10 Jul 7447

There's a lot of air coming out of my left hand.

That becomes the turbulence that spreads conically and rises above.

In the wake of the aftermath, the surrounding trees are all crooked and shaken.

My ears rattled with sudden barometric pressure changes.

While retaining some direction, it reaches the Wyvern of the goal in an instant.

Wyvern, captured in a turbulent vortex, breaks down his posture.

Purple rays that kill there.

All the rays move up, down, left, right at high speed, disabling my magic.

But as you can imagine, sparkling grains, including new ones, are mostly scattered and not left in the sky!

I skipped an electric shock without getting my hair in.

In an instant, I was caught in a superturbulence, and I drowned to a tobi lizard who was just spared the crash.


Now it was time for the electric shock to capture Wyvern in its blue-white, glowing tentacles without being disturbed by the glowing grains.

And the rays have arrived again, but the hour is already late.

Wyvern crashes with his wings spread halfway from the damage, or whether the electric shock has made his muscles stiff.

"Finish it!!"

Shouting like that, he ran for a place where he thought the sword was the crash point in his hand.

Everyone was joining us from all around us.

Fold the branches with the vacillation, then don! A similar sound sounded to the earthquake that

"Over here!

There is a voice of Tris from the shadow of a slightly forward periphery.

By the time she arrived, Engela had stuck a staircase (broadsword) in Wyvern's eyes and decided to be doomed.

"I'm stuck!?"

Someone asks, Engela is moving the sword pattern with her right hand like crazy, punching her on the side of the head with a spike of a little claw attached to her left hand.

Wyvern is not moving.

[Condition: Electric Shock, contusion, puncture wound]

[HP: -9 (612) MP: 25 (25)]

Engela, stop it now.

I'm already dying. I can't do anything anymore.

"Hit, guh"

Even with a small scream, Engela is moving a sword that sticks into her eyes, beating up with gas with a spike of shields.

Hyun, and someone's arrow flew in but was bounced by a scale covering his long neck.

Is that Carm?

"Enough, Marceau. Stop it."

As Tris tried to hold Engela in from behind and pulled through the left hand gloves with his mouth, he reached out and touched Wyvern's head to see the status.

He's dead.

He finally stopped by. He looks up at me and Tris reports.

[Status: Death]

[HP: -76 (612) MP: 25 (25)]

"Hiu, ha, ha..."

When I saw Engela's face, I snuffed with tears.

I guess I was too scared.

Did it even fall right on the side of where she was hiding and waiting?

That would be great too.

"It's okay now, Wyvern's dead."

Mizuchi took Engela's hand and made her stand.

"Ah... oh, back... dear... already..."

"Yeah, Marceau. It's all right now."

Engela seems to have regained her composure, too.

"Don't get distracted. There must still be something out there."

I issued a warning to everyone.

The Lightning Bolt cage is still alive as if nothing had happened.

The four seven-colored columns that stood up have disappeared, but there must still be more than twenty beings who have unleashed the magic of the rays that will erase that magic.

I can't be caught off guard with Wyvern.

"This demon stone is fine now. It's easier to protect than that. Move to the front of the square earlier."

We should move to the place just before we enter the square.

You can get a one-sided view, but you can hide in the deep woods.

Keeping waiting for about a few minutes as I peered around, I could see something approaching me.

Of course, it was Bell who noticed and issued the warning.

"Four legs from the left... Four legs from the right, maybe?... from the back left... that's hard to understand... something seems to come from the back right as well. Except close to the left and right. I'm not sure it's far."

At least four in total......

"Mizuchi, you know what it is?

Ralpha is asking Mizuchi.

Yeah, well, at times like this, Mizuchi's special knowledge keeps saying things.

"You have no idea..."

Seems hard on boulders.

But no one else would be able to if she didn't seem to have predictions.

Signs of some animal approaching while making noise with gutter from afar.

At the same time, the exhalation "bufo".

Sounds like breaking something called Bakibaki Bagin.

"What? That sound..."

"Come on?"

Ralpha and Kim are having a whispering conversation.

"It's kind of like I'm breaking something..."

"I wonder if even the stones are crumbling?

Zulu and Guine are also exchanging words.

I'd feel that way if you asked me.

"Belle! You have four legs!? Not two or eight or three!? Even though it matters! Identify me!

Asking Bell as Mizuchi panicked when he heard their conversation.

What the fuck?

"Mmm... right. Four for both left and right, I think."

Bell answers as he meditates his eyes and focuses his nerves on his ears.


Mizuchi's eyes are starting to run blood with excitement.

