There was also mental excitement by killing so many monsters during the day.

It's the first time I've killed that many enemies, whether it's me or Mizuchi, in just that much time.

I don't know what to say myself, but I don't think mental fatigue can force me to lose my excitement anyway.

In addition, I had to marry one of the king's daughters next year or so.

I wanted Mizuchi to have my eldest son, and Mizuchi wanted that as a matter of course.

The dependable men are nearby, and the surrounding threats are after they are extinguished.

I lost some mental and physical tiredness.

It would be natural to think so.

Me and Mizuchi were devouring each other to merge into one, and they were at their peak many times.

I didn't run out of magic.

It would be nice to say that I had asked for it, as if my mental tag had come off despite it.

Naturally, you didn't have a sheath.

Were you still not out of daytime fatigue?

We only had our eyes closed when we intertwined our leftover bodies of paralyzing comfort and waited for the stillness of an elevated heartbeat...

... should have.


When you realize it, it feels like you're drifting in a white space.

Look around and nothing (...) goes into your eyes.

Unexpectedly shout his wife's name out loud.


My mouth feels moving.

There is also a feeling that my voice was heard.

But my voice sounded like it sounded like it was gushing out of this whole white space.

I know, but I unexpectedly look at my body again.

but just like one day, I didn't see anything.

Yeah, my body's out of sight, too.

It just feels like there's a white space and it's just floating there.

And it just doesn't feel like I have hands and feet in my eyes.

I just can't move my hand and even try to touch another part of my body.

There is no sense of time.

How long has it been since I've been here...?

Tens of minutes and minutes and seconds passed.

I know.

I know this space.

Is it time?

"Sorry to keep you waiting?

Both men and women sounded uncertain.

"You see."

My thoughts echoed.

"Hehe. I see you again. Alain Gried."

They seem to have remembered me, and I was told I was slutty to my name.

"I'm out of time"

How many years has it been?

"It's been almost 21 years."

Oh, will that be so much already......

'That's right, what can I do for you?

... or is this a dream?

"No, it's not a dream."

Well, a place like this in a dream...... now it is.

"Right. By the way, I need to talk to you about something special this time."

What's your name?

"It's Gried. I have earned my right to be a member of God's family."



Oh, my God, did I do something?

"Are you willing to serve us directly?

What the hell are you talking about?

'What does that mean?

"You're right."

"Um, do you mean to be a cleric?

You want me to serve as a shrine now?

No, I'm not fooling around, of course.

I have something to do.

"No. It's a suggestion to become a direct servant of our gods and to aspire to ascension."



"Don't you understand what I'm saying?

No. I can understand the meaning of the word. That's why it just solidified.

'That's all I can't answer. Too little judgment material......'

"Judgment material?... Oh I see, is that what you mean? This was inadvertent what I did... because it's what I've been putting in a lot of things these days. Oh, we're talking here."

You seem busy. God.

"Mm-hmm. How I feel about being busy or something depends on the gods, so whatever. Well, I'm pretty sure you need to understand that a little bit... Let's explain."

'It would be helpful if you could do that'

"As I said earlier, you can become very involved in this world by coming out of your fate and evolving into an indeterminate body."

"Indeterminate... the Immortal one"

"You know what? You know very well. If you're aware, it's quick to talk. This time it will be immortal."

'Simply put, you mean you can be immortal, right? So, you want me to serve God in return?

I didn't mean for a day like this to come, Buddha, did I?

"It's close to understanding, but it's not. Well, it's not like we're so far apart. Also, I don't like to come out after this, so let me tell you in advance about something that might interest me..."

A brief explanation was given for the existence of Immortal.

According to this, Immortal receives a direct supply of power (power) from the God he serves, so that he will not die except from damage, such as trauma.

They become invincible against diseases, poisons, etc., and do not age.

In addition to that, he said, he would no longer need to eat, sleep, or even breathe at the end.

In particular, most immortals seem to be rare for those who extinguish them themselves because of their mental fulfillment, desires, habits, etc.

To put it plainly, Immortal flesh is close to what is commonly referred to as "Immortal" in Japan, China, etc.

Instead, what is the appointment when it becomes immortal (?) We must help God, who should also be called the master who is to be

Here we describe it as “help," but the point is to work as the hands and feet of the god who serves.

Even if you say "help," most of the time, you are assigned a plain and cumbersome job.

Let's say, for example, that the God you serve was the God who presided over the ecosystem.

There is a grass called Tomal growing on the arrival of the Dart Plains, but at one point this tomal has grown too much.

Suppose at this time God thought the Dart Plains ecosystem was about to be destroyed by Tomal.

God said, "O my family, make the number of tomals that grow in the Dart Plains half of what it is today. But scratching other creatures cannot be done, and the position of the diminishing tomal must be averaged," he commands his own immortal.

The commanded immortal must do something to reduce the tomal.

I wasn't even instructed on how to do this, so I could make a herbicide for Tomal only, or I could pull out every bottle of Tomal with my own hands. Of course, if you have dedicated magic (maybe, first of all, definitely not), then there's no problem cleaning it up.

In this case, because there is a condition that "scratching other creatures is not possible," I think I will probably have to pull it out with one hand at a time. Because if you're only going to snipe Tomal without even damaging the fungi between the roots or the bugs stuck behind the leaves or something, you won't be able to do it any other way first.

Because a certain area of tomal should not be wiped out, assuming there were herbicides and sorceries (which could have been made) that would only dispose of tomal.

