June 20, 7444.

Mizuchi's, no, I stepped into a rather lavish royal palace that as a royal palace of a country, it was a sense of the Japanese of the vertebral purity that blended into Mizuchi. The maids seemed to be performing their service duties properly and cleaned one dust, as if it wasn't even dusty. It is made of stone as if it had been cut out from the ground to a height of about 2m when I saw it, but from there it is made of lacquer and wood as if I was tired of it along the way. The floors are sturdy slab layers, some of which are also made of carefully polished gemstone-like stone. The ceiling should have been fairly high, very loosely built and upstairs. With that said, the roof was also rugged. It's never supposed to rain or anything.

As soon as I came in, there was a horizontal tree, like a raised frame, on a slab floor. Reminiscent of the lobby of some medium-sized hot spring inn. The ceiling of the lobby was lit with light magic props in four places. It's not white like a fluorescent lamp, it's a luxury product in shades that are close to milky sunlight. There are about 10 cm steps in the frame of the slab from the floor of your shadow stone, which makes me want to take off my shoes when it feels like pure vertebrate. I managed to reduce the discomfort of staying grounded on the shiny polished slab floor and opened both open doors to the right of the lobby as I asked Webndo the elder. I wanted the door to be a sliding door when it was built like this.

The destination was a slab hallway about 3 m wide, and after a short journey there were several similar double-open doors on the left side of the direction of travel. On the other side there is a light adoption window, with a barrier on it, but it's dark outside, so it probably means nothing more than decoration. The hallway ceiling is also furnished with lighted demonic props as is the lobby, emitting light. I guess I leave it lit up all night until the downstairs that it's ahead on Webndo's instructions.

Mizuchi proceeded as he ran his eyes to the royal palace, where he entered for the first time in his life, and when he turned left twice, a descending staircase appeared leading to the abyss in front of him. There are ceiling lights down the stairs. Down the long stairs, the floor was made of polished stone as it had been in the entrance to the lobby. I was wondering if the basement was also dusty because I heard it was a forbidden place to enter so much as a maid of service, but it still seems to be well cleaned within sight.

Now, if it's common sense, there's got to be a contact point (switch) around here for the lighting magic props. I thought so and explored the walls around assuming by hand, but couldn't find them. I had no choice but to hang the "light" magic on my left fingertip and illuminate it. Infrared vision (Infrastructure Vision) is fine, but I wanted to see it in a decent color because it's a corner. I didn't see anything anywhere that looked like a contact (switch) within sight of the hallway stretching straight to the left as soon as I went down the stairs. I just see polished stone hallways, walls and ceilings that are lit by "lights" and return hard reflected light for quite some time. There was once a magic prop with a light on the ceiling.

Two similar doors can be seen on the left side of the hallway by the front of both open doors in the distance visible poke. I guess one of these three doors is "between the nemuris". I don't even fall in the dark because of the lights. The stone on the basement was like marble, not your masonry. As soon as he took a step, Mizuchi freaked out as if he had also been struck by the current. (What, now?) I was immediately convinced that I thought as well. I guess that's a check for intruders now. I was convinced by peeking into a row of round holes alternating in two vertical rows on both sides of the wall, although I had no idea what the principle was. I guess it's like a sensor for an intruder. The spear seemed to be embedded inside the hole.

I could see something moving a little further down the hall. Not very big. It's a clear jelly-like cube about 15 cm high. It seems to be rolling at a pace of about once every three seconds. (What's that?), but the knowledge of Junko Vertebra seemed to know. That's probably "Cubic Jerry". It is a fine monster. Normally they nest in underground labyrinths like Balduk and are often bigger. Yes, enough to fill the aisle. It's a labyrinth cleaner that cleans up the bodies of monsters knocked down in the labyrinth and the wreckage of adventurers' dreams. Are you familiar with that and using it for cleaning? It can be described as a very nasty strong enemy if it is large, but that size would do no harm. I pulled up close and saw a little demon stone about the tip of my pinky finger inside.

I just came in front of the first door. When I looked at the filled plate, it was "during meditation". The plate filling the next door was a 'bath'. Why are you only here in Japanese? "Between the nemuris," they would hit. I went all the way to the poke and when I looked at the plate it was "during the nemli" as I expected. One deep breath Mizuchi pressed his hand against both open doors, trying to push it open, but the moment he put his hand on it, it slowly but automatically opened.

Step into fear. The magic props of the lights automatically lit up. The room seems to be spread out to the left. The depth was likely to be 15m. There are shelves all over the room, and there are things that I don't understand. In the meantime, apart from the larger bed sitting in the back and the desk in the corner, it's a hole in the middle of the floor that catches my eye. Someone dug a hole and broke into Her Majesty's bedroom!? And not long after I thought, my voice rang from nowhere. It doesn't feel like an ear, it sounds like it's in a direct prefix.

"If you are Vertebra, exit your generation, if not. The respite is ten seconds. Ten..."

