Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 123: The Messenger of Surrender?

11 Jan 7450

Forced reconnaissance using only cavalry achieved more than Balmish had initially expected.

Some of the defensive facilities that were under construction in the cultivated land of the village of Tankur were destroyed at the end of the line and construction was also stopped for facilities other than those that had been destroyed.

In addition, it was built in the middle of the cultivated land to a large position that would serve as a bridge headrests for the offensive and placed under control.

And he has also succeeded in grasping almost exactly what his original purpose is: the opponent's strength.

The strength of the Dabus army, which was stationed in the village of Tankur, is seen to be around 1500 in total.

Shortly after shooting the arrow sentence of the surrender recommendation into the village of Tankur, Balmish made multiple sets of sentinel units with five horsemen and alternately let them look around the village.

The result was only the defeat of a total of six soldiers who stood in sight on the south side of the village.

but the throwing of the corpse of the defeated object from the village onto a well visible cultivated land had also made an appeal for sentry units composed exclusively of horseback riding to roam around the village perimeter.

For this reason, no one tries to escape from the village.

In particular, we know that the Dabus army, which was stationed in the village of Tankur, has positioned its sights around the entire area, so the sightings, which were positioned around the east and west of the village, have escaped and are presumably headed to the nearby Dabus villages and towns to report raids.

Probably headed for Kincade village about ten kilometers east or Denang village a dozen kilometers southwest.

Both are defensive targets for Dabus, so there must be a garrison of defensive troops.

I think that's what he went to call it.

I guess it's on foot at any rate, so it'll take until tomorrow morning, no matter how early, for the troops stationed in the other villages to rush.

Especially in the unlikely event that you rush in such a short time, it won't help a breathless army or anything like that.

Traveling through the night doesn't slow down as long as there's light for a few.

That said, we cannot fail to pay attention to monsters nesting in the Dart Plains, and it is difficult to escape if attacked, so no one is the first to try to move around the Dart Plains in small numbers at night.

Even during the day, there are a few cases of monsters attacking us.

Nor is it a good idea to have a large number of people.

If the number of people increases, the threat of monsters will decrease proportionally to it, but if it is made up of hundreds of people, many places will not reach the light.

As a result, some fall and get injured.

After all, its speed drops sharply in order to have to be cautious about moving.

In anticipation of that, Balmish attacked after noon.

Even when requests for reinforcements were received in other villages, the attack time was adjusted to take into account the time it would take from evening to night.

It was also calculated and staged that by then this unit would also arrive.

Originally the occupation of the village was not included for operational purposes "besides".

However, as for Balmish, who had not been able to emerge from the platoon captain for nearly a decade after taking office, he wanted a clear "handle" with foil even if he were to move to some local knighthood.

Naturally, it is desirable to inflict more blows than the damage suffered, even if it is unable to retreat without being able to occupy it as originally planned, in addition to defeating it with great damage.

Consequently, there would have been a combined raid without Al.

Forced reconnaissance was really necessary to carry out the attack with as little damage as possible than normal reconnaissance operations ended in the end.

Afterwards, after rendezvous with the main unit away from the village, resting for a night and cultivating sharpness, consideration was given to being able to hang the total attack from the next morning, based on the information obtained in the forcible reconnaissance.

In the secure zone of the secured position, those off the sentry's shift are taking a break.

However, to date no battle-like combat has occurred at this position, so there is also some slack air.

"Is there anything unusual?

Asked the young knight, who Balmish climbed over the dirt wall for surveillance.

"Ha! No big move so far"

The knight answers without cutting his gaze toward the whole village, but Balmish is heartily dismayed by its content.

"Sir Balmish. You honestly don't seem willing to surrender..."

"Oh well..."

Balmish talking to a nearby knight, but his expression kept him strict and did not represent any inner disappointment.

"It's time, do you want to make an attack?


Without answering the query, Balmish looked at Al.

Al sits there building a small earthen mountain a little further away.

I can only see my back.

- Isn't Dabus an idiot, too? There is certainly no way I can do that if I think about it afterwards, such as landfilling each village. Well, that's why you won't even come out of the village...

"Uncle Leaguer... your magic arm might be better than that Lord Gried"

The proximity saw Balmish's gaze and changed the subject.

"... Sounds like it"

Balmish answers as he whines.

