15 Feb 7450

Me and Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) are traveling north and south through the heavenly realm of the Kingdom of Romberto, the Duke of Bergwell, on Corydoke Avenue to the Dart Plains.

Hold on, I didn't know everyone was coming with the dragon exorcism... that was a little surprising.

I was impressed with the comfort she had, shaken by the back of my beloved horse.

I remember yesterday after hearing the news of the dragon appearance at the Tamil City Diner where I had lunch.

That's when Andersen told members of Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz).

"Guys, I'm sorry I've been hiding this. As a matter of fact, His Majesty told me a while ago that there was a dragon."

About the day after I left King's Landing with her? We were in a meeting to a certain extent.

At that time (even now, to be honest), I was a little confused even with myself when I said that I had come to make a grand announcement that I was in charge of spying for the King and that I would give a convenient report even though I was in detention.

I wonder what her aim is all about, I twisted my head assuming different cases, but it didn't come to the conclusion that this was so easy, and I ended up not knowing what she was after until today.

Whatever you ask, Andersen says it's because of his loyalty to me as Earl of Dressler, or he won't forget how much he owed me in Balduk's labyrinth.

Besides, I'm suddenly a little surprised to hear it, because I've shown some serious interest, and I feel like I'm trying to relax and dictate about what I want to hear, and touch or not touch my scales that irritate me...

I'm far from sure just because I care.

Something meaningful happens to my eyes from time to time.

It's good to see my face. But if you can admire it.

But my hands and fingers? It kind of muzzles my back to see something with strange eyes where I'm eating rice.

Clearly, I don't care.

I don't care, but that's why I don't go and leave those who say they're king spies alone...

Even she is in the position of the Duchess, and she cannot be ignored because it has been decided that in the future she will also be quite a high ranking under my command.

As far as I'm concerned, it's like Mizuchi and the others weren't making any bigger moves while assembling in Debucken, and they were pacing to pull some information out because there's not much harm where they went slowly.

Especially since I think it was certain that there was some movement because I was contacted last night that I would just keep moving in [troop formation (partisation)], I had a feeling similar to rush all the time.

Well, still, I'm not too worried.

Whatever you say Dragon seems to be about 5m long, and I know the level isn't a big deal because at least eight levels of people weren't affected by the roar, which is what I got in Wang Du.

Mizuchi and Zenom will be fine.

Oh, Bastral met his level well enough, but he didn't bring him in because there's also the possibility that the king might find him a reincarnator, not the kind of force he really needs.

It's a little hard to think about, but if she's pregnant and Kathy can't move, she won't be able to repent if she's taken hostage.

Whatever future awaits you, you better stay by Kathy's side.

In the worst case scenario, even Bastral could have run away with her hidden ring Invisibility Ring.

Besides, I've already told him that I'm not the only reincarnator, so I didn't want to take the break of leaving Kathy at such short notice, even if it was his hope.

Worst case scenario, but if I hadn't allowed it cheaply then, I wouldn't want to be told.

I'm not the guy to say that, but it's not like you're going to leave your pregnant wife alone, Dragon Exorcism.

You're a little out of line.

Anyway, looking around at all the surprised faces, Andersen quickly took over the words.

"The village the dragon attacked is only about fifty kilometers from the city of Dasmog that I gave it. It's a demon of flying, and as a lord, I'm very worried. It's obvious."

That being the case, some people snorted and whispered words with those next door.

"I worshipped Dasmog as Count Dressler's servant. So when I look to the future, I want to rush because exorcism is more highly regarded. But what a powerful demon the dragon is, let's go exorcise it so easily, I couldn't tell you I wanted you to go with me..."

Those who were talking also pressed silence.

"Well, maybe I could say that's how I gave up. But when I finished my greeting to the Territory, I met some incredible luck where I was ready."

Hey, or, no way, a little voice leaked from everyone.

At that time, I confessed to the meeting, "Actually, I'm leaning on dragon exorcism from Your Majesty," and said, "Dragons are easier to give than large numbers like the military, even if they are trained first-rate adventurers. I actually thought it was enough for one person, but Mr. Andersen wanted me to accompany him and I've been under negotiation ever since," he said.

And I sipped the bean tea slowly with an extra look on my face, showing no fear at all.

'Cause a growl wouldn't work for anyone in the killer (Slaters), including me, and according to Mizuchi, they have countermeasures against the braces of electric shocks, so I wasn't that scared to say how much they fly.

"Negotiations are wrapped up."

Looking at me making room that way, Andersen said.

"It's a strength to say you can do it alone. Sure enough, I can snort that it won't help where the UAE crowd was. But I... I'm not like that!

Everyone who remained silent waited for the continuation.

I didn't even have a detailed line, so I didn't even think I'd say something like this.

"From now on I will precede His Excellency the Count. Barr, as a subleader you bring everyone together..."

When Andersen said that much, Barr screamed.

"Mister! I'm coming too!

This lion tribe called Barr (Lios) goes by as a bloodthirsty man.

