Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 101: One in the Variety House

20 Dec 7449

It was around the evening that I managed to finish up about the Chamber's tax treatment.

From yesterday morning until now, my eyes squeeze because I was fighting the paperwork at night.

Reynolds and his wife Sarah were also able to do quite a bit, starting with Yoturen and his daughters Anna and Hannah, who were in charge, but there are still a lot of miscalculations.

If Bastral hadn't gone some way and put it together, I wouldn't have done this.

There are many large chambers of commerce in Lombertia.

We can also somehow eat into that corner... it's a delicate place to be or not.

There are sales but profit margins are still low, and the number of employees is different from other major chambers of commerce.

You can't say it's huge.

In our case, lads (younger of the slaves owned by the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce) and naive (younger employees who are not slaves) make up the majority...... Shall I explain a little how the Chamber works?

Normally, a kid or something naive refers to the lowest level of employees under the age of fifteen before adulthood.

The truth is that it is further subdivided into several tiers due to years of service, etc., but it is troublesome.

At the earliest, around the age of five to six, and at the later age of twelve or so, enter and work out of the Chamber of Commerce.

There are basically so many slaves in this hierarchy that I don't give them my salary on a busy basis just to take care of my clothing and living.

Totally unpaid is against the law, so it's normal to pay a small salary instead of serving meals.

Exceptionally, naiveté is not a slave, so you'll pay quite a bit of salary, but if you're more than a civilian, anyway, often a free citizen can't even pay his or her own head tax on that.

In those cases, my head taxes will be owed in the name of foreclosure to the chairman of the chamber of commerce until my salary increases.

Also, whether it's slavery or not for employees at this level, there's usually no holiday, so whatever it is, they won't even be allowed to temporarily return home.

This area is not much different from medieval merchants on Earth.

I can even say that I am more blessed than the merchants of the day for as much as I can choose to eat.

The contents of the job are simple labor, babysitting, cleaning and other chores, and I can't let responsible work and so on be the first thing I do.

It's no exaggeration to say that if you're entrusted with that kind of work, the kid or the naive one has considerable expectations.

By the time they become adults, those who are polite and have a home will receive their first wrapped up holiday at this time, and the cost of homecoming will be allowed to temporarily return to their parents' home with a chamber of commerce. Naturally there is no such thing in the case of slaves or those in debt.

And when I get back, I'll be in charge.

You have to treat it like a full-time employee from here on out and actually deliver it to the administration as an employee.

I hear there are a lot of chambers of commerce that deliver properly, but they don't stink.

The bill is divided into three main tiers or so.

The bottom tier is divided into several tiers depending on the number of years of service, but is collectively referred to as the youth.

Salaries also increase slightly and are often allowed to wear jackets.

Also, if you have money, you are allowed to drink, and you can get a holiday for about a day a month.

Many people teach reading and writing at night from seniors and others.

In some cases, people who can use magic who are in the same chamber of commerce to learn magic may be trained.

The contents of the work are still dominated by chores, but there are also cases of subtle professional matters being dealt with, and people being asked about the quality of the products made by the person if he is a manufacturer, such as the Chamber of Commerce of the artisanal system.

John and Terry are in this position when it's our Chamber of Commerce.

Yeah, well, they're slave dwarves, but I hope you don't confuse them with this because it's a different sequence from their status within the Chamber of Commerce.

As a young person for a few years, working as a chore or something like that becomes a companion.

"Friendly" or simply called "friendly".

Mostly promoted to this status at around twenty years of age.

Normally, anyone is promoted unless it can be a hell of a mistake so far.

Until this point, when you work somewhat poorly but become a decent value as a slave, unless your business condition deteriorates somewhat, because you don't often get sold off or necked that easily.

But from here on out, if you work poorly, slaves can easily be sold off, and if you don't, you have a good chance of being beheaded.

There is often a little more professional work to be done, but there is still a lot of chores.

That said, it is normal to get more holidays and about two days a month.

As long as you have the money to buy it, you will be allowed to smoke, and you will be allowed to wear a coat or footwear.