When I rushed to remove the ank and hit it on my forehead, I sang your generation. There was no way I could sing it out in ten seconds, but the countdown stopped when I sang the first two phrases. When I finished singing, there was a three-dimensional video of Lils standing over a hole in the middle of the room. Unlike when I saw the footage during the day, the other side looks a little transparent. Besides, both feet fuse into one around the knee, and from the fused area, the skin is like a plant and thickened. The tip was in the hole so that the plant could root. Whiter, longer hair and slightly thinner blue-purple skin than snow. Red purple slightly distorted almond-shaped eyes. Eight spider legs growing and subtly moving to break through the skin from the back. I don't wear clothes.

'I checked with Mr. Vertebra. This is the magic I put together on May 30, 7444. A certain degree of response is possible, but I am unable to answer your question, which is far too far from what I had envisaged. Nor can I answer your questions about the reason of this world. I'm sorry if there wasn't enough time. First, confirmation. Is this the first time you've been here?

"Yes, it's my first time"

The video stopped for about half a second when Mizuchi, who knelt in haste, answered, moving out again and opening his mouth.

'I understand. Supports in first use mode. First of all, I'll tell you from the caveat. This magic eats quite a bit of magic, but it can be replenished automatically. It takes about six months to replenish your magic every five minutes to meet and have a conversation here once. It is currently filled with the magic of…… about thirty-one minutes….

This will be used if you leave the room along the way. It's a matter of no choice due to magic restrictions. Perfect, but we encourage you to use your time effectively. Note that this is about the first time, so you will be forced to listen to me for the last few minutes. Sorry. Okay, here's your confirmation: Is the reason you were here my instructions? Or was there something you wanted to confirm?

"Your instructions, sir."

The footage stopped again for about a second and immediately moved out.

'I understand. You are free to talk from here. Also, I don't think we'll ever stop again'

I have to clean up first. It would be this at first.

"We have an elder who is looking to increase the production of edible mushrooms as a result of tunnel expansion and plotting the movement of personnel from the warrior class to secure the workforce. I'm Elder Yolette, the current Warrior General. I consider the purpose to be satisfactory in itself, but there is also the opinion that it is only sudden, and I agree with that. How can I convince you to keep it round?

'That's a little hard to understand. What's the date now?

"It's June 20, 7444."

'... I'm sorry, maybe I was mistakenly captured for what I instructed the elders on May 28th... Let's do this......'

Listening to Lils, Mizuchi was just stroking his chest down a little (good, not a round throw).

After I hit it and received the necessary instructions, Lils in the video asked Mizuchi.

'Do you have Ankh on hand now?

Naturally I do. Because I sang your generation on my forehead earlier.... With that said, unlike at noon, Ankh was not glowing. Can there be no ank in this room?

Yes, sir.

"Its dark elf ank is a medium of advanced sorcery for this sorcery. My bedroom, which I am in now, is more free to have a conversation, but it is possible to invoke this magically prepared me anywhere inside Elle Hay by singing your generation to mediate that ank. Actually, as long as you have an ank, anyone can do it, so when singing your generation, try to sing it in your mouth with a low voice.

This one operates with a different kind of magic than this one. If you're not using it, you can have a conversation with my footage for about an hour. Please calculate the remaining time as you will probably have already used it. You can't replenish magic by using it, but by customizing it, you can make it talk the way you want. So don't make him say anything too unscrupulous. Custom method is…

If I could custom make you talk to me like that, I would be very grateful to Mizuchi. If we don't even use it in a very unscrupulous way, as Lils put it, it will be a great force in the future. By the way, will there still be time? If it's still there, I definitely want to hear it, no, I need to ask you something.

'Um... is there some sort of magic to cure illness?

"Less Known But There Is"

Mizuchi was so happy to hear that he clapped his hand and jumped up.

"Can you use that magic in this state?

"I'm sorry. This is just video, so you can't use magic."

A little discouraged, but still good. I got the information that there's definitely "cure the disease" magic. It just turns out that it's possible to use it on your own no matter how long it takes in the future. Tears accumulated in Mizuchi's eyes.

"Cure Dizzies" magic requires 8 all-element magic levels and 9 no magic. But I have to say that mastery is very difficult even if the level is met. It will require a very long mental concentration the first time you use it. There will be individual differences, of course, but I think it's on a tens of hours basis'

Now I'm pretty disappointed... if it's that guy, the conditions must be met. You must be able to do something about it.


I thought I could solve the second problem.

"Mr. Vertebra, it's time. I'm sorry but I will force you to move to the first mode...... I have something to give you first. Take the bottle on that shelf. This is what the label says' Medicine (for disease) 'in Japanese. There's got to be half a powder in there."

Mizuchi took the specified bottle from the designated shelf. My chest swells in anticipation. At the same time I was a little dissatisfied. If there is such a thing, why didn't you give it to me sooner?

'There must be paper and a pen on the desk. Take notes if you need them. First of all, the medicine does work for any disease as described, but its effects are not very high. However, it will be possible to increase the effectiveness dramatically by adding certain materials and magic. It will also be effective against your brother's illness. I'll give you the ingredients now.'

