
Yeah, I wouldn't go for the middle of the desert, of course. Just walk along the wall. On the east side of this mon room, he entered from the direction of three o'clock, and proceeded clockwise to the direction of six o'clock, south. The sand clings to my feet and makes it difficult to walk.

Everyone, although we have gone a while with caution, there has never been a monster in particular showing up and attacking us, so I guess this wasn't a monster room? When I started thinking, it happened.

The sand also rises from the center of the room, approaching us as if the mole's nest were stretching. Speed is enough for an adult to walk fast. It's amazingly fast considering it's traveling through the sand. As soon as I realized it, Bell skipped a warning to everyone.

"Look! Something's coming!

Instruct without putting your hair in.

"Spread out!

Funny, I just used "Life Sensing" magic. I can't figure out if that mole's nest starts to form from a few dozen meters away from here, it won't hook up. Naturally, everyone at the party was hooked. But it doesn't look like you care about that right now.

Because they would be one at the moment anyway (one, right?) It would be better to spread out once and distribute his goals and magically terminate where he appeared. He hung his sword on his shoulder and spread his hands toward the approaching mole's nest. It sounds good to shoot before you jump out, but the sand might cut the power off. Uh, ma, okay.

"I'm gonna shoot you!

When I said that, I used the "Stoneheavy Catapult" magic to punch one telegraph pole into the head of the mole's nest. As you'd expect, the high-speed, flying telegraph pole pierces diagonally around the head of the perfect nest, and its buttocks are probably in the sand through the goal. The mole's nest, which was headed towards Zulu, rose up scattered with sand as if it had exploded when struck by a telegraph pole (...).

Yabe, what is that? Is it about 1 m thick with a dark red purple epidermis? There are holes in the tip like a round mouth, with countless fine fang-like teeth growing around.

[asexuality/13/7/6925 - Raval Purple Warm]

[Condition: Stinger wound]

[Age: 519]

[Level: 10]

[HP: 1390 (1740) MP: 51 (51)]

[Muscle Strength: 45]

[Jun Min: 7]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Endurance: 42]

[Special skill: Ultra-high functioning digestive organs]

[Special skill: Excavation]

Damage to the telegraph column had been almost halved. Mostly, what the hell, that's against the rules! And that's the larvae. What the hell happens when you become an adult!? I feel like it will be broken even if it is ice pickled. Something about that size doesn't matter what your muscle strength is, anymore. But it would be worth a try.

Soon after, a magic warhead flew from all of them and pierced Mimi continuously. But the damage is sparrow tears. Even though I thought of his head and his surroundings, I stiffened them with about 5m cubic of ice to cover the whole area that was out of the ground...... Yikes! Failed. It's a blemish, and that's a long body.

Then the mite appears from the sand a torso that is not hardened by ice, shaking its hardened head with ice and rambling. At the same time, it is frozen from the inside. A small mouth comes out of the mouthy hole, and it's frozen with it. At the same time, it seems to be moving through the ice for as long as it has been peristaltic and twisted. That minute is going to give me another head in a matter of seconds.

I wrap big ice around my head, wiggle it around and it's rampant. It's dangerous and not very close to mites. Anyway, it's over 100 t of ice. If you hit that, you won't get one. Thanks to the ice, it has become completely useless to attack magic to the extent that everyone uses it. But I made precious dozens of seconds.

"Run through it!"

Everyone runs to my orders. I turned around as I ran and I could still shake my head in ice in the same spot with a boom and see it stuffy. Hmm, you don't seem to be able to retreat. And what you say is you chew through the ice, drill a hole, and from there you either dive into the sand again, or you crawl through the ground.

At that time, an electric shock broke the air from my side. Mizuchi must have used "Lightning Bolt" magic. Asshole, the electricity barely goes through because it's close to pure water. And I thought I'd say a word, but Mizuchi's unleashed electric shock seems to have run through the surface of the ice and reached an area not covered in ice. It's perfectly damaging.

You've been electrocuted. The blemishes are fierce, and the body that was in the sand is coming out quite a bit. Everyone cheers. Then I'll hit you too. But with "chainlightning." Besides, I'm gonna pay you a visit to the mighty one! A thicker, blue-white electric shock emanated from my hand in pursuit of an area not covered in ice. The fierce sound of the bursting of tearing air echoes, and a spark of electricity covers the body surface of the giant mite.

Then the blemishes wandered even harder, but they were continuously electrocuted, and eaten to other members' offensive magic in parts other than ice, just cramped and motionless. HP is minus 84. The condition resulted in death.

They have a life expectancy of 10,000 years or something when they check their status slowly. Five hundred years old and little ones were good places too. Also, they still can't seem to retract, and body tissue is dominated by muscles and digestive organs. You have a digestible digestive system up to an inorganic object, and if it's organic, it's about the size of one person and it digests in about twelve minutes? They sense the vibrations that are degenerative in the eyes but transmit through the ground to find the bait. Do you usually even eat an orga or a goblin?

