
"Ghine! Larfa!

Tris orders it immediately. The two jumped on Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell as they were played. Guine tells Meyria that Ralpha is holding Corritt back. Both husband and wife are muscular enough, but they have just healed from major injuries now, so to speak of a lion tribe (Lios) who doesn't like it. Looks like they held him down easily. Speaking of which, I was inadvertently observing what happened to Meyria. The face was regrettably ugly and distorted.

"I just hung up healing magic. Even though my life didn't have anything else to say, it doesn't turn into a major injury. Please rest."

Mizuchi said in a chilling voice as he looked down at the Lindbells pressed to the ground.

"I'm sorry for all the noise we were talking about. I won't let you interrupt Mr. Al's story."

Tris apologized to me and Hulk.

"Let go!"

"Let go. Yikes!

The Lindbells are making a scene under Guine and Ralpha. Carm, who watched over this accomplishment by the hulk, proceeded and crouched in front of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's head.

"Mr. Corritt, Mr. Meilia. I am also interested in Mr Hulk's story. Please be quiet for a moment."

"Carm! What are you talking about!

"Yes, don't be fooled! Hey, Rocco, Kevin, Gel! Get these guys out of the way!

To the boulder, Meath, the sickness I said Kim (?) seems to have been excluded.

"Huh? Huh?

"What do you mean?

Don't ask me.

The duck threesome had not been able to follow the rapid development of the situation.

"Rocco, Kevin, and Gel. Instead of holding Mr. Lindbell down. Don't move."

Meath looked up at the duck threesome as she sat down and said.

"Oh, now you're all intact. I count on you. I still have my arm... I think I'll be able to get there in a little while."

Kim also said as she sat down, keeping her back in the trunk of the tree, rubbing her right arm.

"Oh, hey, leave it to me!

"Come on, let's take your place"

"I'm sorry. We'll take care of it later."

The duck threesome, who replaced Guine, Ralpha and the couple to hold them down, was glad to replace the role from the slayer (Slaters) because they couldn't help but be clear about what to do.

"Hmm... and then even monkey monkeys can be fitted... and sorry... First, let me answer your question, Greed. After that, I want you to listen to me a little. Everybody, okay? Listen carefully..."

When Hulk said so, the Lindbells made another noise. Rocco, who was watching Kevin and Gel holding him down, pulled a hand wipe out of his hips, and similarly twisted and stuck it into the couple's mouth as he pulled a hand wipe out of Kevin's hips. It's dirty, is it a threaded stick?

"It's about me trying to get to the Killers (Slaters), that's one of the plans that Corritt, Meilia, me, and Bean made there. Simply put, I tried the Killers (Slaters). Earlier, the Roccos also said they wanted to be in Killers (Slaughters), but whenever the Killers (Slaughters) topic came up, the four of us didn't care... it's the two of them and Bean who didn't care to be exact though.... A lot of guys remember last year when we first tried six layers with Bean as our leader, right?

Everyone in the sunlight (Sun Ray) looked at each other and nodded. The guy with the bad looks on his butt... was all of them.

"I think a lot of guys remember last summer when we were lucky enough to find our way through only three demon rooms to the five-tier transfer crystal bars and make a fuss.... Oh, it's going to be a little long. Mr. Greed, then I want all of you killers (Slaters) to just be patient and listen. Then, after investigating the path, it was found that there were three destinations leading there. When moving from four layers to five layers, you have to work hard to get there. Remember the night you finally decided to go to the sixth floor?

The sunlight (Sun Ray) all nodded.

"You can't forget that. At last, we'll be the best in Balduk, side by side with the slayer (Slaters) who outran the Green Regiment, because we made a fuss."

Gel shrugged.

"Oh, right. Remember who you were then. It's fine that Bean is the leader. You used to take turns with me. Well, lead the bean, I'm the sub. They were Bogus, Ginger, Vince, Liliere, Jer and Hiss. I'll talk to you later about why I'm a candidate."

The duck threesome began to listen to the story with a serious look on their face. Meath and Kim, Carm looked stiff.

"That's when we slipped away from Bogus, Ginger, Vince, and Liliere when we got into the metastasis trap. Jer, you were there, too. You remember that, right?

