- But ten years... you remembered me well for ten years.

"No, you usually remember this weird thing for the rest of your life..."

In the beginning...... it was a cell phone call that rang in the middle of the night saying it was time to go to sleep.

While wondering if the caller information isn't showing up, I'm like, "Hello? 'And when he came out, after a slight silence, he said in a questionable voice,' Who? 'and asked in a dignified way.

At that time, I assumed a situation of communication from customers and company officials, and Al, naturally, initially considered the possibility of someone under his command or friends.

When I heard it later, it took me a little while to remember Japanese.

But he was confused, remembering that he didn't know anyone with a voice similar to mine (I was still young at the time).

I happened to interact with the owner of a voice that looked a lot like Al in me.

Give me that person's name. I was wondering what the hell was going on at this hour, and if I could have done something urgent at work, while I hung myself up in the first place. "Who? I asked with a little outrage that there wouldn't be.

The dull exchange at that time just makes me feel odd to remember.

- Is that what you think?

'That's what I think it is, huh?

- Oh, well...

I don't care about that story.

Because this communication is not about when it expired.

I have to start with something important that I was wondering about.

"So, what's happened since then? What's going on? I used to just have to ask when I first got in touch... '

- Oh, well. Well, let's just say we keep talking.

'Oh, please. And let me record it again, okay?

- Whatever you want.

Um, sure... yeah, OK.

I dug up my memory over a decade ago to operate my mobile device and turned on the conversation recording feature.

The third generation LED optical communication (Li-Fi3) is also configured so that the recorded files are also recorded on a file server in the home.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

- I don't mind. So, go on... That was... right, just when I left home, so the Spring of the Fourteen... -

"Hey! It's all over there!

- Oh, yeah, he was. He was.... I became Count...

'You're done there, too!

- Oh. Sounds like you remembered it right? -

This shitty grandpa, you idiot...

Or are you even trying it with my memory?

'It's too early to mess up!... Plus, I've heard it over and over for a while since I stopped hearing from you, and I've been reading it over and over again until the text I typed in my audio input. "

- What a... thank you for coming. I know it's not funny how many times I've heard the same story... but you seem to have worried me... and I'm really sorry I made fun of you at that time -

Is that it? To this extent, you apologize?

How can you apologize to me for being close to someone you have little to do with him?

Sure, a lot of time has flown here, but it seems to be only one night at Al's.

'No, never mind...'

And it's not funny or anything.

It's natural to be interested if you hear about a completely different organism than Earth, different common sense, different values, such a world.

Besides, I was suddenly unable to talk to the person I was listening to every night for years.

I would do a little bit of untrained and listen back to the recording data or something.

This guy, you really think a little bit about me too... were you?

... Well, I wouldn't hate a king worrying about each and every one of them down there, so I really don't think it might be right not to even care about my emotions.

Anyway, Al is not a politician or head of state living in modern times.

It's not a democratic republican system, so the people can't base their support, and they don't need popular support in the first place.

In other words, if we can squeeze out the tax by adding or subtracting it to the extent that the general public and the like are not woken up.

For that matter, I guess we should do something about caring for the emotions of others to those who give us their own subordination and allies.

Prizes that don't even give you a sense of unfairness or just letting bait fool you so you don't get betrayed are good enough.

I'm looking to be the savage king of the barbaric world.

If you say it on Earth, it's the great name of a warring nation that rises above the ground, or an exchanger from a time long ago, a time when, if there's a gap, it invades, takes, kills, and offends relentlessly.

It's natural times and worlds to kill each other with parents and children, and kill each other with brothers and relatives around the tracks.

Believing in one's values and striving straight for goals, no matter what, is probably the right way for Aus to be.

Especially though I don't think so when people ask me if Al's way is perfectly in line with that.

There is something in Lao Zi's words: "Tai Shang, Shimochi, Second Kinship, Second Fear, Lower Insult".

What is the supreme king? The general public is not aware of the king's work.

It means it's a degree of recognition that something called a "king" exists.

A beloved and respected king from below is inferior to that.

Even worse is the king feared from below.

And the worst is a king who is insulted and ridiculed down below.


In short, the ideal king is to allow his ministers to join forces to do things so that he can boast of himself that "our power has made the country better".

Even the Kingdom of Romberto, that it is a great country, has a population of millions.

It's also down there, and when you round it up, it goes to zero instead of 10 million.

It is only a picturesque cake no matter what you think in modern times, but in such times it may fit the land.

It would be nice to cut yourself open at first.

