21 Aug 7449

The two men, who took the proper accommodation and left their luggage and horses to lighten themselves, asked the innkeeper where the diner was in order to quench their thirst.

However, only precious magical weapons (Magical Weapon) do not leave your skin alone.

I don't even keep spears in the inn that get in the way to walk with them.

Anyway, I was introduced to a rice restaurant named Very Ordinary Decent Drilling Across the Inn because I said anything was fine if it wasn't botched.

As for the rank of the store, it seems like a subtle position in Beglitz, below the inside.

Vacant seats are noticeable to the extent that the seats are rarely filled because the sun is still high.

"Ngu, Ngu, Ngu...... PUHA!

"Huh, you're coming back to life."

The two smile at each other as they pour a lukewarm beer down their throats across the table.

There's not much restraint on cold drinks because we can't both magically make ice.

"Ah, Guine, there's a bubble in your mustache"

"You too, around your mouth."

Kime's fine bubbles stick around her mouth like a beard, and she looks at each other and laughs at each other.

"Yes, please wait. 20Z"

Instead of the waitress who brought the beer, he brought the boiled beans that a middle-aged dog tribe (dogwart) man asked for on his knob.

Looks like the owner of this shop.

Guine speaks to her husband when she pays for two big bitches.

"Um, can I talk to you for a second?

"Hmm? What?

According to the owner of the store, the reputation of the new lord is neither acceptable nor impossible.

They don't see it as very important unless the tax rate is changed, such as a terrific change in the neck of the lord ruling the territory.

"I heard you knocked down a dragon in Balduk's labyrinth, so I guess it's a big deal, but that's none of my business."

"I guess the new lord brought his squire and slaves, too, so, customer, didn't he have more?

"Ladies, don't be silly. That's a good story, but the number of deputies' ministers before that is down. Some of them used to visit this store. In short, my shop has lost customers."

The two of you who heard my husband's words are convinced.

Sure, Al doesn't seem to like this store.

Therefore, it can be said that Mizuchi does not like to use it either.

When he relaxes and enjoys a meal, he prefers a little more lewd and lively, and when he feels a little extravagant, he goes to a thoughtfully luxurious store without threading on the gold.

Most of the time when it is not either of these, it goes around in the range of a few decided stores, and such stores basically have an extraordinary menu that serves as a shop sign.

Claw and Marie, who are righteous knights, will also go to a store a little better.

The other day they would have broken up and would have reached Beglitz before the two of them, the former flames of purgatory (Gehenna Flair) would likely come, but they prefer bigger stores because they drink a lot of different digits. stock of liquor barrels.

That's how, given the erasure method, it was at best a store to the extent that the slaves might come "maybe".

"Oh, yeah, hey, I'm talking about a slum gorotzki being caught at the same time here recently. What's the praiseworthy part of the new lord... isn't that right?

By contrast, it seems that there is no such thing as an unappreciable part at the moment.

"Sounds like you're doing great there."

After listening to his husband, Ralpha praised him that way.

"Why do you say that like you're great?

Guineh, on the contrary, gets stunned by Ralpha, who makes it a habit or says in his face that he has not even cooperated in Zenom's reign.

"Well, well. I'm going to work for you. Don't look so sinister. By the way, why don't we just have another extra drink? One drink made me thirsty."

"Yeah. I thought so too"

The two ordered a replacement when they simultaneously tilted the jock that was running out of them.

After moisturizing their throats, the two head to the administration.

Of course, to see Al.

But there was neither Al nor Mizchi in the administration.

Naturally, no Zulu seems to be acting with the two of them.

When I asked him where he was, Al accompanied the officials around the city, saying that Mizchi was heading out with Zulu to the Knights.

"You said it was off the north that Mr. Al went around, right? Which way is North?

Asked by Gühne, Ralpha jumped on whether he could not escape the habits in the labyrinth.

"Over there. But it's a hassle to find Al just because he went north, why don't you go to the Knights? Mizuchi's going to the Knights, too, and Marie and Claw are knights, right? Besides, Heggs and some of our squire are in the Knights too. Can Al do it in the evening?

Ralpha added, "If you meet Al and he tells you to go right away, you're gonna go without seeing Marie or something, right?," he said, beginning to walk to the headquarters of the Knights, which he had seen in the distance when he came to the city.

