19 Aug 7444

I was able to get magic items (magic items) around the corner, so I decided to cut my plans and return to the ground. To be honest, I want to keep this hydrated (Bracelet of) (Deadbody) bracelet (... to water) off hand as soon as possible. At any rate, I know my abilities in [appraisal], so I don't even care about a detailed investigation. There is a strong feeling that there is something I don't want you to like if it is effective at all. I don't want to have it.

Return to the crystal bars that have been transferred to the six layers and return to the room of the five layers of transferred crystal bars. I was happy to teach Giberti the results we were waiting for home, and he started cleaning up the camp quickly.

Look at that sideways. Me and Xenom, I'll talk to Tris. The consultation has been decided. What to do with the (dead body) bracelet (... to water) of hydration (Bracelet of), the treasure gained in this labyrinth row. Me and Xenom's opinion was in the direction of selling it off, but Tris better wait to sell it. I know what Tris is trying to say. I know...

It seems like a pretty good bracelet, but to be honest, I don't think I'm going to do much good. Capabilities are also known in [Appraisal]. It has no more function than to convert a body into a determined amount, water. I've actually used it before. A last resort to get water, which is almost useless because of my water magic. It would work when I got into a trap like a few months ago that made me absorb magic or diffuse or consume it, I can't even think about it, but I feel like jumping into that trap with this bracelet absorbs the magic of the bracelet, and after all, it's useless after a day.

I used to think of many ways to help. It's just not going to help until after my country's done. For example, cleaning up after the war? Cleans up dead enemy soldiers' bodies before they become germ nests. Not a big number once every 10 days, but that reduces the amount of work they do to bury them. Not much for me right now, but it would be one of the effective uses.

If you're an intermediate or an assassin, there's also the advantage of being able to finish off a body with little evidence left behind, but I don't even think I need this one very much right now. I can also use it to give Mizuchi to her when she comes back and make her assassinate someone, but I just need to stand around so she doesn't do that. The assassin doesn't look good on him. Maybe if I told you to do it, Mizuchi would say it was a double reply. But I don't care what he thinks or what his orientation is.

With something like this, I might want to rely on Mizuchi for some fold. Then you shouldn't have it from the beginning. I guess he wants to sell it because he thinks so somewhere in his mind.

"At any rate, we should hold it for a while to make sure it's properly capable. Al once said he had seen a similar piece of magic (a magic item), but do you know the extent of that ability and how often it can be used? Also, I don't think that this new magic item (magic item) has the same ability, even if I knew it."

What Tris is saying is, as I imagined, an extremely special opinion. Even the ability is much more powerful than what Mun had. I don't choose users and can use them more often. Though I think the amount that could be converted to water was with me. I have no choice......

"... right, Tris is right. You should also experiment to some extent to catch the value...... Besides... I think it's important to know the limits of magic (magic items) abilities. First, let's talk about similar magic items that I know."

"Hmm, I guess that's what you say. Sure, there's a hurry."

I replied badly with a broken tooth and said strangely to me that Xenom, impressed by what Tris had said, changed his opinion.

"... First of all, the bracelet I knew could only be used once every 10 days.... and... the bodies that can be found in the water may or may not contain demonic stones. If I hadn't picked a demon stone, I would make every demon stone water... so I shouldn't be able to use it to save time in dismantling it..."

A slight tone of voice dropped. Suddenly, I remembered a bulk of adventurers who used to come to Barkud to get in touch with Mun. Looks like Tris noticed I was different on the boulder. He looks at me strangely. I keep pretending I don't notice that. Finally, I didn't have to tell you that the user was limited and that no activation spell (command word) was required.

"There is a limited amount that can be converted at once. My senses are about 10 times the amount I can magically give with four levels of elemental magic... it's about a third of the five levels... is it hard to understand? of normal size...... right, I think more than 100 people could convert to water if they were as good as me. If the corpses were in contact with each other, they would be considered one big corpse... As I said earlier, only corpses can convert to water. The clothes the corpse is wearing. The armor will remain intact... the definition of the corpse is that it is open and corpsed... so maybe I can't use it without killing the undead as well. The degree of damage to the body has nothing to do with it. … even while your personal name is out there, and even after you become a race name, it works"

Well, I don't feel guilty about Bulk anymore, but he's my first experience. Maybe I'll never forget it.


