2 Jul 7445

Talk to Andersen's sister appropriately about what it looks like and finish the meal.

Andersen finally put his face closer to mine over the table and said, "We owe you. I'll do most of the work for you... but I want you to do your best," he whispered, taking his seat and leaving the store when he finished accounting elegantly.

My voice hung as I sipped tea watching the boy clean up the dishes.

"This way, may I?

As expected, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's wife, it's Meyria. Mayria Lindbell. Lion Nation (Lios). Civilians. Four or three years old. Level one seven.

"Oh, this is Mr. Lindbell. Go ahead."

Stay seated but point across from the table with a polite trick. Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell sat down in front of me because my permission came out. My husband is Corit Lindbell. Lios as well. Civilians. Four or five. Level XVII.

Unlike a wife who can't use magic, her husband can naturally use water and fire magic without magic. The level of elemental magic is four. Magic is five.

Quite a user. I can say a leading magician.

And next to me sat Beanscole Semunel of the Dog Nation (Dogwer). This one is also civilian. Twenty-seven. Level is seventeen.

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell are not of a low level for their age, I would say they have a high level of Semunel.

Even so, Vilheimer, a little younger than them and their wife, is nineteen near level twenty, and now the leader of the deceased shining blade (Brightblade) was a few years older than them, but level eighteen.

Considering Andersen's level is also a little lower than it was just now, I guess.

"Mr. Gried. I'll tell you straight to the point. Aren't you willing to join us at Sun Ray?

Corritt said with a thin smile. I always think that daylight (Sun Ray) is courteous, polite language and likeable.

"Depending on the conditions, I'll consider it. I'm not complaining if I can make more money than I can do a guide."

I answered, joking and clapping my shoulders.

It's a commonly told joke among killers (Slaters).

Ordinary guide prices vary from one layer to the next, with a price of 100,000 Z. per day.

Other admission taxes on guides are required, plus a headcount of the income earned on that adventure will be the base fee.

Sometimes a guide to arms tells you to calculate yourself for two for parties with a large number of people, etc.

And after leaving the labyrinth, it is common for guides to pay for consumed meals and other consumables at the last stage of the settlement.

Especially, the normal guide is basically one more layer. Occasionally, two layers are used as the main workplace.

Because it is very rare for parties that go deeper than the three layers to use the guide. Expenses can be more expensive, so even if you use them, it's just a cautious part of a party trying to step into three layers for the first time.

Considering that, the amount that the Green Club (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) have offered me seems reasonable, but too little if you assume I will give you a guide.

Well, there's no way because there's no such thing as a powerful guide as a member of the top team.

He said the top team took about half a day to get out of one layer, and after a few hours of rest, the two layers would also get out in about half a day.

If I had been hired as a guide at this point, a total of 300,000 z of gallantry would occur even if I considered it a whole day because the calculations are cumbersome. If you multiply it by three layers for one day or four layers for one day, it's a million Z in three days. After that, if you spend five days on five floors, the gallantry to me reaches a total of 3.5 million Z.

The average Demon Stone earned from a single labyrinth trip on the top team is 2 million Z. So unless something valuable or magical (magic item) comes up, you're in a big deficit.

"Ugh, this is tough...... though I guess if I could hire you as a guide I'd get more valuable experience than money. But I'm not saying it's transient, like a guide, and I was wondering if I could get a proper membership."

I thought about it for a moment and then Meyria said with a bitter laugh. By the way, Semunel seems to have been amused by my jokes, and he's laughing.

"Phew, now, what are the terms? As I'm sure you know, now I'm also thankfully heard from the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). We would like to consider your terms."

"May I ask the terms offered to Mr. Gried by the parties on both sides?

Honestly state the terms presented by the two parties. I heard that. They've suggested as soon as they look at each other.

"Inn, have all the expenses you need here and pay sixty a month. Earnings from Demon Stone are in your case in the down payment. Otherwise, if you win a trophy, pay 10% after the settlement."

Well, this is... you can appreciate a lot of guys like the one who got kicked out of the previous party. It's like a party-like subdivision wandering one or two layers.

Semunel also looked a little surprised, albeit momentarily, but nodded as soon as he was convinced. I'm sure it's more rewarding than he is. It would be obvious.

In particular, you would be right to see that you are in considerable difficulty in the six layers.

"This is another... good condition..."

After you've absorbed the know-how from me, you might want to throw it out in a few months or you might want to end it. Is this too twisted? While we're diving together, I can also think of saying that if I make a mistake, I'll scrape the reward for it.

"I go to the labyrinth more or less twice a month. You are communicating your dates for next month from me to your members at the end of the month in view of that month's earnings. This month is scheduled for six to eight days, twenty to eight days, or nine days."

"There's no difference around here."

The day when Natalie of the Vice Month, which is supposed to be on the 18th of this month, will have a full moon, is a perfect day off.


