Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Episode 53: Settlement
January 18, 7442.
After breakfast, Miloo and his two servants began to prepare for their return as they had to return to the Wang Capital in time for the end of their holiday period. The two squire kept the armor they wore when they arrived in a large saddlebag, like a pannier, and wore a rubber protector over the armor, just like Miloo.
You won't be able to go that fast with a saddlebag that big and one adult on it, but it's a big military horse there, and I guess it's okay. Miloo also has the waterbed round and tied to the back of the saddle. The three knights aligned with black protectors certainly don't make a tough impression.
Miloo looked at the entire family's face before riding for the last time, hugging Zed and Becky. Then, when the horses were quickly crossed and the servants were signaled to leave, they set off with a foot (trot). Mirou's expression contrasted with his sneerly waving squire and his backward hair. Three knights across three military horses make a longitudinal journey south through the village of Barkud. Even in the middle of winter, the three horseback rides of black armor in the pastoral landscape of the fields are irresponsible, reminding me that this is an oath. That leading Rin figure is my sister, I don't believe it.
25 Jan 7442
A few days ago, my level rose again to 10. I'll be 14 in 20 days. It will get stronger with age. And running more than that, while fighting with my sword, the fact that I could use magic should have greatly bottomed my fighting power. Now I spend a lot of time practicing using magic while doing something else.
It was only a practice period of less than 10 days, but once you open your eyes, the more you practice, the more you see your success rate go up in your hands. I tried to test myself to see if I could call this some kind of special ability, but nothing had changed. I guess it's not like no one shoots a bow while riding, or something to the extent that I can get my balls done while riding a wheelbarrow. Because it required nearly four years of training for this purpose, I don't think it would be quite a difficult technique.
Originally, if you practice magic or no magic 10 times, you'll have about half the time to focus on activation. I can also nod that even getting the hang of it doesn't take as much time to improve to some extent. Besides, I guess I'm the one who completed this "use magic at the same time while doing something" technique. Even the easiest magic. Nobody will have an MP that just keeps using magic while I run for a few hours every day. The experience you get if you fail to activate is zero, so it's like I haven't used hundreds of thousands of MPs effectively before and have thrown them away for training.
I'm sure this technology will be my big weapon.
14 Feb 7442
I turned 14. Speaking of 14 years old in oath, in the last life, the public has treated me like I'm graduating from high school. Sometimes villages like Barkud before the introduction of livestock for farming are entirely entrusted with about 1 ha of fields. Livestock, which is not mechanized, is starting to penetrate in Barkud, so I don't see much of a single human being doing all of the management of one field these days because it's getting a little more systematic, well enough to say it's for one person.
In front of my parents, I was surprised to see them both round their eyes when they performed their magic while running, barebacking, and working hand in hand with Furn. Explained that he had already told Farn and Miloo how to train (though he would just try to even use magic while running), and Miloo nodded as strangely convinced when he said Farn had already started anyway. Maybe you remembered that I've been running all over the village in the last few years around noon. Running seemed to be thought to have been done simply to build the body. It's not a mistake, and you're right when it comes to the right answer because it was originally better to be able to use magic.
Heggard talked that evening, feeling strangely altered while eating.
"Al, what do you want to do in the future? What do you want to be?
What, suddenly?
"Huh? In the future......? … there is something I want to be"
Hey, you're embarrassed to get everyone's attention.
"Hmm? What? You gonna be a knight? You might be able to join the First Knights through Miloo, and even if they refuse the entrance exam, the Knights of Webdos might manage to push you in.... or do you want to start in business? Now that we have some savings, we'll be able to help."
Then Charles pinched his mouth.
"Hey, I don't even feel like you're gonna be a squire like this. You're going to succeed in being a merchant, and you're going to make it quite a bit of a knight, but I miss having all three of my sons on the boulder as knights."
Is it because you're a mother, or do you miss Miloo? Charles doesn't seem to want to take me far.
"Wait a minute, Dad, Mom. Al says there's something he wants to be. I don't even think we should talk about Al on our own. Al, to be honest, thanks to you, Barkud has become rich. As my father said earlier, I was able to save quite a bit. Originally, rubber is what you found."
Sounds like Farn is going to give us a help boat. Go on, Farn says.
"So it's normal for you to be a squire in the house from the beginning, but you have plenty of options. Even knights and merchants need a good hand. Nothing. I don't mean to jerk off my father or my mother at all, but without rubber, I think Barkud would have stayed us as kids. Maybe when I joined the Knights of Webdos, the sword had a huge expense with armor anyway, and I'm sure that was a huge burden for the house. Hey, Shani, isn't it?
