10 Nov 7449

Today is the day my mansion is inaugurated.

Since the end of last month, I've been in charge of construction around the water myself for half a day every third day.

And, you know, I've told you before, there's no town festival in Aus.

I'm not in the habit of building up ceremonies or showing off the building's completion.

They mention the capital (Miyako) to celebrate when they become royal castle classes on boulders, though.

Personally, I am proud to say it has become the most advanced mansion in this oath.

Our couple's bedroom, living room, bickering room, library room, clothing room.

There are two rooms for children who will be born in the future.

Food storage room, dining room and storage with space for dining room, kitchen and fridge.

A living room with more than 30 people in it and a relaxing space.

Double bed rooms with two twin bed rooms and two single rooms.

Two living servant's rooms with bunk beds.

There is one room for heads of use.

This alone brings the number of rooms to 20.

In addition to them, family baths, strippers and water washing toilets.

Bath for guests, strip area, water washing toilet.

Bath for servants, stripper, water washing toilet.

It should be noted that there is no firewood storage room because all demon stones are used for heating, cooling, lighting, cooking, etc., but there is a fireplace in the two living rooms. I keep a little firewood in the storage, though.

It's all bungalows, so it's a grand mansion.

Because of this, everything in a window called a window is embedded in the sheet glass I made.

It can be said that even if we only take this place, we can achieve a more open construction than the royal castle.

I had to put a total of five water tanks on the roof at all costs, so much so that I couldn't get everything on a tile roof.

Some gardens are large enough for a little exercise and archery, and although they are only about three courses wide, they also made an elongated pool about 25m long and about 1,5m deep.

There are also stables on the property that allow a total of as many as sixteen horses to be kept, as well as a large warehouse for storing leaves.

Naturally there is also a large garage to put the carriage in.

These are covered by walls about three meters high and hedges planted inside them.

In my last life, the house I bought was an apartment......

Did the general and administrative expenses amount to 24,000 yen per month or 10,000 yen per month?

I was wondering if the cost of underground parking was 25,000 yen a month...

That's... I don't know if that's what you need, but if it changes, it changes.

... Will similar costs cost more?

Let's leave it at this point to immerse ourselves in sentiment.

Me and Mizuchi both cut up their duties in the administration in the morning and headed to the mansion.

I'm the only one who's really taking home a little handbag of paperwork that they say needs a verdict by this evening.

When we arrive at the mansion, servants and slaves gather in front of the gate, drooling their heads and welcoming us.

There's only five of them in all, except for the fighting slaves, who start with Ruby and Jess, who are holding back on the side even when they say they're in the mood.

They all belong to the civilian class in my squire's family.

Some of them served on the mansion of the previous deputy Count Loughleague.

"Thank you for your patience, Mr. Yakuza. Ma'am.

Fifty tangled, fine-sided aunt Han said, stepping forward.

She was the one who served the mansion of Count Loughleague, whose name was Patricia Bartolome.

He is the wife of an earlier generation of the Bartolome family, a squire who manages farmland west of Beglitz, and is a dog-man (Dogwer).

The Earl of Loughleague lost his job when he left the land, but in the form I rehired.

I didn't feel sorry for you for losing your job.

It's just because I thought it would be more convenient for someone who was serving a real senior aristocrat to cut up the house.

I also hear that it can be as simple as accounting.

Note that she is not a dwelling.

"Come on, I'll take care of the horse. We hear Uranus and Gyokuru."

The next person I've heard from is an old Pu (Hume) man with no right arm.

His name is Lucio Guaire.

He stables in the Knights until last year when he lost his right arm in an accident and was beheaded by the Knights.

By the time I found out about him, the wound was after a complete healing, so using regenerative (regenerative) magic wouldn't help his right arm.

Until now, he's had a cold meal at his parents' (also my squire) house in Guailee.

I'm hiring at the lodging.

Me and Mizuchi took off their coats and gave them to one woman when they left him the horse's reins they were pulling off and ordered him to take the saddlebags off and carry them into the mansion.

