Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 33: The Night Before You Leave

27 Feb 7449

The last day of the three holidays.

About half the members leave Balduk for the last six-day labyrinth row starting tomorrow.

The other half will leave Balduk around May in the form of a second line.

We had our last banquet last night at Dollar Leon in a fancy restaurant, so we're all gathered in Murowa today, including a combat slave.

It's going to be the last labyrinth row for the first group, including me, so it seems tempting to say that shooting training is the main purpose.

In the meantime, there's just one guy with a face that doesn't float.

It's Zulu.

That bastard, after all, hasn't said a word about Murowa's sister.

I thought it was stranger to say it from me than I've ever spoken, but I'm at my limit on boulders. I don't care if the businesswoman is the other person, but I can't allow my slave-head to be an irresponsible imitation of the average woman.

But the truth is, I'm in such a good mood today.

Whatever, Keel's Jabba... I just got a letter from Halitide with some colorful content.

If he plants a little, he'll be able to handle the gold account.

It's not like I can trust you from the head.

Before I forget, I told Murowa's old man that I wanted to buy the woman, and he just waited and said the price was 2 million Z. The woman is twenty-six years younger than Zulu.

It is a lion tribe (lios) that is inherently more expensive than other species, so well it can be called the market.

Especially since Murowa is wholesale there from my chamber of commerce as a priority, and when he's in the city, he does it pretty well. It is also an important supplier and customer for the store's father. I guess you're not going to imitate too much acorn against me.

I didn't agree because some parts of me didn't know what would happen at the time I brought up the story.

"Hey, Zulu"

In addition to being in front of everyone, also in front of other combat slaves, but that's all this guy's fault.

"Ha, my husband. What is it?

Zulu kneels down and replies when he comes to my side with his loyalty down.

What is it, isn't it?

"You, when the labyrinth line starts tomorrow is over, the next day, the 4th of next month, we're going to Beglitz... do you have anything to say?

When asked so, Zulu remained silent, albeit with a slightly hurried look.

We watched each other's faces like we'd been seeing each other for a while, but after five seconds, I got tired of it.

"Don't shut up. Say it if you want to."

The store remained noisy, but Mizuchi and Tris, Bell, who were sitting beside me, seemed to notice and stopped the conversation.

The three of them are also watching Zulu.

I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say.

"If there's nothing there, I'll forget it all, seeing as I'm done with the neighborhood? Are you sure?

I say it out cold.

Of course I'll never forget it.

"Zulu, it's time to pay your annual contribution, right?

"Shut up, Tris," he was cautioned as Tris mouthed from the side but was slapped on the head by Bell.

Yeah. You have to say this properly out of your own mouth.

Say it quickly.

Because of this, I don't even know how the other woman feels.

I can't refuse to be a slave if the owner tells me to marry this person.

"Oh, well..."

Zulu tried to talk about it, even though it was a mess.

"Hmm? What?

I replied with an angelic smile on my face.

"Oh, I need a favor"


"Right. Your wish, if it's possible for me, I'll listen to you."

A circle of silence spreads around my table.

"Oh... that. Ji, actually..."

Everyone around me is whispering.

Looks like I guessed something from the atmosphere.

A lot of guys have a nigga.

"Er, there's a shield, it's rattling..."

My shoulder fell apart.

Seems to have leaked a sigh from everyone.

I can't really see what the Zulu woman who is supposed to be in the store looks like right now.

"... no shield from tomorrow because the repair is unlikely in time.... I'll think of the formation."

Bite your anger to death and respond somehow.

What a pathetic delusion!

In the first place, it's not a favor or anything!


Mizuchi coughed up.

It sounds deliberate, but I guess you told Zulu that I was angry.

Zulu closed his eyes only once, opening his eyes again.

"Oh, um... the... one more thing.... can I ask you to do this for a slave..."

With a sweat on his forehead, Zulu spoke in various ways.

I can only give up on being dressed up and being called Zuba anymore, but if this time I'm going to fall back and delude myself, I can't keep such a pitiful guy as a slave head.

I'm demoted to Heihei's slave by replacing him with Henry or Meck.

"... Daz. Good luck."

The Zulu woman - sure, I said Elmy... yeah, it's Elmina - whined as she stood up, holding it in her hand to carry a plate of dishes someone ordered from behind the store.

I thought I didn't even have to check on her feelings, but you still didn't need to.

Look, Daz!

There's a woman watching.

Don't look any worse than this!

"... er... your husband!

Wow, don't make a big noise all of a sudden.

You turned away because you were riding out a little.

"Oh, buy me a woman, Elmy! And let me marry you!

