August 5, 7447.

"Ugh... this is..."

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce stopped using magic sensing (detect magic) at first glance when he saw the [luxurious waistroll "Loin Cross of Darling"] removed from the bag.

I can't help it.

The stench has already fallen off because I do laundry (if I smell it carefully, the scent of Zulu will tickle my nostrils), but it just seems like some sort of unexplained, worn leather.

Still, I took it first and looked at the status, then used magic magic of magic sensing (detect magic).

"... [The Luxurious Hip Roll" Roin Cross of Darling "]... it does look like a magic item (magic item)... However, this… is the kind of leather that is almost used out, and the…"

Look, it's a loincloth. Try wrapping it around your hips.

There's nothing floating around in my head when I roll it up.

However, boulders are only sometimes the chairman of the chamber of commerce who deposits major chambers of commerce.

The chairman wrapped his waist roll (roin cloth) when he rose from the sofa softly.

Of course, it's not supposed to be underwear.

Minotaurs wore them like underwear because that's all they wore, but they wore them like miniskirts wrapped around their hips from the top of their armor.

"I don't feel anything in particular..."

I knew it......

I don't feel anything when I wear an item whose main effect affects my status.

I knew this because I was trying it with [Bracer of Might, the Armor of Power].

Huh? Only Zulu has ever worn a waistroll.

I don't know, that... you don't like it.

I thought you didn't because you said "I don't feel anything" when you asked Zulu, but I knew it.

Hey, I think hipsters are more powerful when it's armpits and hipsters, but if you want to take it away, it'll be from slaves.

There is no further point.

When the chairman removes the waist roll, he carefully places it on the table.

"What about that? Is it going to sell?

When the chairman looked at me in silence, he asked me, "It must be difficult… but the magic I feel is quite a thing, so it's not without hope".

"Does anyone know or can investigate the effects, like previous rings apart from auctions?

"Phew... Well, not enough to ask..."

"Right. Regardless of whether you want to sell it or not, you can just do the research... and it won't be as pricey as it is..."

"I understand. We will keep this item. The cost of the survey will vary depending on the magical effect and degree of effort put into this waist roll (Roin Cross), okay?

"How much price do you expect?

"As an approximate guideline, please consider the included effect to be about Z1 million per level with magic level conversion. In addition, if the effect is not clearly determined within two to three months, the cost is fine."

"I understand. Under those conditions, please investigate. Until then, I'll keep it."

Mizuchi and I asked the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce to bow his head and resign from the Sandark Chamber of Commerce.

I don't write about hip-wrapped (roin cloth) borrowings.

We have made several deals and we have a lot of trust in each other, a little farther than anything else, but also relatives.

It should be noted that the cost of the sale of the amulet is due to be paid even tomorrow today, so I guess the person who bought it is from Wang Du.

I'm supposed to come and pick up the money tomorrow evening.

"That chairman, you read a lot."

Mizuchi squeaks as impressed as he travels from the Sandark Chamber of Commerce to my Chamber of Commerce.

"Right. It's almost the perfect prize. Plus, it's a big deal to have a customer who can pay all that money."

Close to impossible for me right now.

Either way, I want to make friendships with those big rich merchants and nobles, but I wouldn't be able to do it for the moment.

"But now..."

"Oh, if this time the money comes in, paying taxes will be more than nine billion critical on hand... because Wyvern's armor in the example would be more expensive..."

He had a fluffy grin when he saw Mizuchi over his shoulder.

"Yeah, good for you"

"I was really lucky to have had my eye on gold before I was twenty years old... I'm not alone..."

I would have needed more time.

"Don't you have to worry about that there? Wouldn't everyone be happy with that kind of mindset?

That's true.

When I arrived at the Chamber of Commerce, I decided to go upstairs and take a break.

But I'm not going to be fooled without doing anything.

I had a cold cup of tea floating with ice and took a break and in the morning I sorted out the books. Pick up lunch and greet the supplier in the afternoon. Neutral gift deliveries are, of course, a mountain of things to do, such as negotiating a move to a rancher.

7 Aug 7447



"You're old. Am I... harder than gold?"

"Don't bite... you're dirty"

"This is... status open..."

"Ho, me too. Status Open……"

The remaining tax paid from the sale price of the example [Earth Magic Exclusion (Earth Amulet)] was paid a bonus from 5,228,750,000 Z.

Reborn and Xenom, excluding Rolic and Bastral, are targeted.

We used white gold for those people because it was over 100 million z. per person. The size of the white gold coin is about seventy mm in diameter, which is about two turns larger than the gold coin. The thickness is also quite thick and its weight would exceed two hundred g.

