14 Jan 7450


Golzondkuri raised a thoughtful roar from the bottom of his belly.


Sir Balmish, who was relative, was also surprised by his voice, but stunned that Balazzo, a more faithful beloved horse than ever, was greatly out of balance.

The roar just raised by the dragon in front of you is certainly horrible.

but he and his beloved horse have known each other for more than a decade since he joined the First Knights.

His beloved horse has never betrayed the expectations of the Ser at any time, and has followed him on his back as though he were his hands and feet.

The beloved horse suddenly lost balance and stopped moving as if to throw the Ser out of his back!

All that, or he fell into the earth so that he might collapse on the spot.

Unusual behavior of the beloved horse Balazzo, who until now had shown no fear of the blue dragon and had fully met the expectations of the Sir.

A servant Sir also panicked about this.

But the First Knights platoon captain is not a decoration.

Sir Equestrian and physical skills are excellent and reach the realm of celebrities.

Even though it was something like that, he decided to land brilliantly without rolling off unnecessarily.

"Damn, what's wrong!? Balazzo!

First, I suspected the injury.

Healthy horses don't put hooves on the ground except when they sleep.

The Sir, who remained firmly in the grip of his long sword (long sword), could not even feel the fine dust, such as the bravery that once ran through the battlefield with him, in the appearance of his belly and gasping horse on the ground.

Surprised and panicked, if it was rampant, I couldn't even give up a hundred steps and understand.

However, the condition of his beloved horse, which he had been dating for many years, only appeared to be frightened and frightened as if he had been thrown out in the middle of the battlefield for the first time in his life.

"Did you cower!?"

I can't be fooled forever by a frightened military horse.

Sir took the kite shield he had left hanging beside his beloved horse trying to take it away.

A raised roar of blue dragons shivers the air in the village of Tankur.

With one shot of that scream, a considerable number of those who had not yet crossed the fence surrounding their residence came to panic about their spirit.

Most of those who were safe were ancient soldiers with extensive field experience and a long military life, extravagant or good at magic like those who had handled past battles.

It was such a terrible roar that some of them stiffened their bodies for a few to a few seconds.

"Damn, this, Horndbear's...?

"Sure, you look alike."

However, many of those who were safe abandoned their colleagues and rushed ahead without me.

He just said it was a life-threatening species.

That said, because the opponent is a dragon, not a horn bear, it would be cruel to blame it.

Besides, the damage would have been even greater if the blue dragon had known how to put [Fear Spirit (Fir Aura)] on [Roar (Howl)].

Especially since I have not realized that I possess the special skills of [Fear Spirit (Fear Aura)], I am worried that I do not need to go now.

Anyway, despite this state of confusion, more than a hundred people in total succeeded in escaping from the village of Tankur.

Among them was Sir Robain, who had to abandon his beloved horse and bore a close subordinate on its back.

- Phew... Balazzo on the boulder. Not this...

Sir Balmish, with his kiteshield and long sword, stares at the roaring blue dragon as he shook his head at heaven.

Now that we have lost our military horses, it will not even be possible to escape this scene at the earliest opportunity.

At the edge of his sight, he still sees a scene where Sir Fireblaze, who gave up horseback riding, grabs the root of the man who went in and makes him stand up forcefully.

- Is it like a horned bear roar......

Sir Balmish remembered with that look in his eyes.

I have been relative to Horndbear before joining the First Knights.

- Was that when I was fifteen... I don't think I can take anyone's hand down as much as a horned bear right now.

Remembering the time, Sir took a step with a bitter grin.

In the meantime, the dragon stopped roaring and shifted its gaze to a small prey that was moving for an unknown reason but should have cut a thousand in two, without even bleeding.

- Now you're a dragon... the world doesn't work.

He pulls a little long sword he grips in his right hand and tries to hide the center of his body with a kite shield in his left hand.

There the dragon came waving his left arm.


Cuddle up in the long sword while quickly giving in and kicking the ground with your right leg that you have worked out.

Rubber bottom boots made by the Green Chamber of Commerce chewed the soil firmly, and Sir Balmish jumped into the dragon's nose.

But the dragon also reacts wonderfully.

He has responded by waving his knife-like hook-clawed right arm.

Sir Balmish lifted and defended his left arm kite shield as he angled.

