The destruction of the mercenary regiment has spread in the chaos guild. In just a few days, the same thing has happened more than a dozen times in succession, but no one survived.

Moreover, these groups were not only weak mercenary regiments, but also a mercenary regiment with level 7 magicians.

The guild has not given specific investigation results, but this morning it has issued an announcement: "please pay attention to the safety of all mercenaries. The mercenary regiment with elves in the team suggests to suspend the mission and wait for the specific investigation results of the grey temple and the Lord of the city."

This announcement has undoubtedly caused quite a stir, confirming the previous spread. Although we don't know who the other party is, we can be sure that their target should be the elves in the mercenary team.

Contact the notice of accepting wandering elves issued by the city Lord's mansion some time ago, as well as the warning from Alex who came to the chaotic city, which added a layer of haze and even some panic to the mercenary regiment with elves in the team.

Elves are excellent shooters and natural medical soldiers. If a mercenary regiment can have an elven therapist, the casualty rate of the mercenary regiment can be greatly reduced. Therefore, most mercenary regiments will try their best to recruit an elven member, which is an important part of the whole mercenary regiment.

Now this kind of thing happened. For the sake of safety, some mercenary regiments chose to temporarily stop taking over tasks and wait for the investigation of the city Lord's mansion and the grey temple. More mercenary regiments chose to let the elves in the regiment stay in the city temporarily. The mercenary regiments began to reduce the difficulty of taking over tasks and still started to work.

Of course, some mercenary regiments still work against the wind with a fluke in mind. It is said that the city Lord's mansion and the grey temple have sent a lot of people to search around. Maybe those guys have escaped.

"If you are worried, let's have a rest for a few more days to see what's going on." Outside the guild hall, he looked at the crowd and said.

Although the weather had turned cold, she was still wearing short leather trousers with her thighs exposed, and wearing a folding back buoy behind her, with a serious look.

Rose mercenary regiment as a strength is not strong small mercenary regiment, if you encounter emergencies, there is no way to deal with, with the important thing is, one of the main output team Evan, is a spirit.

"Commander, we haven't been on a mission for three days. If we continue to stop, our family will be a bit stretched." Dennis, the Bull Demon, scratched his head and said something helpless.

Powerful Mercenary regiments can hunt advanced Warcraft and get high commission. Like rose mercenary regiment, the strongest one is only a small mercenary regiment of level 4 magicians. Not every time they go out, they can get rich rewards. After deducting the funds and expenses, there is not much money in each member's hands.

Other members also have similar expressions. Mercenaries are just licking blood at the edge of a knife. Even if nothing like this happens, many people will die every day.

"I also agree with the mission. As long as we don't go to too remote places, we should not meet those guys." Evan, holding the magic wand, nodded confidently and said: "moreover, if those guys really dare to give us ideas, maybe they will also send us money. Isn't it said in the announcement of the guild that if they can provide real information, they can get a million copper coins reward."

"Yes, yes, master Evan is very powerful. With him, we don't need to worry at all." EVA looked at Evan admiringly and echoed.

"According to the current statistics, 21 mercenary regiments have been destroyed, including a mercenary regiment with level 7 magicians. The strength of the other side is not what we rose mercenary regiment can fight against." Shiver shook his head in silence, glanced over the crowd and said, "let's vote. Those who agree with the task raise their hands."

Everyone raised their hands except Scott and shiver.

Shiver nodded: "well, since most people want to do a task, let's do it today, but try to choose the easier task, and go to a place with more people, so the security will be higher."

As they were talking, two figures, large and small, came out of the guild hall and passed by them.

"Why? Isn't that boss Mai? " Dennis, the Tauren demon, said with some surprise.

"That's true." Scott, with his eyes shining, said with a smile, "boss Mike, little boss."

McGonagall turned his head when he heard the voice and looked at the fully armed xivier and others standing at the entrance of the hall. There was a trace of surprise on their faces. However, the two sides had fought side by side, and they were old acquaintances. He nodded with a smile and said, "it's members of the rose mercenary regiment. What's the matter? Do you plan to go on a mission today? "

"Little sister leather pants, uncle tauren, uncle roast rabbit, and..." Amy took a look at Evan and EVA, and then chose to ignore them. She showed a big smile and said, "hello

Evan and EVA's face is not very good-looking, but the last time they can survive depends on the father and daughter, and it's hard to say anything.

Although a little helpless for their inexplicable nickname, but looking at little Amy's smiling face, his face is also full of smiles.

Shiver gave Amy a smile, then looked at McGonagall and said, "yes, but Mr. McGonagall, are you going out of town today? It's not very safe outside the city at this time. It's not recommended that you go out of the city at this time. Maybe you haven't read the notice there? "

Although the father and daughter MEG and Amy showed their unmatched ability last time, MEG is a cook rather than a professional mercenary. With four-year-old Amy, it's too easy to meet danger.

"Oh, I see that, but this time we're just going to go closer to find some ingredients. It shouldn't be a problem." McGonagall said with a smile. He took a look at Evan, who was still nostriled. Then he looked at hivier again and said, "I don't know where Miss hivier is going this time? If it's convenient, maybe we can take our father and daughter on the way, and we won't have to rent horses. "

"Well, boss Mai's cooking skills are so exquisite. If we go together, we'll have a good taste. If it wasn't for the high price of the food in your restaurant, I would go there often." Dennis laughed excitedly.

"Yes, the little boss is also a powerful magician. If we go together, our strength will be greatly improved." Scott nodded.

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