14 Dec 7444

"... is the thought of scales falling from your eyes. I'm ashamed of you. That's true. The idea of 'Follow the township when you enter the township' was not enough. I apologize. Sorry, sir."

The Falergers have also sincerely put in their apologies. It sounds Japanese to get a little stuck and keep your head down easily, but it's not a beauty or anything in an oath. We need to make it stop around here.

"Mr. Heroskol, Mr. Falergers. Head up, please. I understand how you two feel."

I woke up my back off the back of the couch and smiled. Let's change the subject.

"This is a personal interest, so if it doesn't seem convenient to you, you don't have to answer it...... do you two have any friends besides those on this occasion?

Maybe there isn't, I think. Oh, don't get me wrong. Earlier they referred to Bastral as a "friend". I'm sure we won't have a relationship for a month. I asked him if he knew any other Japanese. There was also a feeling that he didn't want to understand that I was trying to gather Japanese people in a direct way. Anyway, it's not like you're still one of mine.

"Friend, huh?... you're not here, I'm... just these two."

"I... can't help calling it that, but I have one in my hometown. Two older fights, friends."

Falergers looked lonely, Heroskol said, looking nostalgic. Isn't there a second dojo on the boulder? I can't help this, though.

"Even though I don't mean it, I'm living a new life in the corner. I hope you have many friends."

That doesn't feel right.

"I think if we can interact with as many people as we can, we'll also have many opportunities to touch on different ways of thinking. It's also on the edge of something that I've seen you here. Why don't I add you to your friend's seat?

First I offered my right hand to the Falergers.

"Huh? Ah, oh. Oh, of course! Of course, Mr. Gried."

Falergers said he would hold my hand and lay it up to his left hand on top of it.

Next, he also gave a hand to Heroscol. He held my hand as well.

At least this won't make a bad relationship any time soon. It might be sweet but now we should be satisfied with this. Anyway, whatever the initial misunderstanding was, I said my dream was a "grand lie I can't even do". At least you won't be sympathetic, and you'll say that even they don't have the same mentality to believe in the dream story of wanting to make their own country. Because you must be Japanese for better or worse.

But I didn't give up on adding them to my subordination. In the future Heroskol can only think of the same position as his current companion, but I really want the Falergers. He's the only one who wants to get it after all he's done. I think I need to spend a lot of time working out not only about his flesh, but maybe about the mental aspect as well, but apart from my magic, it will probably be the hardest but only strategic weapon to handle. It would be far superior to my magic and such in a pure sense. If you're sure you won't take advantage of me, you'll have to kill me before you get far.

"Well, that's the way it is, and first of all, Mr. Bastral's cost of liberating that Mr. Falergers has replaced him. How about that?

"The cost of liberation is 150,000 Z for the cost of the shrine and 3 million Z for buying him out. Others were about to launch a chamber of commerce, so we are lending a total of 5 million Z. for the cost of obtaining a chamber license and 850,000 Z. for seed money"

Huh? Three million Zs? It's broken to be a powerless Cat People (Cat People) kid, not to mention an adult man. Two and a half million at best, right?... I'm sure they must have seen you at your feet. I'm sorry.

"What about interest?

"I didn't take it, now let's bring a letter of borrowing"

The Falergers took their seats and went outside. Five gold coins. 3.15 million Z., but the rest will be returned immediately, except for the immediate cost of living. You still have it in cash. That's okay, me, I only have maybe 2 million Z in my wallet...... I don't usually carry that kind of expensive cash... and it was my chamber of commerce here. I have about 5 million. I told you to put aside 10 million dollars for grain seeds and purchasing. More than that, though, it's a loaned locker from the administration.

I got up off the couch too and went upstairs as I passed by Mizuchi's side. When I went into Ryog's bedroom on my own, I opened the provided hidden drawer, picked only the gold coins and went back with five. Currency waxed in cloth by type. A bitter laugh leaked because of the few aspects of Rozral and Wendy. As he returned, he returned to his seat with paper and pen, the demonic stone of the contract, from the small desk at the entrance to the warehouse (backyard), which occupies a third of the total area, behind the ground floor.

The Falergers are back almost at the same time as me. Put the 5 million z of the show on your desk and talk to Bastral.

"Mr. Bastral. I have 5 million Z. Use as much as you need."

It would be better to let this guy repay his debt to himself in conjunction with his current possession. What, that? What are you taking it all for? Praise me for my willpower not to surprise you in the face. Bastral just gave me one head down and took it all and gave it back... The Falergers are checking by multiplying the status openings one by one. When I finished checking all five sheets, I tore the borrowing letter and threw it away. Yeah, well, there's a lot of silver coins and stuff, and you don't even look at the status. I don't know, like nearly 2 million Z. Jali coins... Can't you call silver coins Jali coins?

But against my mind, Bastral never tries to open his wallet. That's all he was staring at me for.


It's not a pageant. Give me my money back. You have it, don't you?

"Um, are you sure you don't want to write a borrower?

No, of course you can write it down. Ah! Right! Mengomengo. You have to buy weapons and armor, right? I totally forgot.

