After seeing off hill, McGonagall went to the biggest bookstore in the city of chaos and bought a bunch of books about the nationalities in Nolan, many of which were about the church, and some suitable books for Amy's enlightenment.

McGonagall likes reading books, especially after he came to this world. Through reading, he can quickly enrich his knowledge and expand his world outlook.

This is a world where money alone does not necessarily lead to a good life, so he has to live in a more positive state.

Of course, he enjoys such a full life every day, which is more interesting than idling around every day in his previous life.

He paid a delivery fee and gave the address of the restaurant by the way. The clerk of the bookstore would deliver the books to the restaurant at the appointed time. MEG didn't want to carry a large box of books back by bike.

Then MEG went to the ice cream shop. The delicate ice cream shop in the floor glass window was full of customers, and there were two or three customers waiting in line.

Abemia's face is full of vitality, full of smile, walking among the guests, serving them delicious ice cream.

The guests have sweet smiles on their faces, enjoying the delicious food as well as the lovely smile of the exquisite ice cream shop and the store manager.

"It's probably natural." MEG stood outside the ice cream shop for a while with a smile of appreciation on his face. Letting abemia take charge of the ice cream shop was probably one of the most correct decisions he made.

McGonagall didn't enter the restaurant. Instead, he entered directly through the door of Ritchie's barbecue and went up to the second floor.

The second floor has been cleaned by the system. The 200 square meters of open space is a little empty, but it looks dim because of the lack of windows.

McGonagall looked around and asked in his heart, "system, how much does it cost to divide this half into a three-tier house, hardcover?"

"Host, this system is a real kitchen god system, not an architect system. Please don't let this system do such childish things." The system is serious.

"Didn't you do all the alterations to the restaurant?" MEG curled his mouth.

"To provide a perfect restaurant for the host is within the scope of the system, and what you want the system to do now is superordinate!"

"System, are waiters an important part of a restaurant?"

"It's natural that excellent waiters will greatly enhance the dining experience of the guests, which is an extremely important part of the restaurant." The system affirms.

"In this case, in order to ensure the service quality of the excellent waiters in the restaurant, let them get home safely every day, have a good rest every night, arrive at the restaurant on time every day, offer high-quality service to the guests, and provide them with a suitable location and comfortable residence, is it a very important thing?" Meg said with a smile.

"If we consider it from this point of view... It seems quite necessary..." the system said with some entanglement.

"As an important extension of the restaurant, the staff dormitory of the restaurant may also welcome the presence of the chef in the process of use. You can design it according to this standard. Show me before finalizing, and then start the decoration." MEG nodded contentedly, turned and walked downstairs.

"Wait... Host, you..." the system seems to suddenly come back to mind.

McGonagall didn't stop and said calmly, "you can make an offer. Of course, if you don't want to do it, I will consider inviting another construction team. It's said that the construction team of the Lord's mansion is very idle recently. I'll tell Lord Michael that there should be no problem with the friendship price."

"Host, it's our relationship. Others are the price of friendship, but we are the price of family." The system is a little anxious.

"You admit that you are my son?"


"I don't have a silly son like you." McGonagall turned his lips in disgust.

"Host, this system can provide the most top-level design scheme. The floor to ceiling windows in the bedroom directly face Aden square. You can see the beautiful square as soon as you open the curtains every morning. A full set of advanced customized furniture can bring the most comfortable living experience. The latest air circulation system can bring the freshest air and comfortable temperature to the room.

and! The system will also specially design a double bathtub for the host to prepare for the host to visit the staff dormitory. " There seems to be a trace of evil in the sound of the system.

McGonagall, who was going down the stairs, almost stepped on the air and stood firmly against the wall, picking his eyebrows and saying, "system, did you go to cram secretly? What the hell is the double bathtub for me? "

"Research shows that a bigger bathtub can improve people's happiness a lot during the bath, and can evolve more functions and unlock more postures outside the bath." The system answers seriously.

"Well, do as you say." McGonagall kneaded his eyebrows. The system was becoming less and less famous. He continued to walk downstairs and said, "but the decoration design fee and construction fee are free, and then the other fees are 50% off. You can figure out how much it costs and tell me."

"Host, decoration design and construction condense the wisdom and hard work of a design master and a special craftsman. How can you avoid it so casually?"?! It's immoral of you to do so! It's disrespect for knowledge! And 50% off is too much, isn't it?! All the products provided by this system are the best of the best, and the price is the conscience of conscience. If you give 50% discount, I will lose money! " The system is a little indignant.

MEG frowned and said, "do you mean we are family? Are you so mean to your father? Which son do you see get a house for his father and pay for the design fee? It's treason

"When someone else is a father, he will buy a house and marry a daughter-in-law..." the system mutters.

McGonagall picked his eyebrows. The system must have gone to make up lessons secretly behind his back. He is good at Taoism, but he didn't show any difference on his face. His face didn't matter and he said: "you don't do it. I'll find someone else to do it."

"This system is dry!" Some indignant voices of the system rang out: "after exempting the decoration design fee and construction fee, and 50% off the other fees, the hardbound house needs a total of 500251 copper coins!"

"That's half a million and two hundred and fifty copper coins, even a small change." MEG nodded, went out satisfied, got on his bike and drove towards the restaurant.

"Isn't it 50%!"

The silent roar of the system

"Now that I have learned it, it's a pity that I don't do it to let the world's eaters see." Back in the dining room, McGonagall went straight into the kitchen, muttering to himself as he took the tools out of the cupboard below.

"Of course, the most important thing is, how can I enjoy the sour taste alone?"

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