Xenom and Tris looked at each other when they heard me talking to the blubber. It responds to a place called Personal Name. Thank you. I think I made a mistake. That's fine then.

"The items I need to be sure of, right, would be per usable frequency and amount that can be converted. You can make sure you can use it against the undead, but I don't want to touch the guy who's still moving, so that's for the record, Tris, you do it."

I said with a laugh.

Clearing up the camp and returning to the ground it was around 4 pm and nearly 5 pm.

20 Aug 7444

Just in case, I will go further and try the bracelet. Mun's ability to use her bracelet was frequent every 10 days, but she tried it, so she dived into the labyrinth after breakfast today. As far as I'm concerned, I just want to finish it off and sell it off, so it's something I know I'll be able to use for sure near this evening, and I just told him to verify his bracelet capabilities. We don't fight big opponents on one level, so only four members are me and Zenom, Tris and Zulu.

I gave the women a day off today. It's convenient for me to get my period at a time like this. I don't have any super olfactory skills, so I don't know yet.

Use "Audible Glamour" magic to attract monsters. I repeated it ten times and piled up the monster's body like a hill. At any rate, it would be more efficient to examine the limits of the amount that can be converted.

I piled up more than a hundred stinking corpses like goblins, knolls, oaks, and hobgoblins, and maybe all the extra ones I wouldn't be able to make into water. Pass the bracelet to Zulu and let him use the magic in his bracelet. Naturally, we don't want to be wet rats, we decide to watch the conversion pretty far apart. Zulu is also prepared to get wet in itself and has not worn armor since the beginning. Zulu looks pretty dumb with only his lower body under his armor.

Of course, I haven't forgotten to pick all the demon stones from the later bodies, leaving only the demon stones of the goblin corpse that I put in position that I would surely have been able to do in the water because I had time. Ma, there was an oak, and I need to collect about the admission tax for today's labyrinth.

Zulu raised his hand and signaled.

Nothing happens.

It was about 3pm when I pulled out the clock demon prop and checked it out. I'm going to try it in about thirty minutes. It must have been around 3: 00 p.m. yesterday when I turned the roper into water. Maybe it's time to use it now. I just want you to put a lamp on it so I can see if it's filled with magic.

Thirty minutes later, we confirmed that the majority of the bodies stacked as [appraised] could be converted into water. Don't pick the demon stone. The one that was left behind is also properly watered.

Just in case, we recovered the bracelet from Zulu, who is again saying "Nuhileki" by touching a corpse that could not be found in the water, and today's experiment is over. When I retrieved it, I saw Zulu, which got wet a lot, and I thought to myself.

(So, so...)

Something annoyed me, so I immediately used dry magic to dry it. I guess I'm glad I didn't bring the ladies. I don't want to show you anything. Bad for education...... is there anything else? I'm not a kid anymore. But it would have been great if Bell had done this. It is unfortunate that there is no cotton mixed with thin, soft and sufficiently durable chemical fibers like T-shirts.

21 Aug 7444

You have to get down to four layers to try against the undead. It's troublesome, but I can't help it. I went for four layers on my own again. Around a layer,

(Is that it? Nothing. We could all have gone into the labyrinth, right? You just have to try it as you go exploring)

And I noticed. I just turn it into water for one zombie, so it won't get wet.

It's more troublesome now, okay?

As expected, the zombie in motion did not turn into water. He definitely stopped the roots of his breath and confirmed that his status could still be properly in the water after being displayed with a neat expression: [corpse of] and [corpse of a goblin zombie]. Incidentally, when [appraised], the first one is a normal appraisal content just because the condition is dead (working as an undead monster, it gets better when HP is not diminishing), and the later one becomes a name that says [corpse (Little Ghost Nation)], as it did when it was appraised as biologically free, and the condition is damaged (not as good as a normal goblin corpse because it's a zombie), the date it was generated (maybe the day it became a zombie) or something of value.

That will be enough.

