22 Aug 7449

On the way down Burral Street which stretches east from Beglitz and eventually leads to the northeast outside the territory.

"Mm-hmm. Should we bypass this hill over there..."

said Guine, pointing in the direction of the detour.

The current location is almost halfway point from Beglitz to the village of Mead where you can walk your horse slowly.

There is a hill at an altitude of about dozens of meters, and the streets pass through the middle belly of that hill in a way that is halfway through it as if it could not be bypassed.

The tracks should be as high and low as possible, so it was imperative that everyone would follow a different course even if they said they would lay railroads along the streets.

"Hmm... you don't need to step out that way. Wanna go check it out?

Having heard Guine's words, Ralpha has already turned away from the street by pulling the horse's reins.

Marr and Limby, Al's combat slaves who follow them, don't seem to be going to move until Guine concludes.

"Yeah. I think the ground is solid around here, but I don't like it if it's also a rock where I can't see it. Let's go."

Off the streets, woods with sparse trees grow all you can stretch the sesame grass.

It would have killed the forward speed considerably, but the horses that Guinese and the others were driving scratched the weed and proceeded as if they were going on a well-maintained street.

"I wonder if this area is the culmination of the detour..."

While looking at the heavenly side of the hill to be detoured, Guine shrugged as she looked hollow with eyes that seemed to be out of focus like a blur.

"This place is taller than the streets...... lal, you know?

"Come on? It just seems to me the same height as the original street."

Ralpha answers looking back at the original one.

For once, I had a horizontal instrument created by Al, but it's hard to tell if the entire land is tilted to the extent of a small horizontal instrument.

"You guys know what I mean?

"No, I don't know"

"I don't know either. Excuse me, Dear Firefrid."

Marr and Limby answer Ralpha's query with regret, but these two are in desperate condition because they get used to riding, and they didn't originally care one thing about the height of the street or the altitude of where they are now.

So much so that I thought "I wanted it to be a carriage" on the inside.

"Hmmm. Seems the same to me... ok. Let's go back to Beglitz once!

As determined as anything, Guine proclaimed, and put the horse around his head.

"What!? It hasn't been an hour, has it? Why?"

Ralpha to say as surprised.

"Tell Al to put a Dwarf (Gnome) on it. Because Norm has [Inclination Sensing]."

The special skill of a species called Gnome, [Inclination Sensing], is a skill that allows you to sense the average of inclinations within a certain range centered around you, depending on your physical level.

In the explanation by Al, the sensed area increases at a radius of 2 m per level with each increase in the physical level.

For example, if the calm was the only nome in the slayer (Slaters), it is easy to know to which extent the vast area of ​ ​ the sensing range extends to a radius of more than 40 m, and if the nome is not a nome but has the same special skills, it is more than 50 m.

Of course, [inclination sensing] does not know the altitude, but the inclination is felt.

If so, it is because the speculation is made that the height is different from that of the land outside the sensing range.

Naturally, there are errors in the sense of inclination, but it would be better than not knowing anything.

That was how Guine decided to return once.

"I'd like two people with a higher level so I can see the widest possible range, and one with a lower level that only knows the narrow range."

Guine and Ralpha talk as they return to Beglitz.

"But if you're a slave, you're not going to be able to ride a horse... and you're going to rent a carriage?

Ralpha seems a little worried about the high demand for carriages this time of year.

"I don't have a choice. If you can't borrow the carriage...... you just have to put it behind me and Lar"

Ralpha is also convinced when he hears Guine's words.


"Oh, I don't like men if you want to put them in the back..."

"Yeah. It's only for women. Of course."

The parts of the reincarnated people, including Al, that have not been dyed out by the oath appear as if they were real.

Many especially aristocrats and wealthy civilians do not recognize some slaves as people.

Dressing is negligible, and sometimes even excretion and intercourse are seen by slaves who don't care at all.

Let's say that sensibly it goes hand in hand with not being ashamed of talking monkeys, convenient tools, or the animals you keep.

Of course, there is something called character in slavery as well, so it is usually recognized as a person if you are in the role of an upper-middle girl (Kamiju) or senior servant, which is often played by free people and civilians, even in the slave class.

Slaves that do not treat humans at all are about the lowest of the slaves, including the youngest (servants), the youngest, and the battle slaves.

Because of this, for both of us, Marr was purchased a few years ago, he is just an old known being from childhood, or even working out as a combat slave in Balduk.

For that reason, I don't have feelings for the opposite sex I don't know.

Ralpha and Guine, who borrowed two additional slaves instead of Al, came back to their earlier location again.

