Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Lesson 43 Education
October 5, 7438.
Looks like Farn and Shani slept in the guest room last night. Farn used to sleep in the children's room, and me and Miloo talked pretty late, but at last Farn didn't come back to the children's room. I guess I'm engaged, so it's obvious, but when I tried being our sister and brother, there was something I missed a little.
After his magic training, Miloo was captured by Farn and Shani and is now in an admirable training. Let's check with our parents about our secret disclosure of Shani right now.
"Dad, I'm sorry to interrogate your sword, but I really need to check something out right now"
Speak in a whisper when the sword assembler with Heggard.
"? What? Not after the audition?
Yeah, it's not convenient if it's not now.
"I want to talk to my mother right away. Sir Webdos."
"! Oh, you mean rubber?
Do you still think you can keep the archery going? He backed down as he defended Heggard's attack with his sword.
"Huh? Yeah, and magic, too,... whoa!
He immediately advances and tries to punch into the hegaard, but is slowly deflected and vice versa attacked from the side. I barely wave my sword at Heggard in response to that attack, but I've been defended.
"... right, I'll ask your opinion too, okay, bring Shall behind the stables"
When Heggard said so, he looked back and walked out toward the stables. I'm headed to my mother's house and I'm going to get Charles.
Schal walked away under Heggard, who was waving his sword bare behind the stables. Heggard says as he pretends to be a sword.
"Shull, it's about magic and rubber, but he's worried about the second son of the house about how far to tell Shanreid."
"Oh? Really, Al?
We both started talking as if nothing had happened.
"Yeah, can I ask you what I think?
I speak in a voice that won't be taken seriously either. Heggard stopped pretending, too, and took it that it was OK because neither of us would say anything and went on talking.
"I don't know much about the world yet, so I might say something rude, but listen to my thoughts first... We wholesale rubber products to the Knights of the Marquis of Webdos. I hear they are mounted on what must now be an official Knights gear. Your brother has also been promoted well since joining the Knights and has been named an official knight about six months ago. It was a big deal in this fight, wasn't it?"
I kept talking consciously about my voice becoming more and more serious.
"As for rubber products, well. It seems that the raw material trees are only around Barkud, and I don't hear about them being discovered elsewhere and made rubber products, so at best in the Knights or Marquis' brother, your chamber of commerce, but, oh, the village of Barkud is lucky, I'm wondering if they feel it to some extent. I would like to know first here how the village of Barkud and our house are viewed by the other lords of the Marquis. If so, please tell us about before and after rubber products are made."
So far in a breath, I looked at my parents' faces. My parents faced each other only once, but soon Heggard said.
"... Al, you really are... Right, before I made the rubber product, it would have been at a place called the regular jazz house on the most periphery. Much poorer than the average in the realm and counting from below, but not as poor as the poorest. Since I inherited my lord, I've been working so hard on patrols to get rid of field openings and demons, I don't think they saw me as a lord keen on territorial management. I don't think he would have been resented or insulted because if he had spoken up, he would have served the war properly, and even though he owed money from other lords, he would have paid everything properly. What do you say, Charles?"
"Yeah, right. I didn't know Gried's house was a jazz house until I got married, so I guess there are more people in King's Capital who don't know, and at least until then, the Grid family never even talked about it. I may have just been a little talked about when I was getting married, but not to mention the blood muscle of the Duke's house, which was a bypass where I couldn't even name Sandark's surname, and I don't think there was anything else to say about it. Since you became a lord, I've lived mostly in a village, so I'm not sure what you think from the outside."
With that said, Charles was the grandson of the Duke of Sandark, wasn't he? Are you sure it's three men and four women? That's not noble anymore. If I were a third son, I would have come in here as my son-in-law, but it doesn't even seem to be the Sandark surname, and it would be a good place to misogyny the Fourth Woman.
"Ever since I started delivering rubber products, I've been envied by other lords I happened to meet when I went to Keel, but I wasn't very rich originally, and it became a big source of income for me to take home, but I don't think there are many lords in the Marquis who earn more than a house, so I wouldn't be so offended. However, it may be unnatural that the territory has been moistened thanks to the increase in income, so it has not been tampered with at all."
"Right, but it won't be that serious. I don't care how many and how many lords I counted from the bottom, even though I earned more, so I guess I'm glad I got more tax revenue around the Marquis."
Hmm, you know what? I certainly didn't live so abundantly, and now that I say my income has increased, maybe this much is the income of the general local lords of Marquis Webdos territory because it has increased by about 6-70% at best. Sure, if you won the lottery in modern Japan for 600 million yen, you'd be jealous and jealous, but it's honestly good that it's about 10 million yen. Congratulations, I guess so.
