Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 73: Delightful miscalculation

September 20, 7449.


Remaining hot and still hot office.

All I could do was look at the map Ralpha and Guine had submitted and roar.

Of course it is the roar of admiration.

It was just a month ago that I ordered the two of them to look down on the course of the railway line from Beglitz to Weed and to do the screening of the villages of Mead, Halos and Damon on their way.

In contrast, Guine has been telling me to give me time for the whole of October.

Even for me, I thought, "It'll take about that long, a reasonable period of time," so I kept accepting.

Somehow the distance from Grits to Weed is well over 50 km.

Even though you can remember all the terrain at first glance, you will also need to go to the site to see the surroundings to determine the course of the tracks.

It's hard to fully grasp about inclination when I just saw it, so when he asked me to lend him a dwarf (Gnome) slave for the purpose of making him assist in the investigation of inclination, I thought, "That's true, too," and lent him two women who were making him babysit.

But I'm sorry about the two slaves I was able to lend, but there were two women with impaired legs.

Moreover, one of them is still a small child.

In spite of this, Ralpha and Guine had completed their journey from the lower view of the course on the tracks to the three village checkpoints in a short period of only four weeks.

That's almost perfect from me, too.

It should be noted that Weed's checkpoint itself was finished by Guine alone before the summer when Ralpha came from Balduk, and even a complete map of the inside of the pit can be made.

The maps of each village are written with sufficient precision to make it easy to calculate, with a little and even a number written everywhere, as well as a note on what is growing in its arable land at the time the map was made.

One number at a time was also swinging about the building, and in another report each livestock kept by the inhabitants of that building was listed by building, as well as a combined list of how many horses and pigs there were in all of its villages.

At any rate, I only have no information about who the civilians who are cultivating each plot are, but it is against the village lords that I impose taxes. So I have no trouble without that information.

But we all knew exactly what we were going to say or what we were going to say, and we all knew exactly what we were going to do with the tax.

I imagined enough to under-declare cultivated land, but on top of the hassle and hassle of taking care of it, there was even a village that had it from the village to a hidden field some distance away.

"I've often found such a remote hidden field. It's a lot off the track course..."

With that, I poke my mouth and leak even those words.

"Oh, it's a hidden field in the village of Halos. I don't know, but you've confessed from the other side... and I told you to think of it as taking a year per hectare to open, as I was told."

Ralpha said.

If you open with that in mind, you can open 1 ha per year (less than 1 tsubo per person per day) with the power of 10 adults.

Naturally, the density of the tree and the type of tree it grows will also be an important element, so it cannot be said at all, but it is a general guideline.

It should be noted that this speed of opening is not much different from the speed at which a skilled magician who has about five levels of magic and ground magic uses magic to open again and again.


Replying appropriately, I was wondering if this minute would put an end to it all, about the censorship of every village in the territory by the end of the year.

"Well, that's why I'm resting like this today with me and Guine doing nothing. If anything happens, let me know tomorrow."

After each evening's meal, Guineh drew up a map, and Ralpha apparently made a list or something with Cicosico.

According to Guineh, drawing maps is not much of a hassle because it is a habit in itself, but Ralpha also had a lot of difficulty.

Sometimes it seemed like even as I was making notes in the middle of the day with the number of livestock written, it was pretty messy at night and I didn't know which house notes.

That's a matter of how he classifies and organizes himself, so even for me, I can only say, "Oh, yeah."

The test area is better, but the problem is the tracks.

I was obsessed with sticking around and looking at the map, and at some point both Ralpha and Guine disappeared from the office.

That night, after returning to Court Jill Castle, I spoke with Zulu, who was overseeing the laying of the tracks.

Again, at the current pace, it seems that the track from Beglitz to Mead Village is going to take about a cup a year to open.

I was slightly dissatisfied because the lower view of the track course, including the test site, was proceeding at a rate that exceeded my expectations, but even this speed was as originally planned to be heard.

I would say that even if you want too much luxury, you get a bee.

Besides, I don't think that's true only for Zulu, but I have trouble being weirdly combated. Especially when it comes to unplanned work in the first and later example sections.

"There's no need to rush. Instead, I hope I took more time with the intention of washing out all the problems that come up when I do construction right now. And on top of that, if it's on schedule, I have nothing to say."

I told Zulu exactly how sorry I was to hear about the map.

21 Sep 7449

When I finished my lunch and returned to the administration, two Dark Elves (Dark Elves) mercenaries, Calthron and Guigerals, were waiting for me.

"Count, do you have time to make your report?

I'm here for you.

I thought it was time for you to come because it was yesterday that Guine and Ralpha came.

The two reports say the lords of Mead, Harros and Damon villages have quite different impressions about the district.

Sir Jinkase of Meade Village seems relieved to clap out at the proper clueless examination.

However, he says he received a completely opposite impression from Sir Gehnung of the village of Halos.

Whatever, when they went to investigate, they also conjured slaves from village squires and raised heat on the opening of new farmland as a massive popularity by citing the village.

And Sir Wazmar, who ruled the village of Damon, said that nothing had changed since then, as far as the investigation was concerned.

