
The sound of sipping bug guts can sound and the stench can get in.

“Go back."

An order was received from Mizuchi by [troop formation (partisation)]. For once, I guess I'm going to evacuate to a safe place and then talk to you again. It is important to check the procedure and do something only with someone who seems stronger than Auga. Well, [Superregeneration (Superregeneration) Type III] I don't know what kind of special skill they have. It's also the first monster I've ever seen, and it doesn't hurt to go here discreetly.

"Probably, but that's a troll."

Dr. Mizuchi's lecture time began for us gathered at the promising passage wall about 200 meters back.


"Something you may have heard"

"... the trolls I know are bigger..."

"He's the troll..."

"What troll?

You said something that Tris and Zulu seem to know now.

"Does Zulu know? Probably a troll or its proximal species first. They'll heal quickly if they're wounded, and they'll move and attack if they cut off their hands and feet."

Mizuchi glanced right at my face as he explained. Yeah. Correct. I taught him with my eyes. Trolls, for sure. But you know everything, this guy. Because of that, Tris said something he knew, but he came out as an enemy character in a famous computer game. I've heard about the name, too.

In my case, if I say troll, the bottom trawl will be the first thing imagined. Probably spelled differently though. Instead of the value falling easily because the fish body is susceptible to injury, the root fish (a fish that lives to cling to the bottom of the sea. shrimp and crabs naturally included) because they can literally be rooted out, the fried water is huge.

"I've never seen it. I have heard that there will be demons in the swamps of the Weshp region in southern Dabus that say Swamp Troll. I hear he has a very nasty ability to regenerate, brutal, tireless health on top of very strong, a very horrible demon that moves brilliantly without suiting his big body, and will heal quickly even if he is wounded, as Mizuchi has now been told. But that one..."

Dabus has one of those! It's hard to tell because I was kneeling, but, uh, when I got up, I felt taller than an orga.

"Well, how do I fight someone like that!?

Guine says with a slightly frightened face. Yeah, there's no point in saying that, is there?

"There are several ways, but the typical thing is to broil the wound with fire or burn it with acid. And then there's the power moves, but there's so much damage that you can't keep up with regeneration that you can stack it down, and then you can set it on fire again and kill it."

Fire after all. Sounds like acid would be good, but I don't carry it on boulders, and if I were to kill a guy that big, I'd need about a full bath bucket. and then what is realistic is fire magic based attack magic? It's easy to fill that room with flames if you simply use the elemental magic of fire, but if you don't let it last, it will go out in a flash, and if you don't use boulders for a flash, there will be little damage.

Oh, I'm not too worried about the lack of oxygen from using fire on a large scale. If something is set on fire by fire magic, oxygen seems to be consumed, unless it is. I wonder if it feels like mixing flammable gases in the air in the range of effects and igniting them and disappearing in a flash before consuming oxygen in the air. Not as long as it lasts. I don't know how to solve it, but I've told you that even elemental magic is a little different from fire and wind, right?

"If so, is it good with" Flames Lower "or something?

Ralpha said with a belligerent look. I think it's good.

"... or maybe ask Al to soil or ice marinate it. But I've heard it when I was a kid too, but they don't breathe trolls...... Maybe suffocation isn't possible."

Bell says as he poses as someone who puts his hand on his chin and thinks.

"Oh, that, I've heard of it too"

Zulu hammers at Bell's words. What? Something. That's really annoying...... I haven't read the subwindow of the species, and I don't know if it even says that information. Mizuchi's knowledge didn't seem complete either, and she looked surprised, too.

"To get there safely, at least be prepared for each room, ice cream up to his shoulder, wrap his neck around it, and burn it?

When I say that, Mizuchi says, "Right. Or a high level of fire magic attack magic... but I guess ice pickling needs less magic to use," he nodded. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know about that.

His HP is over seven hundred. It would take more than a heavy catapult class of attack witchcraft to kill with a single blow except for the ones that are vulnerable to fire but regenerate. You don't have to make it a missile. MP consumption is ten. It's no big deal for me. In the case of ice pickling, use double or sharpen level eight. Even if it was level eight, I would use 16 with water and fire magic, and 10 or more MP because it is a metamorphosis. Then when you think about snapping your neck and burning scratches, attack magic costs less MP... huh?

