Five snow-white villains, waving their hands, dancing around the table in a small circle, like a campfire, suddenly attracted people's attention. For ordinary people, this scene naturally looks very magical.

On the mainland, the reason why human beings can occupy a place is that in addition to the bloody knights, powerful magicians are also the existence of fear for all ethnic groups. In the ethnic wars of those years, they often became the magic stroke to turn the war situation around.

After the end of the war, the royal family of the Los Empire pushed the magicians to a higher position, set up the wizard tower, and worshipped the powerful magicians, which had a transcendent position in the Empire.

Therefore, human beings are quite awed by the magicians. Although the city of chaos is not under the jurisdiction of the Los Empire, the status of human beings in the city of chaos is maintained by the strong support of the Los empire.

Now seeing Krasu in a wizard's robe showing his magic, the guests have some respect in their hearts. They can't help but look at Amy. Even they find such magic interesting. A girl of Amy's age will definitely like it better.

"But can your little snowman sing?" Amy looked at the little snowman dancing on the table, with little curiosity, shrugged her little shoulders and asked.

The ugly duckling also looked forward and drew back his head with interest. His eyes were full of disdain.

"Sing... Sing?" Krasu was stunned for a moment. Looking at the little snowman dancing in front of him, it's no problem to do some more difficult movements, but singing is a bit difficult for him. After all, he was beaten several times by his master because he couldn't recite the magic spell clearly. He shook his head with a smile and said, "little girl, it's impossible for a little man made by magic to sing."

The guests were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that the little people who could only dance could not satisfy Amy. Is the requirement of singing a little too much? Even the old magician said that the changed villain could not sing.

"But my little man can sing, and your little man is so ugly." Amy shakes her head and looks at the little snowman in front of Krasu who has no facial features.

"Little people who can sing and dance? It's impossible, it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. " Crassus shook his head and didn't believe Amy.

The expression on the guests' faces is also not very confident. Unless it is a villain race that has never appeared in the mainland, how can there be villains who can sing and dance?

In the kitchen, McGonagall's mouth is slightly tilted. He is quite satisfied with the effect of his anti deception education at noon. Now it's even more interesting to see his girls ready to show off their new toys.

"Well, since you don't believe it, I have to show you. My father has made me a little person who can sing." Amy said helplessly, bending down to take the music box out of the cabinet and gently put it on the counter.

Everyone looked curiously, their eyes fell on the music box, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

"How beautiful A girl sitting not far from the counter could not help whispering. She opened her mouth slightly. On the exquisite wooden box was a spherical transparent crystal, and in the crystal there was a beautiful elf with a small musical instrument. It was so delicate and beautiful that people couldn't move their eyes.

"Wow..." the other guests also had the same expression. Although they didn't bring out a glittering thing, the hemispherical transparent crystal cover without any impurities was enough to make people marvel.

McGonagall turned him into a beautiful toy for Amy to play with. Maybe something limited their imagination.

Look at the little snowmen dancing in front of Kelasu. Compared with the elves in the crystal who are wearing purple skirts, they look a little shabby. Lazy and lovely dances have become a little funny.

"It's not a change at all!" Crassus takes a look at the music box and confirms in his heart that there is no magic fluctuation on it. It seems that boss McGonagall deliberately deceives Amy, but he doesn't tear it down. McGonagall's behavior doesn't make him feel disgusted. It's really not easy for a man to take his little daughter alone.

"But does it really sing?" Krasu doubted that since there was no magic fluctuation, the elf who was obviously a puppet could not dance, let alone sing.

Guests are also curious to see, the appearance of this thing is amazing, but Amy just said that her little man can sing, I don't know whether it's true or not.

"Singing, of course." Amy clicks the switch on the side of the music box.

"The little girl picking mushrooms..." the edge of the seven colors light up, the sweet song will ring, and the inside of the fairy girl is also moving up, while playing the instrument in hand, while rotating the circle, looks full of spirituality, as if a real villain in general.

"How... How possible!" Krasu stares at the singing elf. Although he can feel the slight energy fluctuation, it's definitely not magic. If it's not magic, how can this puppet man sing and dance?

What's more, he just vowed to deny the third company. Now Amy's little man can not only sing, but also sing very well. The song is ethereal, just like a real spirit singing happily. His expression suddenly becomes a little embarrassed.

After living for such a long time, he didn't express much opinions on things after he was 100 years old. Unexpectedly, he fell into a big fall in the hands of the little girl today.

If he hadn't grown old and had a face bonus, he would have wanted to take off his mage's robe and find a way to get in. He was so shameful that he slowly lowered his eyes. If he wanted to let the episode go peacefully, the guests would not have made him an old man.

"I can really sing, and I can sing very well, but is it a children's song? Why have I never heard of it? " The girl next to her was surprised and puzzled by the singing.

The song is ethereal and beautiful, and the lyrics teach children to be diligent and willing to share. It should be a kind of children's song that is easy to be sung, but she has never heard it. It's really strange.

"Grandpa white beard, you see, the mushroom elf can sing and dance. Isn't your little snowman funny at all?" Amy reached out to turn off the music, looked at Crassus and asked seriously.

The guests listened to Amy's words and looked at Crassus strangely.

It's not good to laugh at an old magician, but when he saw that he wanted to show off his skills and let Amy worship him, he was completely crushed by what Amy took out, and his mouth still couldn't help rising. Now he was chased by a little girl and asked, I don't know how he would end up.

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