2 Sep 7444

When we all had breakfast in the morning after running and started drinking tea, a total of four men and women who had seen unfamiliar men and women as a group came to visit me. There are about four to five restaurants where we eat breakfast, so it would be easy to find one if we really looked.

Men and women who are unfamiliar know about their faces and names just because they are unfamiliar.

The man says Corit Lindbell, he is a thirty-four year old lion tribe (Lios), and the woman is Mayria Lindbell and this one of the same age is a couple of Lios. The other pair were Semunel from the Dog Nation (Dogwer) and a woman from the Lean Nation (Elf) who said Hisrullah Hallein, who was with him at the time and did not deviate. Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell seem to be leaders in a different daylight (Sun Ray) from Semunel. I guess I'm here to thank you for saving Big Vince and Ginger. They kept their heads down on me by aligning their folds correctly.

"Thank you, Mr. Greed, for saving the plight of the members of our party this time. Besides, he said it was an out of common sense gratuity... well, it really helped"

Mr and Mrs Lindbell's wife, Meyria said. Does that mean your wife is a better leader? Either way.

"No, never mind. Until I did what I deserved."

Having heard my words, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell looked surprised with their eyes open, but immediately turned off their expression and bowed their heads again.

"I see, you're a fine man"

"Oh, you're exactly what I was asking."

Semunel advanced and bowed his head.

"So, can I have a moment, please?

"Yeah, fine. What is it? Please hang up."

Well, I wonder what. Is it about the shower or about the alliance? Both. Sitting at the same table as me, six-man, sipping tea, eyeing Mizuchi and Uzza couples, Engela and Giberti, drove them to the corner of the store, I recommended a seat. The sunshine (Sun Ray) and the others took their seats when they saluted the people who vacated them. Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell sat in front of me in the corner of the end, and next to them, Semunel opened one seat with me and Hallein sat in front of Semunel.

"We came out of the labyrinth last night and apologize for the delay in greeting you."

Mr and Mrs Lindbell's husband, Corritt said so and bowed his head. Mizuchi is talking to the waiter about something in the corner. Mizuchi nodded lightly at me. Mizuchi writes something with his finger on the table.

"No, it's over now, I really don't care..."

I wave my hands in front of you, too. I don't know about you guys, but it's really over for us. Honestly, I'm only thinking about the amount of ingredients this one is going to have an advantage over.

"Besides, you two were the only ones we could rescue, and one of you was already dead in time, and the other one is still in the labyrinth, right?

I continued to feel sorry for him.

"Whatever Borg hasn't returned yet, I just want to thank you for bringing him to Liliere's body."

That's what Semunel said and bowed his head. So, that's enough. Many thanks if you ask me.


I clasped my shoulders and lowered my head gently.

"So, I also heard that... you even opened the shower facility in the five-storey transfer crystal room. It helps."

Corritt said. And immediately I turned to my wife and nodded.

"Of course, we also want to get people out and monitor the facility for no damage. Thank you for your report and permission today."

That's what Meyria says and bows her head to me. The other sunlight (Sun Ray) who saw it also bowed their heads. That's when they brought me the same bean tea I was drinking before them. Mizuchi must have ordered it from the waiter earlier.

"Well, even tea, please"

That said, I finally sipped the bean tea in front of me. The Sunshine (Sun Ray) and the others also said "Thank you" and put their mouths on the bean tea.

"... of course you're welcome. Because it's hard to keep it with us alone. Naturally, feel free to use it."

Yeah, I'm glad you didn't waste your help with the dime. Not only did sunlight (Sun Ray) hear my answer, but it also felt like an air of relief overflowing the face of the slayer (Slaters). Sure, there was a chance of a crack depending on how the sun came out (Sun Ray).

"Meyria, Mr. Gried is the better man to help you."

"Yes, really... Mr. Gried is a fine young man"

"That's why I told you, right? Safe."

Hallein interrupted Lios' conversation with the couple and said: Mizuchi stares at this one.