If you add a missile, you won't have to remove it, but it sounds like someone who blows his hands and legs off doesn't make much sense. Even missiles aren't more complete than the operator has to direct them to do, and it's hard work to scratch that defense if you're defended with your arms, even if you're after your head. If a large missile at a high level tries to take advantage of a small circle, it also loses its power because it has to slow down considerably.

Cutting off the inductance and shooting multiple shots is certainly inefficient. If you want to increase your inductance and definitely slap it into your torso or head, it depends on your opponent's agility, but at best it's arborest-class. I want to drop it until the Javelin class if I'm going to be sure. You mean you have to shoot in a bunch of shots in the end?

Then we can restrain the opponent's movements. Ice marination is the only way... Um, from now on, you deserve the name of a universal weapon for icing.

"Well, let's go. First, I'll ice marinate it. I'll make it easier to climb some of them, so I just snap my neck and burn the wound with" Flames Lower ". If we get rid of the ice, we'll burn the body."

I made sure everyone nodded and went for Troll's nesting room again.

You didn't seem to have any problems at all.

[Superregeneration (Superregeneration) Type III] I don't know what kind of creature has special skills, but I don't want to live with a severed head.

The moment I hit the flame of "Flames Lower" on the cut neck wound, I was desperate screaming for a deafening scream, and I was able to finish the troll.

[Head of the Great Fairy (Troll) Clan]

[Great Fairy (Troll) Clan]

[Condition: Damage]

[Processing date: 27/12/7445]

[Value: 22]

[Endurance: 72]

[Disconnected heads of the Great Fairy (Troll) tribe]

[The wound has burned and died as tissue since it was detached]

I don't like it - I appraised the big head rolling on the ice with the shape pasted on it, and for some reason I got annoyed so I kicked it out of the ice... it looks heavy and I don't like it if I hurt my ankle. Leaving his head alone, he ordered everyone to descend on the outside of the ice in an attempt to erase the ice in the "anti-magic field".

By the time we got back to the troll room, Giant Mantis' belly had already been eaten, and Giant Mantis, who was only on top of his chest, had come out of the room as he drew his worn belly. I don't know why, but he didn't show any interest in us, so he stopped by the end of the aisle, missed it and dropped it off for a while, and then Bell shot in "Flame Javelin" and killed him completely.

Troll said, I don't know if it was postprandial exercise, but he was wandering around the room. Before they noticed me, I froze it and just snapped my neck.

Let the "anti-magic field" deform to cover the entire surface of the ice with only eighteen MP minutes (you can dispel the magic up to fifteen MP) out behind your right foot. Push it against the ice. This is the easiest way to turn it off at once. I, the surgeon, will be the only one dressed to jump from a height of more than two meters, but I will have no problem with that height, if I am prepared in advance.

When Sakuri erased the ice, Zulu and Engela pulled out their first knife to pick the demon stone from Troll's body and began to come closer.

"" Dangerous!

The body of a troll with no neck was moving, although the movement was very dull because it was being pushed and consolidated by ice! At the same time as multiple shouts rose, flame-based magic warheads were fired from Mizuchi, Bell, Ralpha and Ghine, hitting Troll's body. I'll knock in "Flame Arborest Missile" too. Oh, you don't need a missile for this.

But what the hell is this... when I just appraised it, it must have been clearly biologically free! Regardless of the giant toilet koologi with low original HP, no monster has ever been in motion for a while even if he loses his head making it look like a kamakiri or a big yasde, but all of that is limited to bugs. When I first saw it, Ralpha didn't quite die, so I thought I'd check it out with Life Sense. "He should be dead because he's not responding!" I was panicking, "he said. I was surprised, too. Appraisal showed that it was strange that HP was still there even though it was [Status: Death].

Zenome calmed down and said, "It must be like an undead," so it's all the way to the torso. I cut it and killed it. After a while, I learned that I was vulnerable to fire, so since I started to light fire, I had left a few behind to let Bastral, Zulu and Engela deal with me. Instead of being able to finish off with a single blow aiming at the steeple, I thought it was like a good training opponent because I wouldn't be able to stop moving until I totally negatively drove HP.