"Well, let me think about it for a night or so. We will reply tomorrow at the latest"

I bow my head to Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, who give me a slightly discouraged look. Seeing me, Meyria continued her words with a whispering little voice.

"Also... if you can join us, you can give us some particularly deaf information."

"Hmm? What the hell is that?

"... there's no mistake in being a good thing. You can say it's a must for adventurers."

"Hmm, is that a money-making story?

"What do you think? I can't tell you until you're in the boulder..."

"Oh, right. Excuse me."

I apologize, and when I bow my head, Mayria says more tones of voice as a few paragraphs. It wouldn't even sound Semunel.

"Mr. Gried, just two years? No, he's the one who made the killer (Slaughters) the first adventurer in Balduk in three years. Unfortunately this time... No, it seems like it's been a shame, but I'm buying you a lot. Above all, it smells just like me..."

When he narrowed his eyes and whispered to me like that, he said, "Well, I'll get back to you tomorrow night," and took a seat. Semunel told me about their inn, too, and we left my table together.

He seemed to have voiced something to the Falergers and Heroscol on his way home, but left them both and the three left the store immediately.

I looked at it sideways and thought it was almost exactly what Tris thought up to this point.

At the same time, I'll think about what will happen in the future if it's Tris or Bell as originally planned.

Would it be okay for the moment if it was one of them?

No, I can't help thinking about this. No, it doesn't make sense for them to be pawns.

You won't have a problem with stress aspects and thinking skills, but you'll get as many military service for special operations (laughs) as you can from now on.

It doesn't make much sense to them to have a lower end experience.

I want you to gain experience where it's not fatal to fail.

People will grow better to learn from failure.

Plus, just a little out of plan, and if you roll in weird directions, you risk your life.

Well, they'll be fine over there...

If it was Ralpha, who for some reason was a hard candidate, it would be good so far, but I can see the ruin a little further.

No, I can't stand the stress in that guy's case any longer, and I can't deny the possibility of him running screaming "uh-oh" or something to relieve him.

Yeah, I feel better drowning in booze first.

... What do you want me to do with it?

Because of his personality, he's a bot. I'm also willing to figure it out if Zenom is there, but there's also a chance that if it's two parents and kids, they won't go for it... mainly in terms of the number and rewards of sunlight (Sun Ray).

Mostly, Ralpha is the most quarrelsome killer (Slaughters), and it doesn't make sense if he can't even speak up in the first place because he's been evaded there.

Yeah, I can see it. It's not suitable in that he's not going to be gullible.

Anyone can, but I can't feel safe without a guy holding the reins beside me.

Mizuchi might be better.

It's convenient for Tris or Belle or Guineh to get out naturally.

but at the same time the most suspiciously perceived talent. It's my girl, anyway. In the worst case scenario, they are placed in a rather dangerous situation.

Still, from Mizuchi's strength it is likely that he can be cut through dangerously......

If you can't speak up to the suspicious sunlight (Sun Ray) in the first place, it makes no sense, just like Ralpha.

Anyway, there are the Falergers over there, so if they say, "That Mizuchi is a Gried woman," they won't have a voice.

Guine can never be removed from that inherent skill, and Bastral is unlikely to get a voice from sunlight (Saint-Ray) in Bastral.

Bastral is newlywed if he wants because there are tangles with the Falergers as well, and he seems to do enough to pity us to talk, but he won't be hired in terms of strength.

... It's most natural for Bastrals to get out of marriage, but the Falergers are going to tell them to stop being adventurous and start in business.

Finally, I already understand that acting has a fatal flaw.

I probably don't really have the impression that you can "fool" me, but you're going to want it deep down, and I'm only the best fit for what I'm going to be predicted to do if you just give me that much reward because of the five-tier shower thing and saving members in the past.

Even if it had any purpose, it wouldn't be hard to think about going through the party that the leader himself grew up with.

Normally, you give it to your men, right?

I guess I'm overlooking both Tris and Bell around here. I'm glad you took into account my position...

I was impeached in a natural way and it took me quite a bit of time to look like I'd fallen out, but it's acceptable if you think it's for Tris and Bell's experience.

If you can get to a good place here and even fail me, there's got to be a lot they can learn.

Above all, it would be a great asset that would be difficult to replace.

Of course, it is said beforehand that there is a possibility of failure.

But still, they said they wanted to challenge for their own growth.

I may have been given a ride somewhere, but it's good.

I was even more motivated when I said that if I could carry everything well, I would pay the sheath free of charge in the future.

Try to use me well to tie me to the results at best.

Yeah, I know the plan itself only a rough bone, too.

You're trying not to ask me when you decide to be a pawn.

If there's a part of me that seems to be missing or inadequate because of my personality when I ask, I'm going to say something to the killer (Slaughters) member opponent.