"Oh, forget it..."

Gel, holding Corritt down, bit his lips and seemed to regret it.

"The Killers (Slaters) saved Ginger and Vince. Five hundred thousand a person. Besides, he struggled to carry me to Liliere's body. I'm so happy for you, Mr. Gried."


Not so much. No, it's not a big deal. You can say more, though.

"Bogus was the only one who couldn't help it, but when we got back on the ground, we had to tell Mr. Lindbell and the others what it was. Bogus and Liliere. We both lost our magic users, and we had to get one of our full members' parties to the labyrinth for a while. This doesn't really matter because it's just back to normal... oh sorry"

By the way, did you see the hulk coughing up? Tris was removing the water bottle from his hips and handing it to the hulk to do it.

"I thought. You're no match for the Slaughters. It's not like we're going to rescue another party member on the six layers of danger without precautions and push him to thank us. I take it with a laugh without complaining about one cheap thank you that is not commensurate with the danger I have committed. It makes us use the shower free of charge, which we would have had considerable difficulty carrying the materials ourselves. Despite the fact that the majority of members are still of childlike age, they are very strong. I know it's because there are many magical users, but I'm making the most money in Balduk and stepping into the most dangerous hierarchy. I thought if I didn't care, we'd be able to twist it without even hanging it on our teeth."

Huh? That's a lot of credit.

"But Mr. Corritt and Mr. Mayria, besides, Bean was different. Perhaps everyone did, too. Some years ago, Mr. Meyria said that, didn't she? Don't you regret that a kid your own third age makes more money than we do (Saint Ray)? Holy shit. Mr. Corritt's decided to regret it too... Well, no one will regret it, not just Mr. Corritt. I regretted it, too. But that's when I realized. These killers (Slaughters) are different from normal adventurers... that's where this is going. Mr. Lindbell and the others cut me off easily."

... Hmm.

"Maybe some guys knew that like me, but you didn't want to admit it, did you? You've been saying that all the time.... well. Anyway, we've lost our power and it's harder to send more than one party to the back of the labyrinth. I want to replenish my power somewhere, but even if I take in an elephant, I can't possibly do much about it. I can still pull my leg if I don't have as much strength as the top team..."

"Well, right"

"I know."

Someone shrugged.

"Anyway, I want to replenish my fighting power somehow. That's where I laid my eyes on the killer (Slaters). Was it last year's twilight? The Dark Elves (Dark Elves) sister at the end of the summer was followed by one of you young guys, right? It's a young man from the Cat People. Until then, there had been rumors that the killer (Slaters) had split the party in two, but there were ten of them, and I wasn't sure. But I was sure I was going into the labyrinth alone. If we do this right, we might pull through one or two of them."

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell rumbled about the moga, but remained firmly held back.

"I talked to Mr. Lindbell and I, over and over in Bean. Anyway, if we don't find out what's going on, we won't talk. I found myself close there with the knights that flowed in as I explored how things were going. You used to eat dinner with him, didn't you? So I decided to get close to them first. Seems certain that he was a true knight, and then he must have some strength. I even thought in some cases we might be able to add them to the fight."

Hulk opened the rubber stopper on the lid of Tris' water bottle and took a sip or two of the water.

"... Phew. Even though Lorrick and Fio were righteous knights, Mr. Lindbell and the others approached them easily because they were runaway adventurers. But they didn't know much about the strength of the Slaughters either. So I decided to hang my kama from this one. I thought about sending someone in and soliciting them from inside. You can already predict how to solicit, can't you? It's your bill. I was one of the decision-makers of having a real plaque. Then I got the information that I was already looking for a combat slave to use my shield well. For your sake, I was a little foolish about the way I used my shield. You said you'd easily accept a bunch of lads and daughters who like you and don't have enough brain miso, like the slayer (Slaters) says in the alley, right? It's Mr. Corritt."

Corritt shut up and didn't respond to anything.