After watching all the white gold coins in my room at the Boyle Pavilion, we all went to the shrine and deposited the gold in the locker.

"Hey, did you accumulate quite a bit of money this time? Over ten billion?

I've heard it with Ralpha's cowardly look, but everyone who heard it paid attention to me.

"Hmm, we're still about a billion short. But if Wyvern's armor was finished last month, it would be an easy win."

I answer nicely in a good mood, too.

"Was it about next spring?

What Guine would say would be the time when the armor would be completed and delivered.

"It should be."

"But I don't know how much it will be, and until then, I think we should still make money in the labyrinth"

I also say as Tris snorts. Bell also tunes in.

They're also thinking about buying slaves, apparently.

You'll need more money to do that.

They all seem to agree that they want to make some more money to make room.

Of course, Wyvern's armor seems to be going to be at a hell of a price, so the target amount (personally, I thought the Z10 billion, apart from the Z10 billion I would pay the king, was needed as investment money for various shopping and workmanship, etc.) is very likely to be significantly higher. There are still magic items (magic items) that seem expensive if they are not enough, so you can dispose of them and bribe them. Except for "Breeze Horseshoe", which is a breezy hoof, there's nothing I really think I need.

Besides, it's next spring that Wyvern's armor is complete. Until then, you'll make as much money as you can dive into the labyrinth with Cicosico. Especially since it's important to make money, but investigating example collection terminals and degenerative devices... What are we going to do? Well, I'm interested. You'll never be able to fix a spaceship or anything, so it's not that one, it's Lug 3 (Aus) information that would be stored in the data bank.

I have few prospects of getting any more information, but I'm going to investigate until I'm sure I can't get any more information. Otherwise, one day I won't have to think, "If I'd done more research then..." I'm not the only one who thinks so. No wonder who thinks.

13 Aug 7447

Back from the labyrinth to the ground in the evening.

In the middle of summer Balduk doesn't get very cool even in the evening because of the basin.

Join everyone who was waiting for us saviors (Sabres) to return for dinner while wiping the gushing sweat.

When I went back to the Boyle Pavilion to put my gear down and change, the warden called me.

Anything, they have a legend.

Did one of the ladies try to make contact again, or from the usual unfamiliar adventurer who told me to put me in the slayer (Slaters)?

Leaving me on the spot as usual, everyone climbs up the stairs to get back to their rooms.


"When is this legend?

Ask the warden, he says it was yesterday. Just when I told her we were in the labyrinth and we were going back today, she said we were going back out. Let's come back this morning and twice this afternoon to make sure we're not back.

Hmm. That was a lot quicker than I thought.

Mizuchi came as he took off his gear in his room and was dressed.

"Claw and Marie. He said he was already in Balduk."

"Huh? Oh, those people. Didn't I tell you it was going to take a little longer?

I told you, that's only my prediction. Keel to Balduk is three weeks in a hurry if there is no carriage. I've been here normally for four weeks. It's a month to relax. Plus maybe two weeks if it comes with a carriage. During the month of April, he contacted me about leaving Keel, so the investigation took more than two months.

"So, where are you now?

"They dare to take an inn at Martson Pavilion. Neither Ginger nor Hiss would know their faces, so I left a message at the front desk today telling them to come to Murowa if they want to come again."

"Me, shall I pick you up?

"Hmm, even if it goes wrong... well, okay. Let's go together."

Then let's get dressed quickly.

Showers are okay.

I decide to leave the message at the front desk for when it goes wrong. Leaving everyone to go to Murowa first, Mizuchi and I headed to the Martson Pavilion.

Claw and Marie were there when we got to the Martson Pavilion to make sure, but Ginger and Hiss left. I was led to the room, so I went into the room Claw and Marie were taking. These guys, they're busy in a room for two. I was an adult in my underage habits.

'I'm sorry. I was in the labyrinth just now. "

That said, I sit on one of the chairs with only two. Mizuchi is another chair and Claw and Marie are shaped to sit on each bed. I'm done saying hello.

"Um, Al, this..."

Marie offered me a few gold coins and dozens of other coins.

"Fine. Hold it. I can make about 20 million or 30 million dollars soon, so I just need you to give it back to me."

Pushing the coin back and laughing, the two look at each other in surprise.

"Hey, more than that, you two were married, weren't you?

When Mizuchi smiled and said, the two had offered their hands in the light of the smell.

I would say look at the status.