In that sense, I can say that our Chamber of Commerce is a sweet exception to our employees.

Well, it's also publicity.

Often by the time we get to this middleman, the guy who was in debt without paying head taxes has also finished paying.

People like that come out with recoil that they've never been able to spend their money on.

Of course, a guy like that would be decapitated if it was a decent chamber of commerce.

Except for the native slum dwellers, starting with Jane Doe, it can also be described as the rightmost wing to fall for something Gorotsky.

In our case, the face of the killer (Slaters) when he was doing adventurers as a guard was this hierarchy.

For this reason, the combat slaves who are really letting them work as guards are also registering as this mediator.

From the junior high school, strength determines the birth.

The early man is about twenty five years old and comes up to the upper hand, which is the service fee.

In general, it is simply called "moderation" because of this service charge.

For the first time since this time, you can get out of accommodations prepared by the Chamber of Commerce (such as cheap lodging and lodging like a long house), and you are allowed to marry and have a seat.

Holidays increase about once a week, and even lower salaries start to exceed 2 million a year.

Nor does the content of the work belong to the previous miscellaneous entity, but becomes responsible in a narrow but operational area.

In our case, it can be said that Yoturen or the spouse of the squire who is entrusting him with the head is equivalent to this position.

Afterwards he is promoted to the dominant role, the so-called superior, according to his work and abilities.

Some people can be superior after thirty if they excel, but others can't be forever.

They are also given considerable discretion as to the content of their work and become responsible in various parts.

Naturally, when I get to this head, my salary jumps.

It doesn't get to a level where slaves can buy themselves back into boulders, but even a small and medium-sized chamber of commerce with dozens of people costs 5 million Z a year.

It's not uncommon for people to earn 10 million or 20 million a year in a big store or anything more.

In addition, if the person is not a slave, he or she will be allowed to own the slave personally.

This, moderation and head office remained in business practices in Japan until the 21st century, and the company with a history managed to have business cards that were combined with "head office" beside the business manager.

The manager or something survives exactly in the general company, and the branch manager or something is often listed as the manager in the registry.

You've heard about the position of manager because I think it's generally recognized as a hotel or a theater, right?

It's been a little long, but should we leave it like this now about the Aus Chamber of Commerce?

"Uh, it's finally over... I'm tired, so I'm going back to the inn to sleep. Take them all and eat them properly."

I gave Bastral a few pieces of silver and I left the store alone.

With that leg we head to the Realtor's Gillean Chamber of Commerce.

It's for later planting.

Hmm? It's no big deal when it comes to planting. Just rent a house on the outskirts of Lombertia.

I really don't mind Balduk's labyrinth.

No one in that city knows me, and Balduk is far from the boulder.

In renting, I was told that there was just the right property when I told them the conditions were "that there were no private houses nearby and isolated".

The house is said to be secluded in the woods, a few kilometers from downtown Lombertia.

It seems that until some years ago a family of hunters specializing in wild rabbits lived there, but since moving all over the city for less dizzying prey, no one has lived there.

Well, you're all over the house.

"But Your Excellency the Count. It's a pretty inconvenient place there, except there's a river beside it..."

A man from the Dog Nation (Dogwer), an employee of the Gillean Chamber of Commerce, is intrigued, he says in the face.

I wonder why you bother renting a house in a place like this.

"It's a great place to talk business secretly."

When I answered that, I see, he nodded in the face.

Finally, she asked me to buy it because it would be cheaper.

They say it's a million Z.

I can't afford a million dollars for a flat I haven't even seen yet.

But for once, I'm going downstairs tomorrow.

In some cases, it is possible to use it several times in the future.

If I can keep people away by buying...

... Is there any way anyone would shy away if no one usually lived there?

I don't have a purchase.


I wanted time in the afternoon, so I worked hard in the morning to make glass.

"Play around while you're in the king's capital," he told Ben and Ellie, who wanted to come with me as my guard, and ordered Giberti to "go eat and study, whether it's Bastral or something rare" and turn away.