- Well, it's not dumb enough to strike out, it's not even decent enough to surrender to stupid honesty. No, I don't know if it fits my men's opposition about surrender, but I can't say anything.

When Balmish figured out what to do with it...

Al and the others were resting in the corner of the safety zone.

"It's been about two hours since then... Is it time for a response?

Claw says as he howls the dirt stuck in a ditch carved into the bottom of a combat shoe.

"What do you think? Normally, I think they'd surrender."

Al answers as he similarly drops the soil on the soles of his shoes with a small stick.

The grace time to the response noted in the arrow sentence of the surrender recommendation was about to pass.

"But do you surrender without a busy fight? Wouldn't it also be possible to opt for an anti-war?

Danik asked Al.

If you are a common knight of oaths, it is unlikely that you will surrender in less than a single battle.

There are several reasons for this, but the biggest one is pride.

To be described by a knight would be the Kingdom of Lomberto, but it would be the Kingdom of Davas, but it usually takes a lot of effort.

Not even noble offspring can be described by knights without being able to handle weapons at all, unless they are too big a deal.

And there can never be such a big guy as a garrison as a defense force in a pioneering village on the front line.

Therefore, the reasoning is formed that the knights on the side of Dabus are also quite trained.

As a result of their efforts, they have won the knighthood.

Such a person is confident and prestigious in himself.

Because there are no soldiers to follow those who do not.

Not to mention this is the frontline village of Tankur.

There is no reason to leave command to those who are not confident or prestigious.

Anyway, those "described by knights" are proud (pride) of their martial arts and academics.

Some consider it a "strange show of command" or a "good opportunity to raise a name" even if the other party is numerous, and others believe that if our troops are so overwhelmingly strong that they are not numerically numerous or anything else, there is no problem.

Though those who have so much extreme confidence will not be in the minority.


With a bitter laugh, Al looks stuck in words.

The expression was "unlikely."

"Well, there will be. That's what would happen if you were ordered to stay dead."

Value replied, either because Al did not give a clear response.

- I think it's normal to surrender that it's better than to die... Comply with the command, and die proud, to the death of honor? You might as well dress up if you were forced to withdraw in exchange for your life, but that's all.

As Al is described to the Count, he does not have a great deal of emotion for the Knight's mastery or pride because he himself has also received quite an education.

As a knight, he also shows due gratitude to those who have pride as nobility and so on, and personally seems to have a fondness, but he himself believes it is sufficient if he can prove himself to the extent that he is insulted and not slandered from his surroundings as a senior nobleman.

This does not conflict with appealing to you to have the pride of nobility or knight if you have the opportunity.

I even wanted to follow orders more closely than that and value people who get good results on them.

In one way or another, it would be more correct to say that people like the First Knights of the Kingdom of Romberto, who can make real-life decisions, are the only ones who think they deserve to be entrusted with the command of the troops, who are not going to take the pride of being samurai or anything else lightly, but who, as an evaluation point, looked a few steps lower.

It's the unsaveable sex of a senior aristocrat who "appreciates people, has to" around here, but it would be somewhat better than adding and judging whether he likes them or dislikes them, likes them or doesn't.

- Is it possible that you are thinking of stretching your time to night and multiplying it by the shade of night to escape...

Al is at the top of the Buddha and says nothing.

"Captain...... anything?

Value asked in a worrying voice whether he was anxious for Al, who suddenly became unfathomable.

"Hmm? Oh, no. I wonder if you're going to run away waiting for it to get dark..."

I answered with a bitter laugh again.

"I see... but that's what you call worrying."

Value says as he strokes his own jaw.

Why are you worried, Lieutenant? I think the words of the current captain are reasonable... "

Until then, Marie, who kept her mouth shut, has joined the conversation.

"Really? I think it's better if you think you can run away with 700 inhabitants. They say there's a hundred and fifty to abandon the people and flee, or just the defense."

The Value seems to want to preach herself to Al at the same time as responding to Marie.

"But what if it's the other commander? No matter how powerful the magician is, I'm pretty sure this one is still only a hundred horsemen.

Al felt a little uncomfortable when Value said so far.

but I didn't say anything.

"Though the recipient has lost some soldiers, there are still fifteen times more soldiers... not suitable for combat There are ten times more soldiers, except for the heavy ones"


"Even if they have an amazing magician, they suddenly run away with their tails wrapped around them?

