27 Sep 7445

Okay, let's go...

We finished breakfast after a run with Mizuchi and four new slaves, and we joined the massacrers (Butchers) who were meeting us at the entrance square and soon (Sooner) with the guys from the old daylight (Sun Ray). Now I just paid 100,000 Zs (ten silver coins) of admission tax after the earlier Mizchi-led massacrer (Butchers), and I just stepped down the stairs to the basement.

The room of the transferring crystal to the further layer was empty. It's only natural that we start a little later than other adventurers for running and other conveniences. Still, there are several groups of prior adventurers who repeat their transition to well-known destinations. The massacrers (Butchers) also lined up at the end of that line waiting to be transferred, each just checking their gear.

"Garhash, Manzocki. You got a weapon problem? Check it out."

I also spoke to my rookie combat slave and pulled out the long sword (long sword) that was hitting my left hip to check my condition. This is followed by a knife with a band fastened to the leg, a thousand of both arms, attached right behind the massacrer (Butchers) in line. Finally, I checked the storage box with a further map hanging on my right hip and waited for the order of the metastases.

"Slaughter (Slaughters)..."

"Look at that. That's some gear."

"Oh, first-rate adventurers are luxurious in their gear"

"Shit, that guy is Mr. Karostaran. He's got some metal belt armor."

"Hmm? You have a face I don't know."

"Oh, they bought a new warrior. Ron Slyle again."

"Is that shop good after all?

"You can't buy metal armor, but if you're a slave... do we have money to buy too?

"Silly, who... If you want me to own it, think about it."

"Heh, no. Even if I had someone like you, I'd lose a lot if I died soon."

"Hey, next time, check your gear, everybody."


Even when I was hearing rumors like this blurry, I had a brief meeting about the formation of the sharp arrow (arrowhead) on the move because the time I was waiting for would be wasted, and the formation of the reverse triangle (reverse triangle) in battle. As for the inverse triangle formation, it's two things if I'm not supposed to be in the fight. In the past, it should be quick to swallow, except for my two slaves, because other than me, members of the Killers (Slaters) have also done it when they were leaders. Even more can be said to be almost adequate in this formation.

Is it time?


The Mizchi massacres (Butchers) moved further in front of them.

I waited a few dozen seconds to make sure that the spell of metastasis floated on the surface of the crystal rod again, and we all gripped it.

"Garhash. Grip it properly. If I'm halfway there, I'll leave you alone!

Garhash, noticed by Ginger, was gripping the crystal stick back with a tense face and licking her lips.

All right, no one's got a halfway grip anymore.

"Well, let's go. Zetough!"

Soon after the transfer everyone turned around as they took their hands off the crystal rod. It looks like there are no monsters around.

The direction indicated by the arrow on the pedestal of the crystal bar is the wall. When I approached to check the number, Sanno was also approaching. On the wall is written "121" in Lagdarios (Common Language). When I spread the map, I heard the numbers from Sanno. Lorrick was also spreading the map. Ginger, Hiss, and Lutz were also peering into Rolic's map.

With that said, Lorrick was buying a map of Guineh, right?

... Found it. Here. Five rooms to the crystal bar at the center of the layer? That's good. I quickly folded the map and circled it, and when I put it in the locker, I tried to speak to Lorrick and the others. They still can't seem to find it. When I stopped next to Lorrick, I pointed to the general location on the map and told him.

"Here and now. We're going that way. The formation is the Arrowhead One until the first enemy."

I just walked out when I lined up in a way that put me at the beginning of the arrow. The rear is Rolic, and the end of the arrow umbrella is Dender and Karim, his battle slaves. Of my battle slaves, former knight Garhash is behind me to the right and Sanno on the other side. Right behind me is a former soldier's battle slave manzocki with ginger, rutz following behind it, and a bow usable hiss handed out between him and the rearmost Rolic.

... erm, first time left, second time right, right third time left... so that was a pit about 100m ahead. We walked about five hundred meters long enough to get to the point where there were pitfalls ahead by turning this corner of the parting road. I haven't met a monster so far.

I cautiously peered ahead in the direction of travel at the bend. I don't want to use "life sensing" because my mental concentration is so cool.

There he is. He is about forty meters ahead of the critical point where he doesn't have to be appraised. That's... a goblin... a group of less than twenty. Even if it's a break or cancer? Looks like quite a few of them are sitting around. I'll look ahead with my appraisal vision just in case, but I didn't see any other monsters or anything particularly weird that required vigilance.

"It's goblins. That's less than twenty. You're just the right guy, so let me see it without me. You're about forty miles away."