Bastral seems to have noticed that I want to be alone, with some nasty grin.

Hi. They seem to be making some weird misunderstandings, but it's also a hassle to explain, so I decided to leave them alone.

Let's go see the house we plan to rent.

I used life sensing (detect life) witchcraft regularly to see if there was a tail.

Too many sensors to tell, but I tried to use them many times for about ten minutes with guts up, but no one seems to follow me.

That would be enough if you could tell.

I used it a few times just in case after a while out of the city, but there was no suspicious life response so I munched it in the horse.

The Gillean Chamber of Commerce gave it to me last night, and I turned to rely on a shabby map, but I got a little lost because it was hard to understand.

I finally found it, but it's definitely a splash house, damn it.

Well, I don't care because I'm not going to let anyone live there or anything.

The house is covered in woods or woods with rivers running behind it, about 100m.

The front of the house is open, but the ground was covered in weeds about 30 cm high.

From the streets to this point, it would be salvation when it comes to salvation, once there is something that seems like a path.

I also checked the house, but as a matter of course it was nothing more than a dusty barn.

This house, only this month, is 40,000 Zs expensive?

That said, it might be cheap to think about the hassle of finding your own house in a convenient place, so far away from the Wang capital.

Anyway, I checked the location, so I hurry back to Lombertier.

The next place I put my horse back in the inn was in a shop dealing with old clothes.

I bought a robe that was worn out but slightly larger.

Put the hood down and you won't see my face.

With that leg we head to the Gillean Chamber of Commerce and pay for it.

The next thing I know, it's your sister's house.

I'm not going to see my sister today because I'm supposed to go tomorrow night and promise to have dinner.

I'd like to see my husband, Mr. Marty, or his parents.

And I don't want my sister to know that I met them.

But your sister's house, you're not in a good location.

There is no restaurant in the kind of place that monitors the store.

There's a limit to hiding in the shadows and watching.

Um, what do we do?


I walked straight past your sister's house.

Tailor Hamill, there is a sign with the year.

Did you bring the sign from the previous store?

Because of this, I took a careful look around the store, but there was nothing like the store was being monitored.

I walked to two neighboring neighboring neighborhoods and finally found a diner.

There are many different shops in this neighborhood.

Then there is, isn't there?

... There it is. I'm a bookkeeper.

There will be paper and writing tools here.

When I bought the paper and asked him to lend me the writing equipment, he lent it to me comfortably.

Write to me sarcastically and easily.

The map was then also modified.

I suppose the letter will be addressed to Mr. Marty by nature, but I didn't write it.

Both he and his parents were in the military business with their Knights opponents, so they can read and write.

- I know your secret. I want to talk about it. Midnight today, as the two of us come alone with Gillard Zydritz's head to the location of the map in the annex. If you say anything else on this matter, including your family, I'll leave it to your imagination. Also, remember the map as soon as you finish reading it. This letter shall be incinerated.

That's it.

I grab the right guy from some naive guy roaming the city, see if he knows the tailor Hamill, and then give him the silver joo to say it.

"I want you to take this order to that tailor"

"Why don't you take that yourself?"

"Shut up. There are things in the world called clumsiness. There's our Knights ordering, oops, forget the words now. Anyway, it's for the Knights of the Kingdom. I don't want you to look weird."

"Oh, you mean that. It's cheap."

Speaking of order documents, I would only give them to someone who does tailoring work at the store.

In short, it's either Mr. Marty or your father.

Which way should I cross?

To be honest, the chances of passing it on to your sister... are high or low.

Anyway, the letter says "Zydritz's head".

Still, if you passed it on to your sister, it would mean that she has at least that much knowledge of trumpets, an intermediate organization.

In that case, I mean... I don't know if I was convinced or coerced or subjected to any kind of intimidation, but I'm just talking about saying I was taken in by a trumpet organization anyway.

Yeah, it's hard to think of just because of your sister's personality and the consequences of the blackmail.

Threatening materials in the first place... baby (Marsilio)?

Besides, the letter itself could be ignored.