"Oh. The Semunels were right"

After that, they left the store after exchanging information such as a general schedule of labyrinth explorations.

I took a glimpse of the faces of the killer (Slaters) back at the table before seeing Mizuchi. Mizuchi just nodded small. Oh well.

"Shall we move the place? Come to my room."

That's how I left the store.

Mizuchi sneaks up on the road.

"Lies are just a few of them. When I said" good "and" good "about you."

Yeah, I knew it. Daimyo, I know you think you're a foolish kid. That's all right.

When entering the Boyle Pavilion room, Zulu, Engela and Ghiberti were told, "Talk about important magic. Keep an eye on nobody getting close to the room," he said, putting only the reincarnator and Xenom in the room.

"Explain your unique skills to everyone. You can try it."

I said and encouraged Mizuchi.

"Jibu, my unique skill is [troop formation (partisation)]. Using this, it is possible to form a unit that can easily be contacted by me, with the number of people according to the level of skill inherent. The communication itself is one-way only from me, but the formed troops will be able to grasp the distance and direction, or position, more or less from each other. Valid if you have the same hierarchy within the labyrinth. The level of [troop formation (partisation)] is now six, so up to seven others besides me, a total of eight troops can be organized if I'm included."

Everyone who heard that looked impressed.

"Mr. Coroyll, show me your hand"

When Mizuchi said so, Bell offered Mizuchi his hand.

"There is only one condition for this unique skill. It can only be used by people who admit that they are friends with me. Open your heart to me and turn your consciousness to me."


Actually, I was worried.

If no one here was open minded to Mizuchi, [troop formation (partisation)] could only be used by me. That only makes enough sense to separate the party.

As far as I'm concerned, it's not too late to reveal it after seeing how it went and deciding it blended into the party, but Mizuchi refused.

"... good. Thank you."

Mizuchi was smiling happily.

"... ah... yeah. I get it. Sure. This is amazing!

I stroked my chest down in awe.

"Oh, me, next please."

Tris advanced. Likewise, Mizuchi touches Tris' hand.

"... oh... like this. Excuse me for a second."

Tris left the room. You want to try it.

"Oh, yeah. Maybe Tris is around the stairs now? Oh, I'm down..."

Given the size of the building, it seems surprising how quickly you can figure it out.

"Me too! I want to try it too."

Guine stands up. Mizuchi laughed and took Guineh's hand.

"... ahhh... this is convenient. How far do we know?

"I don't know exactly, but I think we'll figure it out up to about 50 km. Directions can be more or less discerning, even if they are further away."

"Hmm, if it's true, you're going to manage to deviate on six levels... either, I'll ask"

Mizuchi smiled when he saw the Zenom he offered his hand to, taking Zenom's hand and staring at each other.

"... well, Tris, that's it already..."

I watched Belle, Guine and Ralpha as Xenom broke his face.

"Mr. Ralpha, too, come on, go ahead."

Ralpha approaches Mizuchi. Ralpha's an asshole, too, and you basically have no problem with him because he's a favorite with his people. But I don't know. When it comes to putting so much trust in Mizuchi, isn't that the problem?

"Yeah...... is this good?


We took the hand that Ralpha offered and stared at each other.




Hey, no way.

No way, no, okay.

"... sorry. Sounds like you can't do anything."

"No...... open your heart to me. Turn your consciousness to me!

Mizuchi had trouble lowering his eyebrows to eight letters. That's why I said it. It was a much better result than I thought, but on the contrary, not with Ralpha alone...... I told him to make sure the first one was Belle or Ralpha if he really wanted to.

"Stop it already."


Mizuchi doesn't seem to want to give up.


I finally let go of my hand. Ralpha went back to her seat just saying "I'm sorry". Belle and Guine, Xenom stare at Ralpha. On the contrary, Ralph was in a bad mood.

"Ralpha, don't worry. I can't be my friend from the start. Clearly, I disagreed. It was the other way around, though. As much as I thought no one would admit Mizuchi... you lover."

Xenom, Belle and Guine clasped their shoulders.

