The huge golden gear in the sky appeared like a god descending, and the golden barrier was like an indestructible shield, covering the entire battlefield outside the city defense wall.

All the virtual monsters that were charging fell to the ground one after another like harvested wheat.

The octopus monster that was about to counterattack Su Yue also seemed to have lost its power. It slowly fell down, and all its tentacles fell to the ground powerlessly, raising waves of dust.

The worm monster's body stopped swinging, leaving only densely packed limbs still twitching, as if their life fire had been extinguished. The crocodile monster's life breath completely disappeared, and then dissipated in the air like ashes blown away by the wind.

When all the virtual monsters on the battlefield were devoured, Su Yue closed the Divine Grace Barrier. Slowly leaning on Judas, he murmured softly with a slightly tired tone:"What? An S-level virtual monster is just like this."

--------------Dividing line---------

At the same time, inside the city, the entire 12th area fell into chaos again. The originally peaceful streets became devastated, with the remains of soldiers and virtual monsters scattered everywhere. The communication channel was filled with soldiers' anxious shouts:"A6 coordinates requesting saturation fire strike! Repeat request for saturation fire strike!";

"Where is the artillery? Suppress the fire! Quickly!"However, the only response they got was endless silence and increasingly fierce gunfire.

In the chaos, a young soldier looked at everything in front of him with horror on his face. Beside him, his comrades were fighting fiercely with the virtual monsters, but their strength was obviously not enough to withstand these powerful enemies. The soldier picked up his weapon and tried to join the battle, but his hands trembled with fear.

Suddenly, a huge virtual monster appeared in front of him, pouncing on him with its fangs and claws. The soldier retreated in fear, but found that he had no way to escape. At this moment, there was a loud bang, and a dazzling light illuminated the entire battlefield. It turned out that the artillery unit had finally arrived, and they suppressed the virtual monsters with powerful firepower. However

, the good times did not last long, and soon another news came:"Artillery position No. 3 has fallen! Repeat, artillery position No. 3 has fallen!" This means that the artillery's defense line has also been breached, and the situation has become more critical. The soldiers can only rely on their courage and perseverance to continue fighting. They know that if these virtual monsters cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, the entire city will face a catastrophe.

Then there was a loud noise from the No. 3 artillery position, and the communication was interrupted. It was the soldiers of the No. 3 artillery position who ignited the ammunition depot and died together with some virtual monsters.

At the same time, a series of deafening artillery bombardments sounded from the No. 2 artillery position. With each roar, dozens of shells rose into the air like a fire dragon, and rushed towards a6 at an astonishing speed. The two of them rushed to the No. 1 area. These shells, with great power and impact, hit the target as densely as raindrops.

In the sky, small and flexible drones whizzed by. They carried deadly explosive packs, like a group of ferocious falcons, and rushed straight towards the group of monsters. When approaching the target, the explosive packs exploded instantly, releasing huge energy. The explosions came one after another, resounding throughout the battlefield, forming a spectacular wall of fire.

Immediately afterwards, a thrilling and violent explosion broke out in the center of the group of monsters. The shock wave generated by the explosion set off billowing smoke and dust, submerging everything around it.

Flames and debris flew everywhere, as if to ignite the whole world. The monsters were blown around by this sudden attack.

Li Hua's eyes were sharp, his hands tightly holding the weapon in his hands, and he stared at the one in front of him with full concentration. B Suddenly, he launched a fatal attack, and a dazzling light flashed, and the monster fell to the ground and died instantly.

Li Hua stood beside the dead monster, his voice full of firmness and determination:"We can't delay like this any longer! If we continue like this, let alone supporting the battle outside the city, I'm afraid even our own safety will be difficult to guarantee!"

His words rang in everyone's heart like a warning bell. Then, Li Hua quickly issued a new order:"All A Level psychics, listen up! Follow me immediately to the breach in the city defense barrier. We have to stop the monsters from invading further!"

He glanced at his teammates around him, his eyes revealing a desire and belief in victory. Everyone responded one after another. They knew that this was a battle of life and death and they had to go all out.

At the same time, the remaining team members did not back down. They worked closely together and coordinated with the heavy armored troops in the city to fight against the monsters rampant in the city. Everyone played to their strengths and abilities, and fought fiercely with the enemy with courage and wisdom.

At this critical moment, the atmosphere was so tense that it was suffocating, and everyone's nerves were stretched to the extreme. However, Li Hua was not afraid. He led a group of top A The team of supernormal users rushed to the breach in the city defense barrier at lightning speed.

Just as they were running at full speed, suddenly, a clear and firm voice echoed over the battlefield:"Help me, Mr. Judas. Judas's Oath, zero rated power, Divine Grace barrier, directional deployment!" This was Su Yue's cry, like a flash of lightning across the sky.

Then, a scene that stunned everyone happened outside the city. The originally extremely solid city defense barrier was actually shrouded by a layer of mysterious and powerful force. Huge golden gears appeared in the sky, and the monsters in the barrier fell one after another, and the S-level virtual monsters were no exception.

A The super-powered people opened their mouths in astonishment, their eyes full of disbelief. They couldn't imagine where this extraordinary power came from, let alone how Su Yue did it. At this moment, they had a deep sense of awe for Su Yue's strength and ability.

The scene before them made them realize that this battle might change dramatically because of Su Yue's actions. The situation that seemed hopeless seemed to have taken a turn for the better at this moment. Li Hua and others A The superpowers looked at each other, and an inexplicable courage and confidence surged in their hearts. They immediately launched a full-scale counterattack against all the monsters in the city.

Finally, with the concerted efforts of everyone, all the monsters in the city were eliminated. When they came to the city defense barrier again, they found that the virtual world monsters outside, which were originally endless, were all slowly turning into ashes. And Su Yue, who was resting with Judas.

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