July 6, 7446.

We made it a lunch break a little after we got off Mount Outer Ring in Balduk.

Soak the baldukki in hot water, about enough. When it gets hot enough, I'll give it to one person at a time, sandwiched with cabbage pickles (sauerkraut) in a coppepan lightly coated with mayonnaise and mustard.

All the newly purchased slaves were eating like they were greedy.

"Hey, don't panic and eat slowly. I still have it."

"If you can eat, you can have an alternative."

"Oh, too much mustard? Sorry. I'll give you a new one."

"Did I hurt my leg?... See, it's a little better, isn't it?

Zulu and Engela, Kathy and Mizuchi take good care of the children.

John and Terry are already gaining strength to this extent and wearing rubber sandals to help Giberti make hot dogs and prepare tea beans.

If you make bean tea in your dark eyes and float a lot of ice, you can make iced tea, and you decide to drink it in the summer.

I have been consulted by Bastral about the placement of a grinder in the factory.

I guess I wrote it hard and politely.

I just listen to you snorted and replied, "Fine" when you show me the factory floor plan and say, "I thought it would be a hassle to clean here and here" or something.

After spending five hours travelling on a break on the road of about ten kilometers, I was around fifteen when I finally arrived at the Green Chamber of Commerce in Wang Du.

It was expected to take a lot of time to get around, so I thought I'd stick all my slaves in the boarding carriage, but below Zulu, my slaves would keep their mouths shut and say, "It's the first thing that matters."

Well, if you guys say so, I shouldn't have let you walk.

Kids, you're naughty.

John and Terry are fine, though.

Was it hot on boulders this time of year or was there no one outside the store?

When I connect the horse to the horse, I creep through the door that is left open.

"Ah, Chairman! Welcome!"

Anna greeted me well and Hannah spoke up.

Soon after, Luke comes from the back and says hello to Layla.

They are both sweating and their hands are dirty. I guess I even did it in my inventory. I said it was time to move, and I should know exactly how much I had in stock and list it.

"Luke, I've got a slave to make you work in the factory. Has the innkeeper got a star?

"Yeah, we're talking through it. It is divided into two places at once…"

"Ooh, that's fine. Bastral. Come and see the inn with Kathy. If it doesn't seem to be a problem, you can keep the contract. Decide which one you want for the man or the room."

That being said, I looked around the store a little bit and hit that they were all going to let me in.

There are already packed luggage in the corner of the store, so I thought it would be troublesome if I didn't put it in.

That must be winter clothes or something.

A lot of things are cheaper in Wang Capital than in Barkud.

The well-paid Ryogs must have bought in a lot.

For this reason, the salary is Z500,000 a month for the head roslar, Z300,000 a month for Wendy the understudy, and Z250,000 a month for Diane and her husband Luke, respectively. Honestly, this income in the family (1.3 million Z per month) is probably the best in Barkud, except for the lord.

We couldn't have spent so much money at home before we started trading rubber.

For your information, my daughter under the Ryog family, Sonia's salary for our maid, was 20,000 Z. per month.

Mun must have been something similar.

There is a huge disparity between rural China on the planet and urban areas like Shanghai.

This amount is determined with my brother's permission.

It's like a bonus to the family of a squire who goes to King's Capital every two years, only a measure while they are making the family of a squire from Barkud an employee of the Green Chamber of Commerce.

I try to force him to spend some money, such as letting him take time off to travel in and around Wang Du, but this is also a strong character to spread the sight and hearing of his squire.

Now it's like buying cheer for a trip to the King's Capital, but it's very important to me that I let someone I can trust live in the King's Capital and let them do all sorts of things in peace.

Well, I don't have to do anything to fly two million Z's a month when I combine this with miscellaneous expenses such as Yoturen Parent and Child salaries and Vail Street store dues. I can't help it.

If the sausage factory is up and running properly and 40% of its profits net of expenses are going to be my income, about half of the above expenses will float, so even for me, I want to get on track for the sausage factory.

Let the newly purchased slaves enter the store and greet them in turn.