But after that, if we leave it to the backward movement and the king himself develops something else, all of this will involve the king less in itself.

And the next generation that inherited the cut out business, the successive generations of subordinates forget who cut out the cut out, etc., and become proud of themselves running it without being overwhelmed.

I don't even have a stake in the first place, etc... No, it should be between give-and-take.

That said, I have already looked into and told him about the information he needed.

It's my loss that first got me interested in talking about him.

'... more concerned. Yeah, there's something I've found free time to put together over the last decade. There's a mix of my imaginations and predictions, can you listen to me?

- Hmm? Oh, really? I'd love to hear that.

'Tell me if there's anything odd or too far apart and different about it. Well, I'll bring you some compiled materials, so just give me a minute...'


14 Apr 7448

There's a pile of things left to do for Al back from Lomberto Castle.

First, a candidate for the aristocratic framework to be a direct minister.

The territory that was to be sealed in this case, the Earl of the League territory in the West Dart region, is currently being sent by deputies appointed by the King (the official Earl of the League before Al is the King of the Kingdom of Lomberto, that person) and those who will be with it. Naturally, they will all return to the king's capital, Lombertia, with some jet lag.

Of course, there are rooted aristocrats in Count Riegle territory, and there are many junior aristocrats and civilians who are recruited locally to serve as deputies, so to speak of polarity, even if one Al went there, it would not be like immediate territorial management would collapse. Because, ostensibly, I only gave the earl of the league to a man named Alain Gried, and the realm of the earl of the league is still part of the Kingdom of Rombert. Because few people know the details, it is generally seen only as "one of the kings' nobility was transferred by Zen concession, making the land previously regarded as heavenly an ordinary noble territory".

Examples like this are rare or irrelevant because there have been many in the past.

In such cases, the aristocrats and others who initially went as deputies took over without omission from the officially born lords and waited in the King's Capital until a new assignment came to an end. If there is no one to take over under the new lord, then naturally the handover will be made to the new lord.

We have been fully briefed by the officials of the Wang capital that the handover will also take place as Al, and we must proceed with the candidature for this purpose.

Even if Beglitz, the capital of the Earl of the League, ruled himself and also served as head of the Knights, there would be a large city, like Beglitz, with a population of about 8,000 people, a baron who would be Lord of Weed, and a Sergeant who would be his subordinate, empty.

Then, there are four hidden pioneering villages, all of which become lords. The Sir becomes vacant.

In other words, we need to elect at least six nobles.

That's not all.

It should also be remembered that the nobles who become lords need their hands and feet to be squire.

Some nobles who were seconded as deputies naturally had squire.

Although it is not immediately necessary for a city far from the Dart Plains, the history of the villagers is also shallow due to the large number of settlers, especially for the hidden pioneering villages, and it is necessary to adjust the interests of the remaining squire in the village.

Sometimes you have to show strength and force it from the top.

Therefore, it is necessary to attach more than one squire to each of those entrusted with a secret pioneering village as a nobleman.

"Regarding the Lord of Weed, Xenom is fine with iron plates, but I wonder who he will be aiding..."

For this reason, Ralpha is also the daughter of Zenom, and therefore does not make any special provision for aristocracy.

Because even as it is, it is certain to become an associate duke.

As an assistant, I'll leave Ginger to the Ser to follow you.

And let Guineh take the form that Xenom holds as his squire to make him a civilian.

Then Kevin, the same dwarf, likewise entertains the new Firestarter family as Zenom's squire and takes it upon himself.

So far it was decided quickly.

But because of the size of the city, I wanted to attach two more people, a squire.

Initially, we were going to set up Rocco with Kevin, but we reconsidered that Rocco should be entrusted with Pioneering Village.

In addition to being elderly, the arm of the palpable sword comes from the thought that it will be necessary to hold down and obey the ancient shrine's squire.

Also, I'm not going to separate Tris and Bell because they're going to get married in June. I'm also going to entrust the couple with the closest pioneering village to the front line, and I'll put Meath and Gel on there. Tris and the others have already purchased and educated twenty slaves.

The second pioneering village leaves it to Lorrick to attach a sanno and rutz to admire him.

It is up to Lorrick, the owner, to decide whether he will remain a slave about the two battle slaves Dender and Karim, whether he will be freed and made a free people, and whether he will be held as a civilian and a squire again. As a result, Rolic and the others have purchased more than twenty slaves in total.