In its shade, the Dragon's attack could not have wounded the Ser, but it succeeded in flying the Ser.


Zuzah, while making the sound of shredding the surface, the Ser landed without falling.

Rebuild your posture immediately and now dash around to the right of the dragon.

The blue dragon struck its left wing there.

Sir tries to slip through his wings as he lowers himself to slip.

As he shook up, anticipating the timing, he thrust up the long sword.

Longsword stabbed brilliantly in the wings and tore the skin membrane apart, but it was also in the bundle, by the time the Ser crept through the wings, the cut membrane was stuck again without leaving a scratch.

- Oh, you monster!!

Stand up with a poisonous but unafraid shield in your heart.

but that's where my tail hit me.

It was wielded by driving the excess of waving the wings to rotate the entire body.

The tail is lined with several bittersweet, hard looking projections at the top that would tear the skin, explode the flesh, easily break bones, etc., even if it hits unarmed areas.


I jump and buckle.

Dash wildly to fill the distance at the same time as you land.


But they read it, and I couldn't swiftly put the tail back on.

Speaking of salvation, was it the part near the root of the tail that hit it, not very high power because of the low addition of centrifugal force, and the attack from the left side with the shield?

- Shit...!!

Not to say it wasn't the best power, but it wasn't because a tail of the same diameter as an adult was hit.

He jumped five meters and finally stopped as he rolled over scraping the dirty earth with blood and flesh pieces.

The Ebonite armored shield that was equipped on my left hand shakes heavily and can be said to be almost broken in two.

The prototype is painstakingly fastened thanks to metal parts fitted to edge the outer edge.

Sir noticed trying to get up.

- Ugh, arms... and breath...!

My left arm is broken with my shield, and I also think I have one or two lower left ribs, broken.

Blunt pain runs when I try to breathe.


I forced myself to breathe heavily to inflate my lungs and expand my ribs.

Cut the leather band that was holding the shield in place on the left arm with a long sword on the right hand and truncate the shield that turned into a mere weight.

I kept my long sword like a cane and stood on one knee.


Nature and voice leak out of Sir Balmish's mouth.

The blue dragon was already in front of him, lifting its head so that the serpent could bring a sickle.

The big mouth was slightly open, blue scales covering the body surface and red in the mouth, bright white sharp fangs growing around it… and the pink colour of the tongue wagging in the mouth was impressive.

- Earliest so far? But even a knife...!

Eat and tie your teeth and draw your sword.

I look like I'm going for where I've been stretching my neck to bite.

The dragon came biting as the Ser intended.

But that speed is well above Sir's expectations......

- Couldn't you...

Dragon's jaw is already approaching a desperate place.

The sword I pulled just nearly protruded.


Sir Fireblades, flying around wind magic behind his back, waved a sword (Grave) down at me.


Not only was the dragon forced to close its open mouth, but it was twisted to its orbit to raise its weird voice.

"My lord!"

Sir Balmish, who was half-prepared, opens his eyes in surprise.

In addition to its level of Wind Magic Mastery, it takes several times more Magic to fly itself during battle.

But that's not all.

Courage is important, of course, but the most important thing is to stay calm.

Run for a little help and jump slightly.

If I can't use wind magic on my back right after that, I won't talk to you.

Concentration time is only a moment because it merely produces elements, but in that moment we must increase the concentration of magic exercises, and while we are flying we must also be attentive to the next action.

None of this will be a busy result unless it is done in a small amount of time.

It's not even the First Knights or the double-digits that are possible.

Because of this, it is a craftsmanship that cannot stand against Miloo, who cannot use wind magic.

"I'm the one here... duh!

Sir Fireblaze wields a big grave to restrain the dragon.

"Never mind!"

Sir Balmish raised his sword to the ground as he stood up in thanksgiving, exploring the lumbar compartment.

Just in case, it's where I used a healing pill (healing potion) that I had personally prepared separately from the Knights gear.

The shock-resistant bottle, like a small test tube covered with cork, is not broken, and the cork stopper is removed by mouth.

He threw up the plug all the time and drank down a very bitter pill in one breath.

- Huh. It was a failure to have only one bottle available... Well, which one will heal?

If you take healing pills and you have multiple injuries, only one of them will heal.