"Sure. Mr. Gurn, I hope you're getting cooler by joining the Knights..."

When Guine also lines up beside Ralpha, he heads to the Knights.

"With that said, what are you doing training the Knights? I've only seen Al in mock warfare with the First Knights before."

"Mm-hmm. I've seen it a few times because I lived in King's Capital, but I don't really remember. Certainly... so that the captain can quickly create the formation he designated, put up a spear and storm... of course, there seemed to be some mock warfare..."

"With that said, Al said it was a mass battle."

"Yeah. I think it was important in the labyrinth"

"So does it feel like I've increased the scale of the training I've always done?

"I think so."

While we were having that conversation, I could see the Knights headquarters building.

The Knights' garrison is off the streets of eastern Beglitz, using vacant land that stretches further east than the headquarters building as a normal training ground.

When I approached him, I also heard something like an anger emitted by knights and squires.

I guess it's just in the middle of some kind of training going on.

"I'm doing it."


At the headquarters of the Knights, we arrived immediately.

When the two offered to visit Mizuchi after revealing their identities, the gatekeeper knew their names.

They've already talked about it.

He is guided by a freshly behaved squire, who still seems to be working downstairs, bypassing the building and stepping into the training ground.

Dozens of knights and squire soldiers appear to be deploying on a ground many times wider than that of the school to train them to reconfigure their formations as they travel for a small run.

"Next! Infantry (Estoke) Square, Twenty-Three (Nidan Mim)! Cavalry (Cavale) is the center of the sharp arrow (Arrow Toe), Seven Nums!

Of the group that was running for a small run to match the commander's honking, each made a small formation when the infantry unit split into two, and the cavalry unit formed to fill the gap in its center.

Based on the content of the decree, the formation formed by the cavalry unit is probably shaped like an elongated arrow.

Looks like Mizuchi is in command from his voice and the rubber armor he's wearing.

Is it because the reincarnated are an overwhelming minority that the word used for formations and numbers is Raghdarios (Common Language)?

Or is it because I'm not used to it yet?

In the Labyrinth of Balduk, in the unlikely event of encountering other adventurers, he dared to use English to make the formation to be reconstituted difficult to read.

Xenom, Zulu and Marceau had some difficulty remembering the words, but in fact the hardest ones were Ralpha and Guine.

Because English was on the verge of a red dot in both of us, in our previous lives, in a high school with 37 deviations.

"Something's behind you."

"... from armor. Mr. Royle and... Mr. Marsh?

It looks like the infantry unit has a few of them making an unstoppable move.

Of the black-dyed leather armor, the flame-imagined decorations, you can see who it is with distinctive things.

Nearly half of the infantry units are still in a prominent position.

A few members of the former Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) also appear to be mixed among them.

In contrast, few of the cavalry are frightened.

Claw and Marie seem to be mixed too, but the reins seem pretty much like they went into the hall.

"... the flames of purgatory (Gehenna Flair), they just aren't used to it yet."

"Yeah. If it feels like that, it's going to be pretty good when you get used to it"

The members of the purgatory flame of unscrupulous motion (Gehenna Flair) have just not been able to bear in mind the subtle positional relationship by the specified formation and number, and it is immediately apparent to the two of them that the personal motion itself is that of the combatant.

The only reason the formation hasn't hit me in the head is because it hasn't been a month since I joined the Knights.

"Ah, if you get used to it, it doesn't seem like a problem... that's an adventurer's move..."

"I guess it's not missing. If you're a normal adventurer in the labyrinth, you're right, but it's not a killer's move yet."

Guine also endorsed Ralpha's words.

They look great, but if it's anything to do with the battle, the girls who were part of the top team in Balduk are quite impressive.

It's also very preliminary about a mass battle where guns and other powerful flying tools don't exist, but I've heard a lot about it from Al, who lectured at the Knights of the Kingdom.

Of course, the training conducted in small gun platoons using rifle guns as completely separate from the above is also carried out in the labyrinth, with preliminary content.

Training continues.

From what Ralpha and Guine saw, almost all the cavalry was able to move that much among the original Knights.