"Right, good luck. By the way, I hear you're both new to the Kingdom of Lyle..."

When asked so, the two young dark elves all expressed their affirmation.

"You've been walking around the realm for a while, have you had any inconvenience? Have you ever felt inconvenient?

I've never heard of people being discriminated against by race in Aus because they've been living in a mix of races for thousands of years. Because the kingdom is made up of a mono-ethnic people, there is no dark elf that receives an exclusive image, nor is there any outside the country at all, so at least I don't hear about the fact that countries outside the Kingdom of Lyle rare and abhorrent dark elves.

So the question I just asked means literally.

It is a statement made in view of two young people who would not be accustomed to travelling.

"No, there was no particular inconvenience"

Calthron answered.

"We've heard of what people need from people who have traveled around the country as escorts for caravans…"

There doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with Gigeralds either.

But that's it.

Apart from Tris and Mizuchi, who have mixed Japanese faces, the killer (Slaughters) had a biological elite named Rocco (Elf), and even though my parents' squire had a family Elf, I'm used to seeing it, the male Elf really has enough beautiful men to fall in love with.

Black skin is reminiscent of black people who were on Earth, but black skin is tea-based black, whereas dark elf skin is blue-purple black, so the impression I get is completely different.

Shall I say that the facial fabrication is also delicate and sharp and, if I may say so, neutral?

"Right. I see. By the way, I'll have the two of you doing a completely different job tomorrow. Sooner or later, I'm going to ask you to explore the realm again, but forget about that for a while."

I'm going to base this on having Ralpha and the others follow suit after the investigation, so the job ahead will be a completely different one in nature than that.

"A couple of lions (lios) named Zydritz live here in Beglitz. He's my squire and a civilian. I usually make cigarettes, and the slaves... how many are there? Yeah, I've got about 20 people, but that's all because they're renting my slaves. There's not supposed to be any slaves who officially own them yet. Monitor this Zydritz couple so they don't find out. If anyone comes in contact with you, capture them after contact and hand them over to me."

Looking at the simple Beglitz map, you two are listening to me bite every word I say.

"Oh, this is hard to understand. Simply put, it seems that this couple named Zydritz was sent in by the King. There are a few other guys who don't think so, but most likely this couple. So surveillance of the others falls behind. So, so, well, if you're in the middle of something, I can assume you're undertaking two jobs. One is to circulate to the King the information we have learned in this realm. The other is to get some kind of command from the king to gather information by his life."

Mm-hmm. They looked a little convincing.

"To be honest, I'm not hiding anything from you, so I don't have any trouble knowing, but I want you to know what the other side wants to know and what they're interested in. Also, naturally, if you get any orders, I want to know what they are."

Well, it's a big lie that you have nothing to hide.

And even so, just guns and other firearms.

I am willing to answer anything else if asked.

They even know that they want to be independent in the future, so Hannah doesn't intend to hide anything other than firearms.

Because once it is used on the battlefield, it can no longer be hidden, so it is only a hidden matter with a deadline.

I'm not going to stand up and be hostile.

To tell you the truth, I just want to make sure it's okay to use the shooting practice area I built by the Castle of Côte d 'Ivoire.

I don't care how you fall because I think you have a pretty good chance of being between kings.

Because even if it's my main job to get economic information and harvest information, I think I'd be interested as soon as I make a bang flashy sound from time to time.

If you found out on top of that that that powerful flying tool called a gun was being put into practice, no idiot wouldn't report it, would he?

So far, it has been transformed into a bowing alley reserved for Mizuchi, so there is no body.

Hmm? Actually, I've thought about digging a horizontal hole in Mount Velos that could be behind Courtzil Castle and practicing shooting in it. But in the hole, I realized it wasn't suitable for practical practice because it wasn't affected by windstorms.

If it's just a shooting field, that's enough, huh?

I can't help it, so I think I'll have to build a shooting practice area in the village of Midora, where Vince rules.

That's the middle of a dart plain surrounded by deep woods, so you won't get a single shot, and nobody's watching.

But I don't know if I can get there in less than half a day, but I'm going that far, aren't you a hassle?

I don't have a railroad, I'm tired, and most importantly, I don't have time.

"In a few days' time, Associate Sir Firefrid's investigation team will leave again, but we'll have Gartholos and Dalzoros follow us next. In the meantime, you will exchange with them to participate in the Knights' Auditorium. So until then, it's like playing."

Of course you're not playing.

"It's possible that Zydritz is passing through covert technology because he's also at the behest of the two of us, and I think he pays more attention to the eyes of surveillance than that. I know you guys aren't trained to assassinate like Mizuchi, but you were still appointed as warriors through rigorous training, weren't you? I hear they're better than regular soldiers if they don't know how to monitor them."

You could understand being praised, it seemed like you had a little laugh.

"So only you, the Dark Elf warrior class, can be entrusted with this task. In the future, Gartholos and Dalzolos will take turns watching Zydritz, so stay with me. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll say it again just in case, but after the contact, restrain the contact so that Zydritz doesn't notice. Also, never kill a contact. If it's enough to kill you, it's better to run or let you go."

In some cases, he could kill me after he stuck me out.

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