Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Episode IX Level Up 2
It's still a refreshing awakening.
The advantages of doing an appraisal and sleeping have been added.
Starting today, Shall can teach me how to write.
I've spent the last year in the house blurring with nothing to do but learn the words, so the last few days I've been doing something have been very fulfilling.
The writing class began as soon as I had breakfast.
Farn and Miloo are with us.
They don't have any epithets in the letters, they're all epithets. The point is, you're an alphabet.
Not as many characters. That's 29 characters in total.
Place sand on a plate and write letters with your fingers.
The shape has no many curves and is almost denoted in a straight line.
I learned it with the pronunciation, so I was immediately remembered for dealing with the alphabet.
He also looked like a "genius" here, but he was sober.
I feel weird, as the grammar is almost Japanese, so I'm writing Japanese in Roman somehow.
I just remembered, so why don't we do an appraisal?
(Appraisal) Farn
[Fanstern Grid/18/2/7423]
[M/21/1/7422 · Pu · Sir Gried's eldest son]
(Appraisal) Miloo
[Mirhia Gried/26/2/7425]
[Female/2/2/7424 · Pu · Sir Gried's eldest daughter]
I appraised it five times as it was.
I told Charles to go to bed because I was sleepy.
I spent the next two days repeating the appraisal and studying the letters each morning, during the next morning appraisal time on the third day.
The level of skill inherent in the appraisal increased to 4.
In addition to the condition, we now know the age and level.
I thought age didn't make much sense because it shows the date of birth at the gender, but it is plain convenient because when you identify an object that is not an organism, you see the date of creation or processing. And it helps when it comes to helping because you don't have to calculate which one.
The level is probably a level as a creature. My level is 1 and Farn and Miloo are 1. Heggard was 15 and Schal was 14. The maid Mun was two. I wonder if I could be a little more level because Mun is 17......
I don't know how to get this level up either.
However, when used biologically, value is displayed, not level. Like this, for example.
[Wooden spoon]
[Condition: Good]
[Processing date: 4/8/7425]
[Value: 10]
[Bed (Toddler)]
[Condition: Good]
[Date Created: 14/12/7421]
[Value: 2500]
[Ten Thousand Years Cube Calendar]
[Beach Material]
[Condition: Good]
[Date Created: 10/7/7389]
[Value: 25]
When I did the appraisal until I was sleepy, the next time I woke up, it didn't change that I had used it more than once, but I needed a lot of times to level up.
I have counted so far, but it was 10 times from the first Lv.0 to the next Lv.1 and another 10 times from Lv.1 to Lv.2. However, appraisals were required 20 times from Lv.2 to Lv.3 and 40 times from Lv.3 to Lv.4. Maybe it's 80 times to be LV.5, and LV.6 should need 160 appraisals.
Not that I know what the hell the level is, but I did a little calculation.
Lv.0 Maybe right after birth.
Lv.0-1 10 (10) Day 2 noon
Lv.1-2 20 (21) 2nd night
Lv.2-3 40 (45) 3rd night
Lv.3-4 80 (90) Day 5 Morning
Lv.4-5 160 (170) 7th night
Lv.5-6 320 (324) Day 10 Morning
Lv.6-7 640 (665) Night of Day 13
Lv.7-8 1280 (1325) Day 18 Morning
Lv.8-9 2560 (2614) 25th Morning
The number in parentheses is the number of times an appraisal is used when appraised until you are sleepy when leveling up. For example, to go from Lv.6 to Lv.7, you have to appraise it 320 times from the time it goes to Lv.6, but you can use the appraisal 25 times as of the morning of day 10 when it goes to Lv.6 (although it is still Lv.5). At this time, it becomes Lv.6 at the time of using the 21st appraisal. However, the appraisal is a four-time usable situation, and if you use it four times asleep without being satisfied with leveling, you will be up to LV.7 on the 11th appraisal on the night of the 13th day, three days after that. At that point, it has been used 36 times, and immediately after leveling up, 25 uses will remain.
Since this is the morning of the fifth day since I first used the appraisal, it will take me another 20 days to get to Lv.9 at this rate even up to the single-digit level. It should be used more often then 70 times. I decided to call this an experience point in my midst for role-playing games and such. In short, I used the unique skills of the appraisal to reason that if I gained experience in using it, I would be proficient in the appraisal skills and be able to use them successfully.
Also, I'm studying the letters, but I'm already very advanced on how much I can talk about them. I already remember all the alphabets in this world, including uppercase letters. I also completely learned the words equivalent to vowels, so I don't think it would be a problem if I were to write them as they were generally pronounced.
However, it often doesn't seem to be as pronounced by the word as the English word, and this one will have to be remembered over time.
Anyway, I realized that the level of appraisal had reached 4, and I was trying to run out of appraisals leaving a few more. What happens if I don't use up the number of appraisals? Naturally it won't make you sleepy. And doesn't not sleeping mean you won't recover until you sleep too many uses? Maybe I should try this early. The downside would be that the level up would be somewhat delayed.