Zulu told her to scream bright red and upbeat.


"Well said!

"It's cool!

"Huh? Cool...?

and other cheers from around.

"... say that from the beginning. Well, fine. Okay. Hey Dad!"

Let's hear that wish.

I called Murowa's father and said I would buy Elmina, and I paid for it on the spot.

I don't have the paper I need for proof of sale anyway, so I have it prepared in advance.

Of course, I had already negotiated with my father, so I got an OK.

"Hey Zulu. We have to go to the labyrinth tomorrow, so we're going to the shrine now."

I don't know why, but the shrine can only accept marriage rituals for twenty-four hours.

But if only you knew the cleric's home.

You can't beat me up where I'm sleeping and pull me over to the shrine and hurt me, or I'll be shot by lightning.

It should be noted that the presence of the owner will always be required when the slave marries.

Someone who owns many slaves, such as the King of Lomberto and the Grand Noble, sets a day every few months, and they gather it up and have a bunch of wedding rituals at the shrine.

Especially since basically slaves are more “home” property than personal belongings, it seems that whoever is the spouse or immediate blood of the housekeeper can escort themselves, unless there are special reasons, it is common sense for the housekeeper to escort them.

The Murowa's shop was asked for additional liquor and food, and the three of us were accompanied by Zulu and Elmina, who seemed to be delighted, in awe, to perform the marriage ritual.

It should be noted that one hundred thousand Z has been given by all the nobles as a blessing.

Civilians and slaves were given when they returned from the labyrinth.

I thought they would hate me because there is rarely any boulder, but I guess the cleric who performed the ritual of marriage with Nico without one disgusting face is a good man.

Oh, can't you be a cleric in the first place without someone like that?

Anyway, I got a marriage ritual in addition to the naming of Elmina.

In other words, the total cost is 350,000 Z. Of course I will pay the owner.

"Zulu, Elmy. Happy marriage. Have lots of kids. And then this is how I feel."

I gave 200,000 Z as a gift, and for the week from tomorrow, I told him to go wherever he wanted in Wang capital and stretch his feathers.

"No! Your husband! I am a slave so vacation etc......!

"Oh, yes! Let me do my job."

The two come together and shy away.

Zulu was half anticipating it, but it was a bit surprising that Elmy would come in that way, too.

Were you proud to talk about working as my slave head from time to time?

Or is it just a reluctance on the part of a slave to get a day off?

Oh, good.

That kind of reaction pleases me in itself, and I feel comfortable doing my vacation.

"Zulu. You are a slave-head. A man who will continue to be an example to everyone. If you don't take a vacation, you're gonna shy away when the other guys get married, right? Just keep your chest up and play. You deserve it enough."

I was forced to take a vacation in the middle of nowhere.

But don't waste your time, okay?

... It will take a while, but I want you to buy yourself back with your own work and earnings, apart from rewards and all that.

He's a man who sets an example for the slaves, because he's my slave-head, and Zulu says it's a dream story. I want that to happen.

March 3, 7449.

He practises his last shooting in a vast space that stretches out between eight layers of metastatic crystals.

"Hmm, the sides are starting to open again"

Marie's shooting is getting a lot better, but you haven't.

Claw, who practiced shooting last time, soon summed up...

"Huh? Yeah."

However, it is a good attitude to try to fix the points noted immediately.

"All right. Ready to fire!

Marie stands in a knee-jerk position.


There is no whistle, so I give instructions to fire with my mouth.

Bread! Gashako!

I pulled the bolt on the right side of the gun shortly after firing to slide the play bottom, and when I did the scavenging, the habit of pushing the bolt forward this time to do the next bullet loading seemed firmly attached.

"All right. Ready to fire!

Marie again stands in a knee-jerk position.


Bread! Gasha!

The slide just pulled because that was the last shot left on the insertion bullet (clip).

Marie removed the empty insertion bullet (clip) and, when replaced with a new one, operated the bolt to send a new first bullet into the medicine room (chamber).

In the shadow of a rock about 30 m from where it was provided 200 m away, Guine conducts surveillance.

Because of this, surveillance is the role of checking if you have been properly hit during shooting training, and replacing targets.

I raise my right hand so that I can see better from Guineh.

"Number two is two, number three is three!

Guine, who rushed over in a targeted manner, has reported aloud.

Number three is a hidden word used as it is because someone started saying so sometime ago, in the sense that it hit the target itself but was not within the target mark it is portrayed as.

If it hits the center point of the target mark, it is best, and if it is within the target mark, even if it is not the center, it is second, if it is not targeted, it is simply told to come off.