I jumped on my desk with the bottle in my arms when I heard that. Unlike the shelves, the desk was clean and tidy, with a few pieces of thin, fine paper stacked on top of each other with ink kettles and pen stands on the sides. Naturally the pen stood there too. I unplugged the pen and dipped the tip in the ink kettle. I can't miss hearing every word from here.

Black roasted "Croyamori" tail, about 1 cm tip. "Shreeker" body, about 5g in the center. "Scavenge Crowler" liver dry powder, about 3 g. One vitreous part of the "Vampire Road of the Pu" eyeball...... '

Mizuchi was dedicated to even mechanically writing down the contents, as Lils put it.

"" Kuntotoad "eggs, two. Powder ahead of" Wyvern "tail, about 0.1g." Rock Viper "Egg Yellow, One"

Mizuchi's eyes sparkle like shit. I'm overmotivated. I'll hunt you for anything.

"The subject burned the hair of a heterosexual Pu ethnic group, about 10 cm long, for 3 pieces. Paw powder from a Dwarf (Gnome) of the opposite sex from the subject, about 1 g '

I was freaked out at first, but was immediately relieved. It's going to be easy to get.

"Subject and Same-Sex Pu Liver, about 10g"


"Same sex as the subject. Of a homosexual (dark elf) within a week of birth...... live brain stem. About 2g"

Desperate. The pen stopped.

'Or, the heart muscle of a dragon species (dragon), about 2g. Mix the above ingredients with that medicine and the same volume of water as the empty bottle containing the medicine, and practice well with "Aid" -based magic about once every five minutes. If you can no longer choose to be the object of "Light" sorcery, it's done. It'll probably take about 20-30 minutes. Then make it one hundred and forty-four pills and let it magically dry. Let the subject drink one a week, and more or less a month after the last one, the illness will be completely cured.'

Weakness strikes Mizuchi's entire body, although he managed to write it down while scolding his trembling hands in his heart. I couldn't have gotten anything like this. Even though there is a large loan, the finished product will not be matched with neglected materials. If you are a raw liver, there is still a chance that something can be done for the magic of the "cure" system to exist, but such as sacrificing a dark elf baby just to treat your brother's illness...... There's no dragon out there.

Tears began to overflow.

"Mr. Vertebra, no, Mr. Chiztungrol. I don't even know what you're thinking right now. But don't give up hope. Last but not least, I only have one more gift. Next to this room is a room called" Between Meditations ". I think there's only one sword in the corner of that room that I used to use when I traveled. I'll give that to you. Please adore him as your partner. Then I think the next time I see you, it will be after you have accumulated more than a certain amount of magic. We need at least a year from now.

I've caused you a lot of trouble, Mr. Chiztungrol. I don't expect to make it up to you to this extent, but please give me a break. I can't... but if you can, make him... happy. "

That said, the video stopped moving, faded rapidly, and at the end of the day disappeared.

One left Mizuchi shrugged up and cried as he nostalgic for the paper he took the note from.

After crying for a moment, I remembered what I had to do. First, I have to make a custom of what I want Lils to talk about by noon tomorrow. I also added my thoughts to what Lils asked me, and I should have made a custom to the Kingdom of Lyle, to my benefit as well.


The next morning, Mizuchi woke up in a bed that was in Lils' bedroom, fearful that Her Majesty had fallen asleep in a bed where she would be off. It took me almost dawn to finish my custom and I lost my mind. Besides, he was rolling into bed without even taking off his shoes. It turned bright blue with the awakening of consciousness (which had tainted it), but strangely the bed was not dirty at all. On the contrary, there wasn't even any dirt on Mizuchi's shoes.

Still, I paid for the surface of the futon, and when I checked the time with the clock magic props that were at my desk, I already went around eleven in the morning a lot, close to twelve. Realizing that you'd been asleep for quite a while for too much comfort, I rushed out of the room. After I popped up (so to speak, he gave me the sword that was in "Between Meditations"), I remembered and opened the door to "Between Meditations". "Cubic Jerry" was just about to thinly deform the body of that cube and enter through the gap in the door.

When he opened the door, "Cubic Jerry" 's body quickly returned to the cube and went inside the room trying to roll pepper again. "Between Meditations" was a fairly large space, close to the 7m square. There was no furniture, no luggage, a sword waved in the back corner of the room, almost as close as a candlestick. That sword. Very common song knife (simmer) from what I've seen. But His Majesty gave it to me. There is no reason for bad things.

Holding each sheath in his left hand, he followed the basement of the royal palace.

Cross the lobby and open the door leading to the table.

A total of fourteen people are already visible outside the royal palace grounds, including the elders as well as Baindor, the head of each warrior and winning class. Nearly a hundred wild horses seem to be gathering behind it. Approaching the exit of the dirt gate surrounding the royal palace, Mizchi turned to the royal palace in the middle of the gate and knelt as he placed the song knife (simiter) in his left hand on the ground. Seeing Mizuchi like that, they also knelt, imitating Mizuchi.

When I kneel respectfully toward the royal palace with my hands on my forehead with the removed ank, I sing "Your Majesty" in my mouth alone.

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