"Dear Al, aren't you just kids......? Are you all right, sir?

Luke tells me he's worried, but the grown-ups are a little... Anyway, Kathy's the only one who oversees it for the moment. Younger than her can also be described as an absolute condition.

Cassie will be more comfortable with Bastral anyway.

"I see... if you ask me, right. Their master is nobody else, Master Al."

Luke seemed to be good at it, too, and he nodded deeply.

"For a while, someone will feed him with a slave. I don't mind you spending my meals from expenses. but you're not letting me live with you... I need them to learn how to spend their money too... Five hundred a person every day from tomorrow until one cup next week, no, do six hundred Z. Starting next week, give me four thousand Zs a week. If anyone uses it, you can give him a thousand Zs, but the next week, pull a thousand Zs. I was wondering if I could pay weekly starting next month...... ma'am, okay. I asked for it."

"Yes, I'll take care of it. I'll send it to Donneol and the others at the end of the month."

Twenty thousand z. per month? Honestly, if you're going to live in Lombertia, you'll be critical, including rice.

But I can pay you most of your lunch in Balducky anyway.

If I said no, Kathy would let me out of her own pocket. But I would feed her, and I wouldn't dare ban her.

You know, one day the guy who wants to eat the ground beef will mislead you into making it on his own.

I'm bored without that kind of guy.

Conversely, if Cassie doesn't seem too terrible, just tell her to look and pretend not to look.

However, forgiveness is not possible if there is no monopoly or sharing among the companions. And bullying, absolutely not. I don't think this is all I can forgive. I'll have to tell you later.

While waiting for Bastral and his wife to return, I couldn't help but waste my time, so Mizuchi and I went to greet the treatment center run by the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) named Tukerin, for example.

There were quite a few patients at the treatment center waiting for the order of treatment. Oh, this is going to take a while, I thought.

But as soon as Mizuchi whispered something to the receptionist Dark Elf, he was put through the back.

but I'm the only one waiting outside the room for a while.

Mizuchi said, "Mr. Tukerin thinks it involves the insistence of the Kingdom of Lyle. I think you're going to have to explain it properly for a while. You don't have to force yourself to talk except to say hello or what you need to. You can talk," she said, "so I was making a big deal out of the room.

Meanwhile, the employee-like dark elf stayed beside me and never took his eyes off me.

When I walked into the room with my head down because Mizuchi, who was in the room in a few minutes, observed a middle-aged dark elf sitting in the chair from the top of my head to the toe of my toe, pointing to the chair without expression, so I said "excuse me" and I also sat next to Mizuchi.

Before I say hello, Mizuchi said, "I know we've been face-to-face before, but he's the Associate Lord Gried. He is absolutely necessary......" What's that? Soon I thought, "I'm out of time... Lord Associate Lord Gried. Together, Your Majesty… Comrade, we will spare no cooperation".

I don't know what to do, but it would be better to keep your mouth shut here. I don't know what kind of comrade your Majesty the King is.

"Welcome out of business, Mr. Tukelin. No rumors from Chizu Tuna Lol. Thank you very much for your help last year. Thank you for your continued cooperation."

I said and offered him my right hand. Check their status while shaking each other's hands. Level fourteen? Even though I'm not an adventurer, it's pretty good. He then appropriately cut off the conversation and went home, beginning with superficial greetings and factory matters.

As soon as we got back to the store, the Bastrals came back.

Quickly, we decide to take the slaves to the factory.

I hurried and set up the ground beef machine as instructed by Bastral. The factory is already equipped with desks, barrels, large smokers, etc. And then I can start running as soon as I have ingredients like demon stones, pork and spices on my stove demon props. I'm going to go to the Prop Shop Splendor tomorrow to buy the Prop on the stove.

I really wanted to go today but didn't know what size stuff to buy so I needed to measure the dimensions.

In the heat and humidity, Zulu and Engella were very active in the task of installing heavy ground meat machines. I'm so glad I brought them in. Bastral and Giberti consult looking at the factory's plans with some difficult faces. Kathy briefly explains what she does to the slaves. Me and Mizuchi were taking strings and measuring the width of Bastral and the place Giberti instructed, knotting and going.

