19 Apr 7445

"You've spoken quite a bit."

Mizuchi and I talked as we walked towards the Boyle Pavilion. I was talking to seven people for about an hour. Even so, most of the statements were made by me, Vilheimer's old man and Andersen's sister.

It's been like an interview with their killer (Slaughters) from the middle of nowhere, but if you tried it on them, you would have wanted to pull a little bit of information from us that would have passed the five layers they're now hunting for and had a ton of information on the next six or seven layers.

Of course, neither this one nor the water leaked information defense and gave the words, "Shit, no cute shards. He's a kid." What's so sad about that, it's not even a penny. You have to disclose the information. It's not like the curse of a cursed sword.

I'm done thanking and thanking you for the curse, but the information on the labyrinth will continue to be extended, and the treasure that should be mine on the day when you get on track and go eight layers ahead may disappear. Only the top team can be caught off guard.

But I knew the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) were enough to peek into the six layers too... On the contrary, it makes sense that we got that information. At least that means they chose to make money on five layers rather than being forced to go to six.

That said, even in Balduk, the Green Regiment of Old Stocks (Berdegli Brotherhood) Something seems like the average age of a party is past the mid thirties, and this one may just be trying to make money without being forced.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be the top team giant in the future, without getting extra restraints from the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) (I've never had any particular restraints before, but that was just non-interference without promise. I attached a promise that I would continue to be able to get through that noninterference. Promise) I had something to gain because I could act.

I decided to go back to the Boyle Pavilion, have just one cup of tea in my room, take one dose and then show my face in Xenom's room. Mizuchi is going to Xenom's room as soon as he returns to the inn. It's just easier for me to do it with them if I had more time to sort it out than suddenly I look at them.

I think about the future while I have tea too.

In a week or two, I will go back to Master Mira and teach him the magic of "Uncurse (Remove Curse)". However, we are talking about assuming that there is such magic. If not... I just have to say that I couldn't do it as it sounds right. I don't look good, though.

II. De-curse Balchemy's Sword in Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). I don't know what that will do to my sword. or "Curse (Removal Curse)" may fail. In that case, too, I'm not dressed up, but there's nothing I can do.

If three, one and two went well, I can at least make a loan to Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) is not a loan, but it will be to a greater extent at a glance. Anyway, the only consideration I asked for was vague promises and sunlight (Sun Ray) information.

Four, if one and two end up dressed badly...... that doesn't matter. There will essentially be nothing different than before. It may be seen lightly by the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), but there is no choice but to do so, and there is a sense that even they are initially unable to do so. At best, "you're not very different from ourselves" or something to that extent.

In this case of the Cursed Sword, I think you can decide that there are no negative factors, no matter how you fall, for the Killers (Slaters).

Well, the problem is with the sunlight (Sun Ray) and the Falergers. What would everyone have thought to do? If it's not very unscrupulous, I'm basically going to let it go. If Falergers and Heroskol don't die because of this behavior, even if it doesn't go well, there will be opportunities for salvation in the future.

What I need to be aware of is being corrupt so as not to create a definitive gulf with future war candidates. And there are two things about their lives that keep them from causing the kind of crisis that this action causes.

That's when I heard knocking on the room. When I opened the door, the innkeeper arrived and gave me a message. It's from Madame Ronslyle, owner of "Slave Shop Ronslyle". I hear you've secured the Bastral woman. But he said he was anxious. Hmm. There seems to be a problem leaving it alone. I was thinking a little bit, even as the lad who finished passing on the message went downstairs, holding the door handle.

I left the room as it was and knocked on Xenom's room and opened the door. Seven eyes looked at me with Mizuchi in.

"Uh, guys, it's a labyrinth from the day after tomorrow. Eight days, not six. Earn from the 22nd to the 29th. Make a buck before Golden Week. Is everything all right?

"Oh, no problem"

Xenom replied on behalf of everyone.

"Okay, so, after that, it's seven holidays. Close till May 6th. I'll put it back on track from the 7th."

"Right. Got it. Everybody all right?

Everyone snorted.

"I'm coming out a little. And let me talk to you at dinner."

That's what I said and closed the door.

On the road to "Slave Shop Ron Slyle," I calculated. This time we dive into the labyrinth for eight days, so it's five of those days that we make money on seven levels. On average these days, they have been able to defeat less than twenty orgasms per day. The wholesale value of Auga's demon stones is generally slightly over 800,000 Z. (eighty silver coins). Well, it's a calculation that makes about 15 million z a day (fifteen gold coins).

