10 Feb 7450

"Are you going?

Surge called out on Fio's back, who hung his foot on the horse's throat.

"Oh. You took care of me."

Answering toward his back, Fio straddled his beloved horse's back as he could focus on his legs hung on his chin.

"I've told you many times, even if you go now... and the other guy..."

The fact that he still keeps calling seems to leave the surge quite untrained.

"Phew. I've said it many times, but you wouldn't be arriving and fighting instantly, would you? You're the one who said the current location is a few weeks old."

By Fio, Grace and Ethel also cross horses, respectively.

They bought a horse for everyone with money selling Wyvern scales that they had gotten rid of.

Fio and the three of them met with Surge four days ago to hear about Al going to exorcise the dragon that appeared on the Dart Plains.

Sipping ramen at the ramen store, Fio bit his umbilical when he heard Al headed for dragon exorcism just two days apart, while he and Surge had been face-to-face for a long time rushing to where he was tongue drumming Balducky, immersed in mutual nostalgia and subtlety.

It was the mountains that I wanted to chase right away, but at that time the three of them were very unlikely to chase because they only had one horse.

Still, Fio just tried to chase him with one military horse, but he got the hard opposite of "I can't go alone" from Grace.

It wasn't "definitely stop" for several reasons.

Grace and Ethel heard about the exorcism of the dragon, which was stripped and turned into a decoration of the store, but in the end the surge did not cross directly with the dragon, nor did they see the scene of the battle.

I just told you what Al exorcised me.

In other words, it is also listening.

Sometimes I couldn't accurately imagine the strength of the dragon because I heard it, but most importantly, I was confident that three people below Fio had defeated more than one Wyvern.

I would also say that was so much confidence in Fio's strength.

Also, Fio had nothing to say about the complex against Al, but Grace, who had noticed it from the fragments he'd heard on the road so far, originally agreed that Ethel was also in favor of dragon exorcism.

Especially since Ethel had given Wyvern's scales to his parents, there were some direct circumstances where he wanted a scales of dragons that were likely to be gold more than that.

Of course Fio also said "you don't have to follow me" but he heard what Fio had said before that and Grace and Ethel said they were going with him and didn't listen.

Fio said, "I want to rush to the right place, to hold my chest up and shoulder to shoulder, to face him equally. That's how I finish my training."

Perhaps that word was the biggest cause.

It should be noted that the purchase was also diagnosed for the horses that Surge had purchased and for the luggage horses used for delivery and purchasing at the Chamber of Commerce, but the sale was refused due to hard work.

That's why I had to give up chasing Al until I cashed in the scales and bought the horse.

Between buying the horse, Surge went on and on to persuade him to "stop because it's useless, stop because it's dangerous, stop because it could pull his leg," but Fio didn't lend his ear.

Surge even tried to pull it off by thinking, "Dragons can't be hurt unless they're magical weapons," but he didn't give up this one either, "We'll be able to do something about it, and using our own unique skills will help us defeat it," he said.

I couldn't help but say, "Al uses magic hooves, so no matter how hard he tries, he'll never catch up," but I didn't say this.

And in the end, the horses were bought, and Fio and the others are about to leave after Al.

You finally gave up, and Surge said, "At least let me drive you halfway," and made me prepare my own horse.

In the meantime, he returned to his room, fitted [Bracer of Might, Armor of Power] and prepared wooden knives and wooden spears for simulated warfare.

Naturally, even wooden ones that aren't themselves, the long ones catch my eye.

But Surge kept his mouth shut no matter what he was asked about them.

And he spoke to the three of them on the streets in the woods, a few kilometres further from the cultivated land surrounding Lombertia.

"Mr. Fio. You are my benefactor. I am truly grateful to you. That's why I don't want that benefactor to go somewhere dangerous'

Surge gets three attention.

'Here and now, get off the horse and compete with me. And if I win, give up chasing after Al...'

'I thought that might be the place. You see?'

Grace and Ethel also nodded at Fio's words.

They were also aware of the purpose of the visible surge.

'Your unique skill is certain... Phew. I don't use unique skills either. If they say it's unfair later, I won't stop.'

That's what Fio said and got off the horse.

Watching him get off the horse, Grace and Ethel also continue.

'Then let's not have magic either.' Cause if they say it's unfair later, I won't stop. '

When he tsurfed, Surge also stepped off the horse and asked Fio whether he would use a wooden sword or a wooden spear.

"Just the same as you."

'Okay, give me the spear. I'll check first, but it's better to put in a good one twice first.'


The two men, with wooden spears of about 3 m, took about 2 m between the tips.

"That's a good face......"

Look at Surge's face. Fio reviews it.

"Mr. Fio is the one. I can see you've stepped on a lot of training ground since then."

'Hmm? Now you know what that is? It's a big deal...... Shh!!'

Fio stepped in sharply to smooth his feet.