- All right, chest.

It turned out that the ribs moved with strange force and connected back to normal.

Chest pain became slightly lighter.

It will be quite impossible, but you will be able to fly or jump.

"Whoa, whoa!

Sir Balmish kicked the ground with a loud voice to arouse himself as he held his sword again.

At the same time.

In the city of Debucken, the territorial capital.

"Then my lord. We're here..."

A decree that was accompanying us will try to head north from Debucken to Weasus Avenue.

"Yeah. Good luck. So..."

We're heading west to return to our territory, so we say goodbye to them here.

Looks like I parked my horse as soon as I was politely dropping him off.

Is that it?

I go into some kind of store if I think.

Oh, because I hadn't even had lunch yet.

You want to eat and buy lunch?

Do we eat something, too?

I asked Ralpha which store to enter because I thought so.

Ralpha and Guine would know some because they were playing in Debucken when they were coming.

"Mm-hmm. Can I have some meat? There was a store that made it smell delicious."

"Huh. There you go."

I knew you knew.

We followed Ralpha's lead in arriving at a diner.

"I'm not staying long because I want to go any further by the end of the day."

"Huh? Aren't you staying here today?

I didn't even think about that, but I'm going to go home to where I can go without a relationship, such as a city or a village.

Unlike before, which was with the decree, the speed also keeps traveling as fast as possible to the time of travel of the breezy hoof Breeze Horseshoe, where he travels for half a day to camp.

It is a temptation to combine practical camp training.

This time the battle was won, and Keri came on a lot faster than originally planned, so the decree was keeping up with the speed of our movement, the meritorious man.

Well, the truth is that we were just keeping it down to normal travel speeds, and you were up to it.

"It's somewhere else to stay. Stay tuned."

"Heh? Where are you?

The dish is a stewed pork dish, but I don't know if she used spices or not. The flavoring has changed and they were quite delicious.

"Ugh, uhh, uhh"

"Ha, ha, ha"

Both Sir Fireblades and Sir Balmish breathe on their shoulders.

The two communities are full of slurs, and blade ruins and chips are also noticeable on the weapons in their hands.

Now Sir Fireblades on the front of the dragon and Sir Balmish on the right.

- What are these guys?

To get here, Golzondkuri was a little confused.

It's been a few minutes since I got tangled up in these two.

Until I came to this place, and even after I came to this place, I didn't have one of these stubborn prey.

But it's obvious that he's getting hurt and weakened, and by contrast, he doesn't have any slight damage to himself.

Not long ago, strange things flew in from all over to find out for the first time what it was called "pain", and at that time I thought it was just a little threatening, but I don't feel threatening at all because I didn't feel "pain" at all no matter what the two prey in front of me did.

It is simply an unpleasant being that interferes with killing and enjoying other prey.

- Hmm? Other prey?

Seems a lot less, but there are still plenty of prey around, looking at themselves with frightened eyes, or trying to escape with four legs.

- Get out of my way! Let them kill him!

I tried to jump at the prey standing in front of me.

Then, the prey of the slightly smaller one in the front knocks up his jaw in good time with a long-pattern weapon and won't let him bite.

The prey that was lying on the side comes in the way of an attack by the forefoot with a short stick.

In those exchanges, the prey is certainly getting a little scratched and weakened.

You can't possibly do that forever, even though it's obvious you'll be caught any day.

- Come on now! Come on, man!

Golzondkuri had no idea why these two prey would continue to resist without giving up.

The faces they float, distorted by pain, gasping at fatigue were delightful, but I'm tired of seeing them too.

Now I shook my wings at the one who was lying next to me.

Did you have a bad target position, or the wound you received earlier on the clap you shook hurts tingly.

I can see the speed has slowed down.

- Ah.

I failed, I thought.

but the speed at which the wings were shaken was quite dull, so the prey tried to do nothing rather than cuddle up with the stick in his hand and stray from aim, as usual.

- This one.

I thought I was licked.

I came to my head, so I put together the swinging motion itself instead of swinging it out as it was, trying to hold it down from the top where I tried to dive through the wings.


- Oh!?

Suddenly it changed the motion, or it was held down well.

Slightly shrinking the wings as they were, the busy prey came a little closer while being held to the ground.

"Sir Balmish!