Anyway, I got a lot of experience in Mizuchi. Well, this guy was originally on a lower level, and you should level up more. I was looking for the Demon Stone and it's been three hours. The Demon Stone was about the size of Death-Tyrant Kin, but it wasn't worth it. The colors aren't that white, either. That said, it is definitely worth a lot. Appraisals made it worth just under 3.07 million for one. If I sold it, would it be more than 21 million Z. As a single demonic stone that can be taken from a single demon, it's the biggest ever, with the exception of Death-Tyrant King. Like a vampire, how was it?

After that, the room (?) proceeded down the south aisle, but was also at an end. Return to the sixth floor disappointed. I can understand that everyone is worried about dropping their shoulders. In about ten hours, the owner of the room will be resurrected. I don't think it's gonna be purple warm this time, and I know it's depressing.

4 Dec 7444

Returned from the labyrinth yesterday, starting today with another three holidays. I couldn't get to that mon room since then. It was just the end of the line again. I expected that the Demon Stone of Purple Warm might sell higher even to the Demon Prop Shop in Wangdu, so it stays unsold and held.

During this holiday, Mizuchi seemed to snort with the three of us when he said he would gain experience in the labyrinth with Zulu, Engela, and Ralpha was breathtaking about drinking and eating there because Guine and two people, a new restaurant, apparently opened. Giberti said he was going to try and error the new menu, so I had to let it go and put it down. Tris and Bell didn't even speak in the first place because they still seem to want to flirt.

I have to tell you Xenom's going to the log flat associate baron. I would have been in the labyrinth, too. But Zenom said he was going to Wang Capital, so I also came to Wang Capital's Chamber of Commerce with the disposition of the demonic stone. I don't intend to stay, but I decided to meet you at my store when I was done.

Zenom crossed Mizuchi's military horse, and I broke up at the entrance to the Lombertia while riding my military horse. Before I went to the Chamber of Commerce, I stopped by the Demon Prop Store and tried to redeem the Demon Stone, but I reconsidered whether it was okay to show Anna and Hannah the big Demon Stone before proceeding with the horse to the Green Chamber of Commerce first.

"Oh, hey, you're annoying"

Hannah, who was sweeping in front of the store, admitted to me with her eyes open and lowered her head.

"Ooh, Hannah, how are you? Fine. I'll show you. Is Anna in there?

When I connected the horse to the pile in front of the store, I removed the lumbar bag with the demon stone and spoke to Hannah.

"Huh? Good stuff? What is it?

Hannah follows me into the store.

"Hannah! Did you finish cleaning?

Yoturen, who saw it, put his hands on his hips and cautioned.

"Well, well, 'cause I got something a little better. You're rarely going to see it, and take a big look at it."

When I took it, Yoturen looked sorry.

"No... if that's what the chairman says..."

"So, what about Anna?

"I just made him go buy lunch... sorry"

"Oh well. Then I'll wait till I get back. Give me tea."

When I said that, I smiled at Camnal, who was peeking at me from the shadow of the pillar behind the store. Kamnal, still small, kept his fingers shaved, "Who is this guy?" He looked at me with a face like that. When I asked him to sit back on the sofa for the reception, he walked in a nasty manner.

"Kanna, look, candy."

From the bag with the demon stone, I took the sachet with the candy balls I bought on the road and picked one out of it and showed it to Camnal and it came close as a sneer. I shaved him one, and it looks like Hannah started making bean tea when he was stroking his head.

"Chairman, I'm always done"

Yoturen lowers his head in awe, but when he waves and makes him stop.

"That's okay. If you can buy Kanna's hospitality to this extent, it's cheap. Nah!"

I said and stroked Camnal, who was obsessed with shaving candy. I just remember my nephew Liantaro, who was adorable in his previous life. You don't look alike at all.

"And, Yoturen, it's my salary from next year, it's a raise. You're 300,000 a month, Anna's 130,000, Hannah's 100,000."

"Huh? Thank you! I'll do my best!

"You've worked well for a year. But don't think there won't be a big raise like this one on the rocks for a while."

And then if we don't have a problem with it, we'll get about 10,000 Zs of salary increases each year. There is a headcount tax on Camnal, and you can hire extra when you can work. If you're paid like this, you don't have to get your hands on the savings you sold the store. You don't have a problem living and going normally.

Hannah brought the bean tea while we were talking about the public. I thanked Hannah and she was happily licking me when I recommended candy balls to her as well.