That sounds exactly like what you're saying.

Roll goes on too.

"You and I both say I'm a U.N. crowd!? You've been supporting Black Topaz for years?

Then Vix, who stood up, looked around and shouted at everyone.

"Are we the UAE people!? You don't!!"

Well, in that way, it's like saying, "I'm not who I am, but you guys are the U.N. crowd, out of battle," and you'd think old stocks like Roll were insulted.

"What are we!? Who are we!?"

Vix screamed out loud to bark.

All I could do was laugh bitterly.

To Vix's inquiry, everyone said, "Plack Topaz! Who bears the name of the legendary Yellow Ball!," he chanted orally.


If you try it as a diner, it's a good annoyance from midday.

Thus, the position of Andersen, who became the lord of the city not so far from the village where the dragon emerged, and the members of the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz), who were asked to aim, almost all wished to accompany him immediately.

Maybe there was some opposition to me laughing thinly at the same table and watching how things were going.

It should be noted that, naturally or calmly, the reincarnated Knobfom had his judgment on hold until the end.

If you try it on her, you'll be able to hide yourself in no time under any circumstances with your inherent skills.

Even if you knew her unique skills, you'd have to be careful. You might show unmatched strength in melee.

She was like that, but Andersen told me in a chilling voice, "Well, Nell slowly follows me as he looks at everyone's luggage," and I decided to accompany him.

Especially if you look at her.

I'm sure if I didn't have the skill to watch the carriage, I wouldn't even have known the way to Dasmog.

I thought you took care of the hard work ahead?

Or maybe the fact that I have been experiencing the exorcism of dragons before, until I make room, has also become a material to push my hesitant back.

Oh, if you can afford this guy, it looks okay, or something.

Maybe not, but I don't care if you try me.

He's a reborn Dabus. While on the same road, I'm not only imitating carelessness.

I haven't forgotten what Miki told me.

Belle? That guy was from Dabus, too.

But if Bell were to turn to my enemies, he would have such a tight plan that there were no crawling gaps in the ants.

That's when I said, "You betrayed me!" or something, but there's nothing you can do about it, right?

Bell would be taking care of me in the first place before he made me realize the betrayal.

Regardless of your entrustment, then the carriage regiment led by me and Andersen proceeded at an increased speed and arrived in the city of Björn within 25 km of Tamil within yesterday.

Upon arrival and selling off the four carriages that had pulled the two carriages early, he bought four new carriages and left Bjorn at the same time as dawn.

And by noon, we had arrived in the city of Darkyle in the south more than twenty kilometers, and even there, when we replaced the horses, we left the city with just a simple meal.

But Andersen's sister is probably also... Aren't they doing about a million per head every time they sell and buy horses?

Uranus has shown no fatigue at all because he is wearing Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof.

And when Andersen asked me about it, along with my emotions and a little jealousy, I said, "Is that good? Because this guy is an excellent military horse. I was really lucky to meet this guy," he says in smoke.

Anyway, he's a reincarnator and he remembers his arm pretty well. Regardless of Knobfom, it was really surprising to see him coming from me to the point where he was just Gary or Lot's brother, the newcomer Nessi.

If you're a decent labyrinth adventurer, fighting is the best you can avoid.

No, is it because I'm here?

Perhaps it's an arithmetic for giving a spill, like a scale that's going to be quite gold.

But thanks to you, it went pretty fast.

From what Mizuchi and the others are doing, it looks like there's been some movement, but the dragon still seems to be making a big deal out of it, and it doesn't seem like there's an emergency, and it's going to be an easy win and we're going to make it.

16 Feb 7450

The Lords' Hall in Darbin Village.

When they arrived, Mizchi and the others established the building as their base, close to the center of the residence.

The head of the scouts, who continued to garrison on the outskirts of the village, was assigned to the King's Capital until around the summer of last year, thus knowing that Al, who had exorcised the dragon, had led an adventurer known as the Killers (Slaters).

Mizuchi, who had the status of First Lady of Al, said confidently, "We'll take care of the dragon," and the face of the scouts, starting with the captain, just gave a rubber welcome.

Anyway, half of the scouts who survive, including the captain, have just witnessed the horrors of the dragon in the recent raid, and it is the boat on the crossing that buys them out because they were also badly damaged by the personnel.

That's not all. The slayer (Slaters) was led by the brave dragon exterminator.

Everyone wore black dyed metal armor (platemails) like the knights of the First Knights wore, except for the man in the elf who gave the Lios' big man and veteran adventurer-like style that the slayer (Slaters) was a combat slave.

Some of them are still wearing brand new things.

As much as it was gratifying to the captain because the awesome men who had hardened themselves to such luxury equipment came on their own and offered to give us a ride to the dragon.

And the faces of the slayer (Slaters), commanded by Mizchi, had begun their fine work in front of the Lords' Hall, centered on a square that stretched into the heart of the village's residence.

"That, what are you doing?

A member of the scouts who saw the situation in the distance asked the captain.