"Status open…"

[Croft Balladik/5/1/7447 Croft Balladik/11/6/7440]

[M/14/2/7428 · Pu · Baradik Family Owner · Marquis Webdos Knight]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 7]

[HP: 104 (104) MP: 22 (22)]

[Muscle Strength: 15]

[Jun Min: 20]

[Dexterity: 15]

[Endurance: 15]

[Unique Skill: Seduction (Seduce) (Lv.6)]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (LV.2)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (Lv.2)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.2)]

[Experience: 59189 (60000)]

[Marissa Balladik/16/4/7447 Marissa Binsuil/10/4/7447]

[F/14/2/7428 · Pu · First Lady of the Balladic Family · Knight of the Marquis of Webdos]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 7]

[HP: 106 (106) MP: 27 (27)]

[Muscle Strength: 14]

[Jun Min: 21]

[Dexterity: 17]

[Endurance: 16]

[Inherent Mastery: Resistant ((Poisonous T) Poison) (Relance) (MAX)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (Lv.2)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (Lv.2)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.2)]

[Experience: 54196 (60000)]

Mm... Claw's level of [seduction (seduction)] is rising.

I'm sorry.

And Marie's talent is as modest but high as ever.

Probably because I used to exercise moderately for my single-digit age, saying I was properly nourished as a child and helping a diner.

Farming and sword training are beyond moderate heavy labor for a child in the late single-digit age, so you're saying her birth is ideal for rising talent?

After all, there seems to be a lot going on up to the age of ten, even outside the MP.

I also say it's not a good idea to overdo everything...

Well, there's no big difference, and to this extent, if you work him out in the labyrinth for six months, it's an error, an error.

Besides, the proficiency level is different, so I can't say that the higher the proficiency level, the better.

If you look at the experience more than that, you can see how much effort they've made.

I haven't crossed swords once in a war, and exorcising demons is something that happens a few or many times a year.

'Cause I know you've been taco beating dozens of people around Horndbear, so you'd be comforted if you could beat him once.

In that case, most of that experience should have been earned in training.

Even a magical skill couldn't have done anything to damage the creature, so every day, every day, that's what I've been trying to do to seep through the blood.

"Happy marriage, both of you"


I said it with a sincere blessing.

Marie, who hung on, thought she'd turn bright red and lean down, but laughed lightly.

"Older daughter-in-law than twenty. Ouch!

"Don't talk about the years, I'm telling you!

But I also thought when I saw her last year, Claw looked on her face and the sweetness from when she broke up back in the day is missing.

It would mean being rubbed in the Knights and growing up quite a bit.

I think I had to be somewhat responsible.

In that sense, it doesn't feel like Ralpha or Ghine is growing much... is it my fault too?

Even though I said I was reincarnated, Ralpha. I was a high school student.

After that, I've been an adventurer for years, so I don't have the sweetness in those parts, but there's still a lot of places that still smell like kids.

Adventurers aren't much different than windmills (homeless), and Xenom and I, we were just doing our childhood twice because we felt no responsibility whatsoever...

There was nothing to blame for being under the shelter of his parents, who were pedestrians until Guine joined them.

You don't look like someone who's been born more than thirty years...

Ma, no.

I'm also tired of watching couples comic talent as they grin.

"By the way, it's better to investigate the Dart Plains..."

The two pulled parchment reports (reports) out of their luggage like the Dark Elves had come out.


It's all wrapped up there. Because it cannot be measured, it is merely a guess from the appearance, but the arable land area and the expected yield are also tabulated by crop. Mention has also been made of non-agricultural industries, with descriptions of metals which are inadequate but produced.

Information about the garrisoned army and the local knights of the territory is also quite detailed. At any rate, there is no mention of the security situation, but this should be complemented by a Dark Elf report.

Notably, it is about the reputation of the people regarding the lords of the city villages that have come through.

When I get my territory, some people will return to the King's Capital with the deputies who have ruled the land until now, so I can say this is a fairly informative material because not all of it will remain exactly the same as my junior nobility, but others will remain because it was originally rooted in the land.

"Thank you. This guy will help you a lot."

To thank you, Claw and Marie face each other once. And one nod opened Marie's mouth.

'Hey, I looked it up pretty seriously because you told me, what are you gonna do?

'Yeah. What the hell do you use it for?

Oh, you didn't tell me.

"Soon I will craft it and acquaint it as a senior nobleman. I own one of these four territories and fly the flag. That's what I'm going to do. '

The two people, who had first heard the details, looked like they had only been pompous and taken lightly for a moment, but they immediately stuffed up.

"Hey, possession? What's this all about?

"Are you going to be a senior aristocrat?

I briefly explained the situation and told him to check the details with the other guys at the diner I was going to.