"Oh, of course you're going to write it, but I thought I'd add it to the contract. Better to pull it off, right?

"Um, there's a favor to ask..."

"Hmm? What is it?

The nasty Bastral story was unnatural.

"Two million more, no, could you lend me an extra million? I know a hundred things, but please."

See? I thought a million for weapons, 500-60k for leather armor, and maybe 200k for immediate living costs, so I thought 5 million would be fine, but a million more? You want such fancy weapons? Whatever the magic weapon is, there's no such thing as a high-end weapon guy on our team except my handmade sword, is there? The armor's been there lately though. Oh, no, Engela's step flat (broadsword) was the one that does about 5 million. Think of it that way, except for me. Was the slave woman using high quality flat (broadsword) on metal belt armor (banded mails) the best equipped... hilarious.

"Hmm... may I ask you how to use it?

It is only natural for Japan to confirm the use beyond lending money. I really want to know.

"Hmm... I have a woman in my hometown who promised to marry me. I'm the same slave, but I want to buy her. Free folk slave-owned people-tax is a million, so I'll be free to marry you soon..."

Yes? Hey, wait a minute. I alternated between Falergers and Heroscol. They nodded heavily. It seems true what this guy is saying, but it's on a boulder...

"... Mr. Bastral. I can't do that. No, I'm not saying I don't have any money. As I said earlier, the labyrinth is a dangerous place. Honestly, you could even lose your life by the end of the year. Are you asking me to take any more risks? By and large, if you buy the woman, how are you going to fit all your weapons and protective equipment? As a precaution, the price for infantry swords (short swords) and spears (spears) is 700,000 to 800,000 Z, and leather armor is a little cheaper than that, right? You'll need to pay for your immediate living."

Bastral got stuck in words when I said that. The Falergers can't seem to say anything to this either.

"Be patient for a year or so. To be clear, there can be no such thing as the same treatment as my fellow Members now from the outset. So to speak, think of it as a start for the two armies. But you can promise me, a year from now, if you had survived splendidly, you wouldn't be able to have a luxurious life, but I think you could make enough money to buy your wife and have a couple together to pay exactly head taxes.... Which one are you from? If you're worried, if you're working fine in six months, I can buy it."

I don't give a shit. Asshole, I am. A philanthropist who hires his own companions who are having trouble with their lives.... I don't care what you think of this, it's over my take out. Absolute obedience to my orders is natural. I figured if I was going to sign a contract, I'd think about it in writing. Contracts are reciprocal, but it is normal for each other's power relations to change the content. Otherwise, Japan's subcontracting won't crumble. Something's already getting silly.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's the biggest concession. If you're not comfortable with this, you can't hire me."

I won't let you complain about not being able to hire me now. I can't wait to hear you complain about turning down the debt increase. In time, if I really can't throw it out and pay you back, I'll just make you my debt slave.

"... I get it. I didn't mean to be rude. Thank you very much."

"Yes, it's nice to meet you. Now get your weapons and protective gear together quickly. You have to take the inn too."

When I said that, I ordered Zulu, who stood at the door, to let the Yoturen inside.

"I'm sorry you suddenly pushed me. And tell me you spent 5 million on Rosrall.... Look, I'll tell you directly on the way home. And now let Anna and the others eat something warm."

When I appropriately let Leila grip a couple of silver coins, I urged everyone to try to leave the Chamber behind.

"Um, Mr. Gried"

Falergers talked to me as I put on my helmet and started putting my hand through it. Yeah, tell Mizuchi. I'll find out who you are. It's so easy to give up the two Japanese in the corner, that's easy to give up the knight too.

"Hmm? What is it?

"Can we go as far as Balduk, too?

Huh? Make yourself at home. I appreciate that one. Yeah, speaking of which, you said something about seeing it through. If you follow me on your own for a while, I'll save you the trouble of surveillance.

"Yeah, I don't mind. Ralpha, Guine, stand up. Let's go. Zulu, Engela, get your seats in the carriage first."

My leg was paralyzed, I stood up relaxed, and I had to put my leg on the bell - my voice hung up even more as I clasped my two assholes with my helmet to the side.

"And I need a favor..."

What, already. I won't hire you for the time being. It looks like a hassle.

"Well, I'd like you to sell the sheath..."

"Ho, I really wanted to come buy a sheath"

I was told in a voice so small that I couldn't hear it.

Huh? No more, right? Some kids are young. Were you a customer?

"Yoturen, do you still have enough sheath?

When I asked him in a low voice, he seems to have considerably less stock, but there is. However, it seems that all that remains are SS and XL sizes. The rest was filled by the already contracted whorehouse chamber of commerce, and the free stock was zero. It seemed unfortunate when I said there was nothing left but super tiny and stupid big because I had no choice.

"If you can come to the inn, you can divide the S and M sizes somewhat..."

Of course, there are M sizes that I use, but I have the M sizes that I pay Engela and the S sizes that I sell to Tris, so naturally I have more in stock.

In the meantime, we were all able to push them into the passenger carriage, so Mizuchi and I rode to the rubber workshop, told the Rosrals that we spent 5 million because the money suddenly became available, and chased the passenger carriage.

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