It's getting dim while I'm doing that. It's time to turn on the lights. I can't, I still neglect the light magic props, I haven't even bought a lamp.

Because of this, this factory has about two quadrupled half-rooms, where I intend to live John and Terry instead of staying.

When I threw in that room with less baggage, such as their change of clothes, we all decided to go to dinner.

Enter the appropriate diner and make it a meal.

This time I chose a store close to the bottom to suit the slave's nostalgia.

The price is 300Z per person. There it is.

Talk about the treatment of slaves at my place while eating.

The salary starts next month at 20,000 Z. per month. But pay weekly. If you work seriously, I'll even let you raise your salary from the beginning of the year.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping about what I need around me. There are three dresses per person to change. The underwear is six for a week.

Buy other towels, toiletries, etc.

I told him those things and added one last word.

"Everybody listen carefully to Kathy and get along with each other. And then you can pretend like you're fighting, but do it grandiously one-on-one. If you hide in the shadows and bully someone, that's all you'll ever forgive. Whoever knew that and kept quiet is guilty of the same crime. If anyone gets bullied, tell them immediately. If you don't like him, tell him exactly what you don't like. If that doesn't fix it, Cathy or any other guy from the Chamber of Commerce can do it, so tell him to get in my ear. Look, don't get me wrong. Let's just say it right to each other first. Don't tell them, don't tell Kathy or me. This is absolute. That's good."

I looked at each face in turn and firmly included it.

Everyone seemed convinced, so I drank tea and pushed them into the inn.

John and Terry let him go back to the factory, but it's summer, and we're gonna do a private room, and I told him to put up with it in a towel kettle until he bought a bed tomorrow.

7 Jul 7446

It's New Year's Eve.

But it doesn't matter.

Running around shopping in the morning.

I left dressing, underwear, and things around me to Mizuchi and Kathy, while the rest went to buy a stove or set it up, or go buy a big pot.

He then went to the Chamber of Commerce, where he had been talking about it for a long time, and rushed around to negotiate the purchase of pork in conjunction with his pork bowel.

Purchase from six vendors in total. I had enough spices for one specialist vendor.

Negotiations will also be made to increase the amount of cazot (analog cheese) purchased.

It's not a lot of production originally, so if I turn all of what we ask for here, my legs will come out against the others.

You have to keep your head down so that you can buy a little more of it.

The best I could do was to get a sample of cassotto baldukki and finally secure double the amount I had before.

Can't make a lot of products with this amount of purchases, and will it be a popular product with a premier feel?

The rest was also expected to be purchased for livestock parrots in the course of those purchase negotiations.

This will likely make it easier to eat winner sizes as well as Frankfurt sizes.

Oh, do I have to make an amniotic sized mouthpiece too... seriously, it stinks of trouble...

I've got everything for a hurry.

Payments for fixed items were made up to three months in advance for accommodation and other calculable items, and negotiations were completed to have meat and other materials received at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters each time they were delivered.

I really wanted to go home to Balduk by the end of the day, but you couldn't.

Tomorrow morning we will just go home and we will also have to buy the materials necessary for basing between the eight layers of transfer crystals.

Besides, I'll leave the stall sales at the entrance square to Murowa, who buys Balducki, which will be shipped directly from the factory, so I'll have to pack up the story around there. Then the labyrinth begins the day after tomorrow?

But what's bothering me for the time being... was there a move and delivery to the Knights around the end of the month...

I had to report a breakthrough of eight layers and progress to nine layers at that time.

But that stuff ends in a day.

What is really troublesome is taking over the business of the Chamber of Commerce and the early operation of the sausage plant......

My brothers are also going to stay in Wang Capital for about two weeks to help me take over the business of the Chamber of Commerce... but there are a lot of things I can't do without being there.

You know, notifying the administration, eating waiting time.

That said, once that's done, the really annoying thing is over, and I see hope.

This would be the place to step on.

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