22 Feb 7450

residence in the village of Darbin.

Al immediately saw an unusual sight as he forced Uranus to step into the gate, which remained wide open on its north side.

- The horse!?

A few horses were fastened inside the fence, but all of them lay themselves down, spraying bubbles from the edge of their mouth.

But I can also tell he's not dead and he's blubbering and shivering, and he's hissing in a small voice.

- Roar!?

Immediately pinned, Al instantly stops Uranus and jumps off its back.

And when I took the handkerchief out of the locker, I ripped it in two and stuffed it in the hole in Uranus' ear.

- If you're safe now, you can make money...

Slap Uranus' ass lightly as you think so.

Uranus walked out of the fence with Tokotoko as he had drawn Al's will.


Terrible screams echo.


Even Al, who overheard it, had an unintentionally frightening voice on his spine.

Al drops his shoulder when he instantly sees Uranus.

Even though I made a corner earplug, I saw that Uranus, who had stopped his leg, was slowly able to grasp the fence.

- [Panic (Small)] Right. Is salvation better than other horses? Well (small) of which is acceptable... we need to hurry...!

Al ran out with the dragon slayer (Dragon Slayer) in his hand.

Distracted by the sudden drop in Al's speed of movement felt in [troop formation (partisation)], Zulu accidentally cut his eyes to the north where Al was.

Because of that, I was a beat late to realize that the dragon had appeared from the direction he was in charge of surveillance.


By the time Zulu issued the warning, the magical light had begun to gather on the forehead of the dragon.


Zulu rolled over the roof as he went on to issue a warning.


A stone spear (stone javelin) was fired from the forehead of the dragon, hitting the roof where Zulu had just been kneeling and destroying the roof plate.

I saw it by the side of my sight. Zulu gets cold spines.

- Oh, it was dangerous...!

That's what I thought. During the bundle, Zulu put up his rifle gun again.

Shortly after launching the attack magic, the pale dragon rushed out to the square again.

- Front or shit. I would have shot him into that big dirt belly if he was lying on the side......!

Seeing no timing for the shooting for a while, Zulu jumps to the sidelines as he stands up instantly and jumps over the destruction hole in the roof.

I remembered that the lightning rod next to him was useless after receiving the first brace.


The dragon rushed into the square if it exhaled with an unpleasant sound.


Mizuchi is concentrating his mind with his hand on Guineh's cheek, where he has stood on his knees with a spear poked.


As the dragon came out into the square, Xenom, who had an axe while in the throwing position, threw the demon axe.

As if that were a signal, Tris and Rocco advance as they set up a shield to build the front.

"Ahead... you bastard!

Ralpha, who, like Mizuchi, was hanging healing magic on Guineh, grabs an axe and runs out when he stands up.

Xenom's axe hit the dragon's left shoulder and pierced it.


The dragon does not slow down its speed even though it utters a painful voice.

The dragon came right into the forested minefield.

The lightning rod that hit the wings halfway open shakes heavily.


Bell, who was waiting on the roof, releases his gun.


The bullet disappeared in an unbounced direction, although it hit a corner growing from the back of the dragon's head.

The dragon, to say the least, twisted its neck slightly due to the impact of the landing.

- One more clip for the bullet. If this happens anymore, expect Zulu's words. Full ammo on the flank......

Bell began to remove the empty clip as he bit his teeth at the remorse that failed to release the effective beating.

Golzondkuri, who stepped inside a lightning rod, is scorching himself into the flames of anger.

Of course, because they cut off the tip of their precious tail.

But there was also a cold part in his heart.

It also aims to make it harder to target the belly by opening the wings halfway, and to hesitate to take a poor distance by firstly releasing attack magic.

At any rate, it seems certain that it would be easier to use the power from large physical differences to compete with direct blows, etc.

Besides, what I've learned from fighting this far is the opponent's attack power.

It is indeed a matter of hatred that I have been cut off from my tail.

but it is also certain that the human is unconscious and losing his fighting power due to a thousand knockouts.

- You just have to calm down and fight.

If you look at that brittleness, the human you're dealing with now, regardless of its attack power, your health and defenses won't be so much different from the large number of humans you've been dealing with the other day.

If you don't even eat that abominable offensive witchcraft on the horizontal belly, you'll end up getting the victory you promised, and lots of new treasures (sparkles).


One of the treasures pierced my shoulder.

The pain leaks an unexpected voice of pain.

But it's not fatal or anything.

Can't we even cut the propulsion on that evidence?

I was immediately struck by the shaking of my head, but there is nothing to say about this.

- Heh heh. [Magic resistance (magic resistance)] began to work......? No, are you [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalid (-Invarnerability)]? To my mind, I see that magic gradually becoming weaker.

Of course not, there was enough material to make him mistake, such as the normal warhead Mizuchi released continuously.

"Waste Dah!!"

Golzondkuri becomes delighted to see a human who is desperate to resist.

- You guys did draw a line with the other humans. But that's all I'm saying!

I shook my right arm up to Tris, who set up a shield.

The claws were flushed by shields, making a loud noise.

As for Tris, who succeeded in recieving the attack, he fought back instantly, where he wanted to do it with a single machete, but had to give up because he was greatly disfigured.


Rocco hit the dragon with a shield he erected himself, holding onto the roots of a disfigured Tris.

Two people jumped by dragons who kept pushing forward.

But he succeeded in taking the distance without any major injuries.

