It was already noon when they finished discussing the contract, so Xie Xiaofeng suggested going out for lunch. Just as he was about to go out, a petite girl came in.

She was wearing a loose-fitting T T-shirt and jeans, with her hair tied in a messy bun.

She wore a pair of round glasses on her face, covering her small but bright eyes.

Her skin was a little pale, probably because she stayed at home for a long time.

She exudes a unique artistic atmosphere, which makes her look cute and a little mysterious.

When the girl came in and saw Su Yue, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Her eyes seemed to be two gems shining with mysterious light, staring straight at Su Yue.

Then, the girl pounced on Su Yue like a hungry tiger, but this seemingly fierce attack was easily dodged by Su Yue, and the girl fell directly onto the sofa in the office.

Xie Xiaofeng, who was next to him, saw the girl pounce on others as soon as she came in, and the veins on his forehead bulged. He immediately shouted at the girl:"Tang Tang! Don't scare people.��!"After that, he turned around and explained to Su Yue apologetically:"Miss Su, I'm so sorry, this is my cousin, and she is also the cartoonist I found for you. She has a lively and active personality.……"

However, before Xie Xiaofeng could finish his words, the girl lying on the sofa - Xie Xiaofeng's cousin Tang Tang - had already turned over and sat up, and cast her eyes on Xie Xiaofeng, muttering:"Brother Xiaofeng, where on earth did you find such a top-notch cosplayer?"

Xie Xiaofeng slapped Tang Tang on the head and said angrily:"Apologize quickly!" Su Yue was amused by Tang Tang's words. She took a step forward and stretched out her hand to Tang Tang,"Hello, my name is Su Yue, and I'm a loyal fan of"Sword Immortal". Nice to meet you."

Tang Tang looked at Su Yue in surprise. She originally thought that Su Yue would be the kind of cold goddess who was difficult to approach, but she didn't expect her to be so easy-going and friendly. Tang Tang quickly stood up and held Su Yue's hand,"Hey, hello, hello, my name is Tang Tang, please take care of me in the future!"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at the two getting along well, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground

"Then let's go eat first and talk while we eat."He said with a smile.

So the three of them left the company together and went to a nearby restaurant. Along the way, Tang Tang excitedly told Su Yue about her love for"Sword Immortal" and her various wonderful ideas about comic creation. Su Yue listened carefully, expressing her own opinions from time to time, and the two had a great time talking.

After the few of them had enough food and drink, Xie Xiaofeng and Lin Yu looked at each other. They both seemed to have important things to do, so they got up and left first. At this time, only Tang Tang and Su Yue were left at the table, and the next thing to talk about was related to comics. Xie Xiaofeng and Lin Yu didn't know much about this aspect of the business, so it was not easy for them to intervene, so they simply let Tang Tang and Su Yue discuss it on their own.

"Let's go to my house to discuss the comics first." Tang Tang's voice was so soft and sweet that it seemed to soften people's bones. However, Su Yue looked hesitant and seemed to have some concerns.

""Ah? This... is not good." Su Yue's tone was a little hesitant. She was secretly thinking, would it be inappropriate to go to Tang Tang's house?

"What's wrong with that? Let's go."Tang Tang didn't care about that. She took Su Yue's hand without saying anything and walked towards a pink supercar. This sports car was like a shining pearl, emitting charming light.

Su Yue couldn't help but exclaimed:"I really didn't realize that you are still a little rich woman."

Tang Tang smiled and said modestly:"It's nothing, these are all given by my family. However, I don't care about these, I prefer painting. Let me tell you a secret, I have awakened the ability to paint." There was a little pride in her tone.

Looking at Tang Tang's cute appearance, Su Yue couldn't help but be amused. She thought to herself, this girl is really interesting, maybe working with her to draw comics will have unexpected gains.

Su Yue followed Tang Tang into the car, and they drove all the way, and soon arrived at Tang Tang's house. Tang Tang's home is a luxurious villa with a unique decoration style.

Entering the living room, Tang Tang asked Su Yue to sit down, and then took out a picture album and handed it to her,"These are some comics I drew before, do you have any ideas?"

Su Yue took the album and flipped through it carefully. She found that Tang Tang's painting style was fresh and cute, and the plot was also very novel. Su Yue pointed to a painting and said,"The image of this character can be more exaggerated, and the actions can be more exaggerated to increase the comedy effect."

Tang Tang nodded,"I think your suggestion is very good, I will give it a try. By the way, do you have a favorite comic style or subject matter?"

Su Yue thought for a while,"I prefer fantasy fairy tale comics, such as"Sword Immortal.""

Tang Tang's eyes lit up,"I also like fantasy fairy tale comics, but I already have other scripts, and we can have a chance to cooperate on fairy tale comics in the future."

Su Yue smiled and said,"Okay, that's settled."

Then, Su Yue carefully took out the laptop and gently placed it on the table. She skillfully opened the screen, then tapped the mouse a few times and found the document that had been prepared long ago. It recorded in detail the storyline of the first collapse and the second collapse that she had carefully conceived.

Su Yue took a deep breath, and with a bit of anticipation and nervousness, handed the precious manuscript to Tang Tang beside her. Tang Tang took the computer and began to read it attentively.

It must be said that Tang Tang, who has the ability to paint, does have a unique talent in painting. Only a dozen minutes later, she had successfully presented the image of Walter Joyce in the first collapse and the protagonist Xilin in the second collapse vividly on paper. During this process, although most of the time was spent on Su Yue's description of the character's characteristics and repeated deliberation of the details, Tang Tang still showed amazing efficiency and talent.

Looking at the lifelike Su Yue couldn't help but marvel at the portrait. She originally thought that this task might take more time and effort, but Tang Tang completed it so well at such a fast speed.

Then the two continued to design the images of other characters. They were immersed in it, as if they had forgotten the passage of time. As night gradually fell, the light in the sky became soft and dim, as if casting a mysterious veil over the entire world. The surrounding environment gradually became quiet, but their minds were still extremely active.

They continued to exchange ideas and creativity with each other, carefully depicting the characteristics and personality of each character. They discussed details such as the appearance, clothing, hairstyle, and expression of the characters, trying to make these fictional characters come alive and jump off the paper.

In the process, they sometimes meditated and sometimes excitedly gestured, as if they were the characters that were about to be born. Unknowingly, the sky had completely darkened.

"Sister Su, night has fallen, why don't we have dinner first? Stay at my humble abode tonight, my bed is quite spacious."As she spoke, Tang Tang's hand climbed up Su Yue's thigh like a spirit snake. The strange touch on her thigh startled Su Yue, and she hurriedly got up.

"It's not necessary."After saying that, she ran out of the villa like a fleeing fugitive.

After coming out, Su Yue came to her senses. Something was wrong. She didn't seem to have suffered any loss. Why did she run out like a little girl?

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