I decided to go back to the city.

I had to fill up my water bottle. It would be dangerous if I couldn't wash my eyes when the same thing happened again.

I looked at water bottles at a tool store, but the cheapest type with a bag cost 10 gold. Since that was all I could afford, I bought a cloth bag as well, filled the bag with water at the well, and went out into the field again.

This time, I covered my face with my shield, approached the slime from behind, and attacked it.

I was able to defeat it with no problem.

『One Level has Gone Up!』

『You become Level 2!』

『Attack Power has Increased by 2!』

『Defense Power has Increased by 2!』

『Speed has Increased by 2!』

『Maximum HP has Increased by 5!』

『Maximum TP has Increased by 1!』

『12 skill points gained』

A series of such indications flowed through my consciousness.

One level was a ten percent increase in HP. The increase in attack power and defense power seemed small, but I guess that's what you get for being low level.

I didn't know what TP meant, so I tried to focus on it, but an explanation came up.

[Status Name] 『TP』


Also known as Technique points.

Consumed when you use a skill.

Fatigue drains you, and if you don't have the required TP, you can't use your skills.

Magic skills depend on MP and do not consume TP.


TP means Technique points.

But I'm only using it for Description and Appraisal, and it doesn't seem to be consumed too much.

I checked my current TP, and it's only 6 points, or about 10% less than before.

I'll need to keep an eye on it once I learn some combat skills, but for now it's good.

Now, let's get to work on the new skills. ...... No, I can't afford to be taken by surprise by a monster while I'm tinkering with the system in the field. I'll take my time in my room at the inn.

I decided to go back to the inn.

I locked the door to my room so that no one would come in, and sat down on my bed.

I thought about the skill screen and was able to call it up immediately.

This is the only skill I have at the moment.

『Increased Skill Points Lv5』 『Increased Experience Points Lv2』 

『Rare Item Probability Increase Lv4』

『Dexterity UP Lv2』  『Appraisal Lv3』 『Guts Lv2』

『Description Lv1』 『Premonition Lv1』 『Skill Copy Lv1』

『Job Change Lv1』 『Skill Reset Lv1』

『Charm ☆ Lv3』

Since I know how to use the explanations, I'll focus my attention on resetting the skills. I don't need to reset it right now, but if it's a useful skill in the future, I'd like to use it often and customize it...

『Skill Reset Lv1』


The skills you have can be initialized and reduced to points.

However, at Lv.1, this can only be done once in a lifetime.

The points you get back will be halved.


Oh, no.


It's useless!

It's a trash skill.


I've done it. I thought it would be useful in the game, but I guess it's not easy to level up in this world.

Oh, man, I just wasted 20 points.

Damn it.

Oh well, I'll just pretend it never happened. It's okay if I don't care about it.

I'll never use this shitty skill again.

Next, 『Skill Copy Lv1』

I spent 20 points on this too...

With trepidation, I focused my attention on .......

『Skill Copy Lv1』


Copy the skills used by others.

However, regardless of the opponent's skill level, it will become a Lv.1 skill when acquired.

It does not work on skills you already have.

The probability is extremely low.

Unique skills cannot be copied.

Hmmm... well, I guess it depends on the probability. It looks like it can be copied without consuming any points, and there is no particular disadvantage.

Skills used means only visible active skills, I guess. Well, I guess that's about it.


『Job Change Lv1』


You can change your profession (Job).

However, Lv.1 can only be changed once in a lifetime.

You can only change jobs if you meet the requirements.

After changing jobs, you will not lose your knowledge and experience.

"Oh, shit! What the hell is this!?"

I've spent 30 points on this and it's just not right.

I want to redo my skill selection...

『Do you want to reset your skills?』

The display popped into my brain, and I hurriedly set the answer to 'No'. This is no joke. Even if I use the skill reset here, I'll only get 44 points back. I might be able to change to a usable skill, but it would be a huge loss.

I'll have more skill points when I level up, and I'll take a gamble to see if I can raise this skill level again and make it usable.

Until then, it's sealed.

And next is...

『Guts Lv2』


It is automatically activated in situations where patience is required.

"Tsk, that's so vague..."

Well, it's an automatic passive skill, so I can leave it alone and it will activate to my advantage.

I don't have any guts, so it's better than nothing.

Now it's time to start... I got 12 skill points from leveling up, so I need to start taking them properly.

After all, it could literally mean the difference between life and death.

The first thing to do is to choose a skill that will give you more skill points.

The sooner I strengthen 『Increase Skill Points Lv5』, the more points I'll get, and the more advantage I'll have over others.

It's settled then.

My overall level is still 2, and it should be easy to get it to 3 or 4 if I keep killing slimes. When the overall level is getting harder to increase, I can go for combat skills and life skills. There are also skill copies that can be made without points.

I quickly focused my attention on the 『Increase Skill Points Lv5』 I had. This is not a skill that I chose based on skill points, but an initial skill that I got at random.

"Besides, it's gray, it's like already Max Level..."

Even though I focused on it, I couldn't see the points needed to acquire it. With other skills, the number of points is displayed even when the required points are not enough, so I guess I can't raise the level any further no matter what I do. Too bad.

So I guess the skill points I just received for leveling up are a lot more than a normal person would get. I'll have to check with the other adventurers later.

But more and more, I needed to be careful in choosing my skills.

After much deliberation, I paid five points for 『Herb Identification Lv. 1』, 『Herb Collection Lv. 1』, and 『Sign Detection Lv. 1』. All of these skills are ordinary white skills, but Detecting Signs costs 3 points.

The remaining 7 points are left over for now. I can't think of any skills right now, but I'm sure there are some that I'll suddenly need depending on the situation.

I'm a beginner, I don't know what's left or right yet, and I don't want to rush to use up all my points and regret it again.


"It's you again."

The gatekeeper was a little taken aback by my constant back and forth, but he seemed to have no further interest in me. That's fine.

I went outside the city to look for some herbs for my quest. It was already past noon, and if I didn't earn enough money for lodging, I might starve to death in a few days.

"Oh, did it help?"

I found some aloe growing in a place I hadn't noticed before. I walked up to it, pulled it out from the roots, and put it in a cloth bag.

Every once in a while, I would check to see if there were any monsters around and collect the aloes. By the time the sun was setting, I had collected about thirty pieces.

I was relieved to know that I wouldn't starve to death at this rate.

"Wow, you're pretty good for a beginner.

When I took it to the adventurer's guild, the old man at the reception desk gave me a little compliment saying so.

It was only 30 gold, but I was a little proud.

Then, a large leather bag was placed on the counter next to me. There seemed to be a lot of stuff inside.

"Goblin fangs. Please exchange it for cash."

I looked at it and saw that it was Shiraishi.

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