Just back on the ground, but Tris and Xenom were discussing something in a whisper with a difficult face.

Tris opened his mouth that evening as we were all having dinner.

"Mr. Al. That bracelet, but if you use it a few more times and make sure that the cycle that will be available is really once a day, will you sell it?

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm going to..."

"Don't you have to dispose of it in a hurry right now? I think it would be quite useful. Sure, I know it's in the labyrinth, but I'm sure there will always be a time in the future when it will be useful. Shouldn't you keep it?

Yeah. I know that. But I...

"I think so, too. Al, is there any reason you don't like that bracelet?

Xenom has also participated in the conversation.

"No, nothing..."

"Then I won't sell in a hurry. Why don't we just sell it when we really need the money or when we find a better one. We're in no hurry for rewards because we're not particularly in trouble for money."

Xenom said to me gently. That's not the problem... well, okay.

"Mmm... right, okay. Don't sell that bracelet. I'll take it."

"Oh, I like that"

"Yes, I am."

Xenom and Tris said to me with all their voices together. Sure, right now, I don't have to sell it. That's what I know.

24 Aug 7444

I've been in the labyrinth again since yesterday, trying to get into the fifth floor, maybe the last room. In a room with an example altar. I went back a bit to see what was going on in the room and instructed Gargoyle to attack Zulu and Engela and the altar as usual with other members. Bell and I are cover.

It's something I'm used to already, and from the start Gargoyle was going to start with just his head out in the dirt, and I also told him that. That, and instructed the altar team to take a little slow eye assault. I'm going to solidify him with ice at the same time as he summons me. So, this time, Bell got Gargoyle to start with backup, and I made an operation to consolidate the summoned monster as soon as it was found out where it was located.

That's when I checked again and turned around to head slowly to my room.

I heard a cry and a battle noise from the side of the room.

Everyone, including me, looks at each other surprised, but soon realizes it.

Another adventurer's party must have broken in first.

"Ahhh, you've been crossed."

Ralpha said unfortunately. Sure.

"Too bad..."

Tris crushed carelessly as he put the long sword (long sword) in his sheath. Me, too.

"Hmm, I was going to buy clothes when the good stuff came out but no..."

Guine pointed her mouth. It's kind of an adorable trick to grow a jaw, even if it's that little body.

"You have no choice..."

said as Bell returned the arrow to the arrow barrel (Quiver). You have no choice, do you?

"Well, unfortunately, I can't help but win the early one. It's a corner, so let's watch a game and spill it in here."

Xenom said, holding the axe on his shoulder and rubbing his pink jaw.

"Oh, I agree. If it's going to take a long time, you can eat something light. Hey, Giberti, it's gonna be easy to eat, you got it?

"If you'd like a simple sandwich, you can have it in five minutes, and we'll be ready in no time."

It's also B who eats rice at the sight of the bloody battles of other parties. We used to get hit when we broke into the room first on two or three floors. I mean, unless you ask me to cover you, it's Balduk's insanity not to get your hands on it because it can be misunderstood.

Especially since there are five layers here. When I say other parties, there should only be a top team here. The main opponent of the five-story room will be able to worship all the battles he can because there is no reason why he can win anything out of his hands. It's a good opportunity to know what's in your hand.

We watched each other near the entrance to the room, talking naughty. I'm not going to sit on a boulder. Stay on your feet. The aisle is about 8m wide, so there is room for all nine people in a row.

Now, who took the prey that was hanging on our noses?



It's Andersen's sister, isn't it?

"That, black yellow balls (Black Topaz)?

Sounds like it.

"What? That's Frost Lizard. What do you say? Are you running away?

"Maybe we should run away? Then maybe you can have it."

"I see you noticed this one."

"Sounds like you should get ready for battle for once. Giberti, no rice after all."

"Yes, I understand."

"You don't run..."

"Surprise, you fight..."

Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) may escape, so just prepare for battle for once. But don't do anything and just run away, okay? It's dangerous for boulders not to get ahead. If you thought so, surprisingly, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) seemed to have chosen to fight.

Having caught a glimpse of this one, Andersen quickly returned his focus to his fellow combatants and used magic.