So, Bastral's debt is 600,000 Z more. If it's four days and there's not much prey, it's subtle, and if you're in the labyrinth for five days, you'll almost certainly get a change. The first day of next month is a payday, but that day I go to Master Mira, so I can give him 200,000 Z's of salary the day before.

Before Golden Week, he's going to be able to pay my debts. I've given him a decent salary and fractions, so after less than six months, I could make him make more than six million Z., and, well, you can do the passing score for me or yourself.

Opening the door of "Slave Shop Ron Slyle" and speaking to Madame, who was talking to the superintendent with a boring looking face, Madame has been so unfriendly that she has recommended the chair.

"Thank you for contacting us, Mr. Ronslyle"

"No, it is the request of our benefactor, Mr. Gried, and I will serve you without divulging any details."

The managers of the colorful elite (elves) wield the utmost affection. The more the slayer (Slaters) raises her name, the better her store's reputation will be, so it won't be too late to say how much love she wielded that doesn't cost her money. I hear Roswella has been using this store for about a year now. Even for me, I can't possibly feel bad about being lovingly responded to.

"I hear the example woman has arrived. But you think I'm anxious? I'm here to talk to you a little bit."

"Thank you for coming out so quickly. I'll call you in the back room. Please wait."

Madam ordered the warden to prepare a woman in the back room when she said so.

"That's right, I asked you the other day. What about the combat slave?

"Yes, there is, but did you know that Master Gried is now having another dispute on the Dart Plains? I was contacted yesterday by the Bainish Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu. At the moment, even though it seems to be about last month's head, there seem to be more than thirty wartime prisoners. We'll be back with the transfer and sorting in the summer or so. I'll get back to you first."

When I say the Bainish Chamber of Commerce, I mean a big slave trader, like the Great Tightening of the Human Trafficking Organisation in the Kingdom of Romberto. The owner is a man named Earl of Bainish, who runs this Bainish Chamber of Commerce for generations. This Bainish Chamber of Commerce specializes in wholesale and also hosts the Slave City, but basically only wholesale to the same industry with special exceptions. They sometimes buy and do so from outside the country, and they say it's the only chamber of commerce that specializes in slavery and has one type of licence, one that has few issues in itself.

And it's easier to say it's a half-public chamber of commerce than to say it's my knowledge. Probably adhering with the government. All prisoners gained in the foreign war are wholesaled as combat slaves to the Bainish Chamber of Commerce once, except for prisoners of high status who can be ransomed. The slave traders are then bought and resold in the Slave City for the battle slaves they need. Only slave traders can resell it. Even public authorities such as the Fourth Knights, which reports directly to the King, and the Knights of the Homeland of the Crown Territories, have no choice but to buy from these post-resale slavers if they need combat slavery.

He also naturally buys from domestic slave traders. Slaves other than combat slaves will also be purchased as a matter of course in the process. After all (today), it shouldn't be too much to say that the amount handled is the largest in the country. As for the image, maybe it feels like a big inquirer with inventory is close. Naturally, combat slaves shouldn't be less than 10% of what they handle. The margin of interest per slave would be thin, but it would be profitable because of the different digits in the amount handled.

The Turney Chamber of Commerce, which operates a "Turney Slave Chamber" specializing in combat slavery, is said to be the only Chamber of Commerce specializing in combat slavery in the Kingdom of Romberto. I'm not going again, but - and basically all the chambers dealing with slaves in Balduk, such as the Ronslile Chamber of Commerce, which runs the "Slave Shop Ronslile," and the Riggs Chamber of Commerce, which runs the "Slave General Shop," are purchasing combat slaves from this Bainish Chamber of Commerce. The Ronslyle and Riggs Chambers of Commerce deal with nothing but combat slaves, but nevertheless the percentage of purchases from the Bainish Chamber of Commerce should be high.

There are several Chambers of Commerce in Wangdu, like this Bainish Chamber of Commerce, that specialize in specific product lines. As far as I'm concerned, I want to grow the Green Chamber of Commerce into a big enquirer specializing in rubber products. No matter how much you make your own country, you need to earn foreign currency, and I think it's important to hold on to the distribution of various products that will be manufactured in Barkud and my territory in the future to make a steady profit apart from taxes.