That's a bad analogy. Should we consider the Marquis a large company and local lords as its subsidiaries? A subsidiary developed a revolutionary product, which was adopted as part of some of the products of large companies. Thanks to this, its subsidiaries, which were bicycle operators, were able to make some profitable contributions at the time of the consolidated accounts. At that time, the other subsidiaries……. Yeah. I don't know what else to say. Large companies have also improved their subsidiaries that are close to their luggage, and will not bother to take that new product away from subsidiaries that are finally in the growth phase. But if it's too promising, does it feel like sending one of the officers in? That's as far as I expected.
"Okay. Okay, next. My brother was able to be a knight in good order. I'm sure that's a gift of your brother's hard work, but would it be a good idea to become an official knight in two years of joining the group? Wouldn't you get hit?
My parents were quick answers to this.
"Oh, normal. It typically takes more if you're a civilian child, but Farn is the Lord's best track record candidate, not to mention a small one. I can be a full knight in about two years, unless I'm in a better position to say so. I was so worried that Furn would become a knight within two years because he said it was too promising to use magic for some sort of fold. But Fern said he didn't use magic in public except healing magic if he really needed it. You also said you were limiting that to something pretty simple. So first of all, we won't be distracted by the amount of magic and magic technology..."
Heggard seemed to understand what I was trying to say, and he gave me reassuring information.
I guess my brother hid it through the Knights about the amount of magic Furn had. I guess I restricted it and used it at least as much as the person seemed to do.
"That's right. What worried me was that there were two things, the first of which was Dear Shanreid... that Sir Webdos was the eldest daughter of the Marquis lineage. To what extent and in what direction are the thoughts of the Marquis and the Commander of the Knights of Sendoherr included here? Secondly, if the idea was reasonable, how much would she tell her about our brothers' magic power and unique magic training methods, and if so, whether she would report it to your home, Webdos'? You have decided to marry your brother, so you will have children sooner or later. I don't think she would know that if she were to be trained the same way as her mother."
Now it looks like Charles will answer.
"Al, I mean, here's what you're trying to say. One is to say that she is trying to take away the monopoly that has been acquired from Barkud by flowing the method of making rubber products to your parents. The other thing is, for some reason, if you've noticed Farn's magic power or witchcraft, come and explore the secret, and if it's valid, let it flow to your parents the same way."
Yeah, it's slightly different, and there's some missing parts, but you're more or less right.
"I understand your concern. We couldn't give an immediate response when Sendoher-sama proposed Farn and Shani's marriage on the expedition, and we talked about the same thing now.
But I can't even think about it, so I called Farn and asked him. Oh, I didn't ask you this from the beginning. In the first place, you didn't talk about marriage from the beginning when you went on an expedition. The first time we heard about Farn's marriage was on the way home from the end of the war. Hi. I hear Shani originally hated Farn.
At the same age, she couldn't beat Furn as a knight. As for Sendoher-sama's eldest daughter, she had three brothers and a sister, so she managed to make her way out as a knight, and even though she was trying so hard, she hated Fern's dust because she worshipped her all the time. Farn said he didn't know that because he didn't have time to think about it during his Knights training and was desperate to do so. "
Heh, did you? Then why are you coming to my daughter-in-law with such a bad guy? It seems more and more strange...... Now Heggard says I'll point that out.
"What Charles just said wasn't Fahn, and in the end it was what Shani told me. Even though he originally hated it, he didn't think it was hateful. At first, he thought he was a rival and he was sticking with something, but Fern hardly deals with himself and fixes his good grades lightly. Even if you work hard, Fern works hard too, so that difference is hard to fill. If you think about what kind of training you are doing, you naturally know exactly what their training is because they are the same Knights. I didn't do anything special. I was just trying so hard to encourage him to train. It didn't extend to swords, spears, horsemanship, etc., and even if I tried it on the plane, I would return everything, and he hated it already. He just hated and hated and observed Fern about why this guy gets in the way of his path"
Oh, my God. That's a stalker.
"After about a year like that, they had field training. Both Farn and her were on foot as squire, and they joined as offerings for a senior knight. That's when their troops were hunted down and defeated. Normally, they would give up and surrender there, or make the last assault ready to take over and destroy the troops, but Fern calmly analyzed the situation and tried to create a foothold for the counterattack.
Almost all of them had given up and tried to make the last assault, but Fern, who had made further retreats there, restructured his troops and insisted on a counterattack aimed at the aircraft, was scolded for what it was like to speak out for the operation at the squire's minute. In contrast, it is normal for Fern to lose if he gives up along the way or makes meaningless assaults, losing means being a prisoner, placing a heavy burden on the territory and the people with ransom and so on, and if he dies and the troops are destroyed, he will just be unable to protect the territory behind us, or they will be ravaged by the enemy. That's what I'm saying about losing. I can't admit it to being a squire. You're still a knight. "
Oh, my brother has to be.