"... I'll take care of it"

I don't know why I took my coat off here, but it was the Cat People (Cat People) women in their early twenties who received my Mizuchi coat with a slightly unexpected look on their face without attempting to do so.

It's a little chilly, but I want to take my coat off about the first time I come around the gate of the finished house.

Me and Mizuchi have had temperatures drop somewhat since about the middle of last month, and I started wearing my coat when I go outside in my regular clothes.

I've had mine since I was in Balduk, and while I was using it while I was fixing the size, Inverness is getting pretty bumpy because it's not originally a great and good product.

Mizuchi's is a coat of leather dyed in a bright fat colour that Weed's tannery commissioned him to make since he came here.

The name of the woman I received was Aida Sastore.

She was married to a young husband in a house running a grain dealer in Beglitz, but because she had been married for five years and could not have children, she was insulted and separated from the stone woman by her fiancée, and this is also the woman who came back to her parents' Sastore house where she farms as my squire.

Grain dealers are important to farmers, so I guess I just had to say.

Because her ex-husband is getting a new daughter-in-law, but according to my appraisal, [Anesthesia].

She also hires at the lodging.

"Hmm? This...... why?

Shortly after entering the gate, a tiny little tree, about a metre high, was planted.


I didn't realize that I hadn't grown up much yet and that I had passed by before because I was hiding in the walls.

"Oh, Master Ryog brought it to you the other day. They told me I had to plant at least one in the corner of the garden..."

The answer was a one-eyed Pu old man hired as a gardener.

The first name is Sergio Lacerna.

But Diane did?

And you have to plant it in the garden?

It's okay.

I hear he went out on the battlefield when he was young and lost one eye.

Since then, he's been messing with the gardens of houses such as the Merchant of Beglitz, including the previous Count Loughleague mansion.

It's the same civilian class, but I'm guessing it's giving Diane a name because he's a regular squire over there and he's a three man with no housekeeping.

He is also the dwelling of the same room as Lucio Guaire in the stables earlier.

"Oh, the stall. Oh, oh, I wanted to keep your stuff. May I?

I hired Sophronia Tefracolin as a midwife to look at and say what I kept raising.

She is the remote daughter of the Marquis Webdos, the only servant (member) in this servant who has colonized at about the same time as me.

Her Tefracolin family was a serf as a bypass to the Webdos Marquis' capital, the squire family that farms in Keel. At the same time as the colonization, the entire family has been freed to become civilians.

Stuttering was born and I hear this is still healing considerably.

But in the shadow of it, he said he had no daughter-in-law beyond the age of 20.

It's an elite (elf) -like surname, but her family is a clean mountain (dwarf), and she also has a fine strong mustache.

She will also be living in the room with her colleague, Aida Sastore.

"Oh, this is good. Oh, you don't have to worry about this."

Documents to be used by the administration on boulders should be carried by their own hands.

It's not like it's anything else, or heavy.

It should be noted that they, they are “at the strong request of Mizuchi," women wear clothes that look like made-up clothes, and men wear clothes with designs close to black tuxedos. The fabric is also quite superior, a complete tailored piece made to suit each shape.

Of course, I hear that I change when working as a gardener or stables.

...... this uniform (?) I'm just using more than 1 million Z.

Why don't we pay for some new clothes next summer? Just for all seasons.

Now, do you want to open the front door of my first house (my home) in my life as well?

At dinner this evening.

"Today's a good day," I told the two maids that I would serve and let them back down.

I guess if it's something like a course dish or a pot dish or something, you can put the serving aside, because today's not that kind of menu.

This evening's dinner is served with Giberti's tailed sea bream (mace nappa), mae nage (mae nage), and some kind of luxury boat platter (!) is the main thing.

If it's just sashimi and booze, you don't need to serve.

The liquor was also soaked with leaves that were somehow in the shochu and made it feel like sake.

Yeah, well, this boat vessel was made to order for the day, and it's a delicacy that cost 150,000 Z. The woodworking craftsman did a good job trying to meet my orders, the lord, even though he had never built a ship.

I could have let Thor make it, but he was so enthusiastic about making a template for the hand pump I designed these days that he didn't seem to be around.