When I thought about that with a blurry look at my appraisal window, I realized that it had turned into an appraisal window.
[Alain Gried/5/3/7429]
[M/14/2/7428 · Pu · Sir Gried's second son]
[Condition: Good]
[Age: 1]
[Level: 1]
Lines 1-4 and 5 have different luminances. Lines 1-4 feel slightly brighter compared to line 5. If you look at your name on line 1, what an overlap on the appraisal window and the window opened again.
[Alain GREED; Named March 5, 7429]
What do you mean? This.
Though I thought so, this time the luminosity of the grid part of the family name is slightly higher than that of the others.
Pay attention to the grid.
[House Gried: Sir Romberto Kingdom. The date of his appointment was October 3, 7353]
[Erection: Thermart Webdos, the four-man of the 12th generation Marquis Webdos, becomes independently interested.
[The current housekeeper is the third generation at Hegliyar Grid]
You're a tremendous advantage with your intrinsic skills, as God said.
No more subwindows (tentative names) seem to open.
I also wanted to see about the Marquis Webdos.
Close the open subwindow and now pay attention to the second line.
[Male; Birthday 14 Feb 7428 - Pu/Sir Gried's second son]
Two sub-windows open. He is the second son of the Pu and Lord Gried families.
[Pu: Ragdarios Race]
I see, what do you call Anglo Saxon on Earth and all that racial notation?
Nor does this open any more subwindows. I went back to one and opened the item for Sir Gried's second son, and he was with me just now. I don't think I have a choice in a way.
That's line three next.
[Condition; Current physical or mental condition: good; no problems]
And out. I don't want to hear the meaning of the word.
The subwindow does not open.
Yeah, next.
[Age; full age since birth: decimal truncated notation]
You're kidding me, motherfucker. I know. It's a pain in the ass to leave at 1.04 or something.
Well, it turns out that appraisal skills can be used more than the luminosity of the appraisee increases even in the dark. Hmm, then the experiment is behind us on what happens without using the number of appraisals to the limit. Looks like you should raise the appraisal level as soon as possible. In 20 days, the level should go up to 9, and the experiment won't be too late after it reaches level 10. You can get to level 10 plus about 10 days. In short, we just have to postpone the experiment for another month.
Then let's just use up the rest of the time and fall asleep.
Two nights later, the unique skills of the appraisal were leveled up to 5.
Naturally, there was also more content displayed. I just have to laugh, but it was HP and MP.
[Alain Gried/5/3/7429]
[M/14/2/7428 · Pu · Sir Gried's second son]
[Condition: Good]
[Age: 1]
[Level: 1]
[HP: 6 (6) MP: 9 (18)]
It's like a role-playing game like Doo Que I've played in middle school after all. I don't mind Ulte O Ma, but U O Tima only knows the first one I did on the computer at the time, right? I've only done one Draoe. Shit, I didn't play a lot of games, did I? I would have played a few more games if I knew this was going to happen.
By the way, now the fifth line level also opens a subwindow.
[Level; one that quantifies biological forces. rise by gaining experience]
Apparently I can see the details in a subwindow until the previous appraisal level.
If you gain experience, will you level up? It's more and more like a game. I don't know how to accumulate that experience. Am I supposed to kill demons? But the level of Fern who killed Goblin wasn't up at 1. So you're saying one goblin isn't a big deal?
More than that, I'd like to focus on the MP item now, with 18 in parentheses behind 9. Is it the maximum in parentheses? I should have done eight appraisals after dinner tonight to level up. And that's the ninth time. And the current value is 9. What this means is easy. Every time I used the appraisal, I consumed one MP. The appraisal of unique skills was magical. If MP is short for Magic Point, though. The next time you level up, you'll know more about MP. The next level up is in the morning in three days.
The fact that HP is 6... I don't know. Mostly, my body is dying if an adult hits me, but how much damage would it do with a single blow?
Three more days have passed.
MP is increasing well.
I also have 25 MP this morning.
It should level up in the 21st appraisal.
If you eat dinner, it's an appraisal.
[Alain Gried/5/3/7429]
[M/14/2/7428 · Pu · Sir Gried's second son]
[Condition: Good]
[Age: 1]
[Level: 1]
[HP: 6 (6) MP: 3 (25)]
[Muscle Strength: 1]
[Jun Min: 1]
[Dexterity: 1]
[Endurance: 1]
Four more rows at once.
This is what Drach-O calls "snugness." Or the "STATUS" command for Ulti-O? All parameters are 1. That makes me cry, but an infant can't help it. Hey, you want to see it in the HP and MP commentary too?