When I said that in a whisper and moved backwards, Sanno and Garhash, the three shielded by Lorrick, were led by five men who added the Dender of the Battle Hammer and the Karim of the Battle Axe (Battleax) in Lorrick's Battle Slave. Ginger, Lutz and Manzocki attacked with spears from between them, a formation that Hiss would cover with a bow.

"Wow, this is the first time I've fought a demon..."

Manzocki seems pretty nervous.

Pounding his shoulder from behind and gently slapping his mouth against his ear, he said, "Don't worry. He's weak. All you have to do is stick your avant-garde disfigured opponent with that spear. It's easy," he whispered, adding, "I'll cover you in case," to try to reassure him.

Ginger, who was watching that, also said, "Your husband's right. I used to see Al fight a demon so strong that he couldn't compare to a goblin like that. It's not going to be like getting hit," he encouraged. The look on Manzocchi's face when he heard about it also seems somewhat soothing and the tension loosened up.

Yeah, with that said, I wonder if that happened when I helped Ginger on the sixth floor.

But by the words of the oldest veteran adventurer in the near future (Suner), Manzocki also seems to have finally found relief. That's good, but you couldn't be relieved of my words alone? I'm still a kid anyway. But Manzocki is sixteen years younger than me. I guess Ginger, the Alasser Adventurer, is more dependable than me, who is not very old. It's better than the back of a tortoise.

That's right, and who am I going to let take command of the battle? I hear Ginger is the best place to report it and Rolic is the next point. It's the first, and is Ginger easy?

"Assault with three, two, one. Hiss is covered by a bow. Like? Three... two... one... now!

Ginger took command and honked the signal. At the same time, everyone says, "Whoa!," he roars and storms a flock of goblins. The unexpected goblins were all still about to get up by the time (Sooner) arrived, put sticks and wooden spears in their hands, and set up an interception posture.

But it's the sadness of the goblins. Though I stood up in a hurry, there was also a mix of people who would take off their weapons or fall over them.

I also advanced to about next to Hiss, who was shooting off a bow, and supervised the battle of the Sooners from behind.

It still looks like a goblin opponent can win with almost no problems. Confirming the damage after a heavy but short battle, there were no major problems as much as Lorrick's slaves, Dender and Karim, and Sanno, were injured. The injury itself is not like being unable to move, it's just a bruise. It's not like leaving me alone or dying without any treatment. Of course, we are far from the level of serious injuries such as fractures.

Dender and Karim had Lorrick's "Cure" and Sanno had "Cure Light" healing witchcraft hung by my battle slave Garhash, and then I hung "Cure Serious" on everyone who was injured to the extent that it was painless. HP hasn't completely healed, so it's troublesome, but I also hung the "Cure Light" extra.

I walked around one layer after that and let them fight again and again. You hardly need my help. Every time there was a battle, there were minor injuries, but the injured came out, so I turned into a first-aid kit. If all of this was cured with a cure, it would be over a million Zs per head, wouldn't it? No matter how much money you have, it won't be enough. That's what I got when I thought about it.

It can be said that (Suner) 's strength was almost accurately captured in one day today.

Strength number one is still Virginia Newman (Ginger). It's also big that only one person is jumping through level fifteen. He pierces the monster accurately with a spear from a gap in the avant-garde. Traction against monsters is also very good. To be honest, the two spear moves as combatants would also be rude and upward to compare to Guineh and Bastral.

The first thing you can say is that you have no problem commanding. I guess I can deal with it calmly because I'm always calm from the experience of stepping on a number of places, including a number of hazards. Even the six or seven layers will depend on it like this...... I can't say anything about it overall because Guineh and Bastral are better veterans over there. Maybe it's not even like comparing.

Sunlight (Sun Ray) was certainly a first-rate party, and even the early members of the six-layer reconnaissance were not duck personnel. Shall I take her as a hundred points of reference?

The number two that follow will be Hisrullah Hallein (Hiss) and Rottrick Falergers (Lorrick). Hiss still calms down and sorts his prey all the time because of the number of battles he has done out of step.

You can see that Lorrick is also planted in the Knights and is quite dependable on this level of frontline because he has also been through war. The two sword moves that you would have learned in the Knights also look ready for the degree of adventurer there. It's also big that magic can be used. But I just want you to train a little more on magic. Plus, it looks a little panicky when you have an injured person on your side. seventy-five and seventy points.