"I didn't think I could. I used to feel it when I talked to you, Greed. They won't deal with me, I thought you weren't dumb enough to put me in such a trap. Of course I did. But Bean told me that if I succeeded, if I failed, I might be able to shake it. But the Slaughter (Slaughters)... helped Vince with Ginger. He helped me with so much money that I could almost say it was free. She also told me that I could use a five-layer shower. I was going to say a word in case you made a choice to accept me. So I was even relieved that you said no. After that, when they told me to go again, I just pretended to go."

It was strange, to be honest, to pull back slightly and say nothing at all since then...... In time a few months after that I didn't think very deeply because the Falergers went into the sunlight (Sun Ray). Is that what happened?

"It's a little longer, but that's the answer to you, Gried. Next... it was about the first six layers... Hey, Rocco, those two, tie 'em up with the right braces."

That's when the rest of the killers (Slaters), starting with Zenom, also joined us. Zulu came to me and knelt down and offered me a demonic stone.

"Rescue, thank you. Dear Greed, I would like to thank you both for saving me. This is the demonic crystal stone of Auga that we were dealing with. It's a small one, but please take it."

Zenom, Belle, Bastral and Engela, who came with us when Zulu said so, bowed their heads together. Engela and Bastral were on their knees. Together, Tris, Ralpha, Mizuchi and Guineh bowed their heads to me again.

When I received the five demonic stones from Zulu, I put them straight in front of Corritt and Meyria.

Rocco tied up the hands and feet of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, who would storm with a knife to cut the vibrations that were tangled in the trunk of a tree a little further away. Of course, his hands are tied behind his back with the hands of Kevin and Gel holding him back.

Hulk, who looked at the situation with a slightly sad face, started talking again. Is it time?

"From here on out, it has nothing to do with you killers (Slaters). But listen, I don't think it's gonna hurt. As we all know, I joined Sunlight (Sun Ray) a little over five years ago. Before I went into sunshine (Sun Ray)... when I was younger I had my own party. There's no two names, it's a regular six-man party. So I lost five of my members. There was an abalone who fell into a pit on three levels, and while he was helping him, he was attacked by demons. I fought desperately but four people died in that battle. I went out of the labyrinth with one of my survivors. But I don't have any money. I ran into the healer, but I could only make him undergo four times of healing magic. He had spears all over his body and needed more healing magic..."

Someone swallowed a knob.

"... I decided to sell myself as a combat slave because I had no choice. What bought me away was a party called Twin Gold Coins (Twin Oaks) that had their money there at the time. I bought it for someone who was a leader there. It was ten pieces of gold. Nice price, huh? Huh? Why did you do that? Yeah, it was my brother who got the wound. Anyway, that saved my brother. I stroked your chest down. But the twin gold coins (twin oakers) put me in just ten people. There was no room for my brother to come in."

Hulk drank water.

"... I felt sorry for me. My brother was diving into the labyrinth desperate to make money and buy me back. But I'm a boulder on my own... I have no choice but to give up the labyrinth and do normal adventurers. Oh, he's still alive. It was Mr. Corritt who bought me. He freed me up as soon as I bought it. Sunlight (Sun Ray) happened to be watching the twin gold coins (twin oakers) fight in the labyrinth at the time. What can I say for myself? I was quite a fighter at the time. I guess Mr. Corritt, who wanted my power, expected me there. I thought it would be appreciated. I wanted to help these people. I thought I'd do whatever I wanted. I've been thinking about making some useful money and paying my debts a little quicker."

... I'm dry throat too. Let's drink some water. I drank water from an emergency water bottle of the same type as Tris, which is attached to the back of my hip. Not good. The water I drew from the well before I went into the labyrinth, but three days, no, four days ago? It's just not rotten.

"I can relate to the bills that we all know here. When I found out about your bill, I thought I wouldn't have to be a slave if I had this then. At the same time, I had no idea that Mr. Lindbell and the others were making a dime from this. It'll take a while, but if you get the real thing, you can hang up some amazing healing magic. It's a silo thing you can't get until you've been here for ten or twenty years. Even though that takes some time, I can get it so fast. I thought it was normal to make a little profit from it, even if it was expensive. We all do, don't we?

All the sunshine (Sun Ray) guys were snorting. Not yet?