"What do you say, Samantha?"

Guine asks the slave of the female Gnome, who also has forty plugged in the second half.

"Yes, I hardly feel inclined"

Slaves answered after concentrating temporarily on [Inclination Sensing (Inclination Sensing)].

When she was younger, she had experience being used in second-rate adventurer parties as a combat slave in Balduk.

The monster smashed his knee in the labyrinth, and even after his injuries healed, he didn't recover to the point where he could fight, and was sold off because he left some handicaps, flowing and working as a maiden in the Lordship's Hall in Beglitz.

In addition to being inexpensive because of his disability, the Earl of Loughleague asked Al to buy it at the same time as the serfs and other slaves because he was likely to pull the leg of the journey to the King's Capital.

The Lords' Hall was also being rebuilt, and Al, who did not want extra people to live in Courtzil Castle to work as his youngest daughter, said, "You should also babysit the Long House of Slaves until the Hall is ready".

However, of the 1,000 or so slaves taken over from the Earl of Loughleague, she was the only one on the 13th level and never forgot its existence.

"Mm-hmm. Well, let's see what's leaning that way. Then. Tallis, try [Inclination Sensing] while you travel from that tree to this place."

I command the slave of the child Gnome that he is finally ten years old.

A slave called Tallis, when he was five to six years old and finally started working, got caught up in a drunken fight and suffered a leg disorder just like Samantha.

There is nothing you can't walk about, but the work you can do will be limited to laundry, cleaning, babysitting, etc., and heavy labor, including field work, was judged impossible.

Such a pitiful Countess Loughleague had helped me where I was about to be disposed of for lip service because I had no choice but to have useless children in the future.

Tallis had also been ordered to babysit in a slave long house, as had Samantha, but this one was ten years old and still had not reached the second level, and he was remembered by Al for his impression of disability.

"Heh, I get it"

Going as far as the tree instructed by Guineh while pulling one leg, Tallis uses [inclination sensing (Inclination Sensing)] and when he moves a little, he uses it again.

"Guineness, I don't feel inclined toward me (wow), ha," he reports when he returns after a while.

Giving tequila and instructions, Guine wrote some caveats on the map she had spread out on hand.

The detour investigation didn't end until night.

I went back to Beglitz to stay on this day and decided to turn the rest of the investigation around tomorrow.

"It's pretty tough..."

The two of them, who took the same inn as the previous day, face the drill again and are having a little late dinner.

"Yeah. But at this pace, we're going to be finishing our investigation to Mead Village about the day after tomorrow?

That's what Guine answered and had a beer.

"The day after tomorrow. Promise's two weeks, but a lot more."

"Mm-hmm, I'm sure it's too much, but it's not all gonna be over the day after tomorrow. Anyway along the street, we need to be more polite in investigating places to bypass..."

"That too? So, you want me to build a curved track?

"If it feels like today, it's convenient. Not without it, but can you handle it? But without bent tracks, the curve can only be bent about 10 centimeters at 7 meters, so the detour has to be considered for quite some time."

"Are you about 120m from the street through that hill?

"Yes, so..."

Guine starts calculating as she answers.

It is a calculation of how many meters from the apex of the detour you have to start detouring in front.

"If you can deflect 10cm every 7m you go, you can deflect 120m... why not have 1200 rails?

Ralpha said with a face he seemed to be good at.

"Right....... that means I should start bending in front of me for about 8400 m with a seven that costs 1200?

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Guine also answers.

"That's a quick calculation...... but"

"Yeah. Something different"

Marr and Limby, who were listening to the two conversations beside each other, were whispering to Boso.

"Hey there! Shut up. You're a distraction from the calculations."

Marr and Limby shut up because Ralpha says they can't concentrate with two voices.

As a result, if one of the seven m rails is shifted by ten centimeters, a right triangle with a slope of seven meters (700 centimeters) and a height of ten centimeters (adjacent) can be drawn.

If the length of the bottom (opposite side) at this time is determined, by tilting the rail to be added by 10 cm and putting it down, it will take time to calculate, but you will know how long to start bending the rail in front of you.

The length of the slope is self-riding by means of a three-square theorem, from which the self-riding of height is pulled to obtain the self-riding of the bottom.

In other words, 489900 of the number deducted from 4900000, which is 700 cm on the slope, to 100, which is 10 cm on the height, becomes the bottom self ride. In short, √ 489900 may be calculated.

There are several methods for finding square roots, but the calculation method called the open method is common for the easiest calculation.

