In the quiet hall, everyone looked at the cashier, his mouth gradually widened, and his face was full of shock.

"Four... Million!"

It took a while for Cyril to recover from the shock, and her voice suddenly became sharp, like a monkey suddenly stepped on its tail.

Blacksmith's turnover of one million is growing day by day. It's the first time for him to understand the hardships. But Dai Lan's turnover is only one million. How can it suddenly become four million?

"Is there a mistake? How can this girl have so many? " Old lady Denise also stood up from her chair, shocked.

"This... This is not possible!" Hetty and Henie's face changed. Even their father's blacksmith's shop had a turnover of only one million copper coins a month. Gloria's clothing store had a turnover of four million, four times that of Cyril!

"My sister is so powerful!" Mickey jumped out of his chair and looked at Gloria with adoration.

Lance's eyes are also shocked to see Gloria. Although Cyril is not a tool, he has been in the business circle of the chaotic city for more than 20 years. His contacts and network are much better than Gloria's. even a loss making blacksmith can get enough orders by virtue of his own contacts, thus turning the loss into a profit of 500000 yuan.

But how did Gloria do it? In a short period of one month after taking over Dailan, a cloth shop that has been losing money for several years has turned losses into profits. Its turnover has reached a terrible 4 million, and its profit is also as high as 3.17 million.

This is unbelievable!

When hearing the million turnover data of Cyril, Geoffrey's face didn't change much. This is the highest turnover under the extreme operation of Kerry's blacksmith shop. Cyril's ability to do it doesn't surprise him, it can only be regarded as standard.

However, he opened the store at that time. He even took the name. It was from this cloth shop that the Morton family gradually grew into a giant covering all major industries.

However, even in her most brilliant years, her monthly turnover never exceeded 3 million copper coins, let alone 4 million, and her profit was 3.17 million.

How did Gloria achieve her high turnover and incredible net profit in a short period of one month without relying on any contacts and networks?

Geoffrey looked at Gloria with a little surprise and curiosity in his eyes. There was still some curiosity in his eyes.

At the beginning, Hill's single store obtained 100 million deposits in January and made a profit of 8 million. It was her battle to become famous in the chaotic city business circle.

Now Gloria takes over as a cloth art shop on the verge of bankruptcy. In the first month of taking over, her sales have reached 4 million and her profit has reached 3.17 million, which is no less than hill.

How did she do it?

Jeffrey's heart is full of curiosity, even if the cloth is made into clothes, but he has not heard of any tailor's shop in the city of chaos which can earn four million a month.

Aurora's eyes became more and more ironic, and it seemed that there was a fire burning in them.

Cyril looked back at the cashier and said, "you must have miscalculated! This girl's cloth shop has a turnover of only one million. How can it have four million! You are making false accounts for her

Dennis's face sank, too, and he said in a cold voice, "bold! Do you know what it costs to lie on such an occasion? "

"In order to win, some people are really unscrupulous. I don't know if they have betrayed their own to let others lose their jobs and help her, but it's a bit clumsy." The confusion on Hetty's and Henie's faces immediately turned into ridicule.

The cashier, with a solemn face, said, "please respect our audit team. This is a bill guaranteed by the reputation of our eight auditors. It records in detail every income and expenditure of the Dai LAN dress, and summarizes the sum after confirming the amount in the store's storeroom. There is an account to check for each transaction, and there is no addition or reduction. If the old lady and the young master have doubts, please send another review team to Dailan to check the accounts, and we will be responsible for this bill. "

Instead of retreating, Cyril said angrily, "well, how did she sell four million copper coins when she was closed for more than 20 days this month? What's more, she only sold one million copper coins last night. How did she get the extra three million? "

The cashier opened the account book in his hand and read: "according to the account records, a total of 525 skirts were sold in the Dailan cloth shop in the past two days. The unit price of each skirt was 2000 copper dollars, and the turnover was 1.05 million copper dollars. However, this morning, the shop assistant delivered all the 30 dresses ordered by the previous guests to the guest's house, and collected all the payment. The unit price of each dress was 100000 copper dollars, with a total of 3 million copper dollars. The total is 4.05 million copper coins. "


There was a sound of air-conditioning in the hall, and people realized that the composition of the four million copper coins was just the dress of one hundred thousand, which surprised them a little.

Hetty and Henie thought of the dress that Gloria was wearing at the dinner party that day. If they were asked to pay 100000 copper dollars for the same dress, maybe they would not even blink, so their eyes were in a panic.

"One hundred thousand copper coins for a dress! It's just ordinary clothes. It's not inlaid with any jewels. Do you think I'm a fool? " Cyril's heart had been a little flustered, but still a little bit fierce.

"Shut up." Jeffrey took a cold look at Cyril and said in a low voice, "the censorship team is sent by me. All of them are old friends who have been with me for decades. Even if I don't believe you, I will believe them."

Geoffrey's voice raised a few points and said, "these two bills are the result of today. Gloria won this competition!"

Gloria, who had been frowning, had a smile on her face and nodded to lance and them happily.

Lance looked at the smile on Gloria's face, which also showed a smile.

Mickey is happy to jump up.

Cyril's face was already a little white. She stepped forward two steps and looked at Geoffrey with a trembling voice. "Father, it's impossible... Gloria must have cheated. She must have made false accounts and collected three million yuan in the morning. It's impossible!"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Jeffrey asked calmly, looking into Cyril's eyes.

Cyril stepped back, muttering.

Jeffrey looked at Gloria and said, "from today on, Gloria will take care of all the cloth related industries in the Morton family. I will recommend you to become a director at the next executive meeting of Aden chamber of Commerce."

"Thank you, grandfather." Gloria said respectfully, with excitement in her eyes.

"For one year, I will choose one of you as the successor of the Molton family, and I hope you will not let me down." Jeffrey said in a deep voice as he watched them, then turned and walked towards the door.

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