcibly, the foot that falls on the tree trunk lets the body side over body forcibly in the progress, changed a position of elf.

The roaring arrow slashed her back, leaving a deep blood groove. Then it penetrated three big trees in a row and nailed to the fourth tree.

The huge power on the arrow makes Sally stagger and almost fall. The successive feather arrows make her tired of avoiding and unable to move forward.

The elves slowly gathered around her, and the magic wand in their hands lit up, including level 6 and level 7 magicians.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't take you today."

Sally stops and gently puts the two elves on the ground with tears in her eyes and a magic wand in her hand.

The elf girl reached out her little hand, touched Sally's hand, raised her head and said seriously, "my sister killed the villain who killed my father and mother. Thank you."

"They killed my grandfather, thank you." The elf boy also raised his head, thanks.

Sally looked down at the two elves, tears no longer stop, slowly flowing down her cheeks.

After avoiding many branches, and making every effort to break out a high-level magic, he still failed to break Bill's defense. He was tightly bound by the winding vines and hung upside down on a big tree.

The Elves were also bound by the vine. Their eyes were empty and desperate. They didn't struggle or cry, as if they were dead.

The successive magic is blocked by Sally's magic mask, but the thinner and thinner magic mask is still unable to withstand the siege. After annihilation, the exhausted Sally and the two elves are also entangled by the vines and dragged to the elves.

Cowell came forward, looked down at the elves, and said with a superior face: "you are born inferior to the elves in the madman forest. You are destined to be slaves. If you dare to resist, you will only die. There are classes in the world, and you belong to the lowest, lowest class. "

The elves press Corbier with hatred in their eyes, but more of them admit their lives and despair.

In this world, no one can save them, because the elves of the whole forest acquiesced in this matter, including the queen of elves.

"Who farts here?"

At this time, a light golden light appeared above the crowd, a delicate foot fell from the sky, one foot stepped Bill's face into the ground!

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