Shani looked a little surprised when he was suddenly told the story, but answered immediately.
"Well... it's normal for Knights of Webdos to bring in Sprint Mail or something like Skyle Mail or Chain Mail."
"That's right. Without rubber, there would have been no income from rubber and only such expenses. The rubber became sturdy and excellent armor, so he made a lot of money selling rubber products because he didn't need to spend any money. I tend to forget, but the village squires also protected me directly when I left the army. Whoever made Barkud now is the rubber you found. So you do what you want without worrying about anything. If you're looking to open another village, you can help as much as you want."
Furn said in response to Shani's words.
"You're saying what you think. You can't tell your stepfather and stepmother anything, can you?
"Yes, no, I'm just saying I can choose that path too..."
"Enough. Al, I'm sorry. What do you want?
Heggard asked me after taking over a conversation that was going to be barren.
"... I want to go abroad. I want to see a lot of places, listen, see what kind of country there is. And..."
I'm starting to talk. I get my attention again.
"And one day... I... no, I... can be small. I want my country."
Charles opens his eyes a little and then smiles and looks at me.
Shani is staring at me with an unexpected face.
Furn got a serious look after just a little lonely look.
Zed is keen to spoon oatmeal.
Becky was reaching out and taking the BBQ from Zed's plate and hauling it into her own mouth.
And Heggard said, after listening firmly to my words.
"I felt this would happen one day...... One day, I thought you were leaving the house saying something similar. It's good to leave the house, you're my second son. But are you serious about what you're saying right now?
"Oh, of course I mean it, Dad. I want my country, for my sake. Even here in Lomberto, you say, was made 500 years ago by His Majesty George Lomberto I. Then I will go for Alain Gried I. I don't know when or where, but you're gonna make my country."
I answered, staring firmly into my father's eyes.
"Well... you made your own decision. I'm not saying anything about a dream story. So, when do you want to leave? Have you thought about the time yet?
"Yeah, that's it, but I'm thinking about spring. Because the climate is good, and I want to look around the world for the moment. Besides, I have to give full instruction on the manufacture of rubber before I leave, and there are other things I have to do."
The language got weird, but this is what happened at first.
"Right. Okay. Around spring, okay. Alain, I authorize you to leave the house. We have to clean up by then. Let's do this. All right, everybody, this is over."
Heggard didn't empathize with my dreams, but he understood and gave me permission. That's enough.
February 30, 7442.
There is no need for guidance on rubber products anymore, so there is actually no problem. What I have to do is make a few extras that could be called prototypes that would improve infrastructure, and another thing, kill that horndbear one-on-one this time.
Now I come to the waters of beasts and demons in the northwestern mountains of the village. It's the fourth day of camping here. A little further away from the water field is defined as the campsite, the hammock is stretched, and a further rope is stretched about 1 m above the hammock and a rubber pulling cloth is sprinkled there, and the ends of the cloth extend the rope to secure it to the ground. This way you can create an impromptu tent. Luggage such as food is also placed in a bag made of a rubber pulling cloth, hanging it from a hammock and never getting wet.
The life of keeping a distance from the tent during the day to monitor the water field and returning only at night to rest was very tedious. I have to think solemnly about a time when I don't know when he's going to show up, so I have to properly use magic to train, and so on, as well as sword archery and running.
How painful it is to spend as much time as you can wiping mud into your body and diving into places where you can see the water field. Still today I slipped cold mud into my body, and come on, an arrow tip, Horndbear, appeared trying to start a boring job.
Are you here at last? Appraisal in the distance is still the guy for the purpose. Slowly walking towards the water field. It's not me who gets ambushed all the time. Now we'll take the lead. I want to cat you with a blow if I can, so let's do this here with the 'Ice Javelin Missile', the sorcery that killed your father.
Calm down, work out your magic, build ice spears like telegraph columns, and let them just move backwards for acceleration. A little more, I'll be within range of the guidance in a little while. 50m to go, 40m...... Peek at the timing as you glance at the horned bear that comes slightly to your left across the water field. As soon as we're in range, we'll accelerate and fire. That distance can kill you with a full blow. The power of the telegraph pole might penetrate. I giggle and groan my tongue feeling like a reaper. Oh, I also licked the mud I applied to my lips. That's dirty.