"People like you, no. I said I knew Al, and we're going to do it together..."

Still complaining as Guine pointed her mouth.

"I'm sure Al's right. You might have been too popular."

Xenom says it sounds bad, but I guess it's about caring about Ralpha, huh?

"Mizuchi, call Tris back. Just so everyone knows."

Mizuchi, who told me, replied only "Yes" with a grump. Zenome, Belle and Guinness are perfect. No, I, I wasn't in the party. I made it stop because the MP would be wasted in Fairy Town. I don't mind.



"This is it!

Only Ralpha seems uncomfortable. Actually, if they all made it, they were trying to make my slaves try it out by saying it was magic later, but it looks like they should stop.

"I'll say a word. Ralpha is nothing wrong. Rather, as far as I'm concerned, I'm relieved that there's a calm guy in all of us. Honestly, I even thought it would be a problem if I could easily form a unit up to Ralpha."

I took one breath and went on.

"Ralpha, trying to identify calmly is a beauty. You've grown. I'm so relieved to know there's one decent guy out there."

Ralpha's out-of-the-box calm is to be welcomed. I meant to say it while I looked at Ralpha with my loving eyes.


I just said I didn't even look at us. You know, I rarely praise you.

"Mizuchi couldn't have been trusted by everyone from the start, could he? Stop being depressed."


Damn these guys, do you like to see your own knees that much? Look at me.

Xenom, Tris, Belle, Guine, and me. At least we can put in Mizuchi and form a six-man unit. Sometimes I get depressed. By and large, I know Ralpha well. Some short circuits, but not basically retarded.

"Well, where is Tris now?

"I guess he's about to come into the inn"



"Oh well, then we'll continue when Tris returns..." Mizuchi, can you tell Tris to bring the beans of bean tea?

I need to do something to see how far I can tell. I guess it's an experiment all day today.

"Oh, yes."

Mizuchi looked at me as troubled as ever.

"You can't. Maybe I'll just have to bring it in."

Can't you noun it? I might have to think of an instructional verb like a cipher. Oh, no, this guy used his inherent skills in [troop formation (partisation)] until he reached level six. There's no way you didn't know that.

"Well, I hope that solves it."

Tris came right back.

"Hey, this is so handy. I know more or less where everyone is. This might not be such a big problem if you stray in the labyrinth."

As excited as it was, Tris says, but as soon as the Zulu and the others called to the room, he silenced them and put them in their seats.

"Mostly, I think you understood Mizuchi's magic. Right there. This time, Mizuchi's rendezvous finally brought us to ten. I know you do, but I can't easily add more members. But I don't think that's the case with boulders anymore, but if I can meet other reincarnators and get intentional, I'll increase it, and if I can get a warrior who can use his shield well, I'll definitely buy it. It's not a preliminary exercise, but we'll split the party in two from tomorrow's labyrinth exploration."

When I proclaimed that, I was surprised at the first moment. I shut up all of them, but I immediately said, "You can do it after that increase" or something.

"No. When I say we split, it's just me and everyone else. Besides, I'll meet up on the sixth floor to explore all of them. Get used to fighting without me as much as you can now. I'll leave everyone's command to Zenom. Tris will be your assistant."

I said it as cold as I could, but as expected, Zulu and Engela have been fiercely opposed. "I can't believe I left your husband alone," he said. I was expecting one of you to try to stick with me, so I don't want to be alone. There's Mizuchi, too, and yes, we have to be impotent.

"I don't have a choice. Then Zulu and Engela are taking turns accompanying me. Meet the other eight in the room with the crystal bars of each layer of transfer. Shall we all get together and then move to the next layer? Xenom, Tris, be careful."

After that, time ran out deciding on fine stories and [troop formation (partisation)] cryptography.

Even at dinner, Ralpha and Mizchi were somewhat unwell. The seats to sit on were also away. This will have to be resolved by time. If you explore in the labyrinth with Mizuchi a few times, Ralpha will trust you, too.

That's what I was thinking swallowing as I drank a beer and grabbed a pork skewer.

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