The sashimi knob is a sea grape that can be harvested after entering the sea a little from the sandy beach of Hash village, but this is pretty good.


"Yeah. Yum!

Carry seabream sashimi on a sashimi to your mouth and drink ambient liquor after savoring for a while.

Ah, this!

"With that said, there's no 'sea urchin'?

"I don't know about 'sea urchins'. Around Balduk and Wang capital, it didn't make sense to say onions or archins, and I didn't hear that similar things could be caught. I'm going to write a painting for Sir Kibunal next time and give it to him. I said there's Isoba too, so if you have sea urchins, you can harvest them. At this time. I'd love to eat a buffoon, not a luxurious one, but an acorn or a mushroom."

"With that said, were you in the whole world saying it was' Earth '?

"It sure is. They must have found it anywhere in the world... uh, if I recall, who's coming out?"

"" Raw sea urchin "would be nice, but I'd also like to eat" strawberry boiled "or" salted sea urchin "."

"Yeah, hey, back in the day, 'Inoue', 'Sea urchin' I ate when I was traveling to the Philippines, it was cheap and delicious"

"Oh, you said that"

"Yeah. They don't eat that guy over there, so I could eat as much as I wanted for free"

"Gout." That's a straight line.

"Ha. Right."

"With that said, Ral and Guine haven't come back from Hash village yet?

"Yeah. There's only got to be a little bit of farmland over there. Well, I guess seafood is abundant enough to capture this fine sea bream, so why don't you just eat sashimi like us by now?

Despite the luxurious boat in front of us, we don't know we're tired of our desires.

Ralpha and Guine, who had gone to the village of Hash for a test site, had forgotten the test site and devoured the achievements of working in Isoba all day.

The two of them arrived early in the village and went to Isoba with some wind blowing out.

And when he took a lot of weird things like chestnuts from the sea, he split them on the spot, and when he soaked the orange drool's guts in the water of the sea, he delighted to eat them.

Therefore, today is the fifth day.

"Lynbee, Marl, don't you eat too? This is delicious. Eat."

"No...... fine"

"Well... as I've said many times, I'm fine too, Dear Firefrid"

Ralpha offered his fingertipped guts from the inside of the broken shell to Marr and Limby, who stood atop the Iso, but they creeped and never tried to mouth it.

Of course, so are the two Samantha and Tallis who accompany them.

"Oh, you don't like raw? Then let's make it a little easier to eat. Lal, eat later, and let's go home today."

"Hmm? Do you eat anything but raw? Are you all right?

"Well, well. 'Cause I thought about something nice."

"Hmm. Ma, fine."

"Come on, help me get both Limby and Marl. Because I think Al would be happy."

"Ha. If that's the case..."

"If you just want to win, I'll help you"

They hung all afternoon and caught a sea urchin full of big cages.

"Yes, yes, Isaac, put it down on three sheets with the skin on"

Guine is instructing Alcaine, Sir Kibunal's first husband, to cook.

"Then break the eggs, divide them with yellow and white..."

"Soak yourself just now in white and cover yourself immediately with sesame seeds"

Apparently, he's coaching Isaki's frying of interest.

"If you're yellow, mix this..."

It crushes the ovaries of large quantities of caught sea urchins and mixes them with the yellows of the eggs.

"Then apply it to Eisak. Yeah, like that..."

"That's right. When cooked and the surface is dry, thin the mayonnaise..."

This one looks like an array of mayonnaise grills made from Isaki.

Ultimately, these dishes were quite well received.

Toasted with butter and sea urchins, a precious product, is also highly appreciated.

"Yeah. I knew they'd all be delicious if you tried it."

"That's right. It's a sea urchin."

"I think Mr. Al likes it too"

"That's right. It's a sea urchin."

"Right. So come on."


"Lar, how much can you get out?


"I'm making a chamber of commerce. Chamber of commerce. So, you buy and sell" sea urchins "here. Before Mr. Al crosses the line. at a high price."

"But the raw..."

"Have you ever heard of salting or soaking alcohol? About us eating raw, right?

"I see... lend me your money"

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