The process of searching in the basin is a bit boring. Almost no Warcraft is seen. Even there are few wild animals. Only pheasants and rabbits pass by occasionally.

But even so, hivier and others are still attentive and careful.

Because in this wilderness, not only the powerful Warcraft is fatal, maybe a small poisonous insect will take a life.

Especially in the dark and humid place under the basin, venomous insects are the most common.

However, all the way was smooth. The biggest shock was that a python, more than ten meters long, came out of the nearby cave. As soon as it was on the stage, it was burned to charcoal by Amy's fireball skill.

With a torch in his hand, hevel walks in front, while Coster and Scrooge walk on the left and right sides respectively. Dennis walks on the last side with a huge shield, guarding MEG Amy, Evan and EVA in the middle.

Monkeys climb the canes on the cliff and sway from side to side. They are scouting at high places. From time to time, they use strange whistles to deliver messages.

The search lasted for an hour, and people almost turned the bottom of the basin over and over, and finally found a piece of golden soft scale beside a huge stone with a pale golden metallic luster.

As like as two peas, I saw one of them when I was young, but I had to run away with a few scales, just like this one. Sam picked up the scales and looked at them carefully for a while. He said firmly.

"Great, it seems that the intelligence is correct, and the golden scale deer is very likely to be around here." Dennis rubbed his hands excitedly, and everyone's face was excited.

McGonagall carefully looked at the continuous Boulder, which was about a hundred square meters. The white stones were mixed with a little bit of gold, which was shining with gold in the fire. However, it should not be a valuable stone. Otherwise, even if it was a 600 meter cliff, some people would try their best to move them all up.

With his eyes on the stage, McGonagall looked to the center of the leaning Boulder, where there was a clear spring, just like a pearl in the center of the boulder.

"Is Lu Lu here to drink water?" Amy asked curiously.

McGonagall nodded with a smile. "If you need a reason for him to come here, I'm afraid that's the only one."

"If that's the case, let's wait here." There was a smile on his face, too, and this hunting might be easier than expected.

Sam put down the bag on his back and said with a smile, "I'll set the trap. I let that one run. I won't make any mistakes this time."

"It's an hour and a half before noon. You set traps. I'll make lunch first." McGonagall looked at his watch and said with a smile, carrying some pheasants he had just caught on the way to a cave. It was a commanding position, very suitable for observation.

Amy trotted with her short legs to keep up.

With the help of all the people, the traps around the boulder were quickly set up. One by one, even McGonagall, who roasted pheasant and stewed chicken soup, could not help but marvel. It was like an art.

When the crowd withdraws from the trap area, Sam carries out the final restoration work, and then dispels the breath left by the crowd. By the time Sam withdraws, there is no trace of anyone coming around the boulder, and even no trace of the trap.

"It seems that we have time to have a chicken first." McGonagall said with a smile as he watched the people climbing into the cave.

"It's so sweet! Boss Mai, if I can't afford to invite you, I'd like you to join our mercenary regiment and cook for us every day. " Dennis took a deep sniff and exclaimed.

Looking at the golden crispy roast chicken hanging on the grill, the thick white chicken soup stewed in the big pot where McGonagall took it from, and the strong fragrance floating in the air, others couldn't help swallowing.

"I don't eat. I bring my own food." Evan's throat rolled a little and said rather coldly.

EVA tried to move her eyes away from the roast chicken, with a scornful look on her face and said, "I don't eat either."

"One roast is just right for one person. After eating, you can drink a bowl of thick chicken soup." McGonagall didn't look at them at all. He gave them bowls with a smile, motioned them to take the roast chicken, and then handed the whole roast chicken to Amy.

The two bichi still wanted him to make roast chicken for them. It's true that their heads were pinched by the door.

Evan's face froze at the same time, looking at McGonagall, who had completely ignored them. His face muscles trembled, and he could hardly help his anger.

"Master Evan... Have some fruit." EVA takes an orange out of her backpack, peels it off and hands it carefully to Evan.

"I'm not hungry." Evan raised his hand, the orange fell to the ground, covered with mud, and turned away with a gloomy face.

EVA took back her hand awkwardly, but there was no anger on her face. Instead, she looked at Evan more carefully.

They all moved the stones to sit down. The smell of the smell completely aroused the greedy insects. They usually brought some dry food to satisfy their hunger when they came to the wilderness. How could they have such a chance to enjoy it? After all, MEG is the hottest chef in the city of chaos.

He took a look at Evan and EVA, and then at MEG. He hesitated for a moment and chose to sit down in silence. He also took a roast chicken and sniffed it. With a smile on his face, he broke off a chicken leg and took a bite.

Under the crispy skin, there is fresh and juicy chicken. The fragrance penetrates into the skin. The right heat brings the delicious taste of pheasant to the extreme. After a mouthful, it is delicious and crisp. It seems that all the taste buds on the tongue are shaking.

"This roast chicken is really delicious!" There was a twinkling of stars in his eyes, which was no less delicious than the last time McGonagall cooked roast beef.

Pheasants are just the most common wild animals in the wilderness, and they occasionally catch them to satisfy their hunger. But even the best baked Sam, the roast chicken is totally different from the roast chicken by McGonagall.

Moreover, it was baked in such poor conditions and rush time in the wild. I'm afraid it would be more delicious in his kitchen.

"My God, boss Mai, I think you are the kitchen god! No one can make as delicious food as you do. "

"If I can catch the golden scale deer this time, I'll go to boss Mai's restaurant and have a good meal."

"Count me in."

As they ate, they praised MEG with praise, and their faces were full of happiness.

McGonagall has a smile on his face. As a chef, his greatest sense of achievement naturally comes from the affirmation of the guests. He is not tired of praising this kind of thing.

There were no bones left in a pot of chicken soup, and people belched one after another.

A ray of sunlight fell on the edge of the basin and began to move towards the center.

At the entrance of a cave on the cliff, a golden deer appeared quietly.

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