"Flame Javelin".

I stood beside Frost Lizard, an ice monster who didn't want to go for it. Her men are also resolutely dealing one-on-one with Gargoyle, with three Kokomori storming into Frost Lizard.


One was bounced off his tail. But the two remaining ones are more avant-garde with shields (kiteshield) and long swords (longswords), and more avant-garde with spears (spears) to be the rear guard against Frost Lizard. Looks like the guy who got bounced off managed to get up.

Oh? Is that...

Andersen lifted the crossbow from his feet. Standing on his knees, he fired immediately. Instead of poking at the flank of Frost Lizard without even wanting to aim, Bolt penetrated near the root. I knew you had a strong flying tool.

"Heh, a crossbow..."

I shrugged like Bell was impressed. What? I thought you were interested?

He threw out the crossbow that unleashed the bolt, lifted another crossbow that he had left at his feet, and entered the sniping posture again. Bolt also plunged into the flank of Frost Lizard to near the root.

"We're done with one shot. Then you can't. And I have to crush it out of my eyes."

I praised Zenom for letting him go. Isn't that tough? It's huge, and it's damaging enough. Don't use Bell as a reference. Would you say that in the first place? Me and Tris grinned bitterly with our gaze over Xenom's head.

But stabbing to the root is a tremendous power. But this still reduces Frost Lizard's HP by only about half. There shouldn't be any more crossbows, so what about Andersen's sister? Is there MP left? I cut my eyes out of Frost Lizard trying to [appraise] her so I could gaze at Andersen.

Oh? That's great, that guy. My brother, about thirty years old, who was dealing with gargoyles using a long-lasting, double-edged battle axe (Battleax), wearing the same Lion Nation (Lios) stacked armor (Sprint Mail) as Zulu, poked a gap in the gargoyle in front of him and drove the axe from the top of his head to the middle of his face, and he slaughtered the gargoyle in one shot, but his eyes were taken away.

"" Ah!

"" Oh!

A voice came up from my party (Slaters). I didn't raise my voice to the handle of Lios, who butchered the gargoyle brilliantly. Frost Lizard exhaled a breath of cold air. A Puppet man who was in charge of defense with a shield (kite shield) in front of Frost Lizard seemed frosted and rendered incapable of combat while I looked back.


My voice leaked by accident, too.


Just now, a Lios warrior who butchered a gargoyle wielded a battle axe (Battle Axe) and quickly slashed another gargoyle with an auxiliary knife to the sister of a werewolf (Wolfwer) who was using the spear next door (Spear) as she raised her voice. He immediately turned his heel back and rushed out at a tremendous rate to the man of the Pu people, who continued his struggle alone with a spear (spear) against Frost Lizard. Apparently, you used [instantaneous] special skills. But you're going to run out already. I think you'd be smarter to finish another gargoyle before it runs out.

Andersen's sister seems to use magic again, opening her right hand toward Frost Lizard, holding that wrist with her left hand to begin her mental concentration. A blue glow overflowed from his right hand and "Flame Javelin" was released toward Frost Lizard.

It was a nice-timing launch, but Frost Lizard dodged it with little damage to the extent of plundering the javelin. Ah. Your sister still seems to use magic without punishment.

The first elite (elf) man to be bounced off his tail set up a shield (kite shield) and a long sword (long sword) and returned to the front.


I heard Zenom's calm voice. If Xenom seems to be calm, it sounds fine.

"Hmm... not so much, huh?"

Ralpha praised him for looking busy with his arms around him. A bitter laugh leaks out of my mouth. I hope I thought so too.

"But, Mr. Barr, you look great!

said Guine. You, you're just good for being big and powerful. Oh, Barr is that Battle Axe (Battle Axe) Lios.

I put my gaze back on the fight again. Now we are dealing with two leftover gargoyles with a Wolfwer woman and three Elf women, a dog tribe (Dogwer) man, who is fighting in his favor. One of the remaining gargoyles looks pretty weak, so we'll be able to finish it before it's that far.

Frost Lizard is dealt with by an elf man and a lios man, a Pu man. It feels like Andersen, the leader, is magically covering this one. It's tough because when you can only use water and fire magic, you have a limited amount of magic you can use to cover.