After a while, I don't know why, but it turns out that "Life Sensing" magic doesn't respond to worm-like monsters at all. Eight floors.) seems to be full of bugs, so when did I stop using it? Either way, in my case, [appraisal] can be seen farther.

I still try to use Life Sense just in case, but the torso of the troll, naturally, doesn't catch my head either.

When he finally stopped moving and reassured everyone who would deliberately look at the status and be careful after identifying the body and making sure it was biologically free, he again ordered Zulu and Engela to collect the demon stone.

The value of appraising the obtained demon stone is roughly around 150,000. If you sell it, it's better than a million. Over-the-counter sales cost over 1,300,000...... What do you think? I'm sure the buyer would probably be fine with this kind of error.

Anyway, let's move on. There is one more cave in the back of the room.

Since then, I've broken through the room with the troll seven times, including the first room. It was the main road. The room grew slightly larger, and the number of trolls increased by one each time it proceeded. After snapping the neck of the ice-soaked troll, he also confirmed that using fire magic against its incision could make it quite weak. From about the fifth time, I even deliberately left only one Troll who remained satisfied with the five bodies to set up a frontal fight.

Because it was ice pickled, the movement was quite dull, so I could normally cut it with a sword and knock it down. If you burn it with flames before it plays, you die just like that.

In an attempt to go to the eighth room, ahead of the transfer from the metastatic crystal at the end of the cave stretching from the back of the seventh room, it was a cave like never before, but the room ahead was different. Behind the large room, which was eighty meters wide and twice as deep, were altars like those seen on five or six floors.

The difference is that there are no gargoyle statues and that the altar is quite luxurious to make. And it turns out that no matter how long the Lord of the room would wait to be summoned, he would not just not be summoned, even by stopping near the altar, but that the doors of the temple by the heavens were open from the beginning.

Looks like the end of the line here at last.

"It's been a while, and I expected it because it's a luxurious version..."

Ralpha shrugged as she continued her vigilance.

Absolutely. I was expecting too.

"... come out of nothing..."

Zenome also says while holding a hand axe (tomahawk).

"... just... no..."

Tris says something.

"What is it? Are you worried about something?

When I ask Tris, he clouds the words, "Hmm, maybe I think too much".

"" Ah!

Mizuchi, Belle and Guineh all raised their voices. Everyone frightens themselves and looks around, but nothing has changed.

"I'm sorry. But isn't this after what's already inside has been taken away?

Mizuchi said on behalf of the three of them while apologizing for startling everyone.

"... I see... and on what grounds? I don't think there's ever been a guy on the altar with a shrine door open from the beginning. In a few days, the door will close again and the Lord will summon you, and the door will open if you defeat it. There's a lot of emptiness."

That being said, I also wonder if Mizuchi's theory is correct. 'Cause we're the only ones coming to the eighth floor. I can't even nod to say a few days after someone took it away or something if the other parties are coming, but it's unlikely right now.

And, then, isn't it about five hundred years ago that they took something that was here? I think so. I think it's possible that the treasure that George Lomberto I got in the labyrinth was seated. Wouldn't it have been something more valuable, not something like magic tools or gold? I can't tell more than what it is.

It's a demon sword by the name of something, a giant gemstone of tremendous value, and once broken, a thousand gemstones were picked, and it's a powerful magic item (magic item) that is still used by kings in the back of the castle, but I don't know exactly. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have one thing to anticipate, but I'm not sure there's any basis for it. I'm just imagining, in case my predictions were right, you'd still be surprised.

Anyway, it's been over thirty minutes since I got to this room, but nothing's changed.

Besides the demonic stones of considerable value that we got from this trip to the labyrinth, it turns out that there are altars even after the eighth level. Then, because the eight layers are a collection of small areas, and there are overlapping parts if you wake them up on a map, it is likely that all nine layers will be traveling to and from each other.

After exploring the eight layers a little more about this, there will be no other way to make sure than by using Mizuchi's [Troop Formation (Party Formation)] after making sure it is safe.

Is this the time to go back?

Back on the ground, entering the Boyle Pavilion, there was a legend. The content was an invitation (an order) from my sister to come with Mizuchi to see the Parade of the First Knights on New Year's Eve.

You can't go to Master Mira this time......

Should I take more dried food next time than usual to apologize?

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