[HP; Hit Point Vitality. When the number reaches zero, he faints and becomes incapacitated. Negative numbers for endurance values lead to death. It takes about a week to recover at rest per minus one point. Recover 1 point per day for positive numbers. In addition to his age, the sum of twice his muscle strength, twice his endurance, and Jun Min is the maximum HP. The addition by age stops when it reaches a certain age, and decreases slightly with age thereafter. Maximum values will only be updated if the abovementioned abilities are changed other than increasing at the level]
As expected, it's as expected, but now my endurance is 1, so if HP goes negative 1, you mean I'll die?
By the way, "age" opens a subwindow, but the content is with [age]. The words muscle strength, endurance, and Jun Min do not open sub-windows. Oh, "level up" has a subwindow.
[Level; one that quantifies biological forces. rise by gaining experience]
I thought it might be the same, but it seems to open more windows.
[At the time of leveling, increase by 1 point for the first and second of the most commonly used abilities at the level immediately preceding it. Capabilities also include HP and MP. However, if you possess unique skills, your ability to increase will be 1st to 6th]
Since then, however, it has the same dark deficit as the status display of the unique skill. haha, this is what god was saying, of the perks of the reincarnated
· More bonuses when leveling up than common organisms in this world
Is that him? Doesn't that mean every time you level up, you increase all abilities by one? Even if you take only HP, an indicator of the likelihood of dying, the maximum that normal people increase in level is only 4 when muscle strength and endurance increase, but in my case all HP, muscle strength, agility and endurance will increase, so you increase by 6? The same goes for some inherent skill, but just the bonus when you level up is awesome, this.
MP next?
[MP; Magic/Mental Point Magic. spiritual strength. The lower the number, the less self-control, obsession, etc. with desire, and when it reaches zero, it becomes unable to defy the underlying desire. It also reduces each time magic is used. At awakening, it recovers at a rate of about 1 point every 5 minutes, but only if the MP is greater than or equal to 6. It also recovers to its maximum by resting sleep for more than four consecutive hours. Increases by 1 point (rounding down decimal places) for every 5 years of age, and 1 point per level of Magic Mastery. Aside from increasing at the level, it rises at the percentage of age squared from 100 when the MP reaches zero. Increases with a 1% chance even if the age squares above 100]
Um, I figured out a lot. First of all, why was there one more use the next time I woke up when I used up the appraisal every time? My age is one, the squares of one are one, which means my MP was up 99% chance. Also, recovery at the time of awakening, but after using the appraisal several times, it was not recovered even though it had endured for several dozen times while in the target designated mode. This would be because at that time the condition that the number of uses was still six, that is, the MP was greater than or equal to six, was not met.
Maybe this MP of 6 or more is a kind of safety device. In the case of ordinary people who cannot use magic, there should not be a maximum increase in value due to MP consumption, so the maximum value of MP will only increase by getting older. And if I go in due course, I get my first MP of 6 when I'm 26. Fractions will be truncated, so I guess 5.8 when I'm 25. And MP is not only magical, but also spiritual. I guess I need a 26 year old, or MP6, to fully control my desires. You can think of desire in this case as a root desire, that is, the three greatest desires. Appetite, sleep appetite, lust.
There will be some personal differences, but I was certainly vulnerable to appetite and sleeping appetite. Sexuality wouldn't have developed yet because of my age, so it might not be appropriate to take me as an example, but, well, fine. Until a while ago, I was hungry, crying and crying, sleepy and crying. I guess this is because the MP was 1. I have been able to endure the last few days without any problems at all if I don't run out of MP. From around the age of 13, when the second sexual trait begins to awaken to lust, lust becomes something that is hard to contain. I guess MP doesn't normally cause problems because it's already 3 or 4, but as long as it hangs up, desire is easily decimated and goes into masturbation and direct action.
I guess that means that at about 26-30, when you grow up afterwards and have an MP of 6, you have the mental power to beat the slightest or softer temptation. Wouldn't that support the fact that unlike HP, maximum values are not reduced by aging? Occasionally, there are people who are very self-contained, but I guess those people used up MP for some reason when they were young and the cap increased.
Then the problem is Farn and Miloo. Farn is seven now. 51% chance of running out of MP and going up. Miloo is five, so there should be a 75% chance he'll go up. You'd better have self-control when you think about the rest of your life. I want to try and run out of MP somehow. Anyway, at least 10 years old, there is a very low probability of a 1% increase in MP max. Talk to Shall and let them teach you two simple magic and use it on a regular basis? But what do you say and explain? In the first place, the two of you are not as proficient in reading and writing as I am yet. At least wait till you can read and write enough?
No, Miloo's still here. Farn's already seven. If this turns eight, the chances of going up are 36%, and at the age of nine, it falls to 19%. You should hurry. But you won't be trusted to explain what happened to me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What if they persecute you? Damn, I can't think of an idea.
I don't care what happens in the last few days when I say I need a rush about Fern's MP, but once I get the information sorted out and analyzed. As a result, there may be some good ideas.
I started spinning my brain full for the first time since I was reincarnated.
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