"Come on......? Pile, I guess? And there doesn't seem to be a lot of numbers on top of the thin ones, and I wonder what that means?

Nor could the captain answer just by twisting his neck.

All of the killers (Slaters) stand like elongated sticks all over the square.

The stick seems to be mounted not only on the ground but also on the roof of the building, etc.

Early on arriving in the village, the actions of the killer (Slaughters), who began to do something unexplainable, were visible in everyone's eyes.

The captain, wondering, asked, and Mizuchi said as if to say what he had said.

- I don't know what to say...? I don't know what a conductor (conductor) would say but it wouldn't convey...

Looks like he decided to say it as it were with a bitter meat measure.

"Uh, this is a preparation to protect yourself from dragon braces. I say Hilysin... sorry, I don't know how to say it well... Ragdarios (Common Language) is not yet complete..."

The captain said, "That's a little weird with the word accent, too. Well, the Countess is a dark elf, and besides the fact that you can't get rid of the national accent, there seems to be words you don't know yet," he convinced.

If it turns out to be a countermeasure to the dragon's brace attack, it was enough for him.

It should be noted that Mizuchi immediately ordered Thor and Diane to make the thunderbolt braces he heard about the Blue Dragon.

Bury the pointed copper bars about three to four centimeters thick into the ground to punch about 150 centimeters, and only about 30 centimeters head out on the ground.

However, a rubber pipe of moderate hardness is fitted to its head and a similar copper bar is inserted thereon.

The upper and lower bars connected by the rubber pipe are connected by a plurality of copper wires sagged outside the pipe.

The hardness of the rubber pipe seems to have blown strong winds in this condition, not too hard.

In other words, bumping isn't enough to cause a major injury, and hitting a swinging weapon won't cut or fall so easily.

Even if the dragon comes down and waves its wings, it will be fine first, as long as it doesn't swing it too low.

The thickness of the stick was determined appropriately, but even the magic of the lightning bolt, which Mizuchi had maximized, did not hit anyone about 2m away from the stick if it was at a distance of about 20m, and was sucked into the lightning rod.

It was also thought that if there were a lightning needle between the lightning bolt and the target, the electric shock would have had a considerable effect as it would surely have caught on the lightning needle and had been missed in the ground.

Mizuchi was going to use this lightning rod all over the square as a shield against the braces.

Zenome, Rocco and Zulu, who are not familiar with the characteristics of electricity, were also vigorously cooperating in the work because the reincarnators said they should keep their mouths together and be effective for electric shocks.

February 18, 7450.

"Really? The dragon is still in the village of Tankur..."

Mizchi, who was heading out to the garrison of the scouts because the scouts had returned to the village of Tankur, had been informed of the trends regarding the dragon.

According to the scouts, the dragon only occasionally emits a loud and horrible growl, spending most of the day sleeping.

Sometimes when they wake up, they're eating people falling around the cultivated land north of the village, or they're pulling them into nests they've built by piling up bodies, building materials they think they took from buildings, etc., and doing something.

What the hell is going on in the nest because that's when you hear an endless scream that people release...

I can only imagine how atrocious it would be to say so.

- I don't even know if it's regular, but a lot of people live bait that being growling means falling north of the village...? But when it comes to building nests...

Return to the Lords' Hall.

Mizuchi was thinking.

"Mizuchi, what do we do?

Zenom standing next to him calls out to Mizuchi.

Xenom is also dressed in brand new rubber protectors.

Al had a rubber protector for whoever gave him the aristocracy.

Because Lar bought it before he decided on it, so none.

Especially since she has ordered in her favorite design after doing several fittings, it's not all bad.

It should be noted that although we are also properly prepared for those who have not given combat slavery or aristocracy, it is merely a difference in order that nobility and the Knights' Orthodox Knights are not given priority, and not given to Zulu or Rocco.

"I've prepared it for you, and I just want to intercept you here..."

Mizuchi hasn't thought about it yet.

"Right. It looks like Al has started to increase his speed quite a bit, and is it just over 200 ¢? That speed will arrive in a few days..."

Tris is also dressed in a brand new rubber protector that looks perfectly polished.

These rubber protectors are the ones Mizuchi has been loading the carriage with the minefield material.

"But when it comes to building a nest... there's no basis... but it might not move so easily..."

Mizuchi answers with a wrinkle between her eyebrows.

"Even if it moves, it doesn't make sense if you don't come this way..."

Tris also looked difficult.

"I don't care if you lure him out, it's the way to do it."

Says Xenom as he sighs.

"But, well, I have to come. Don't come. I can prepare, and I can train. That's not for nothing. I noticed that day, night and even a huge bonfire might come with interest. Mizuchi's plan is not bad. Let's do everything we can right now. You haven't punched all the piles in yet, have you?

With that said, Xenom pulled the Demon Axe out of his hips and spun it in a kurli.

The cold, shining blade of the Devil's Axe glowed beautifully reflecting clear winter sunlight.

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