"I'm home. Good day, Chairman"

Anna came back sipping bean tea. Looks like he was out buying rye black bread. Say lunch shopping. There is only the King's Capital on the boulder, and there are shops in Lombertia that bake bread every day. I can't believe I was in Barkud, because there is no bakery. In each household, the bread was baked together for about a week, and after the next day, it bit as hard as I could on the hardened bread.

"Whoa, Anna, come here. Let me show you."

I also let Anna shave the candy balls and took the purple warm demon stone out of the bag and put it on the table.

"Ah, come on!

"Is this a demon stone?

"It's so big"

"I came out of a demon that I defeated in the Labyrinth of Balduk the other day. It's not that big of a thing, is it?

I was proud to say, and then I just said,

"Look at the status, so it's a single demon stone, it's amazing"

I said and raised my nose high.

"That's a big deal...... the boulder is the chairman"

Yoturen sighed when he saw the status. Anna and Hannah didn't seem to get it very well. But it would also be a good experience to say that you've seen a giant demon stone. I don't know what you've been through.

"By the way, I'm worried that when this is all I have on the boulder, I can buy it from Balduk's magic prop shop. Xenom... It's that dwarf, but I brought it to Wang Capital because Xenom said that it might simply not be priced by magic if it was huge and single. Don't you know about Yoturen?

That's what they said. Yoturen looked a little troubled,

"I've never seen such a splendid demon stone, and it's smaller like I usually use it...... sorry, I don't know"

I said. Maybe you should think about it. If I lived normally, I would never use or see anything like this...

"Oh well, no. I'm going to the big magic shop."

When I drank the bean tea, I stood up with the demon stone in my bag.

"Xenom should be here after this. I'll meet you there. I need some tea."

When I said that, I crossed the horse and left the store behind.

Splendor, a magic prop shop. It's the biggest magician in Wangdu. Once inside through the entrance, it is well known that the boulders are quite different from Keel's magic props shop or Balduk's. The store is nicely cleaned and one piece of dust has not fallen off. The shelves set on the walls of the store are lined with lighted magic props with excellent luxury designs. Of course, there are many different sizes of stoves on display, as well as kitchen products such as steamers (steamers) and baking cauldrons, and appliances such as refrigerators (refrigerators) and freezers (freezers), humidifiers (humidifiers), air conditioners (air conditioners), and hot air fans (hairdryers). Even so, it's not as decent as I got in the basement of the labyrinth.

There's only about four bottles of refrigerator (refrigerator) beer, and the humidifier (humidifier) isn't the whole room, it's all like a toy, to the extent of a skin care tool that puts cold water vapor on your face. Is that as decent as a hairdryer? You don't need me, though. Even appliance-like demonic props like those toys are quite pricey. I wonder what the lack of guards is because exhibits are dummy.

I once proceeded to the exhibition hall of the merchandise, and when I went to the counter in the back, I asked to buy the demon stone whether it was the clerk or the owner.

"How many?

I was asked carefully, so I guess the customer base is expensive. The stuff you're selling is the stuff. I guess it's an aristocratic specialty.

"It's one."

I never got fooled for answering that, but he looked a little discouraged.

"This is it. It was taken from the demons we defeated in the Labyrinth of Balduk."

I grabbed the demon stone out of the bag and placed it on the counter as a decoy. About 1.5 kg in adult fists is sweet, extraordinarily big guy. The color itself is gray though. The clerk who saw it was about to take off the magic props on the scale when he opened his eyes to his surprise.

"This is... big. There will be demand for customers who use large magic props. That's a fine mother stone..."

And I was impressed.

"Will it still be worth the price of magic?

When I heard,

"That's right. But if it's this big, it's going to bind a lot, so it's definitely going to have more value than magic. Mind if I keep it for a few days?

say. I nodded because there was nothing wrong with it. Then I took a note looking at my status and asked the clerk for my contact information,

"That demonic stone, it's what it remains to be picked from a single demon, won't it be worth more?

I tried to say.

"Wow! Are you single with this size, shade... I might take a moment to price it. Excuse me, open status... I see... this doesn't seem magical. It's a shade too bad."

I flaunted my shoulders,

"Well, I've never been over selling high. Thank you very much."

So I left the store.

The following day, a use from Splendor came to Balduk's Boyle Pavilion. I hear the demon stone sold. The price was… slightly over Z 56 million. Splendor, the magician, made a lot of money in just two days. Me, too.

Although it is a demon stone sale, luxury taxes arise from the fact that it was sold as a work of art (it would be a work of art at that price), but it is a big fruit. I was thrilled to tell everyone. Anyway, the bonus has exceeded one gold coin per person (millions of Z).

In this case, one thing got clever. I had some anticipation, but it was established that a large single demonic stone could be sold very high. I've never tried it before. It's a shame to say that Death-Tyrant Kin's demon stone is a shame, but if you care about it, you can go defeat monsters of the same quality. I don't want to go because it's not cool.

But... you really have money where it is.

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