He looked back about 10 meters to the 200m range. Now even if we fire, we'll still have enough momentum with inertia for the last 10 meters or so, so we can go. It's a good condition to be accelerated while we're not looking in this direction. All right, let's go. We're accelerating.
It shoots magic into the telegraph pole that is floating with guidance while maintaining ice 200 meters behind me. At the same time, the acceleration begins. Maybe three seconds to get there. Focus on me. 400 meters. Speed zero to three seconds. Wouldn't the final speed be about 5 to 600 km/h? Fine-tune the direction to avoid disturbing trees and so on while accelerating the Ice Javelin Missile.
So much weight and pointy tips. I'll let you penetrate!! I go after someone who has been sipped boiled water many times before, and my magical crystals are shone with the concentration of all my spirits. The telegraph pole flew out of my guided area, and now, exactly now, I pierced him with a skewered outfit from the shoulder of the guy who tried to shift his gaze from a retrospective position to the water field again.
Though it didn't penetrate, the telegraph pole's butt is in his body. I almost totally penetrated it. Well, I get up to test my prey and walk slowly. Appraisal indicates that the condition has passed through death to [Horndbear's body]. Looks like you passed the instant death. I hit the telegraph pole with enough momentum to penetrate that big body. No matter how much durability there is, HP will be negative at once, and this will be normal.
Ha ha. We did it. I finally did it. He removes the sword from the gunsword he was bearing on his shoulder with a strap, and walks closer in a mood to even mumble his nose as he wields it willingly. If you can't fit in and take the remaining liver from this guy and scrape some belly meat back, it's that delicious bear pan this evening. Zed and Becky will be delighted. Whoa, we need to retrieve the Demon Stone, too.
I swell my chest to the expectation that I can indulge in juicy, fresh meat to my heart's content because I've been stuck with all the bacon with thoughtful salt and pepper over the past few days. Looking forward to it. Oh, yeah, if you want to dismantle it, would you prefer a knife's, not a long sword's? No, no, he's such a big bear, and it's hard to hang up if he's not a sword at first. Yeah, you could bring home a lot more meat if you gave up the rubber pull cloths and hammocks you keep in camp. You can come back later for a hammock or something. It's still early in the morning, and we'll be able to do enough to get back and forth by the end of the day. You can bring someone next time.
I noticed there was something beside Horndbear's body about 50 meters away. Relax and re-grip the sword. I didn't realize it was the same fur color. And it would also have been caused by hiding in the window of the appraisal of letting go. It's a bear. A bear less than 1 m long is leaning against the horned bear. It must be this guy's kid. The bear doesn't seem to get into my eyes. It seems to be leaning on her. I don't know if she is able to wean herself or not anymore, but it is ringing loudly.
Oh, were you looking back because you had this guy? Didn't you show up here for a while because this guy was here?
Anyway, there's a child bear. There must be a father bear. It used to be my turn to kill him. Turn off the appraisal window and lower your posture slightly to see what's going on around you. I've been observing it for a while, but it looks like there are no large animals around. I find it surprising that my father isn't around, but there's no way I can figure out why.
Returning her gaze, the child bear was still beside the mother bear's body. You don't understand that your mother is dead. As always, she's ringing, kicking, kicking. It's pathetic at first glance, and adorable at the same time, but this guy is a horned bear. He is also out with Horndbear in the appraisal. I don't feel like I'm going to die sooner or later if I let it go, but it must be a demon. No, it may just be a beast, but I wouldn't have the special skill of being a growling beast.
Approaching about 10 meters, I will look carefully at how things are going, but as always, the bear never turned his attention to this one. Turning my little ass about this way, the bear was crying to complain about something to her tightly unresponsive mother bear. I just killed your mother. It's pathetic, but I can't help it. In some cases, this could have happened to me a few years ago. And I'm not gonna miss you because I'm pathetic.
They could hit Zed or Becky when they grow up. I can't leave you alone. With the sword hanging on his right hand, he puts his left hand on the bear. And an electric shock is emitted from the blue glowing palm. Honey, I rang and the bear collapsed. After appraising again and confirming his death, he slowly sets a sword on his chest as he approaches the bear and dismantles it. And his mother's guy dismantles it, too.
Take liver, scrape belly meat, and put them in a rubber bag. The telegraph column then searches for and retrieves demonic stones from pieces of flesh that have been pierced and scattered. The demon stone of the bear was still black. Without combining the two demonic stones, I gently put them in my pocket.
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