Is that the time?

Late at night.

I made a shelter out of grass a little way into the woods on the back to monitor the rented house, in which I wrapped it around my robe and waited.

It's this time of year anyway.

Because it's cold.

Of course, it doesn't happen because it fits a multi-purpose ring, the Utility Ring, so my hands won't move because I feel the cold.

Horses are connected to the columns beneath the barn house, and the lights are lit on the lamps in the house.

And I'm nagging to sleep using the old Naruto magic to alert intruders.

When I was hanging out.

Sonoko raised the alarm in my head.

Open your eyes but it's dark in the shelter.

Use life-sensitive magic as it is.

I already know about boulders, but little creatures like insects don't get hooked on this sorcery, starting with rabbits.

There are seven sensed life reactions.

Because there are still about 150 meters to the house, or so far everyone is in one piece.

That's right, and what the hell is this number of people imagining?

I gently woke up and looked at the house with my face out of the shelter.

The light on the lamp is leaking from the window clearance.

The moon has only risen one, but there is enough light to see at its feet.

From me, there's a house about 50 meters directly in front of me, with the forest behind the house on my right, and the meadow in front of the house on my left.

It was the meadows, of course.

... There he is.

Use the appraisal quickly.

I'm thrilled your sister isn't mixed up.

The first, a general (fume) woman named Shayla Kamzig......

Second, a tiger (Tigerman) woman named Mirale Bace...... that?

The third, a woman of the elite (elf) named Emileis Zaleidron.

I remember. These guys... aren't they Sakura (Primrose)? of the Labyrinth Adventurer in Balduk.

It just so happens? And the rest...

Fourth person, Martin Gried. It's Mr. Marty.

What's this all about? Why are you with me...?

Fifth, Gillard Zydritz. Lion Nation (Lios) man. Is this your head?

Sixth, Zeroy Hamill. That's Mr. Marty's father.

Seventh, appraised to pray. Please, I hope you're not my sister...... so if you think about it carefully, it can't be that you're going to let go of your baby for a few months after birth or something. Yeah. Famieux Kern. Hume, leader of Sakura (Primrose).

Sakura (Primrose) was the lower tissue of the trumpet...

Time's up, and you must have called me in a hurry.

With that said, you used to have black yellow balls (Black Topaz) pulling wizards out of cherry grass (Primrose)......

Watching in silence broke up in three directions about 100 m from the house.

The female adventurer is in pairs, scattered left and right as she lowers her posture, and the remaining three are walking straight to the house.

I was expecting it, but it seems that the request I wrote in the letter was ignored except for the part about bringing your head.

I'm sure I'll ignore it, too.

While the three men walked towards the house, the second-hand split female adventurers approached from the left and right of the house.

One of them gently pulled out his sword and approached the wall.

He puts his ear against the wall and explores what's going on inside.

Naturally I didn't seem to hear anything, and when I left the house for a little while I waved loudly and sent something that seemed to signal to the men.

My horse is ordained as a military horse, so I wouldn't rush to rampage or hiss if someone I didn't know approached.

There are three men in the front of the house and two female adventurers on both sides a few meters from there.

Only two of the female adventurers can use magic other than Zydritz.

Everyone has a magic level of at least four, and if you try it on me, it's a known level, and I don't have the skill of all the elements.

I mean, no one can use the anti-magic field.

Okay, let's do it.

I buried them all with dirt with only my neck out.

I would have just turned it into ice without Mr. Marty or your father.

They, they are surprised by the sudden burial (laughter).

When I hung the Audible Glamour magic on the house and sounded it, of course, but everyone started watching the house.

Slowly turn behind them in the meantime.

I've used Audible Glamour a few times, so I can't afford to turn my attention to them against me.

Right behind you. I pick up the pebble that was rolling at my feet.

I threw it in front of them by hanging the magic of the lights that extended the effect time.

Looks like the stone rolled up to the house and hit the door or something and stopped.

Some of the guys shouted surprises when suddenly the big lights were on.

