The yard was quiet for a long time. The midwife opened her mouth. She still did not dare to question that a cook who had just served for the king of the Los Empire would put magic potion in chicken soup. It was not a delicious thing, but she could not even drink porridge before.

Other people's eyes in the yard were lit up one after another.

"It's said that even the head chef of Ducas restaurant has not been invited to the Palace Banquet of the Los empire. Is this boss Mai more powerful than the head chef of bayat?"

"I've heard of the Maimi restaurant. It seems to be a very popular restaurant recently. Every time I see a long line at the door of the restaurant."

"The chicken soup made by the boss is so powerful that pregnant women will drink it before giving birth. Is it safer?"

Most of the people are curious about the man named by Harrison. Whether it's a bowl of chicken soup to revitalize Miranda on the edge of life and death, or going to lodu to serve King Ross, it's amazing.

"Even after drinking chicken soup and eating fried rice, my wife's situation is still not optimistic. She may have to live at any time." Another midwife's expression was still dignified. She said to the maid: "don't watch here. Go to heat the hot water quickly!"

The courtyard is also gradually quiet down, although the expression on people's faces relaxed a little, but still a little nervous.

Although Miranda's situation is much better now, it's time to have a baby.

"It should be all right?" Harrison was also a little uneasy. Although he believed in McGonagall's cooking skills, he did not hear much about Miranda's physical condition. When he was born Angus, he almost couldn't carry it over.

In the room.

After eating a whole bowl of fried rice, Miranda put down her licked lunch box, still a little more. She has two blushes on her cheek, her eyes are also full of vitality, and her spirit seems to be no less than that of ordinary people, much more energetic than that of ordinary pregnant women.

Jieerji took the empty lunch box, then carefully handed over the chicken soup and said, "have some more chicken soup."

"Well, after drinking this bowl, I want to drink two more. I've vomited so much that I have nothing in my stomach these days." Miranda nodded wrongly, took the chicken soup in her hands, put her mouth on the edge of the bowl, and drank it directly. After a while, a bowl of chicken soup came to the bottom and handed it to jergi.

"Well, I'll give it to you." Jergi nodded with a smile and poured another bowl of chicken soup.

The pot of chicken soup given by boss Mai is full of weight. The bowl after bowl is poured, and the pot is half shallow. I'm sure I can have another meal in the evening.

After another two bowls of chicken soup, Miranda felt her stomach contentedly. She had not felt the delicious food and the feeling of full stomach for many days. Now she was warm, full of strength, and comfortable, which made her want to sleep.

Jergi put the bowl down, sat down by the bed and looked at Miranda tenderly.

"Thank you, jergi." Miranda looked at jergi, her eyes turning red and whispered.

"Fool, I should thank you." Jergi leaned over, put his arms around Miranda and whispered in her ear.

Miranda showed a happy smile on her face. Suddenly, her face changed. She reached out and held her stomach. She cried in pain: "ah... The child... The child is coming out..."

"Come on! Tell the midwife to come in Geerji's face was also flustered. He quickly cried, grabbed Miranda's hand and said, "Miranda, I'm here. Don't worry..."

"Go out first, you're going to have a baby now! Let them bring the hot water! Come on

The two midwives, who had been waiting outside, trotted in, helped Miranda lie down again, and then rudely pushed jergi and Palmer towards the door.

"Ah! I can... I can... "Miranda reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at some of jergi who couldn't move. She said intermittently and firmly.

Jergi picked up Palmer, looked at the midwife, and said decidedly, "no matter what happens, I choose to protect you! You have to protect your majesty

"All right, get out of here!" The midwife nodded and pushed jergi out of the door.

Looking at the midwife, Miranda said in a soft voice: "grandma... If you really want to choose, choose a child, you must choose a child..."

"Don't talk, madam. The child will come out soon. Get ready to work hard! What about the water? Let them bring the water! "

Miranda's screams and midwife's encouragement came from the room. The maid rushed in and out with the water basin. The yard was quiet. Everyone looked nervously in the direction of the room, waiting for the result.

Miranda's scream is a little unbearable. It's hard to imagine what kind of pain a normally gentle woman would bear to make such a scream.

Geerjee clenched his fist, a few blue tendons sprang up on his forehead, and his breath was a little short.

Palmer held his hands together, closed his eyes tightly, and said something in his mouth, as if in prayer.

The servants lowered their eyes and looked sad. They couldn't bear to hear that she might not even survive the pain.

The long scream made Miranda's throat a little hoarse. Just then, the scream stopped.

At the same time, the people in the yard raised their eyes and looked in the direction of the room, a little surprised.


A clear cry suddenly rang, a maid ran out of the room with a happy face, and said in a loud voice: "I'm born! It's born! It's a boy! Mother and son are safe


There was a burst of cheering in the yard, and all the people were smiling.

Jierji's face was also a burst of joy, and his whole body seemed to have been emptied. He almost fell down in a flash. Fortunately, the people nearby helped him quickly.

"It's good that mother and son are safe. It's good that they're all right." Harrison also breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at jergi, he muttered with a strange expression: "sure enough, he's a son again..."

"Son, I like it too!" Jergi just heard Harrison's words and looked back at him.

Harrison shrugged and said, "well, I like it, too. I have another son."

"Whoa, whoa!"

Jergi slowed down. As soon as he was ready to enter the room, another baby's cry came out of the room, and the loud cries of the two babies came out of the room.


Everyone was stunned.

"Madame has another one! It's a daughter! Twins

Another maid rushed out with a look of excitement and exclaimed with surprise.

Jergi walked into the room. As soon as he entered the room, he quickly walked to the bed, leaned over and gently hugged Miranda. Tears could no longer be controlled and fell on her face.

"Jergi, we have a daughter. We should thank boss Mai." Miranda laughed weakly and whispered.

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