Marie will be able to praise Guiney for swallowing the shooting guidelines properly, as there are no detachments from Guiney's report.

You just have to hit it, not the steeple (target mark).

My rifle's aimer is a ring hole shooting gate (peepsite), which is a hole shaped shooting gate (rear sight), and it's a small gun that employs a lot of shooting stars (front sight) just having a mountain at the end of the barrel.

Suitable for targeting goals that are somewhat between 200-300 m away.

Because I've only touched a 64-style small gun, it's not like I have to be held captive simply because I've had experience with it.

It is not take-off type, it is fixed as an integral part of the engine part, and the adjustment with screws is also omitted.

Alongside the regulator (gas regulator), this is the only detention point because it's not a very good point for a Type 64 small gun.

As a result, the illuminator is only making it a little higher when the gun is manufactured, scraping and adjusting it with yasles.

Zero in at 200 m (aiming adjustment while looking at the bullet) has been done by Bell using [sense of shooting (shooting)].

Regardless, Belle and now the only two late Engela have served the best at least ten times in a row in shooting training.

"All right, next. Serial shooting for a minute. Five shots in a standing shot. Freedom from now on"

I waved my left hand wide to Guineh to announce the start of a series of shootings.

"Ready to fire!

Marie stood up and put up a firm rifle when she leaned forward a little bit.


Bread! Gashako! Bread! Gashako!... Gasha!

Carefully fired one shot at a time while setting his aim, Marie exchanges clips and now takes a knee-jerking position.

You like knee-jerking?

Or do you think this one's easier to get inside?

Bread! Gashako! Bread! Gashako! Bread! Gashako!

"Stop shooting!

Eight shots in a minute?

Not good, huh?

Send a signal to Guine and wait for a report from her.

The target is already full of holes, so only Guinese's memory can be relied upon.

"Two, one, three, four, three off!"

If you hit more than 50% in a row, well, it's a passing score.

"Uh-huh. Bullet Storage (Magazine) is a hassle to replace... but I've got eight shots!

No heart or Marie is in a good mood.

"Still, there were some people in the world who would give the best shots a minute with the same structure as that gun, the number of rounds loaded. And it's not a magazine, it's a clip. Similar, but not subtly."

Both the Soviet-made Mosin Nagan small and modern sniper guns used by Finnish Simo Hayuha, who was said to be the best sniper in the world, are the same chain type (bolt-action) rifle guns as this.

The magazine is inside the gun, and it is the same to load a bullet wrapped with an inserted bullet there.

"What is it...... It takes a while to replace the insertion bullet (clip)... I just replaced it three times after 16 shots!? A monster."

If I send the first shot to the pharmacy (chamber) in advance, it will be exchanged twice.

You can mistake me that way.

The goal should be higher.

When I returned from the labyrinth, Zulu with his wife was waiting.

"Thank you, sir. Thanks to you, he was delighted."

"Master, I... you've been so good at that..."

I laughed and said to the two bowing heads, "I'm going to get you to work for that," to help me carry the luggage I pulled out of the labyrinth.

It was the last one, so it was a really big load.

Eight six-headed carriages (five of which are for personnel) are also waiting in the warehouse they were renting, and their large carriages are already loaded with the necessary items.

With the exception of me and Mizuchi's military horses, we have 48 horses ready to be kept outside the city.

Ready to go perfectly.

If tomorrow morning we load lunch and Bastral brings 20 slave kids from the ramen store and sausage factory, we leave for Beglitz in the afternoon.

I told the boulder no one would drink today......

"Hey, Guine, don't you want a beer?

"Me, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'll check my stuff today... sorry"

"Oh, yes... Belle! Has he gone somewhere yet? Then Kim, come on..."

"You... well, I'm just like you and I'm a May group, I hope"

The farting bugs had to travel after May.

This guy is a reincarnator, but he's not the nobleman who gave him the territory, so we don't need to rush to duty.

So are Claw and Marie in Bastral and Guineh, but Bastral has an education for them in the Chamber of Commerce, and Guineh needs to remember the terrain widely by going back and forth several times.

Claw and Marie are also set to leave tomorrow with me because of their desire to keep them in the Knights before the Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair).

I just had to leave it to this guy about the late moves scheduled for May under the erasure method...

No, of course, I'm also counting on the May group of Gel and Meath, Hiss, Kim, Sanno, Lutz and some kind of killer (Slaters).

Yeah, just in case, I'm letting Kim handle the May group of leaders... I'm worried, but Ralpha's not stupid either... so I'm hoping she won't do anything unsolicited.

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