Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Seventy-Five: Moving Into Water 2

Early autumn 7449

Western Meyoite region extending as a heavenly territory into the southern central part of the Kingdom of Dabus.

Benkerish, a large city along its coast.

From there, about 100 km east is a harbour town called Carneri, which has a population of less than 2000 people.

The main industry in Carneri is a small scale coastal fishing industry and the construction of small vessels for use in neighboring fishing ports, for example.

However, the departure of fishing vessels for coastal fishing has also declined dramatically here for some time, and no water has been advanced at all for new shipbuilding.

About a year and a half ago, a group called the SS of His Royal Highness came from the Wang capital Landgries, forcibly and lawfully depriving the people of the right to expropriate from Baron Hamor, who ruled Carneri with a royally issued power of attorney as his shield.

It was the two elite squadrons who, even though they came to say SS, were actually reconstituted by pulling personnel from the LTTE, which commands the defense of the King's Capital, and were a very high-powered force in the Kingdom of Dabus as a policing and police organization.

All the boat carpenters held by the city of Carneri, in addition to the working fishermen and the like, are mostly expropriated by SS as manual labor workers.

The task bestowed on them was, first of all, to dig a large part of the coast, which is not a sandy beach, which is also beside the deep coast of the water.

The depth to dig back was said to be four meters below the surface, and for the first two months or so it was so big that almost all of the adult villagers were driven out.

It was a very tough labor, but the barons of Hamor, boat carpenters and fishermen were not greatly dissatisfied because wages were fully paid and there was no late payment.

That said, it doesn't mean there were no problems at all.

A strict warrant has just been laid on the entire city for all the work that is being done here, and the violator was offered death by summary trial, without exception, until the young child.

All the while, the streets of Dazune, passing east and west through the northern part of the city of Carneri, were placed under strict surveillance by SS men disguised as peasants, and the city's inhabitants were told that they must always be accompanied by SS men disguised when travelling to neighboring cities and villages, including merchants.

Fisheries have shrunk and the shipbuilding industry has just become closed, or even affected the purchase of commodities similar to necessities.

It doesn't make sense that even when wages are paid, you can't shop at all.

Naturally, there was a tendency to protest against the SS, starting with Baron Hamor, but he was disrespectfully indulged and silenced.

Especially since the minimum necessary foodstuffs, etc. were regularly transported by SS itself from Wang Capital, etc. where they had wholesaled it to merchants at the right price, the dissatisfaction has not exploded.

And around the early summer of last year, a young woman came from Wang Du with a senior SS badge.

The woman flew tedious instructions to SS members and workers when she demonstrated leadership unworthy of that age, and in just about two months she let the timber cut out with enough momentum to bare one nearby hill round.

In parallel, they also carried large quantities of well dried sheets and squares, whether they had been purchased from Absence.

These lumbers are stained with pine fat and so on, and the carpenters of the ship could tell at a glance that it would be the building materials of the ship, but the carpenters are stunned that the quantity is not an ordinary object.

The wood cut out is said to be used after similar processing after being left in place and dried for two or three years.

There were rumors that people would build dozens of military ships, as they did someday, but the rumors never leaked outside the city.

Around autumn, with its wood, the construction of the ship began in a hole dug near the coast, but the ship carpenters could not hide their surprises, starting with Baron Hamor, at the size of the platform that was first built.

This is the first time I've understood that a hole dug near the coast was a building dock for just one ship.

Much like the beginning of the construction of the hull, work was also begun on digging under the sea side of the construction dock, and after the dawn of the year, this time a woman named the court magician came from the king's capital to sink a large rock bed that she had magically built into the seabed where she had just dug.

Also, at the same time, the dock walls had just been reinforced with similar rock formations, making it even harder to peek inside from the fact that tall rock formations were positioned to enclose the docks.

As for the dirt and sand that came out when I dug the dock, I was told to stack it outside the rock bed surrounding the dock, and just looking at it made it look like a mere dirt hill.

And the hour flowed, and a giant ship was built that reached a total length of thirty meters and a total width of five and five meters.

In addition to the three masts on the ship, the bow has a bausplit as long as four meters (a stick for putting up a triangular sail called a jib. longitudinal sails, such as jibs, also made it easier to travel on the wind by cutting back paths), and the stern was even equipped with a giant rudder that interacted with the rudder wheel of the deck.

With the exception of the mast and the rudder wheel, the handrail is still not even busy, and only roughly on board, but the hull is complete.

"Name this ship“ Fuji ”! Name it!"

When Prince Alexander, coming from the King's capital for this day, proclaimed in high spirits, a cleric crossed the prepared crossing in a way that surprised him, touching the armor and starting to make it somehow moggy.

The cleric returns immediately to the Prince and reports that the naming ceremony has been successfully completed.

Um, the prince who replied cut off the strut (lump) that had stretched from the side of the bow to the top of the dock with a silver shining axe.

The strut was connected to a fine wine bottle and a dull ball attached to the top of the foremast, and the wine bottle was smashed and cracked by the hull, and small pieces of paper and cloth dyed in various colors scattered like snowstorms from the dull ball.

At the same time, the prince stares at the seemingly sturdy bedrock that separated the dock from the sea.

Reaching toward the rock floor and holding an open hand with a disturbing modus operandi, a loud crack entered the rock floor about 1m thick, 8m wide and 6m high with the unpleasant sound of a hairy body named Bisili.

I would have used some special sorcery...?

So many SS executive-like figures and Baron Hamor accidentally floated their hips out of their chairs.

He would have escaped the scene if the son of the Duke of Stoles family, who was fluttering in the chair in the middle of the VIP seat in a calm manner, hadn't said in a low voice, "Don't float, you snubby".

Then something big and hard sounds like a blunt slap on the rock floor with a dong.

The crack widened further, and the sea water began to stain out of the gap.

The sound stopped at some point of cracking, but the seawater has already started pouring into the dock with considerable momentum from the crack.

Less than an hour later, the surface of the sea that flowed into the dock reached a height almost similar to that of the sea that spread outside the cracked rock bed, by which time “Fuji” was floating puffy in the dock.

Until the sea water poured in, the crossing boards, which had descended at considerable angles to the ship's armor, were now loose uphill.

"Can I ride?

The prince looked back at the edge of the guest table and asked.

"Of course. Go ahead."

The woman, who was wearing the badge of a senior SS member and commanding the construction of “Fuji” (she called herself Guisowincho), smiled and replied.

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