I'm a little inferior to these two, but my combat slave, Mason Garhash (Mech), hasn't lost either. Sometimes I thought I could use "Cure Light" magic and I just did 30 million Z on boulders. There's only one war I've been through before this, but it's still enough. I guess it's because the sword moves I've been trained as a knight are well founded, well versed in monsters as well.

Is it because I'm confused or have an unusable mould in time, not because I'm a person? Or is it because it's Labyrinth First Formation after all? Because water magic can also be used, healing magic is also efficient, and it may be possible to say that the above two people are mutually reinforcing with each other in a slight glance. Seventy.

These are followed by San Jose Kumir (Sanno) and Luzog Samuelger (Lutz). Apparently they were a pair of general adventurers until they acted with the Lorricks. Often when showing a combination that had breath. Sanno's got a little too much going on, but can you say Lutz is a good discerner of that? It's 6: 00 and 5: 00.

Dendor Smyth (Dender) is an extravagant swinging hammer (Warhammer) in Lorrick's battle slave. At the end of last year, he was a combat slave at a second-rate party called Half-Baked in the Labyrinth. It was with Kariere Marks (Karim), whose owner's family was the same combat slave, that they sold it to the Ronslile store as part of what should also be called the estate of their original master.

It can be said that they are quite good combatants because they have both forces, as well as a species endowed with physical abilities: the Lion Nation (Lios). However, is it due to the fact that in the days of second-rate parties, even before entering the sunlight (Sun Ray), after entering the sunlight (Sun Ray), I didn't end up getting proper instruction, there is a lot of waste in the movement, and the sense of power is too strong. Fifty-five for both of them.

And finally, my combat slave, Jestas Manzocki (Jess). He seems to be of civilian origin and quite planted, but that's what I'm talking about. It's tough like this, isn't it? I use spears (spears) but they seem angry even if I compare them to Guineh or Bastral.

The moves are more diverse in Manzocki, but there's only one Guine and Bastral that's stacked tough in action against their august opponents these days, and I only know the "pay poke" type, but if it's just that sharp, it'll outperform Ginger as well. The deception may also work if it is supported by members up to two or three layers, but the four-layer undead suddenly opens the door and sometimes surreptitiously hits the middle of the side of a moving party. Then... you could die... Forty o'clock.

Is this the place? Well, it's time for the evening. Do you want to go back to the ground around here today? Maybe I can let Lorrick take command of the battle tomorrow.

4 Oct 7445

(Sooner) and I entered the labyrinth today for the eighth day. This labyrinth row ends today. The cost of selling the Demon Stone earned this time is four million four hundred and eighty thousand Z., and half a million Z. per day. Since it's a head split plus one, my share excluding two combat slaves will be divided by nine to just under 498,000 Z. Even after thinking about it in terms of daily earnings (Sooner), it was the first high record. However, the admission tax alone costs a total of 800,000 Z., and there are expenses such as food. I knew it was a big deficit.

Mizchi's massacrers (Butchers) have similar incomes and expenditures. It's tough, though, to say that filling in with killer (Slaughters) money will work well enough. I'm sure it costs money because I come out of the labyrinth every day, but if I don't, it's hard to get enough rest because it's going to be an accommodation in the labyrinth, and even though it's one layer, there might be a guy out there who gets hurt badly from the depletion caused by a series of wars.

Ma, I can't help all this.

The killer (Slaughters), me and Mizuchi won't be around, so the boulder will have just passed the Augumage room along the wall, and they'll make less money than usual. That's what I thought, but what a silly big opal I was finding between the six layers of altars. Eighty-six million according to the value of the appraisal. The market price is 86 million Z. It's a jewel, and it's worth about half the price, so I make a lot of money. I'm so sorry I didn't join you, but I'm taking over 80% of your credit. I'm sorry.

By the way, I think I was able to give a rough assessment of what Mizuchi had heard every night about the massacrers (Butchers) and how many of them had acted together in the past when they were participating in sunlight (Sun Ray). But for about one time, I also want to act with a massacrer (Butchers) and properly identify another. Slaves are there, too.

Anyway, since the announcement of the Judgment Day was made to the Executive Branch the other day, the topic has become more frequent (Suner). Is Ginger not untrained in the Hulk? What feelings do they have for Semunel, who has often been in command until then? Against Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, who were leaders? I'd like to hear some clear thoughts, but I don't think it's the kind of topic you'd hear from me. No, I'm the leader now, and it wouldn't be bad to ask.

But no. There will be a Day of Judgment the day after tomorrow. Vince's testimony at that time or (he was still being summoned as a witness. Me, too), but it's up to you to see how everyone is doing.

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