The head of the Green Chamber of Commerce has registered Rosral Ryog at the moment, but this will take over as an honorary position for a squire traveling from Barkud. For convenience's sake, I am registering Wendy Ryog, Roslal's wife, which I intend to replace with Yoturen soon. Is it just the right time for the Ryogs to take turns with their next squire? Well, I don't care how many wardens and valets you have.

"Well, shall we go?"

As we followed Madam to the back room, a crudely dressed cat tribe (Cat People) stood on the wall. I can see a slight discomfort as most of them.

"This is Katherine Enfall from Rockford Village."

I nodded one at Madam and stood in front of Kathy. Is this the Bastral woman? It certainly won't extend to elves, but it's a pretty good amount of instrumentation.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Enfall. My name is Alain Gried. Bastral… I am the employer of Sarjes Bastral"

"Um, Sargess, is Surge safe? Are you really a free citizen?

Asked with a crying face. I guess they still buy it and the sun is shallow. I'm not getting my hands on whether I'm poorly educated or not. Slaves who are accustomed to being bought come up with their hands for status openings.

"Yeah, he's a free man. I've earned enough money to pay back the five million Z. I've already had this month or so."

Madam turns to the other place and asks Kathy, who is stunned when she hears it.

"Mr. Ronslyle. What is her price?

"... I promise to study as much as I can, and a million and six hundred thousand z. is fine"

That's a good point. Sure, at that price, I'd only get about an expense.

"I think we'll be in June no matter how soon we can come to buy it. Whatever you do, don't sell anything but Sarjes Bastral."

"Yes, of course."

I nodded and turned to Cassie again.



"Let me check your status. I'll see if you're really Catherine Enfall."

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry."

Just in case, [Appraisal] confirmed it. Age is seventeen, and his name is not wrong. It would be reasonable to assume that Ron Slyle is in person because he doesn't have to fool me about this either.

"Mr. Enfall. It's the mountains that I want you to meet Bastral, but please be patient for another month or two. He now makes money with his life at risk every day as an adventurer here in Balduk. But it's an undeniable fact that it's still a rush. Labyrinth demons are horrible, and sometimes a slight alarm or rush can be a lifesaver. Now, if I let Bastral see you, he's still immature, so I'm sure he's in a hurry to make some money."


Kathy looks at me with tears in her eyes and stares at me.

"You may suffer major injuries if you are in a hurry. If you do poorly, you could even lose your life. So, unfortunately, I can't let you see me now. At least I don't want to rush him until he saves enough money to buy you. Sorry, please be patient for another month or two"


It's a cruel declaration in a way. But I have no connection or itch with this Cassie. Bastral growth and life are more important than her emotions.

"But you'll be relieved to see his face and how healthy he is. Tomorrow morning, around dawn, he will run in front of this store with us. If you don't speak up to him, then look at him in secret."

That said, I shifted my eyes from Kathy to Ron Slyle.

"Mr. Ronslyle. Tomorrow and the early morning after tomorrow, if she wanted, let her see the front street from the second floor of the store. But it's through the back of the window so you'll never be seen or heard."

"I'm awed, Master Gried"

When I nod to Ron Slyle, I end up speaking to Kathy.

"Okay, Mr. Enfall. Good luck. Please eat well what you eat. If you get sick, you'll be charged for the treatment. Naturally, they'll put you on top of your price for that. If you don't want to increase your bastral burden any more, stay healthy."

I quit Ron Slyle's shop.

I knew I absolutely needed the money, but if I wanted it, I'd have to give the woman too.

Oh, it doesn't mean anything at all because it's not a gift or anything.

I decided to eat dinner at the usual "Murowa". I decided to occupy the table at the back of the store and thoughtfully order drinks and dishes and hear the responses to the Far Elgars, No Sa Nikko (Sun Ray), where they came out all the way.

"Mr. Al, I've decided on general policy, so please listen to me."

Tris cut the fire.

"Oh, right. Let me hear it."




"Okay. Then I'll leave this matter to Tris. But there's no hurry, and don't overdo it too badly."

"Of course it is."

I'm curious what Ralpha and Bell are saying, but, well, no. Bell would use Ralpha well, and he would take care not to cause problems for me.

Mostly, even Mizuchi will be with him, and Zenom will be there. That shouldn't be so unscrupulous.

I guess I'll let that live up to future reflections, too.

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