"... run away. No, I think about running away. Ask your men how they can minimize their sacrifice."

Asked by Value, Marie only thought a little before answering.

"Ho. This is bullshit. Considering we're gonna run away without a proper hit?


"Mm-hmm, think about it. They don't know anything about you, so they throw away all their knowledge of you, only the current situation..."

"I'm just thinking about the situation right now. It's a little different than earlier, thinking with the intention of becoming the other commander, but as I was entrusted with the defense of some village, Dabus' forces attacked me there. There are a few opponents, but it turns out there's a mix of horrible magical users. So, if I were you, I'd think about retreating."

"Without a fight?

'Cause if you hit it right in the first fight, you lose.'

Marie disagrees with the Deputy Head of Delegation's idea.

Claw looked worried because he thought so, but to be honest, he felt the same way as Marie did, so his mouth decided to keep an eye on what was going to happen without saying it.

"... heh. What makes you think that?

"It's the amount of soil. That this amount is about the equivalent of Level Eight earth magic... even if it's Level Seven, it's many times the amount. Comparing it to level six is also a ridiculous difference. If I were the commander of the recipient, I would worry about what I would do to escape believing that there was no more magic in the moment I saw it."


"I want to run because I think I can minimize the damage as long as I can get away with it immediately..."

"I see."

"But, of course, confirmation of the lives and deaths of the inhabitants and their subordinates on cultivated land, but I'm sure the inhabitants will not flee immediately until they throw away their household belongings, so I'm sure they'll be in a situation where they're staying, as they are now"

Marie got stuck in words there.

"What do the others think? Run away like she is now?

Value looked around with a moody look.

"Oh, um, would you mind?

The young squire, Rita, raised her hand.

"Say it."

"That... differs from Sir Marissa Baradeik's opinion..."

Rita, prompted by the Value, speaks out as an aside.

She said she will focus on increasing the number of watchdogs she places around the village and discovering more early about their proximity.

But putting too many watches aside makes it more useless and more inviting to soldiers fatigue.

My men shut up to be ashamed when they told me that they would come forward.

Before that, it was even pointed out that this opinion did not make sense because it was not adapted to the current situation.

In contrast, Osmand, the same squire as Rita, said he would respond aggressively if attacked.

Upon hearing it, the Value drew a cursory map to the ground, and put Don and Tushan on where the defense forces had stormed.

He has a flashing Osmand on his ass and a pleasant look on his face.

"Well, this is close to breaking the rules"

Get rid of the dirt mountains you just put on as Niyaniya and get the defense forces out of the village again.

"What do we do?

When Value asked, Osmand began to move pebbles, the mark of the defense forces.

According to Osmand, of the three positions, he intends to launch an attack from a gap with the second and third positions, on either side of the position that is slightly protruding in the middle.

But that gap is only as wide as whether one or two horseback riders can pass side by side.

It seems difficult for a soldier who has entered to break through a defensive formation consolidated by only a dozen or so cavalry members.

Shots are fired from the wall while crossing a much wider plot of cultivated land, even if it makes a major detour to the second or third positions. There are not many, but there are crossbows.

It is also easy to target commanders of troops who try to bypass them if those who are good at crossbows climb dirt walls.

"Well, even though the commander neglects to even hit other soldiers, he'll soon notice the danger. If you're attacking magic, you can think of a few people you can use, even if you're not as good as the captain. Why don't you let Claw or Marie climb the wall?

Osmand cannot answer.

"Let's say we bypassed some damage without even taking it as an object. It's ten times the number of soldiers. Gorillas aren't a bad tactic, either."

That said, the Value moved the defense force pebbles and put them back around bypassing the second and third positions.

"I let you bypass. What do we do?"

To the words of the Value, Osmand tried to move the detoured troops towards the line.

"Then here's the deal."

The Value assembled the cavalry that was in the line and hit the troops that had bypassed the third position.

"This is just the cavalry. The timing of the detour is definitely read because it is also an assumption that someone is climbing on the wall. Leave the horses of those who are climbing down the stairs from the walls and you'll be able to ride them soon, and this one will make a 100-round horseback squad instantly. So, here's the deal."

Most of the detoured troops are infantry.

There is no reason to withstand a hundred horseback riding assaults.

Troops in the line quickly broke through the detour unit.

"Are you retreating?