It wasn't until this, voiced and into the sunlight (Sun Ray) that we talked about it somewhat closely.

You'll speak to me when I'm through the slayer (Slaters) in Lindbell.

When, how, and what instructions are you going to give me?

There are some time lags, but we can communicate with the Green Chamber of Commerce.

"Mr. Gried, is it good here?

Falergers and Heroskol, who took their seats, came to voice.

"Go ahead."

I guess the two people who sat side by side in front of me tried to say something at the same time and shy away from each other, after a little staring at each other, Heroskol opened his mouth.

"Mr. Gried, how do you feel about your reckless dreams being broken? Oh, I'm never insulting you."

"Hey, Fio."

This is... but I can't really make a decision yet.

"Nothing. Because I don't think it's completely crushed yet. Just do what you can to be solemn in the future."

I answered instantly without even moving a muscle of expression.

"Hmm...... Aren't you a loser...? But solemnly..."

"Fio, tell him not to. That's not what you're trying to say, is it? Why are you so stuck again..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lorrick. Mr. Greed, you've been rude. Forgive me."

Ma, I don't really care, it's nothing.

"No, it's no problem. Never mind."

I got a slightly horrified look on Heroscol when he heard my words. You just poked your mouth out, didn't you?

"No, I'm really sorry. The truth is this guy too..."

The Falergers began talking with their heads down with their neighbor Heroscol.

"I got a lot of advice when we started adventurers here and we were struggling with a lot without knowing anything. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry to hear that..."

"You should speak in 'Japanese' from here on out. Are there any differences?

I've been suggesting that Heroskol change the language he speaks to Japanese by blocking the Farelgars' words he started speaking. I nodded because there was nothing wrong with it. I made sure of that. Once they looked at each other, Heroskol started talking.

"Mr. Gried, a relationship is a difficult thing to do. I think it turned out to be a good drug for you. From now on, we're going to try to change our minds and gain trust from scratch. '

"I advise you, it hurts, Heroskol."

Whatever it is, you can't go into the labyrinth alone. You won't necessarily be us yet, but sooner or later you'll belong to some "Scordron". You owe me a favor, and if you can, the same Japanese would like to come in and wear it. "

Heroscol said in an English-like pronunciation only "Skodron". Well, Ragdarios (Common Language) doesn't all nouns are English either, so I guess I brought English words with close meaning.

'Sure, you offered the Lindbells attractive conditions. Can I ask you something about sunlight? Yeah, naturally, as far as I can tell.'

'Yeah, of course. It is no exaggeration to say that we are here for this. I'm going to tell you anything I can tell you...'

I decided to sweeten myself to what the Falergers said and asked a few questions, but it wasn't nearly as out of common sense. It's obvious.

But they just told me about the god bill the other day.

She told me not to tell anyone, but only specially told me that the "former" Japanese were good to each other.

With a light mouth...... well, I don't think you realize the tease, so I hope it's okay because just the information they're hearing doesn't mean anyone loses it.

In particular, they also said no to this' although their mouths seem light ', and I think they would have just told me in their favor.

Incidentally, there seems to be a lot of knowledge about the god plaque, and it still seemed fascinating for them to benefit from super-high healing magic.

I've used "Cure" lineage magic several times before them, but I haven't shown "Cure All". On the contrary, judgments of the "cure light", "cure serial" and "cure critical" types were also unlikely to be busy.

What would you look like if you found out you could use "Cure All" a hundred times?

3 Jul 7445

Earlier the day after dawn of the night, I first went to Vilheimer's in the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and refused to solicit.

"Sounds like you're on schedule. As I said before, I don't care about sunlight (Sun Ray). I'm not going to cooperate any further, but if I'm around when it's time for a fight in the labyrinth with those guys, I'm going to do about a helper knife. Not for free, of course."

And he said, "Let me laugh at best, my poor Associate Lord Gried, who was thrown out without credit," and Guerraggera laughed. You... Ralph would have beaten me up a lot.

Next, I also went to Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) to say no.

Then he went to the "Mogolite Pavilion", which Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell had previously had the Zulu and his wife monitor, and the lads called him in.

"You've made a good decision. Thank you, Mr Greed. No, Mr. Greed. This is our mark. Wrap it around your arm."

I have said that I have offered an elongated cloth dyed in mountain blown color. I'm ready...... I try to wrap it around my left arm quickly but with one hand I can't wrap it well. I didn't want to wrap it around my neck until I used my mouth so I wrapped it around my neck like a tie.

"Well, that's a nice way to roll it. Looks like I can wind it up alone, and let everyone do that?

Corritt says it like he was impressed. No, I'm fine now, but your neck is in the labyrinth.

"Anyway, go up. Mary was looking forward to seeing you. [M] We need to talk."

The middle-aged man invited me into the back of the inn while winking at me. It annoyed me that the wink looked great.

Now I'm part of Sunshine, right?

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