But the surge also reacted quickly.

Step to the right rear as you jump up the tip of the protruding Fio.

And immediately continue and take a step back.

Keep your stance.

The motion was connected by a perfect flow, and Fio couldn't chase it either.

The distance between the tips has hardly changed.

'I don't really do one-on-one stuff, so that's... to that extent?

'Tell you what... I'm better at swords, too, to that extent?

Fio also realized that Surge's words were a provocation.

Sweat floats on the forehead of the surge.

The expression disappeared from Fio's face.

Surge also understands that the atmosphere has changed.



The two advance almost simultaneously and stick out their spears.

And the tips of each other were bounced and contested to occupy the poking orbit.



The sound of a hard wooden pattern scraping its body against each other echoes the wood.

Grace and Ethel stare at the state of it, but in their hearts they couldn't hide their surprises.

They both have some recollection of spears.

Grace spent several years with Fio and was trained in action against demons.

Ethel has been training in the village squadron for even longer.

I'm no match for Fio, who does those two and says he's better at swords.

But the cat tribe (Cat People) guy in front of me stands around completely with Fio.

We still don't have a single effective hit against each other.

On the contrary, it hasn't even reached the other body.

We've poked at each other for dozens of times, played each other, and yet we can't settle.

I guess we're going to re-compartmentalize.

Neither, I distanced myself from Ba.

"Ha, ha..."

"Ugh, uhh..."

The sound of the exhaling breath of the men holding the wooden spear reaches Grace's ears.

I didn't know, Grace noticed that she was holding her fist, but when she gripped in harder, she stared at Fio's side.

He has a slightly pleasant look on his face, staring at the surge without alarm.

Apparently, the men are done breathing.



And then the spectacular sharpening begins again.

Next to Grace, who consolidated his fist and kept staring at Fio, Ethel was also spitting and paying attention to the simulated battle between the two.

Fio sometimes makes advanced moves, but Surge continues to make a muddy move.

In one way or another, Fio has more maneuvers to attack, and Surge feels more defensive.

However, Ethel cannot be judged to be the dominant one.

- That guy... awesome. The basics are done...

Surge doesn't possess moves in his busy schedule.

But whether you have a sharp sense of balance or a high level of physical ability, you don't get out of shape.

Any attack Fio makes is less tenacious, sometimes standing as roots have grown, sometimes showing quick steps and releasing sharp thrusts that are confusing as to whether he has moved instantaneously.

There are only a few basic moulds that Ethel also knows that Surge is showing, but there wasn't any waste in all the operation to make you wonder just how much it has stacked up.

Again the two of them took a distance and started to get their breathing ready.

When this happened, it was thought that which stamina would run out first, which would lose focus first, and which would be able to restore disturbed breathing first would determine the battle.

And even more time went by without a single battle.

"Hey, hey... you're a knight with a boulder... Mr. Fio is still..."

"Hey, hey... hey, you're the big deal... even though I say you were a serf who never even held a weapon until then..."

'Thank you. But I'm perfectly sure now.'


'I'll decide next! Yea!!'

With a gushing mood, the surge proceeded with suspicious speed and motion that had never been shown before.

- A rising thrust from a low position! Is that your wife's hand?

Focusing on Surge's behavior, Fio was convinced of the victory while taking an equally low posture.

"Kids aye!!"

The spear protruded by Fio interleaves with the spear of the surge, making a sharp rubbing sound.

The surge took his right hand off the spear to see if his grip was lost in a mock battle that lasted a long time.

From Fio's point of view, Surge's spear is a big, right-sided outfit.

- Now!

Fio doubts his eyes as he quickly pulls the spear back.

I saw the right hand of the surge stretched out to my waist and pulled out the twig that was pinched against my belt.

- Heh. You certainly didn't say you'd only use spears.

He let go of the spear he was about to pull back instantly, and Fio stepped in at a rate that also exceeded the surge.

And he slapped his left hand knife into the right hand of the surge that pulled out the twig and paid it off, while at the same time lowering his posture even lower and releasing a water kick.

The kick looked stunningly like he had paid for Surge's leg.

But Surge waved his left hand spear as he jumped up as if he had read the behavior.

By rolling aggressively, Fio painstakingly makes that attack, kicking off the spear and standing up.

Surge's posture remains slightly disintegrated by not letting go of the spear.

Fio, who regained his posture as soon as possible, moves to stick a knife in the surge with his hands still holding nothing.

The surge, who admitted it, put his posture back on with a slightly unfortunate face.

"This mock fight is my loss, isn't it..."

Fio opened his mouth trying to work a surge that he admitted to losing himself.

"But battle is my win"

Fio opened his eyes.

but soon I understand what Surge is trying to say.

Not because Grace and Ethel had the look of admitting that the battle was Fio's loss.

'... sure. It seems to take so long to settle with you...