"So instead of looking at it and pretending not to see it, I even cooperated. In the first place, if you want a member, or get hurt before the bill arrives, you're useless as a member. I squeezed as much as I could and accidentally hit him from behind in the labyrinth and even ended it. In time, I was done paying off my debts, and I was able to return to my sunny and beautiful body, but still my gratitude to Mr. Lindbell and the others never faded. Daylight (us), which was already a corner of the top team, made quite a bit of money, and I kept taking it for granted that Mr. Lindbergh and the others would take some more from that share. But the price of the gratuity gradually escalated. If I wasn't lucky enough to get hurt so far, I'd only get two pieces and that's it... Gel, you, how much did you pay for the ticket I'm asking for?

"Four hundred last May or so, fifty in the summer, and then twilight... and fifty more, and fifty in the spring."

Jer answered by counting the fingerfolds. The answer was wrong, but can you add up to the boulder?

"At first I got it for 250. That's the first four hundred now, plus more money. It's a good business, but if there's someone in Balduk who can use a real" cure-all, "it's broken. I can't do this anymore, Mr. Lindbell."

Look at Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh. That's what he said. Hulk immediately returned his gaze to everyone and continued.

"You got it? They're all ducks. Of course, if Mr. Lindbergh and his men admit that he is properly capable of fighting, he can escape the ducks. Me, Bean, then Meath, Carm was. So, if you get more credit, you can be a leader like me and Bean. There used to be a Mass with Marille. They were both killed when they were unluckily met with ice monsters on five levels. After that, me and Bean."

I mouthed the water again. I'm thirsty after exercising.

"Remember that. You always said me and Bean should pay for your bills, didn't you? I would have recommended that you just feel comfortable having it, wouldn't you? I wasn't fooling you. It will take time, it will cost money, but I'm sure there will be a proper bill soon. But in a year and a half or two, depending on his strength, he's the only one who survived more."

I bothered. Corritt and Meyria remain potato worms. Is that it?

"Once we're on the top team, too. Five layers, and now six layers, and thus also seven layers, so I want more than a certain amount of strength from the guy who puts them in. But that's all. Speaking of polar theories, while you're going deep, you can be a shield. You're welcome to be a sturdy shield, of course. Remember here the members who went to the sixth floor last summer. That's the first one. Clearly, the main purpose of the six-layer investigation is to investigate. How many demons are there? The main purpose of that investigation was to find out what the trap was and how dangerous it was. Of course I can't even see it if I wipe it out because it's dangerous. We need quite a formation."

But this hulk, he talks to perky a lot. Is that a grudge you almost abandoned? I'm pretty sure he would have almost certainly died if he had retreated right then.

"But our members at the time, including the guy who was already dead. Remember, this is the first hierarchy I've ever set foot in. Don't you think it's natural to be the best member and come with ten people? Mr. Corritt, Mr. Mayria, I, Bean, Meath, Bogus, Carm, Vince, Kim and Rocco are the obvious ones. I'd prefer a lot of magic, but Liliere and Santos are still in boulders... Only four of them went to six floors less than half. Not because Jer or Hiss said they wanted to go then. Because Liliere didn't have much magic on the boulders, and Ginger... that... Greed, I think you already know, because she's my woman."

Gel is frozen with his eyes open. I didn't know when. I'm glad I didn't ask for my body...... I didn't mean to. It was Ralpha who made me laugh. Yeah, maybe he had a loss against the killer (Slaters) because he helped the woman. I don't care at the earliest.

"Gel was right after paying four and a half million z. at that time. Hiss had also paid more than four million. Because Rocco said he would pay and he hadn't paid yet, and Kim had just come for your bill.... you know what I'm trying to say? Originally, you were members of the Demon Room to sacrifice when some unscrupulous, powerful demon came out. Yeah, sure as hell I'd never have crossed it if I'd come home safe."

Oh, I might have wanted to pee a little......

"But I don't care about everything anymore. I found out that after all that exhaustion I could easily, truncate me like useless garbage and even have someone who could use" Cure All "like this. I'm done daylight (Sun Ray)...... I'll smash it all up when I get back!

At the same time that Meyria was furiously stuffy, she pulled the restrained wipes out of her power alone and pulled out the hand wipes that were stuffed in her mouth. [Instant] or...