"Mm-hmm. Right. Everyone's a cavalry, so you can get away with it."

"So, isn't it a defense success?"

"You think so?

"I made some sacrifices, but I got rid of them, so I think it's a defense success."

"Right. Then the next day. Now let's bring in about a thousand infantry troops. And the magician who built the formation the day before will also be recovering his magic powers. So, here's the deal."

The troops of the recipient, who had occupied the position, were buried under the soil.

"Ah... shouldn't I give you a night's rest"

"Well, you don't have to bury it, or you can build a similar dirt wall in front of you and surround it. This height. It's hard to get over it, and it's hard to get off because it's almost vertical. In the meantime, we just need to move the infantry units forward and let them occupy the less powerful villages. I can't get many soldiers out of the gap between the first and the second and third, so it's the last two days."

- This guy, Value. You mean this guy was a runaway after all. And you're a pretty tough guy to get as a deputy chief. By the way, what was the first time you said you were worried about me? Does it still have to go on?

Al also looked at them with an interesting look on his face from the way in, but he looked like he remembered.

That's when it happened.

A knight was on surveillance on the wall.

"One, I'm coming out!

In this situation, everyone colored that it was the messenger of surrender.

The man who came out of the village of Tankur was a knight belonging to the Dabus army.

When I was old, I wasn't armed, but being a knight is obvious when I look at the status.

Apostles are rarely allowed to have anything that would make them loot, as most of the time it means being taken prisoner as is.

Even the recipient of the envoy only charges cheaply for its ransom, and is mostly treated politely.

When the man named himself a knight belonging to the defensive team, he broke his finger and appealed to him that the magic was no longer available.

If a messenger possesses special magic skills, it is an act that is close to a common practice.

"So now you want a moratorium on disarming, huh?

Balmish is asking the Dabus knight.

"Ha. Don't be shown all this sorcery... but we are sure that we are many times more numerous than your brothers. A lot of people want a complete fight, and their opinions don't come together."

While answering that, the knight is pointing a sharp gaze at the formation.

"I see..."

I certainly can't help thinking about it.

Balmish puts his hand on his chin and shuts up for a while.

There are two conditions put forth by the knight in the surrender of the village of Tankur.

One is that all residents living in the village and troops stationed in the garrison don't get their hands on it as it pulls up.

The other, as I said earlier, is that we want a few hours of respite until we are completely disarmed.

- Surrender itself is something you don't even wish for...

Originally the occupation of the village of Tankur was low for operational purposes.

It is clear that it would be a major addition if low but achievable.

- The fact that the ransom is close to zero...

Normally consider that soldiers and commanders of nobles and defense forces who will rule there once they occupy the village will be taken prisoner and a considerable amount of ransom will be available.

I'm not really having trouble eating and invading.

- The opened land itself is not of low value, but only this time......

The Romberto side has not damaged a single soldier so far, and if the occupation continues to come true, that can also be described as a great victory.

I can also create a post for a Sergeant who will rule the village, and I would like to discourage the possibility that any more arable land will be rough if that were to happen.

- Uncle Leaguer says the magic is still fine...

In the end, Balmish made him type in an arrow saying he would give him another two hours of respite.

Al had also heard the meeting with the messenger beside him, but he had a bitter look despite his own predictions.

By the time I got back to my desk, I was disguised as faceless.

"Is it surrender?

Values speak for everyone.

"Oh. But he's rubbing it over there and hasn't got an opinion on it. They're giving us two hours to disarm."

"Really... looks like the captain was right... embarrassed"

The value just seemed a little embarrassed.


Al answers in a slightly teasing manner.

"No, but you do. Sometimes that happens."

"... sure"

Though I answered that, I didn't think Al was going to fall anywhere.

"Something bothering you?

"No, it's nothing... That's right, you said you were worried earlier. What's the reason?

"Hey, it's past story. Thought there might be some thorough antiwar buds."


- With that said, there's no other way to keep going and wait for reinforcements than to strike out of the village. I can't say it's very good, but if you think about it later... there's no reason why we should have enough tongue chickens to seriously believe the threat of landfilling every place of residence... I think I'm missing something...

Two hours later.

It also turned out that the main unit was getting pretty close.

And one more, a knightly figure came out of the village of Tankur.

The day is quite inclined and the man is dragging a long shadow onto the ground stained with cedar.

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