"Oh no!

Poking out his left hand, Ralpha jumps up with an axe grabbed in his pulled right hand.


I waved the axe down, but I ended up just shaking my wings and drilling holes in my skin membrane.

Xenom rushed in to replace such a ralpha, and at the same time a demon axe came back in its hands.

Xenom must distract Guineh from his treating Mizuchi.

No more forefoot attacks swinging to slash the wind, bouncing, sometimes kathing up, sometimes swinging vertically and horizontally and continuing towing to turn to the right of the dragon.

But that's also what Golzondkuri was after.

As a golzondokouri, I wanted to put humans between myself and Belle, myself and Zulu.

In his eyes, he could see Zulu and Bell hesitating to shoot.

Thus Gorzondkuri succeeded in putting Tris and Rocco between Zulu and Zenom between Bell and him.

The first target is Ralpha, who moves busily and jumps up and attacks.

I don't even have a shield, I'm going to raise her to a blood festival using a short hand axe of reach, and I'm going to start and end with her upside down opponent when I see it.

"Semi-Siege Number (Half Seeji Two)!

Mizuchi rushes out with the instructions of the formation (formation).

There's a delight in the faces of Tris and the others.

Because Guineh is a testament that his injuries healed and he was able to recover before he could act.

It won't be enough to allow boulders to participate in a semi-sixed attack (only about Al can exercise advanced healing magic that far in a row during the battle with the big guys about the dragon), but it was comforting to see Mizuchi's return to the front where he could put up Zenom and Tame if he let the White Soldiers fight.

Ralpha pulled over to Zenom and vacated the center, declaring that Mizuchi himself was in the middle of the semi-enclosure.

"O beforehand kah!

Gorzondkuri waved his right arm and attacked Mizuchi.


Take it with a magical song knife (simiter) and Mizuchi blows it away.

But Mizuchi had been attacked by putting in his calculations that he would be flown.

Take it as far as possible not to defy the swing of your arm and make the most of the power of your circularly shaken right arm.

As a result, she made sure to be flown to the left side of the dragon, not directly next to it.

Then he stretched his legs as he was flown and killed the momentum as he spun his ankle around to hook it to the base of the lightning rod, slashing it as he stood up.


Mizuchi's attack slit the dragon's left hind leg and bled flashly.

"Co, koitsu!

A dragon that rotates your body quickly and faces Mizuchi.

Tris and Rocco couldn't get close because they widened their wings slightly as they rotated.

When the wings finally passed and tried to get close, they shook their shortened tails and had to distance themselves again.

And then the dragon waves his left arm toward Mizuchi.

"Come on!"

Mizuchi, who had some predictions about the attack but could not read it until its momentum, was beaten up only this time.

Of course, he guarded himself with his sword exactly to keep him from defying the power of his arms.

However, it was unlucky that Tris was there before he was flown.

The two rolled so that they could twist and stopped hitting the very roots of the outermost standing lightning rod.

[Troop formation (partisation)] is maintained, so at least Mizuchi is safe, but it is certain that he will have dressed up caught between Tris and the fundamentals of the lightning rod, causing him major injuries.


Seeing how it goes, Zulu unwittingly unravels the setup and shouts.

"Zulu! Focus!

Bell howls as he moves the muzzle.

Even for her like that, her husband, Tris, is also involved.

I don't mind if I tell you the truth.

but if [troop formation (partisation)] even solved it, anyway, if it's maintained, it doesn't go beyond worrying that Al is already here at the end of his eyes and nose.

If you have time to worry, you should think about shooting through the gap in the flank that you will surely show more than you are fighting the White Soldiers.

Bell was a woman who could do this.


Rocco hits the dragon with his shield, but the giant is not scared.

Dragon hit Mizuchi. Returning his hand, he let Ralpha hit him.


Of course, Ralpha, who has eaten it, will be flown nearly 10m as if he were a rubber bunch.


An exasperating, slashing zenome.

But you saw no great harm in that position, and the dragon glanced at the bell that kept the gun standing.

Its head is in a low position, about Rocco's chest.

- Can you aim for eyes?

That's what I thought. Bell abandoned targeting the head of the dragon.

From the position of the bell, the head of the dragon and Rocco's body are not dozens of centimeters apart.

This hits Rocco just slightly off target.

- Ah!?

It was too late when Bell noticed that he was moving the muzzle flimsily without being able to target the gun.

A magical light gathers on the forehead of the dragon, scattering painfully.

- Not good!

At that time, a stone arrow (stone arrow) pierced Bell's left shoulder and armor gap.


When I raise my voice of pain, the stone arrow is crushing the bones of my left shoulder.

And blood erupted at the same time as the stone arrows that devoured more than half disappeared.

- Tris...!

You can't shoot a gun or a bow if you're hit in the shoulder.

Bell has to move to the other side of the roof with a teeth bite.

"Dovano Caesars Gargin Duggis Bay Race......"

Begin to cast a spell of healing (cure) sorcery.

Bright red blood drips from between your fingers holding down the wound on your left shoulder.

- Mmm!

Zulu realized that the dragon would always show flanks, whether against Rocco or Xenom, as it were.

The head is empty (kuku).

It is a frontier of nothing.

I have a finger on the trigger.

I narrowed it down and stopped it just a few moments later where the shooting iron moved.

"- Huh!!"

With wind magic on his back, Al arrived on the battlefield.

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