The frost-hardened guy wouldn't be dead yet either. Even if he was developing frostbite until about twenty minutes, he'd be able to handle it with healing magic.


I thought about it and watched the game and Frost Lizard exhaled another breath of cold air (braces). Oh, I have to knock him out before I let him exhale (braces)... Look, the Lios with the avant-garde and the spear (spear) man with the spear (spear) behind them got hit by the frost.


But Andersen also just strains the head of the boulder top team. Looks like you succeeded in butching "flame javelin" into that mouth. I can't breathe (braces) anymore with this. If you do a little damage without alarm, you'll win sooner or later.

"Almost there! Good luck, guys!

Andersen, who unleashed his magic, pulled his sword (short sword) from his waist when he spoke to the party, yes, and ran towards Frost Lizard. Her MP is only 13 left. Her MP max is 31, so it's a beautifully reduced account for just "Flame Javelin" minutes.

"" Mm. "

Zulu and Engela spoke for the first time. It seems that the man from the dogwar and the woman from the elf who was dealing with the gargoyle endured properly, and that one was tailored with a spear protruded by the woman from the Wolf. It's three on one now. No defense, no shit. It would be only a matter of time if the other three hit him in the octopus. It would be Gargoyle who would be on the defensive side of the war.

Andersen, who ran through to Frost Lizard,


And, a temper shot, a blow in the forefoot. Neither did the elf man, who was opposite her, seem to have missed the gap where Frost Lizard was distracted by her attack and slashed him with a long sword (long sword) in his hand.

"You've made up your mind"

Tris said. Yeah, I'm sure the blow right now would be the deciding factor.

Then a few minutes later, the faces of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) who had finished Frost Lizard and the last gargoyle were breathing on their shoulders. The only ones intact are the leader Andersen and Wolfwer's sister. All the rest, they are big and small and wounded.

I slowly approached Andersen as I made everyone wait on the spot.

The members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), including Andersen, acted cautiously but not hostilely towards me. Well, I guess so at this guy's party.

"We have seen the battle. Congratulations. Should I use healing (cure) magic, if you will?

Andersen, who listened to me and opened his eyes,

"Huh? That'll help. But, okay?


Speaking of which, Bell and Tris, Ralpha and Guine were also called in, and Ralpha and Guine were given "Cure" and "Cure Light" one at a time, and Tris was allowed to use "Cure Light" four times. Bell was allowed to use "Cure Serious" twice. Me? I used "Cure Serious" twice, just like Bell. It's a total of four "cure serials", six "cure lights" and two "cures". All wounds could have been treated quite well.

The frost-hardened guy also seemed to recover from using "Cure Serious" without frostbite. The pain will remain for the time being, so this one has no choice. The wounds were also blocked considerably by more than ten healing sorceries in total. All the killers (Slaters) seemed to draw my attention and used their magic in such a way that it would take decades to activate. All right, all right.

The faces of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) seemed to have been drained of the ability of all five young men, even members of the slayer (Slaters), to use healing magic, and they were all surprised, including Andersen's sister. Especially when Bell and I were peeling our eyes off for using "Cure Serious" at all costs. At least these two guys seem to have fallen apart that three kinds of elemental magic can be used. Actually, Tris can also use three kinds. I just can't use "Cure Serious" because I don't have enough levels.

There's no harm in even selling favors to your favorite black yellow balls (Black Topaz) on the top team. These guys would say, "Killers (Slaters) suck. Five people can use magic," you advertise on your own. Then even if there was an abalone trying to hang us a little like a shining blade (Bright Blade), it would be a restraint.

"So now we are... Good luck with the black yellow balls (Black Topaz)"

"Um, thank you..."

That's what Andersen's sister said and stopped me,

"No, thank you. Magic will heal in an hour or two. We've also shown you a valuable battle with ice monsters..."

So Thanksgiving resigned and left the place. Honestly, I wanted to know what was in the temple that I would have gotten, but not that far into the boulder.

Now, maybe if we walk less than an hour away, we'll get to a room with five layers of transferred crystal bars.

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