However, although three of the cavalry members, Mizuchi, Claw and Marie, seem to have no problem with horseback riding techniques that make horses run or bend, riding combat techniques still seem immature, such as single-hitting while riding or assault techniques with horseback spears (lances).

As for Mizuchi, if he focuses on command, it won't be much of a problem, but Claw and Marie, who seem to have a lot of opportunities to interact directly with their opponents, have problems.

That said, in the battle down the horse, these three show combat power isolated from the other knights.

It was thought that if we continued our training, we would be able to fully exert that power even in riding combat.

Also, even those who would have originally belonged to the Knights, because the infantry unit did not include a positive knight, seemed to have a huge difference in individual skills, training volume, and brain miso, and about half still needed training.

There will also be a mix of amateurs with newcomers of hair grown strength, etc., so maybe there is no choice in this content at the moment.

Even this one, regardless of troop deployment and formation reassignment training, the old Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair) feel like they were just ringing superior adventurers on boulders, one or two heads over veteran squires, missing, taking into account personal movements, lack of gaps, etc.

Of course, there was no part of the infantry unit that even surpassed Claw and Marie as far as combat power was concerned...

Because everyone's gains were unified with infantry spears and infantry swords, and the noisy weapons that members of the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) loved were not forbidden to use or used in this training.

It should be noted that members of the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) who are unfamiliar with weapons in one-on-one combat seem to be no match for veteran knights, not even Claw and Marie, and Ralpha and Guineh may be tempted.

The exception was Mizuchi, who was alone.

"One-on-one, I've only played about it, and I don't know what else to do. To that extent, I'm better..."

"Maybe Lar is...... I seem to be no good. I was wondering if I could work with Lar for two to two?

The two watched the training for about an hour, when they concluded so.

Finally, at the edge of the training ground, attention was drawn to two young women pointing to an army that would raise heat to training and saying that it wasn't, uh, not even this.

"Mr. Mizuchi is calling."

Seeing Mizuchi's invitation, Guine looks up at Larfa's face standing next to her.

"Yeah. What is it? Shall we go?"

When he sees a glimpse of Guine, Ralpha walks out with a niggling grin.

And he was given a wooden sword that mimicked the sword for the infantry (short sword), and he was so pampered that he could not take a single one from the nobleman who named the vice-knights.

It should be noted that Guine, using a spear with a tampon on it earlier, had an extra good battle compared to Ralpha, and decided not to take a step against the highly skilled Deputy Knights Commander, winning by two and winning by one.

One of those defeats was before he got used to training spears, and after he got used to it, he crossed over to each other with the vice knight captain, and decorated two wins in a row in a defenceless way.

"Lal. I won't let you down like that. If you use an axe, whoever's going to win one-on-one can count with one finger."

"That's right. But the unification of equipment is more essential than forming a formation when it comes to training the army... there's no choice. Mr. Whiteflame and the others can only beat Mr. Mizuchi if they turn it into a weapon they're used to."

Claw and Marie comfort him, but Ralpha remains dissatisfied with his "unconvincing" look.

"I can't help it. This will be everyone's study, too. You want to do it with me?

Mizuchi changed the wooden sword from a long sword (long sword) to a song knife (spotter).

"Huh. Confident. Do you have a hand axe?

Neither does Ralpha, who responds with an invincible laugh, seem willing to use a magic axe on a boulder.

For this reason, there is no such thing as training in the axe.

At best, the blade is crushed to some extent.

And there's no way the Knights are always equipped with that.

"The only guy I use for my salary, okay?

Of course.

And he had a pretty good battle, but in the end, he got Mizuchi's wooden sword and lost.

But "I didn't know I was going to hunt my wife down that far..." I didn't do much to eat her down because it seemed like a glimpse from the face of the Knights.

"Damn, after you guys came this way, I tried pretty hard in Balduk too. I still couldn't..."

Ralpha bites her umbilicus as she smiles bitterly and asks her to hang a healing magic on her body.

"Then why don't you watch the level later? Could be a few up there, huh?

In time Al seems to be either back in the administration or going to the slave long house.

- Still no match for Mizuchi, or...

With that in mind, Ralpha stands up thanking him for his healing witchcraft.

Only for a moment Mizuchi could see Ralpha's face distorted with regret.

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