"Father, I remember that uncle who likes roast beef said he would go back to the city of chaos with us? What about him? "

On the broad bird's back, Amy looked around curiously and asked.

"Bad!" MEG raised his eyebrows. Amy did not say that he had forgotten that the Duke of Abraham had said that he would go to the city of chaos with them that day. I forgot everything these two days. I just remember to wait for Luna.

McGonagall felt his nose awkwardly and said, "maybe he forgot. He didn't see him at the gate just now."

"Boss Mai! Boss Mai! You wait for me

Just then, a voice of some anxiety came from behind. A big black hawk came forward from behind and walked side by side with MEG and their bird. On the back of the bird, the Duke of Abraham was waving his hands and calling excitedly,.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I just got on board in a hurry. I forgot to wait for you. I hope I won't blame you." MEG looked at Abraham and apologized.

"It doesn't matter. I got up late. I'm sorry if I asked you to wait for me. I haven't been here for a long time," he said

Krasu took a look at some of the Black Hawk's disproportionate stomachs and said, "it's a waste to keep such a good Falcon at home as a pig."

McGonagall also glanced at the Black Hawk. At first glance, it was really majestic, but at a closer look, under the glossy black feather, its shape was not quite normal.

Without the eagle's vigorous and streamlined shape, it looks like an inflated balloon, which is a little puffy. Although it is struggling to flap its wings, the heavy breathing can't help but make people worry about whether it can't catch the air all of a sudden, and then it will fall like this.

Abraham some embarrassed smile said: "black with me, can eat is a blessing, but this guy is not I control, I will take it out to exercise."

"Ugly duckling, do you see that people are so fat that they can fly so high? You are so fat and useless." Amy rubbed the fat face of the ugly duckling with her eyes closed tightly and said with disgust.


The ugly duckling answered weakly, still closed her eyes and refused to open them.

The two big birds ran side by side for a while, and the fat little black of Abraham, who was weak and puffy, was soon left behind and followed weakly.

However, there was a driver and Abraham's escort on the eagle's back, and MEG didn't have to worry about his safety. After telling him the address of the restaurant, the big white bird flapped its wings and left the eagle far behind.

Abraham looked at the big bird that turned into a small black spot and disappeared in the sky in a twinkling of an eye. He said with some deep meaning, "little black, you should lose weight, too."


In the Maimi restaurant, people also get up early in the morning. Abemia, dressed as a maid, puts a rag into Barbara's and Anna's hands and says with a smile: "today, the boss and Amy are coming back. Let's clean up the restaurant before they come back."

"Well, I'll clean the chairs." Anna nodded cleverly.

"If only sister Elsa were here, it would take only one magic to do it all." Barbara wiped the table with a rag, a little nostalgic.

Anna, who was carefully wiping the handle of the chair, stopped and looked at abelmia. "Uncle McGonagall and Amy are back. When will sister Elsa and brother bloom come back?"

The smile on abemia's face stopped for a moment, but soon she looked at Anna with a smile and said, "soon, too. Elsa said that she will be back to work, and she will be here soon."

"That's great!" Anna smiles and continues to wipe the chair.

"I hope they can come back earlier." Mia looked out of the window a little worried.


At Kerry's blacksmith shop, the blacksmiths are in full swing. The red iron is emitting hot temperature. The blacksmiths are all barefaced, swinging the hammers in their hands, and hitting the iron block, making the eardrum pain.

However, the hot temperature and harsh sound did not seem to affect the closed room next to the blacksmith's shop.

Cyril is sitting in a chair with her legs up. A sexy blonde girl presses her shoulder behind him. Her bulging chest sweeps his back head intentionally or unintentionally, and her face is full of pleasant smile.

A ferocious looking middle-aged man stood at the table, glancing greedily at the girl. Then he looked at Cyril and said with a smile: "young master, according to your requirements, the order of this month has been delivered ahead of schedule, and all the money has been recovered. If you can receive a batch of new orders, you can also receive a deposit, This month, the income of the blacksmith shop will reach a new high, certainly higher than that of the nadelan cloth shop. "

"Good." Cyril opened his eyes, reached for the girl's little hand, played with it, looked at the man and said, "Kerry, if I win this time, she will be yours. However, in order to be on the safe side, you should use all the relations you can use, and then go to the blacksmith's shop to get some big orders. It's better for them to pay more deposit, and the more complete the preparation, The more we win. "

Kerry's eyes suddenly burst out, his eyes greedily swept over the girl's body, as if he had seen the beautiful body wrapped in the tight long skirt, like the snow-white skin of a lamb, and he would soon be pressed under his body. He immediately nodded and said, "yes, young master, I'm going now!"

"Young master Cyril, how can you give me to a blacksmith like this..." the girl looked at Cyril wrongly, with a little fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm just coaxing him. If I don't give him something sweet, how can he do things for me wholeheartedly? How can a man like him be worthy of touching my Cyrillic woman." Cyril laughed scornfully.

"Really?" A smile reappeared on the girl's face, and her little hand climbed up Cyril's chest again, with her fingertips sliding gently on it.

"It depends on your performance." Cyril pulls the girl into her arms and starts to play


"Father, I see the city of chaos! You see, that big square must be Aden square, right

On the back of the big white bird, Amy excitedly points to the road below. A huge city has already appeared in people's sight.

"Yes, we went home." McGonagall also had a smile on his face. He looked southwest, where there was a rather steep mountain. His eyes stopped a little and then came back.

The big white bird with the badge of the Lord's mansion entered the city of chaos and landed on Aden square.

"Sister mia, sister Elsa, sister Barbara, little sister Anna! We're back! "

Amy jumped off the bird's back and ran to the restaurant, shouting happily.

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