I stepped out in front of them with the hood of the robe pulled down deep into my eyes and hung up.

Good evening.

The lights are behind me.


Whose voice rose from one of the female adventurers buried on the right.

"It's a good night."

I said it without answering the query.

Zydritz is a well-dressed, bitter middle-aged man with a gray-haired jawbeard that leads to Momiague.

Its age is already over fifty, but its physique also looks medium.

Oath doesn't really help a substitute like Shadow Man because he can confirm his status.

Sometimes shadow fighters are used to misidentify commanders in times of war.

"You're the one who wrote the letter?

Mr. Marty asked, so he nodded slowly.

"Why are you doing this!?

Fathers and women adventurers say it orally.

"Well, this is something different. I wanted to talk, so I wrote to you both to come. Why did you break the conditions when you came here in this way would never mean that you couldn't read the letters, etc?

Now Mr. Marty opens his mouth to my response.

"It is a call of those who know no one. You should be careful."


That's odd. You'd think I was in the same position.

"I see, you need to be careful. But isn't pulling out the sword too much? I see her pulling out her sword."

I said, referring to the woman adventurer who was watching the house earlier.

and it was found that magical light gathers on the forehead of the female adventurer, who is buried almost at the opposite end of the day.

It would be attack magic.

At the same time as the magic was unleashed, he put up an anti-magic field to prevent it.

I think maybe it was flamebolt magic.

I don't know at what point I was starting to concentrate, but whatever it is, it looks like I was quite trained to release it from my forehead in just a few decades.


"Hey, why?

Surprising voices rise from the women adventurers.

Probably because the anti-magic field I used unfolded instantly.

No, I mean, normally, it's a good place to release attack magic from your forehead, so you were impressed with how you could react to it?

I disarmed the anti-magic field making sure the next shot was unlikely to come.

"Are you attacking magic without question... I'd like to go peacefully"

I said it blurry, but it's also true.

"Are you telling me to keep all of you in the ground while you hide who you are!

The first time Zydritz talked.

Neither do I.

By the way, Marty and Dad heard me... can you tell by the extent to which I spoke a little over a month ago...

"You can let it go. But then, if you admit any disturbing moves against me, you'll have to defend yourself."

"Let go!

Yes, sir.

I used the anti-magic field again and when I expanded it to a large extent erased the dirt that was holding them.

After all, one of the female adventurers was pulling out her sword.

Put your sword away.

Zydritz commands, but she hesitates, "So, but".

"Time to reveal who you are..."

That's what I said and slowly raised the hood of my robe.



Everyone remains silent.


Even though there is a moonlight, the pebble is glowing hard behind me.

I guess it's hard to see because it stays backlit.

"Let's turn on the lights"


I used firewall magic to surround the back of them in a semicircular fashion.

Now they'll be more reflective from me.


"Gu, Gu, Slaters!

"Ha, ha..."

"Count Riegle......"

They all seem quite surprised, but only Zydritz still leaves calm.

Is the boulder something like your head?

I cancelled the firewall in a few seconds so it wouldn't be a fire.

I won't light a fire on raw grass in this time.

I can do anything when I light it.

Breathe loudly so that you can even take a deep breath, and vomit.

"It's time to be tough...... but I can work a little harder, so let the extras go home. You've got a lot of other people here anyway, haven't you?

If I were Zydritz, I'd put a few people around this house in a big way.

Besides, Sakura (Primrose) was a nine-person party to the best of my knowledge.

One was pulled by Andersen, so if he hadn't been replenished since, there'd still be eight of them.

If it wasn't for the labyrinth, though.


Zydritz commanded the women adventurers.

"So, but your head..."

"Just go. The others are retreating."

"... ok"

The women adventurers disappeared scattered on all sides.

Hamill, I have both fathers and sons left. This would be nice.

Minutes after they disappeared, no one opened their mouths.

"Well, shall we talk in the house"

Transfer the riverbank inside the dusty, smelly barn, where everyone surrounds the lamp and I turn off the fire.

"Does my sister know about the trumpet? Answer with" yes. "

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