The news that McGonagall won the best Palace Banquet at the Palace Banquet of the Los Empire spread quickly all over the city of chaos like wings. Of course, the focus was on the eaters.

It's a feast for the world's top chefs. It's said that each chef can only cook one or two dishes, and may not be able to serve the king's table.

To be able to get the only best dish award on such an occasion is enough to see the weight of this honor.

And such a top chef, even from the city of chaos, but also has a restaurant in Aden square, this attraction is self-evident.

Luodu has always been known as the gourmet capital, and it is the Holy Land in the eyes of the diners in Nolan.

After all, people who have been to Luodu know that after tasting all the food streets in Luodu City, they always feel that there is less color in the world when they travel to the mainland.

That's what the Duke of Abraham used to think, so he never left Loto, because the color was better for him than anything else.

However, now he left Luodu for another more gorgeous and strong color.

"Are you sure that's the city of chaos?" On the back of the fat black eagle, Abraham pointed to the big city road in the distance, looking a little excited.

"Yes, Duke, we are going to the city of chaos soon!" The Beast Master nodded excitedly, but looked at the black eagle at his feet, his face broke down again, and said weakly, "but the black eagle seems to be out of order again. We may need to land on the ground for an hour..."

Ha ha ha

The black eagle flapped its wings and gasped, as if it would fall at any time.

Abraham's face turned black and he was a little annoyed and said, "what! Do you want to fix it again? Is this the tenth time for you? Yesterday you told me that you could get to the city of chaos at most in the afternoon. It's been a day and a night since you saw the city of chaos. Are you playing with Duke Ben? "

The animal master turned pale and said, "how dare you play with the Duke? It's just that... I didn't expect that the Black Hawk's physical strength had dropped to such a level, and because of his overweight, he was overweight, so..."

With a wave of his hand, Abraham said firmly, "I don't care! I must go to the city of chaos right now and throw all the things I don't need! "

"But... Yesterday we lost all our luggage and guards. Now there are only you and me left on the eagle's back." The animal master trembled a little.

When Abraham looked back, the sky above the eagle's back was floating, and then his eyes fell on the Beast Master.

The Beast Master's eyes widened gradually, as if he thought of something.

"Ah --"

Just then, the fat black hawk's wings suddenly stopped, and then fell down like a ball

Two exclamations sounded at the same time


"Boss, the queue outside has begun to circle Aden square. There are too many guests!"

At noon, she said with a shocked face as soon as she entered the door.

"It's a little too much." McGonagall also nodded in surprise. As soon as he got back to the restaurant, he saw a queue at the door. It was not ten o'clock.

Although the long line outside the door is not as exaggerated as MIA said about Yading square, the number of people is at least 500, which is twice as much as usual, and the number is still increasing.

Sally was a little worried and said, "will there be a lot of guests waiting in line for a long time, but they can't wait for food?"

"Yes, they must be very sad. They've been waiting for so long, but they can't eat what they want to eat." Abelmia nodded.

MEG frowned for a moment, then walked to the counter and said, "well, Mia, I'll write a notice, and then you can count the number. After the 300th guest, tell the guests behind that they have no chance to enter the restaurant before the end of business this noon. Let them come back the next business hour."

"All right." Mia nodded.

McGonagall quickly wrote a simple announcement, lunch time is not long, reception of 300 guests should be the limit of the operation of the restaurant.

"After you inform the guests at the back, you can give this notice to the 300 guests in the queue and ask them to help explain to the subsequent guests. You don't have to stand there all the time." MEG handed the announcement to abelmia and said at the same time.

"Well, I'm going." Abemia nodded and walked quickly out of the restaurant.

"It's a crime to be too hot." McGonagall sighed helplessly as he looked at the two long lines.

"If the owners of other restaurants hear this, they will want to hit people, won't they?" Sally looks at McGonagall standing in front of the French window, with a smile on her lips. She has just heard about the new announcement of the city Lord's mansion. McGonagall has done what they had expected, but they can't do.

"He is really a kind man." Sally thought silently in her heart, and her eyes fell on Meg's slender fingers. She didn't know what she thought of. Suddenly, a blush rose on her face, and her feet hid behind her.

"The host can solve this problem by extending the business hours. If the business hours in the morning are extended by two hours, the host can receive 300 more guests. If the business hours at noon are extended by another two hours, the host can receive 600 more guests. If the business hours in the evening are extended by another three hours, the host can receive 1000 more guests, Turnover turnover is not a dream! "

The sound of the system full of bewitching sounded in Meg's mind.

"System, do you think I'm stupid? I work 24 hours a day. When can I enjoy life? " McGonagall curled his lips with disdain, and then asked, "system, is the staff dormitory ready?"

"The construction of the staff dormitory has been completed, and now the air purification is in progress. It is expected that the highest standard of occupancy can be reached in an hour."

"Good." McGonagall nodded slightly with satisfaction. The decoration style of the suite, McGonagall chose different styles for their rooms according to their personalities.

At lunch, McGonagall put down his chopsticks, looked at the crowd, and said with a smile, "I'm ready for you in the new staff dormitory. I can check in today. After noon, I'll take you to have a look. It's just above Mia's ice cream shop."

"Upstairs at the ice cream store?" Abemia opened her mouth a little strangely. She was in the ice cream shop these days and didn't hear any construction upstairs.

"Staff quarters?" Sally was puzzled.

"Yes, considering that it's not safe for a girl to live alone outside, and the residence is a little far away, so as one of the employee benefits, I will provide you with a set of employee dormitory." MEG smiles and nods.

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