"The city Lord's mansion has arranged some jobs for you to choose from recently, but whether you can be accepted or not is decided by the job provider. There will be a job fair at the gate of the city Lord's mansion tomorrow. Miss Phyllis can go to have a look and maybe find a suitable job for you." The staff said with a smile.

"Thank you." Felice nodded gratefully to the staff member. Although leaving the wind forest made her feel disappointed, she felt respected in the chaotic city.

No matter the soldiers on the wall of the city or the staff of the Lord's mansion, they treated her kindly from the beginning to the end. This feeling made her feel a little uncomfortable and wonderful.

She had heard about the chaotic city before. She never believed that there was such a place in the world where everyone was equal. She never thought that she would come here one day and become one of the residents.

As the staff walked towards the residential area, Phyllis looked up at the sky. The stars were shining all over the sky. She couldn't help thinking, "princess, is she OK? A person must not be used to it... Is he looking at me silently? But I should find a job to prove that I can lead the master well? "

One by one, problems came to her mind, which made her a little confused. When she was in the wind forest, she only needed to take good care of the princess, but now she had to think about so many problems and relationships.


"Should I tell her?"

Outside the ice cream shop, Elizabeth looks at abelmia, a smiling host, with a slight frown.

"It seems that fox can't wait. If I can't come back, she may not know the truth all her life..."

Elizabeth looked at abelmia's smiling face, which was so clean, without any affectation and reluctance. It was the happiness and happiness rising from the bottom of her heart that she could show such a moving smile.

"Just, she knows all this, will she really become happy?" A little hesitation rose in Elizabeth's heart.

"She's here again?" Sally looks at Elizabeth standing in front of the glass, and her eyes fall on abelmia. Her eyebrows wrinkle. "Why does she pay so much attention to MIA?"

Elizabeth also seems to feel Sally's eyes, the two eyes looked at each other for a while, Elizabeth directly opened the door and came in.

Looking at the ice cream shop full of ice and snow, it's warmer than you think. Although it's already night, there are still guests eating ice cream, with a smile on their faces.

"Welcome... It's you!" Abelmia was surprised and surprised to see Elizabeth coming in.

This beautiful girl she met many times in the Macy's restaurant, but also asked her some strange questions, she was impressed.

Moreover, perhaps because the other party is a dragon, she always feels that in this beautiful girl, she can feel some strange feelings, so she can't help but want to be close.

Curious, but abemia always restrain herself, she is just a half dragon, and the other is a noble dragon, is able to soar in the sky.

Elizabeth nodded slightly and sat down in the empty seat by the window. She did not know why she came in.

"May I help you? The taste of ice cream is on the menu over there. " Abelmia came forward with a smile and asked.

"A vanilla ice cream." Elizabeth calmly replied, but the speed of the answer is a little fast. Maybe he just wants to come in and have an ice cream to calm down.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abemia nodded with a smile, walked away quickly and came up with a vanilla ice cream.

"Thank you." Said Elizabeth, taking a spoon and feeding it to her mouth.

It's a familiar taste, the special fragrance makes people intoxicated, and the ice sweet taste makes people can't help but immerse themselves in it, forgetting all the troubles and worries.

The ice cream shop closed at ten o'clock. Seeing off the last guest, abemia turned off the light and went out with Sally.

In late autumn, there are not many pedestrians on the cold streets of Aden square.

But a slender figure was standing not far away, looking at the two people coming out of the shop.

Abelmia looked at Elizabeth standing there and wondered, "are you waiting for me?"

"What do you want to do?" Sally stepped forward and stood in front of abelmia, looking warily at Elizabeth.

This woman has not only secretly observed abelmiya for the first time, as a proud dragon, but also has the powerful strength of level 7. However, she often stares at a banlongman waiter in a restaurant, which is obviously not a normal thing.

"I have something to say to her, no hostility." Elizabeth looked at Sally and said quietly.

Sally squinted slightly and didn't mean to get out of the way.

Abelmia walked out from behind Sally and said with a smile, "it's OK, Elsa. She's not hostile. Why don't you go upstairs and go to bed first, and I'll be back soon."

Sally looked at abelmia, took another deep look at Elizabeth, nodded slightly and said, "OK, be careful." Toward the side of the alley.

Abelmia looked at Elizabeth and said with a smile, "do you have anything to say to me?"

"There is not much difference between our ages. You don't have to use honorifics." Said Elizabeth.

There was a glimmer of joy on abelmia's face, but she hesitated and said, "really?"

Elizabeth nodded slightly.

The smile on abelmia's face grew brighter.

Elizabeth looked at the smile on abelmia's face, her mood became relaxed unconsciously, but she couldn't bear it.

If she knew the truth, could she still smile like this? If she gets Longyuan, it means that she will be forced into this cruel fight for power, and she has no choice.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Abelmia looked at Elizabeth and asked curiously. She always felt that she had something to say to her.

Elizabeth looked back and asked calmly, "what do you think your father would be like?"

"I've never met him." Abelmia shook her head, but her face soon showed a smile and her eyes brightened. "But my mother said that he was a hero in gold armor, a great hero of indomitable spirit."

"He may be a hero, but he abandoned two pairs of mother and daughter..." Elizabeth looked at MIA with a look of expectation on her face, and said silently in her heart, but she couldn't say it.

"Do you want to be a real dragon?" Elizabeth asked instead.

"Dragon?" Abelmia seriously thought about it, then shook her head with a smile and said: "I once thought that it was a bad thing to feel like a half dragon at that time, and even hate myself, but now I don't want to. Even if I am a half dragon, I can bring happiness and make people like it."

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