What the fuck, man?

"Three? Wait a minute... the two nearby are definitely four legs."

I opened my eyes that were closed and Bell answered firmly.

"I can't afford it! If you see them all like cows, bow or sorcery, total attack! Never come near me until I make you weak! Not even if it's solidified! You're wind magic. Let the air out anyway!

I wouldn't hit a bow if I let the air scatter!?

"That sound! If it sucks, I have a petrified brace! Whatever you do, just you and me, don't be attacked!

Mizuchi said something amazing before I complained.

A fright runs in the face of everyone who hears that.

"Bell's not a gun, either. Use as much magic as you can! Mr. Carm just needs restraint. Then you can't run into the woods because the scaffolding is bad. Run around in a big place. Anyway, I'll make sure we get one first!

Magic, what's that ray?... it's not going to be deactivated soon, and if it's not seen, can't it shoot rays?

"Anyway, if you have four legs, you have more than eight legs. Scatter (spread)!!

Mizuchi has commanded in a strong tone.

Us running out reflexively in pieces.

It was a little info, but I'm sure she got something on her mind.

The first thing I saw was the guy approaching from the left. Reflectively, he slammed the Fire Arborest missile in, and everyone else's magic was beautifully decided, so he collapsed without being able to do anything.

All parts of the body have keratinized and, at first glance, have black skin that can also be seen in the turtle's armor.

A guy who grows two big horns to the left and right of his head and says he's a gorgon just like a cow.

You've heard of it.

The next time I approached him from the right, he shot and unleashed the magic the moment he showed his face in the square.

Though I was struck a few times, the magic that added the missiles of me and Mizuchi hit me and gained nothing.

I won't give you time to exhale the breath of petrification.

But then the two heads that showed up were the problem.

The trees on the left and right facing the square were petrified with freckles.

They break through the stone and the fossilized trees into the square where we are.

Two heads at the same time!

Both heads came close to the right at a fierce speed, spitting gray petrified braces, to the left, avoiding the offensive magic unleashed by Bell and Tris, Guine and Ralpha!

Ice pickled?

It's quicker to throw up the braces than to harden them.

I can't help it.


Wind magic scatters that exhale every time you exhale the braces.

Diffusion seems to diminish or disappear considerably.

But instead of ice pickling, we won't have a crack at attack magic either!

Mizuchi seems desperate in the back as well.

"Kim! With your spear!

I can hear Carm screaming.

"Yes Yikes! Leave it to me."

Kim responds to it with the breath of an abalone.

I guess the defense against the braces lets Mizuchi focus and in the meantime manages to figure out how to tap Bell's magic or Kim's spear.

Because the bows and arrows are useless, the early abandoned Carm and Zulu appear to be bravely forwarding and twisting.

I have Engela and Ralpha, and Guinese spears and Tris magic are the attackers.

But Guineh's spear is a magical weapon, but it's not as long as what Kim uses, and Guineh's body isn't as big.

Inevitably, the reach is shorter and burdensome for that matter.

I want to use attack magic, but I'm not the only one here with a high level of wind magic enough to scatter that brace.

There's only Mizuchi over there, though.

If Tris' Stonebolt hadn't accidentally hit his forefoot and Engela's offense, which he saw as an opportunity, hadn't been a clean hit, it would have taken him longer to stop.

Engela hit the attack in a row, Guineh's spear slammed into his flank and Ralpha smacked him in the head.

I managed to take one of these down.

What about the Mizuchis?

I looked back as I worked out my magic.


Carm's little body had just been bounced off.

Unexpectedly cancels attack magic and rushes out to those whose calms have been bounced off.

The braces are trampled anyway. But if...!

And then the worst unfolds.


The next jumped Zulu giant hits me, and I roll too.

And went straight into Mizuchi.


"Oh, my hand, my hand!

Kim and Bell have been exposed to the braces of petrification!

The two turned into an unspeakable statue as they looked at it.

Keep your weapons and equipment, especially unchanged.

Damn it!


Tris rushes over to Bell.

"Damn!! If you get close, they'll even attack Bell!!"

Mizuchi screams from under me.

Zulu, get out of the way!

He jumps Zulu with his full strength and tries to get up again while working out his magic.

"No, yeah, no!

Engela's step (broadsword), who had rushed in with a scream of temper, tore off the last Gorgon's neck muscle.

Kim and Bell were soon freed from the statue by the magic of thaw petrification (Removal Petrification).

Apparently there was no consciousness between them when they were both fossilized.

Back in the flesh I went half frenzied at the same time.

but soon the situation seemed understandable and calmed me down.