"The senior knights beat him up because they wanted to say Farn, who had a busy, windy mouth they found out about, but Farn still didn't bend his theory. That's when Shani said he recognized Farn for the first time. Oh, he feels like he's no match for this guy.
Well, he ate his time with that rubbing and eventually lost, but he had a knight who tried to charge Fern with transrighteousness and insult because he thought that during the training roundup he would mouth the operation and hang a disrespectful squire who even insulted a knight who was officially in office. Sendoherr, the Knights Commander, took a heavy look at the situation and gave testimony from the officials on the spot to bring it to justice.
Farn said he spent six months cleaning the stables for speaking without permission even though he had no right to speak out for the operation, a punishment of leaving for insulting the knight. However, the punishment was reduced to three months, taking into account the content of the statement and the circumstances in which the troops were placed at that time, the operation Farn advanced, and the circumstances and contents of the insults, he said, leaving without.
Almost all of the testimonies were given by Shani, apparently. During that trial, Farn said he was sometimes not allowed to speak and didn't say a word, even when he was told to leave. I don't know what happened to the knight you accused and the knight you insulted. "
... Farn is really straight.
"Anyway, it seems that since that time Shani has recognized Fern and realized that he has either said or liked it. Seems like he cared a lot originally. To my surprise, he immediately went to Master Sendoherr and asked for permission to marry him. Master Sendoherr also had some thoughts about Farn, but he said he put conditions on his permission.
He said that Farn had been given a reign as a true knight, and then Farn had also agreed to marry Shani, and that his father, me, would only allow it. However, one of the conditions was that Farn would not speak to Farn without saying anything about them until he received his reign as a true knight. But the battle began almost at the same time as his reign. If it's true, he just wanted to talk to Farn about the marriage and ask for my permission. He told Farn he talked to him at the same time as the Knight Syndicate, but he couldn't talk to me during the war. I didn't even have time to talk to Farn. "
I see, Shani also found that Farn would have little idea behind him in betta love. As for rubber products, did you think that would be okay if your own daughter dowry?
"I know how you two got married. I also understood that I was unlikely to have been after information and technology about rubber and magic. But can't you guarantee that feeling will continue in the future?
"You won't have to worry about the divorce first because you won't be allowed to divorce the nobleman's head or his trail. In a few more years, I'm gonna give up the housekeeper when Farn has a kid. But I do have no idea what Shani's feelings will be like in the future, as you say.
But you don't have to worry about rubber products. It's a very important and big business for us, but it's not that big a business for the Marquis. So, about magic, but I don't think Shani has anything else to tell me about it. Of course, after the marriage ceremony was completed and I became a full member of the Gried family. Until then, I want to see how it goes and hide it until I can have kids for both of us if I can.
So don't do magic training at home in the future. You'll soon find out that you have a lot more magic than normal because you can't help using magic in the manufacture of rubber. I can't help this, but I'm going to work with as little magic as I can in the future. I can't help but lose efficiency from that, but from next year onwards I will be able to regain production because I intend to make one of my squire's houses quit and be exclusive to rubber. Until then, it'll be a little tough, but good luck. Yeah, you figure out which house to professionalize first, and if you decide, let me know, along with why. Just think about it before the end of the year. "
Heh, can't noble heads divorce, including their traces? That, whatever...... won't be a problem while you're doing well, but what if you want to break up after marriage with a personality mismatch or something? Do we have to be patient and go on with our marriage? Oh, can we even get bigamous? Is that okay with you? I also feel like we are separated, but isn't that close to divorce? Oh, I'm so tired. Nothing. I don't know what to do with rubber anyway, so I just asked and I don't have my opinion. That would be fine if my father showed me his policy.
And then I have to think about the house of a rubber professional squire, but this is fine now because you just have to think slowly.
"Okay, I'll do what Dad says. Don't worry about what to do with this. I'll try to tell my sister later. Thank you for listening."
"Al, it's nice to worry about you, but trust your family a little more. Shani will soon be a family. If you say that, there's nothing I can't say about being a Duke of Sandark."
I felt beaten up. Your mother is right. I can't believe I'm suspicious of my family because I'm bored.
"Mother is right. Whatever the history, it was crazy to suspect the woman your brother eventually admitted to. That's the same thing that doubted your brother. I'm sorry, forgive me"
Heggard says as he strokes my head.
"That's okay, Al. We thought the exact same thing about you at first. Besides, it's never wrong to have doubts and try to fix it and get rid of your anxiety. On the contrary, you noticed well without trusting me from the head. It is a necessary quality as a nobleman and as a person entrusted with the territory. What happens to the lives and territories of the people with one judgment...... Thinking a lot is never a bad thing. But Shani will be a family now. Once you're family, don't doubt it."
"Yes, I understand"
Oh, Heggard's a good father, isn't he?
You think so, don't you?
I just felt a little better.
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