It is easy to understand considering the straight line without bending as the bottom, 10 cm of bending as the height, and the slope as a right angle triangle of 7 m of rail length. (equivalent to no ABC and no BDE in the figure below)

Since square roots can be easily found using the open flat method, it can be seen that in this case, the bottom of the ABC is about 699 and 93 cm.

Also, if you graduate from high school, you should know the triangular function, so it would be a little easier to use that one.

Note that normally about the typical parts of the triangular function table (e.g. cos0 ° = √ 4/2 = 1, cos30 ° = √ 3/2, cos45 ° = √ 2/2, etc.) are remembered, so it is also possible to create a triangular function table if the square root can be calculated.

sinθ = height/slope, so if you calculate it, you'll know right away.

Similarly, cosθ, tanθ, and so on can be derived.

Since the BAC is Arcsin height/bottom, it is possible to calculate the approximation value as long as the circumference rate is known, we can create a radian table.

In this case, whoever looks at it knows that the BAC is a small one, so it can be expected that both the triangular function table and the radian table will be sufficient once ± 0 and twice, even if they are made in 0.1 degrees.

In short, if only a small part of it could be created.

It is a narrow range even if guided by hand calculations, so in one day you will be able to create a table of the necessary parts.

That said, the second rail bends even further.

The next thing you have to calculate is the length of the line AF that does not form the bottom of the ADF.

To know that, draw the auxiliary line so that it is parallel to the rail that has been stretched so far from the B of the rail AB placed on the first when placing the second rail BD. (Green auxiliary line BG)

The DBG made by this auxiliary line BG and rail BD is twice the size of the BAC.

Since the length of the rail BD is found to be 700 cm, if the size of the DBG is determined, the line division DG can also be calculated.

Then, it can be seen that the number that adds 10 cm, which is the original height (adjacent), to the line division DG, is the length of the line division DF.

Furthermore, no ADE is a right angle triangle.

The length of the bottom rail AB and the line division BE (the same as the length of the line division AC calculated earlier by the flat method) is known, so if you add it up, you will know the length of the line division AE. Naturally, the line division DE is 10 cm, so it is possible to calculate the length of the line division AD, which is the slope of the AED (the bottom of the binary triangle CDA).

Since the length of the line division DF (no height of ADF) has been known earlier, the bottom of the ADF can also be calculated, as in the first calculation of the bottom of the ABC.

Simply put, the distance that each rail travels to its destination becomes shorter and shorter as the second, third and rails are added with a slight tilt.

In other words, the distance that must begin to bend to pass through a position 120 m away is only known.

... Of course, neither Guine nor Ralpha have noticed a mistake.

23 Aug 7449

The morning after dawn of the night.

"So just start bending about eight or four miles in front of this hill."

Ralpha was explaining to Al by spreading a map drawn by Guineh on the desk of the Lords' Office in the administrative palace of Beglitz.

"... don't be like that if you only bend it once"

Al responding to squeeze it out of the back of his throat.

"You, in front of the Eighth and Four, are we going to get past the station, which is the starting point?

Al continues with a face and voice like a few bitters wrapped together and chewed up.

"You bend it over and over, don't you? Considering the angle back, it's about 500 meters in front of you. Think about it in the Triangle Function."

Al said to Ralpha and Guine, sighing.

"'Trigonometric function'?

Guine says in a strange voice.

"Something you may have heard"

Ralpha seemed better than Guine.

"Maybe there is, you know. I do. You learn that in" About a Year in High School, "don't you? Signature, cosign, tangent! I know it's common sense... but to the guy who forgot to calculate the fraction... damn. I don't know."

When I was disappointed, I said, "I'll only say it once. Listen carefully," he was the lord who explained the triangular function to the two women.

The lecture was repeated many times for saying it only once, and ended up continuing until lunch time.

but to two people who never understand. Al boils down the business.

"... that's enough. Keep the apex of the detour on the map. You just have to think of a candidate for the course because it feels like a natural bend to it. I'll do the rigorous calculations over here."

I reflected deeply on the fact that I had wasted my time declaring a word.

"And... I figured I'd have a couple of rails that are bent... I'll also keep a list of how many rails I use and how I can combine them to see how far they deviate from the straight lines of the original tracks... this would be nice, right?

"... sorry"

"Excuse me."

Two people who apologize for dropping items.

"Lomberto Castle is enough to build such a splendid castle that at least the carpenters of Wangdu know it. Isn't it a bad idea to teach someone...?

As I just told him to go investigate, Al was all alone, waving his hands tight.

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