In the third pioneering village, Vince, an associate, is sent in as a jazz. It is geographically close to the edge of the Dart Plains to be a relatively early pioneering village, and not so far from Beglitz, the capital. It's unlikely to be a battlefield, so we're only going to put a hiss on him. Later there will be about ten slaves of their own.

Finally, the fourth pioneering village set Carm as a lord, Kim and I, we put Rocco on here and thought we could turn a few from Al's combat slaves if we had to. Appropriate would be around Henry and Meck, who were former knights. It is also possible to give advice on territorial management because they should also have considerable education.

What troubled me now was who I would attach to Xenom from the rest of the people who would be Al's direct ministers.

"There's something I want Bastral to do..."

As for the Bastrals, they need to be taken to the civilian population as Al's own squire and, for the time being, have contact with the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce, etc.

"Zulu is... my slave-head"

Al holding his head as he punches and writes on a note.

"I want to keep Jess and Ruby on hand..."

"Why don't you work out Marl and Limby a little bit more and put them on?

Soon Mizuchi sat on Al's bed in his room, comparing the material on the territory he had received from the officials of Wang Du to the material Al had made Dark Elves and Claws investigate.

Claw and Marie sent to the Knights of the Earls of the League was the established route.

It should be noted that the Knights Commander plans for the moment for Al to assume concurrent roles with the Lords.

Tris and Bell have children, or, if not, up to three years from now, when territorial management is stable. Either one of them will go back and do the Knights study together, he says.

"Is that them... what do you think?

Recently, the two of them have finally been allowed to enter the labyrinth and become part of the killer (Slaters).

"That hasn't happened yet. But if you let him concentrate, he'll be pretty good next year."

Mizuchi said as he turned the pages of the material.

"Hmm... right. Well then... ha, I've already made up my mind"

Al stands up with his hands together over his head and stretched out.

"I'm gonna take a shower and freshen my head up."


- Hey, you can't just put a line in there on your own.

'All right?

Apparently Al is just a little outraged.

- Sure, I was worried about you. But in the end, I decided on my own...


- Naturally. All human resources are the Lord's responsibility.

'That's right. But I don't think you asked anyone for their opinion. We must have heard your opinion whether or not to adopt it. I wrote this just like I thought on my own, thinking what you might like. "

Al silenced as if he had stuck his breath when I scratched like that while nibbling toward his mobile device.

-... did I say why the first placement was? -

'Don't make a blatant change of subject.... I didn't say. Imagine that. "

- Oh, well. It fits pretty well. It's a big deal. But you're missing one.


- Zenom, Ralpha and Guineh had no experience in agriculture at all. For that matter, it's also why I put Ginger and Kevin on. Especially since many of you stayed as officials over there, it wasn't much of a problem. Even if the area of the farmland and the number of farmers themselves were large, the subject of Weed at the time was still a large part of the city, as was the commercial part. In contrast, no matter how hard people work in the pioneering villages, agriculture, especially pioneering, dominates. And some coordination with the garrisoned Knights of the Kingdom. I'm thinking about what's going on around here.

I thought there would always be a loophole, too, but I was just a little depressed that I couldn't think about that.

'I see. You didn't let Claw and Marie go because you once saw the realm and you had experience with the Knights, and you needed it to master the Knights, right?

- Yeah, that's the place. But the reason I put on Marr and Limby... not because Mizuchi said so then. Sure enough, I didn't decide if I was going to put Zulu on it until it was critical. Just before taking up his assignment, Mizuchi's opinion……………

'Heh, is that so? I guess a lot of things are quite different when it comes to that.'

- Well, it doesn't mean it's fatally different, and it's not an important point, is it? It's a little bit more interesting to ask about yourself than that.

'Hmm? Then why don't you write about it in your autobiography?

- Write or something like that! -

'Wouldn't you? That's why I'm writing it instead. "

-... well... I don't know... thanks... -

'Hey, no, that's a special victory. Is it time for life?

- I thought you said you were pimping. It's still going to take me a while to die.


"So, what do we do? There's more to it, you hear me?

- Yeah, I'd love to hear that. It's kind of embarrassing though. Not that anyone is listening... but a biography should be as accurate as it can be. That's what I don't need to dress up for. Decent to the wrong or embarrassing... If there's a different part, I'll fix it? -

'Oh, that would help. It would also be helpful if you put a scratch in it in due course'

- Yeah. Then let me ask you...

"Yeah, but I could write for ten years, no, it's a day over there. That's as far as I heard last night, right?

I'm off the day after tomorrow anyway.

Then you can use it for an old friend who hasn't been able to hear his voice in a long time.

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