I introduced both Claw and Marie to everyone at Murowa.

I've talked before about the two people I was throwing into my hometown Knights, and Guineh and Engela already face each other, so there was no problem blending in among the reincarnators.

It just seemed like they were both sympathetic to non-reincarnated members.

Well, that happens because you're the best adventurer in Balduk.

Rocco has a nice face, but there are some pretty rough spots, and Carm, Kim, and Meath, who has a strong puffy image, originally had the vibe of an amazing adventurer. That smells.

Of course, other members are alike or close, so Marie and Claw, who have never exchanged their lives in a busy manner, can't help but be drunk by the atmosphere.

"Well, I'll just change the formation of the labyrinth a little more than next time. Basically, it's the way it's always been, but I'm out of the Redeemer (Sabres). Treat these two together for a while."

Everyone had an unpleasant laugh with Niyaniya.

After the sunlight (Sun Ray) was absorbed, I guess I also remembered that for a while they killed the monster even more on the day it came and the day it came.

I don't know about that. Claw and Marie seem to wonder where the hell there are elements that can make a mean laugh.

"Both of us, maybe, but I don't think we can follow the others very well as it is. Well, I'll check my arm tomorrow morning, so if my reading's off, I'll reconsider then."

"Mm... well as an adventurer... I've never even been in the labyrinth, but neither I nor Marie are officially in the Knight's reign. With swords and spears, yes. We're not going to be late."

Claw seems a little mucky. Marie also said, "It's not going to be your stuff. I'm a knight, too," he said, showing a little outrage. Of course I don't feel like making fun of the two of them. I just need to make a natural assessment in a way and force myself to gain experience......

"Hey, you two. I'm fine with being confident, but Al told me to be honest with you. Or are you licking Balduk's labyrinth? Ah?"

Kevin was quietly embarrassed.

"But we're here to help Al. Not to pull my leg."

Claw argues. I appreciate the feeling. Don't strain your shoulders.

"That's right. I think the Knights of Webdos are quite capable."

Oh, well. You think these Webdos Knights are being licked.

"I can't help it. Hey, Henry, Meck. Tell these two what your background is."

Vince activated the nobility's power and ordered Henry and Meck.

"Yes. I, Henry O'Connell, joined the Order of the Dukes of Stales, Kingdom of Davas, ten years ago, and received the reign of the Orthodox Knight seven years ago. He then became a wartime prisoner in last year's battle, when he bought it from his husband. I felt confident there in my arms, but I didn't feel very comfortable with you. Sometimes I still pull my legs when I go into the labyrinth and say it's time for two years. But your husband. I'll make sure it helps."

Even a guy from a foreign country called the Kingdom of Davas, five years after becoming a full knight, the two of them are a little surprised to learn that labyrinth adventurers are tough.

"I, Mason Garhash, joined the Order of the Viscounts of Markalight, Kingdom of Davas, eight and a half years ago, and was ordained an Orthodox Knight six and a half years ago. After that, I bought it from your husband from a wartime prisoner, just like O'Connell. I remember my arm as well as O'Connell, but it's still very much for all of you... But I'll be sure to help you too, my lord."

As with Henry, who is a Lion (Lios), both Claw and Marie seemed surprised because he said it didn't reach everyone at all when it was bought.

Of course, I can't believe I didn't have any teeth at all.

I have only been here systematically learning sword and spear skills under proper leadership and have been an instant force since the beginning.

"Don't be so hard on him.... Claw, then Marie. I'm fine with being dissatisfied, but I have to check my strength. It's not just the lives of the two early newlyweds, it's the lives of everyone. Besides, nobody here is insulting the Knights of Webdos. I don't know what to say, but I just need to prove my strength."

Well, say you're all reincarnated. I was just teasing you a little because what a busty mouth slap a rookie suddenly doesn't treat you like a foot wrapper. You'll find out soon enough.

It should be noted that both Claw and Marie were hit so hard in the next day's overall training. But I can also read the emotions behind everyone. He was concerned that the entry of two newcomers would increase the rate of competition for the Redeemer (Sabres). Well, they are reincarnated, and they have won the position of righteous knight with good strength. Just because he's the eldest son of the Earl's family, like Lorrick, doesn't mean he's almost automatically assigned to the Horseman.

Yeah, I'll add in the honor of the two of you, and that certainly confirmed a lot of strength. Not as good as the old Fio, but better than the old Rolic. You have to be alert to two or three layers of this. You can fight. You'll be fine.

This also means that it can be done somewhat improbably.

Because you can't relax much.

I'll treat you as thoroughly as time permits.

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