Then I treated the wounds on Carm and Zulu.

Also, the lightning bolt cage had disappeared at the same time that Gorgon died.

But the fact that the lightning bolt cage disappeared meant that the light was emitted by this gorgon?

I've tested it, but only [Petrified Exhalation (Petrification Brace)] has special skills?

Magic's special skills are neglected, and they don't even seem to have anything to do with that light.

"Status open...... but that's crazy"

The question came out spitting in my mouth.


Ralpha answers.

"It's that belt of light, isn't it?

Bell says. Exactly.

"Sounds like you should stay alert for a while."

Tris also agreed.

"Do you know anything about Mr. Mizuchi?

There are too many monsters on my mind to judge, rather than Guine asking Mizuchi, but Mizuchi doesn't know.

What else?

There will be enough candidates for all the monsters that can use magic.

For a while, I was cautious about my surroundings, but nothing particularly happened after that.

Unfortunately, I decided it seemed safe for the moment, so I ordered the two slaves to collect demon stones from Wyvern and Gorgon.

The value of Wyvern's demon stone is one hundred and twenty-three, flying eight hundred and ninety thousand according to the appraisal. Each of Gorgon's demonic stones was subtly of different value, but all four were around 200,000. If sold, the Demon Stone alone is superior to 10 million Z.

Also, of course, I cut off and carefully retrieved the tip of the tail, which is like Wyvern's prick.

Mizuchi seemed to behave dearly.

They're poisoned.

But the fact that there is [Venom] in the special skill means that the poison itself is not usually there?

Appraisal of the tip of the chopped tail only showed [Wyvern's tail tip], and there was no description similar to poison from looking at the subwindow.

And what I noticed during the tail retrieval was Wyvern's scale.

The largest one has rounded rhombus shapes of six to seven centimetres in length and four to five centimetres in short diameter, but on the surface of the scales, all the example hierarchical guardian prints appeared thin.

No response was seen in the small magic of Magic Detection (Magical Direction) (Cantrip), but only slightly in the magic of Magic Detection (Diect Magic).

Everyone was very excited about this.

"I can't imagine how much value Wyvern's scales would add if they were processed to create protective gear"

and what Mizuchi said was also huge,

"My lord, the Duke of Thurm, told me from generation to generation that the armor was made from Wyvern scales."

and what Kim said in dismay also applauded it.

It would be harder to tell them not to get excited because they are equal to the family heirloom of the Duke's house.

It's a hassle, and it takes a while, but I don't have any hands.

I decided to collect all the scales without leaving a single piece behind.

And look at the status of the recovered scales and make a scene once again.

[Original Wyvern Scale]

Black-brown scales in slightly clear shades.

There is nothing particularly unusual about looking at the subwindow of the appraisal.

I also recovered all eight of Gorgon's horns just in case.

[Gorgon's Horn (Left)]

Are you making fun of me (left) or something?

That's what I thought, but nobody seemed to question it.

If you ask me, you do get [the right hand of the Little Ghost Clan (Goblin)] or [Oak's Eye Ball (left)].

I don't care anymore.

After that, it was decided to search the area where the pillars of light rose first.

I do care about the rays, but I can't help thinking about things I don't know.

It doesn't make much sense to just start investigating places where you might know something.

I tried to rely on Guine's memory to the point of the nearest pillar of light, but I couldn't find anything particularly suspicious just because it had a small wasteland about twenty meters in diameter.

I had no choice but to go to the location of the other pillar next door and it was the same.

The time was already around twenty-four at this point.

"It's a good time, what do you want to do?

Tris will ask, but we can't rest yet.

Between now and then, the source of the rays was not a monster, and there was also an opinion that it might be some altars we saw along the way.

Because it's not in the same shape as the altar before, and because it even associates a word with the heads of all the reincarnators, including me.

That is, machines.

Or, magic props, or magic objects.

I approached one altar I feared.

But before the lightning bolt cage occurred, there was nothing to be afraid of.

After investigating from the outside, I didn't know one thing.

I knocked Stonekanon's attack magic from a place a little further away thoughtlessly and it broke down without a shrink.

There is no such thing as a machine inside, it just looks like a muk stone.

But everyone on the boulder is draining a lot of health.

Perhaps there will be no monster resurrection until about 10: 00 tomorrow.

We should take a break in the central metastatic crystal room, even in the dry bread.

By the way, it's unclear how much HP was left in today's MVP, but it's Engela who tailored Wyvern and then did a lot of damage to the two Gorgons, right?

Looks like you're on a higher level.

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