Another one, the prey of those who were in the front, comes beating me up screaming something.

At any rate, divide it with no damage and hold it down with your wings without passing through.

"Gu! There is!

Under his wings his prey rose, and he raised his voice of pain.

That sounds sweeter than any other voice this prey has ever raised.

- This is it. This is it!!

Golzondokouri can rejoice and focus even more on the wings.

Under the wing, a prey desperately resisting, but its power is already quite weak, so there's nothing you can escape from.


Something sounded shattered.

It didn't sound very loud, but it reached Gorzondkuri's ears well.

- Mm-hmm. Nice sound.

He had heard similar sounds several times before, but only this time he felt great and good.

- Is it because it's a tricky prey?

Again, I was happy to follow and moved my wings big.

- Oh, they'll get away with it!

I rushed to confirm my prey, but they weren't there to escape.

Earlier sounds were crushed lumbar bones.

I quickly extended my right arm and grabbed my prey.

Meanwhile, the other one has been beaten up with desperate shapes, but I decided to ignore him completely.

And then he tries to slap his wings like he pokes surprises.

The prey tries to deflect his aim with a long-handed weapon.

So he shrunk his wings, spinning suddenly, slamming his tail.

Then he hit him brilliantly, and the prey, who had been slapped on the tail, flew softly with his defensive posture, slammed against the wall of the building and it was only this time that he stopped moving.

It was Sir Fireblades' training gift to take defensive postures in response to a slight behavioral change, but it was an impossible physical difference to accept.

- I see. Is it also effective to try to trick the other person?

Golzondkuri grew a little about technology in melee.

The prey in my hand is already neat.

- Mm-hmm. What does it taste like?

Rotate your torso sticking out of your hand, your left arm hanging out.


You've been so calm, you sound so comfortable in your ears.

The taste was normal.

Now I'm stuck in my head.

And look who feels the sight.

Built on the side of the square.

There were some seemingly fresh prey in a cage-like place set on it.

- Uh-huh. I won't miss it!

The chewing of the twisted head was there as well, and the golzondocooli jumped into the cage of the twinges with large wings.

The weight of the dragon makes the whole thing heavy, but it didn't break at the critical point.

There were young soldiers carrying crossbows in the sight, but they lost their hips in the first roar.

There's no way you can pass the ladder down or anything.

Because the floor became oblique, the youngsters automatically rolled toward the open mouth dragon.

And the last time an eye invaded by despair recognized it was Sir Balmish's unspeakable life, who had lost half his face and was caught in the back teeth of the dragon.

"Okay. Whole thing, stop! We're camping here today!

A slightly opened place by the river, a few kilometers from the village of Tamoa in Count Dressler territory, was identified as today's camp.

"Prepare the camp in an hour, then eat in an hour. I go to bed soon afterwards. Everyone's gonna be in order, including me."

The area is off the Dart Plains so you're not very likely to get a monster raid.

But I can't say it's not at all, and the lookout is imperative because there's a chance that a burglar might attack you.

Everyone is unfamiliar with complete camping in the open air, so this is an important part of their training.

I don't remember much about complete camp, either, except for militia exercises and training.

Mostly because I rented some village or city open space or something.

The one I'm used to would be Xenom and the two of them, and Ralpha, who has been wandering around as an adventurer.

Tents (tents) were erected on both sides of the carriage to complete a simple meal focusing on preserved foods such as kampan.

And late at night.

"Al. Wake up."

I was woken up by Ralpha with a whisper.

Time for watch duty?

The habit of waking up in the middle of the night is getting a little loose here these days.

But I also immediately woke up that I was camping outdoors.

"...... hmm. Wake up."

Get yourself up by removing the blanket and putting your foot through the boot you had at your feet.

I'm worried about water bugs because I keep my socks on, but if I wash them at the next change and then hang them on healing magic, I won't have a problem.

I made sure I woke up. Ralpha left the tent.

I got out of the tent that was deployed on the carriage, sneaking footsteps, too.

"Take turns."

Turn your back on this one and speak to Larfa, who is putting firewood on the fire.

"Yeah... oh, make me a cup of tea before I go to bed"

I was thinking of drinking tea too, so I don't have a problem.

He lowered his hips to the ground alongside Ralpha in front of every swinging bonfire.

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