"Well, I believe it." McGonagall nodded with a smile and looked at the sensible Amy, but he was a little distressed. In my memory, when McGonagall Alex used to go out, because of his inconvenient legs and feet, he often had bear children following him to learn the way he walked, and even threw a small stone at him.

Although he tried to avoid the scene that he didn't want Amy to see, she met him several times. The little girl crying in front of him and letting the bear children go away is still deeply imprinted in his mind, and the idea that she wanted to be super powerful to protect him probably originated from that time.

McGonagall looked at Amy with serious expression on her little face. He couldn't help holding her up, hugging her in his arms and kissing her hair on her forehead. The feeling of being put first in his heart by his beloved made him feel warm in his heart, but his nose was a little sour.

"Don't worry, my father will become more and more powerful. I should protect Xiaomi. Xiaomi just needs to be happy every day." MEG whispered in Amy's ear that he was not good at being a father for all the things she had to carry at a young age.

"But..." Amy looked up from Meg's arms.

McGonagall knew what Amy wanted to say, shook his head and said with a smile, "the day after tomorrow is the rest day of the restaurant. Let's go out and play all day, and then go to chaos school by the way. If Amy wants to learn magic, he can see if there are suitable magicians to visit."

"Really?" Amy's eyes lit up, and her big blue eyes looked at McGonagall strangely. However, they were a little tangled and said, "but Amy said that he would teach grandfather halfbeard fireball. Would you say that I lied to him?"

McGonagall shook his head with a smile and said: "he is actually a very powerful magician, but he wanted to take Xiaomi to a far place to learn magic, so he was rejected by his father. You don't have to worry that he can't learn fireball, because he would have learned it himself."

"Is that true? But he just didn't catch Amy's fireball and burned his beard Amy was a little skeptical.

"That's because Xiaomi's fireball technique is really powerful, so if you use fireball technique in the future, you must first think about whether the other side can bear it, or if you go down this fireball, they may be roasted." McGonagall nodded with a smile, but when it came to the back, he became more serious.

Once you have power, you need to learn to control it.

Although Amy is still young, McGonagall has planned to gradually start to shape her three outlooks. She can not be a virgin, but she does not want to grow into a devil.

Kindness is not a bad quality, but also a philosophy of life.

After being smashed into the world by a system of heaven, he began to understand this truth. No matter what it is, there must be a degree, otherwise people will accept you, and heaven will accept you.

"Well, Xiaomi remembers." Amy nodded seriously, then looked down at the ugly duckling squatting on the ground, looked up at them and muttered, "if it's roasted, it's Roasted..."

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling seems to feel a chill slip from his neck. He can't help but shrink his head. At this time, he always feels that the little master is terrible.

"Well, you play with the ugly duckling for a while. If you're sleepy, go upstairs and go to bed. I'll clean the restaurant." MEG grinned, rubbed Amy's hair and put her on the floor.

"I'm waiting for my father to go to bed with the ugly duckling and the mushroom elf." Amy shakes her head, picks up the duckling, sits on the high stool, opens the music box, listens and hummes. Suddenly she looks up at MEG who is cleaning the table and says, "father, do you think he will be very happy if I sing to miss Luna next time I see her?"

"Of course." MEG nods with a smile. Amy really likes Miss Luna, but Amy is only four years old. She is not old enough to enter chaos school. Before that, Miss Luna asked her to enter the classroom.

McGonagall also plans to contact the teachers of the school to see if they can give Amy some enlightenment education about the magician in their own name.

Now Amy has understood fireball by herself. If she doesn't have a basic understanding of magic, she may not be able to control this power well. She doesn't want her baby daughter to become a bear child in other people's eyes. Childishness and impotence are two different things.

"Xiaomi should study hard, and then listen to her father and teacher Luna when singing." Amy nodded, her face full of seriousness, and hummed.

Meg's mouth is smiling, and her hands are becoming more and more sharp. Amy has begun to get used to removing the word "adult". Although sometimes she subconsciously takes it, MEG doesn't care. Sometimes she feels cute, so let's do what she wants.

MEG packed the restaurant and pickled the bacon for the day after tomorrow. After washing his hands, Amy fell asleep on the counter and the ugly duckling fell asleep peacefully in her arms. Only the music box was still singing tirelessly, but the sound quality seemed to become a bit hoarse.

"System, you sell 5000 music box, the quality is not so bad? It's broken in less than a day. " MEG raised his eyebrows and said to himself.

"Host, there is no perpetual motion machine in this music box, so the sound quality will change after the power is exhausted. Please buy four batteries again to make the music box return to normal." The sound of the system's calm.

"Such a high-grade music box, you should be equipped with No.4 battery? Normal also is the lithium battery that comes with charger at least MEG make complaints about his vomit.

"The music box has a detailed manual on the introduction page, which clearly indicates that the power supply is four No.4 batteries. This system can deal with the old and the young without deception, but if the host has other requirements, this system provides modification service, and there are four level packages to choose from." The sound of the system remains calm.

"Wait a minute..." McGonagall looked at the list of level 4 packages that popped up in his mind. He felt as if he had stepped into the routine of the system. At that time, he had no time to read the manual carefully, but the system deliberately dug a hole. Now he put on a posture that I will change if you add money, which still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But that four level set meal is not good. After watching it, he couldn't help laughing.

"First level package: power conversion, four No.4 batteries converted into fast charging lithium batteries with super capacity, charging for three minutes, lasting for three hours, full for three consecutive days, conversion discount price - 10 gold coins, a free original charger."

"The second level package: power conversion + replacement, can provide 10 sets of lovely clothes for doll replacement, without disassembly, one key replacement, modification discount price - 20 gold coins."


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