While everyone couldn't move so suddenly, I was the only one cautious that Meyria hadn't used the special skills of the race yet. I guess Meyria was patient until the pain came out.

Put a spinning kick in the face and kick where you fall towards your mouth with a boot with your toes stiffened with ebonite. I stuck a long sword (long sword) in front of me.

"Mr. Kainestan, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you like to tie me up again?

I laughed and told Rocco. 'Cause he's the one who just mowed and tied the cunt.

I waited until Rocco finished tying up again.

"Well, looks like we're done talking, and how are you guys doing with your injuries? Meyria has started to move, so I think it's time for some pretty painful..."

He was still recovering quite a bit.

"There is no body, so collect even the Orga Demon Stone. The five there belong to Sunlight (Sun Ray), so today's earnings are for twenty-six people. It's worth a lot of money."

When I said that, I took the initiative and turned to recovering the Demon Stone. We split it up, so a few minutes later, the collection was all done. The Killers (Slaters) were out of position, but I told them I needed Corritt and Meilia's watch, and that they wouldn't have to worry about breaking through in case they did, and I left them on watch.

"So shall we go back? Oh, good luck to all the killers (Slaters). You want to go friendly in the future."

"" Mr. Al...... "

Both Tris and Bell looked like they were about to cry. Why don't you shut up? I know what you're talking about.

"Please go back"

Mizuchi went in and said. I've already heard that. Though the truth would be the first thing Temei should say.

I stared at the face of the slayer (Slaters) with a rugged eye. The Sunshine (Sun Ray) guys are also watching in silence.

I can't help it if we make out.

I opened my mouth when I sighed one.

"I told you to talk about it later..."

I repeat the wink good thing you can't see it from the sunlight (Sun Ray) lining up behind me with that said. Mizuchi said as he thought.

"Ok, the matter slows down after we get back on the ground...... Apart from that, sunlight (Sun Ray) folks, I do have" cure-all "available, but I just want to avoid unnecessary confusion. Will you shut up about today's" Cure All "? If someone comes to me and asks me to hang a" cure-all, "as one of you leaked, we will be hostile to sunlight (Sun Ray) from that moment on. No matter what, you may not be attacked, but we want you to be careful with your health, your walks, your labyrinths."

That's right. That's what Tris or Bell was supposed to say in the first plan. You guys aren't as hazy as I just remembered.

"... sure. Okay. I promise. I have one favor to ask you."

Hulk answered. Now that the Lindbells are in captivity, they behave like nature and leaders. I'm sure there are no other suitors.

"We're going to stick these two out to the Knights as soon as we get back on the ground. Of course, we have other members, so we'll talk inside our people, if that's what you decide. I don't even know what kind of crime I'm going to be guilty of in the first place, so I could be lynched and killed. That's with me and Bean, though. If I'm not lucky enough to get killed, I want you to be a witness to my testimony. We have no other nobility here than you, Greed."

"Let me promise you something about that"

Tris answered.

"And then you're our leader, but you'll give it back when you get back on the ground, won't you?

Bell said in tears. Come on, you're an idiot. How shocked are you?

"We're not the ones who decide that. Ask the person. Right now, Nikko (Sun Ray) is losing a substantial leader, so no one blames him for pulling it out. Besides, he seems willing to do the same with us, at least until we get back on the ground. I also want the testimony of a nobleman who belonged to Sunshine (Saint Ray) at the time of Judgment Day. Plus, we need an escort like him to get back to the place we've been transferring to on the seventh floor. I'm sure these two wounds are healing, so sometimes I don't know when my husband will use magic better. Even then, we need him."

We broke up with the Slaughters. We're going back the way we came. Of course, you won't get lost because you're taking the map from Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell. There are landmarks, too.

"Oh, I'm going to take a piss"

That's what I said. I tried to get behind the bush. Rocco grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry, but I need you here. It's a problem if magic is used in the gap where you took your eyes off. Meath says the magic hasn't recovered yet."

... I shouldn't have had to drink water. It's not a round-looking state on a boulder, but it's as far away as I can hear it. The bigger one also delivers the smell......

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