'You see, most importantly... oh, I'm tired!

Surge becomes a big letter while placing the wooden spear he had in his hand on the ground.

Fio wiped his sweat with the back of his hand as he lowered his back next to it.

"Dragons are amazing..."

'Yeah. I want to go, too, because this time it will help,' Mr. Al shook his head. Still level... you wanted to say it wasn't that level '


'Ma, I can't help it either. I was too late to get into Slaughters, and by the time I got in, the Slaughters were practically number one in Balduk. I did my best, but in a few years or so I won't be able to catch up very easily'


'But one day I'll do it for you, too, and I keep auditioning, and I'm still in the labyrinth. Oh, excuse me. Thank you.'

Surge was offered by Ethel, who wiped his sweaty face with a handkerchief one step ahead of the borough cloth.

Fio looked like he was convinced, at the same time he was impressed to hear that he was still doing his archery, even though he was starting to make a living that he could afford.

'That said, I haven't done anything yet. Maybe, but if they're serious about it, Al or Mizuchi are neglected... Mr. Xenom or Mr. Ral... that's a second kill. Mr. Tris... Mr. Bell... Zulu... you can't come up with a vision of winning... ha. I wonder if Mr. Guine is going to be able to compete so well somehow...'

'... so much?

A surprising color floated on Fio's face.

'Yeah. But even those people were terrified and unable to move except for Mr. Al and the other, Marceau. Especially if you can move, I doubt what the dragon opponent could have done. "


"Mr. Al had to fight away the dragon from us useless. Even that man is not invincible. I lost it all the way to Marceau, and I got hurt... and I finally won. '


Fio had heard about it, but it seemed that he had finally imagined how powerful the dragon was when he got here.

"Mr. Fio. I'm still going to understand a little bit about how you feel about Al. The arm of the sword, the arm of magic... I regret it too. It's like a child, but I'm a man too... especially if you were in the Knights... because it's a world with demons, and there's war all the time... and I haven't even solved it '


Both Grace and Ethel are listening to Surge's words.

"Even Fio's opinions are convincing, no matter what the Japanese morality is or how the education is done."

'I don't think I've said that much...'

'You'll understand when you look at it. You regretted it, didn't you? Say a true knight. Hey, if you're an oath, it's a big deal wherever you go in this country. Besides, even though he's a civilian, he's not in line to be described by a righteous knight in four years. I know you didn't do anything big as a serf, even if I told you. "

"That's not..."

Fio grinned bitterly.

'That's okay. Let's talk for real. No. If you try to be such an elite Mr. Fio, say he's a lowlife. Already set up a chamber of commerce there, and a great success as an adventurer. I suppose it would have been quite regrettable to see Al serve so many reincarnated Japanese around. I guess I could only say as much as I disliked it... Even the year before he was reincarnated, Al should have been about half of Mr. Fio's... that? It was over 90, wasn't it? Oh, should I have said this?

"It's okay."

But I thought Surge would only talk about the "Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel".

Leaving aside things that don't necessarily make it a boomerang, that kind of thing should be a secret between men.

'It wouldn't be funny to hear such a person make his own country independently in the future. I don't think it's impossible to say it's a unrealistic dream story either. I thought, "Hey, what about that?"

Surge finally woke up his upper body and tried to give Ethel his handkerchief back.

And I review my sweat-wet handkerchief and bow my head, "Please wash it later and then let me give it back".

'But I'm pretty sure that guy is an amazing guy to say something about. After all, it is now the senior nobility of West Dirt, because it is also the Count (Cort). My wife and I lived an incredible life ten years ago when I heard about it. I don't mind how you felt about Mr. Al, but that guy is steadily making it happen. I know what's going on, but I think it was better than doing the Chamber of Commerce without a busy outlook, and there are a lot of people who were actually described to the aristocrats under that guy.'

'Right. To the nobles...'

'Yeah, I can tell you that I totally rehabilitated guys like the Fools who were saying buoy in the drain... Oh, was this your first time talking about this?

"Oh, it's my first ear."

Fio's expression had always changed from bitter grin to bitter.

'I'll return to that, as I said before, Mr. Lorrick has also become a Sir...... Lord of the village of Rad. Former Japanese are not the only ones who have become aristocrats. The members of Sunshine (Sun Ray) are also Sir Carm and Vince. Oh, Mr. Ginger too...... thanks to that guy everyone has changed. That's for sure. Besides, Mr. Al doesn't discriminate because he's a former Japanese or not. You'll have all sorts of thoughts about that, but that guy's going to root for the oath firmly.'

'With that said, you said the Japanese self was already dead...'

Surge felt Fio's atmosphere soften.

"But, ma. Let's talk about those details later. Let me luxury you tonight. I'll introduce you to my wife. Because he said that it was finally a little easier to obstruct this morning. Right? '

Surge stood up as he paid off the dirt on his pants.

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