Not that I know how many hundreds of years it will take, but I still have to do it.

That's a hell of a lot, isn't it?

But it's not all bad.

Taking the matter of reducing the current tomal, suppose it took 300 years to halve the tomal.

In that case, the interval to the next job is usually 300 years or more.

Besides, during the holidays, you can do whatever you want, unless it's against the god you serve.

Whether they were playing or buried in the ground like hibernating, they didn't mind eating and sleeping days.

Yay! You have more holidays than exploring Balduk's labyrinth!

Is that an asshole? All I can think of is the sight of a bird flying.

Well, Tomal's example right now is too, too extreme.

Anyway, Immortal, who can push troublesome things, is what God wants for his men (or not).

So when a new immortal is born, there will be a battle among the gods in many ways. I don't care because it doesn't really matter to Immortal there.

He thus gradually acquires divinity as he “helps” God, and sooner or later he can become a real God.

I guess I can't just be weeding out.

Because of this, I was also told that although I don't mind savotage, I don't recommend much because the power (power) supplied by God is diminishing in the meantime.

Would you even say that it's better to use it yourself as long as you keep splitting your powers between your skippers?

Regardless, even if it becomes immortal, the memories and knowledge gained so far (...) will be preserved, they say.

But he said his obsession with the work he'd been working on and so on quickly fades because it's like becoming quite a different species at the top from the flesh.

If an elephant has become a human being, is it close to what would have been better if the purpose for which it was born (and what it should be said) was the desire?

Does it feel like a new rebirth in spirit?

Next, the pros and cons of becoming immortal, but some of them are included in the description. Let's talk about what's not included here.

First the benefits, but also the magic increases as the flesh is strengthened. I can't say exactly how much it is because they seem to vary from one to the other, but they say it will be at least a few times as many.

It also greatly increases the speed of recovery of the magic used.

In addition, we will be able to do something called magic stock.

This is the ability to retain the enchantment you have exercised without activating it and can be used as soon as necessary.

Even in my spare time, I can use it to accumulate it, and if I have to, I can immediately exercise magic by simply releasing it.

There is no mental fatigue in doing so. Because I'm tired when I use it.

And I give you one new ability that is close to the [inherent skill] that I now have.

Finally, the disadvantages are better, but physical growth (as well as attenuation), such as that associated with leveling and aging, subsides.

Other than that, it remains the description already mentioned.


"I think I generally understood."


And then I finally stopped speaking Japanese.

My idea of sounding in this space is not Japanese, but Ragdarios.

"So what do you think? Do you choose to be immortal?

There seems to be no particular problem with stopping speaking in Japanese.

"Before I do, may I ask you one thing?

"If it's relevant, go ahead"

"Is the god who serves selectable himself?

"… to some extent you can hear hope, but often God, who will serve, is not one pillar"


Feels like it'll be shared in a few pillars, huh?

"... there is a God who wishes?

"No, nothing. I was just asking."


Feels like something blew through my body.

"... was Lils in contact"

The atmosphere in the space changed.

Until then, the white space, which felt calm, became a bit bitter with something wavy.

"... of the example... well, to the point of a serious violation... whoa, Alain Gried. Just stay put for a little while."

The atmosphere of the space returned to its origin.

But a violation?

... if you say so.

- Sub-gods (Demi Goddamn) should not be involved in the Fatalist (Mortal). You can peek, direct, or kill me unilaterally, but no conversation. I'll give you extra information. I'm trying not to find out, but it's really not a good time anymore.

Miki (Lils) said this.

Looks like you found out.

But why not?

Did I say something weird?

I've been thinking back on the conversation I had earlier, but I don't have any fussies in mind.

As much as I asked if I could choose a god to serve if I insist.

There was a strange silence after that.

and immediately three lumps of light appeared in front of him.

And at the end of the day, in front of me, a woman shows up with her back to me.

The woman's skin is dark purple, and from her back there are eight large spider legs growing to break through her skin.

Longer than his hips, his hair stretching all the way around his buttocks had a bright black color that didn't even have a single piece of gray hair.

He also wears a long boot about the middle of his thigh and a long handbag covering his arms to his fingertips.

He seems to be wearing something on his torso as well, but not sure with his long hair and spider legs.

The woman immediately falls down as if she were going to even sit down in the earth on the three lumps of light in front of her eyes.

I want to go around somehow trying to see my face, but I can't move as if my whole body was stiffened.

I can't talk or move my mouth or even roar.

I've thought about it, and until now, it should have sounded like it was gushing out of the whole space, but I can't hear anything.

The three lights repeat irregular brightness.

The shoulders of a fallen woman tremble and flow, shaking her hair as it falls.

The spider's feet on his back are also occasionally picky.

But that's also about a few dozen seconds in my senses.

The woman turned this way as she slowly stood up.

I'm crying under the diagonal of my left eye. There is also a characteristic mollusc in the lower right corner of the creepy light purple and transformed lips.

He wears leather armor with a short skirt on his body.

Leather armor and boots are dyed dark purple and the surface is as lustrous as polished even with special chemicals.

He totally turned me around, so I know how to design armor.

I can't even see a piece of practicality with a glossy design, as if the chest is wide open and fits the body perfectly.

If you insist on giving advantages, it would be to the extent that you say that it seems to be easier to move because there are no factors that inhibit movement of the hands and feet.

That's a leather corset, not a leather armor.

I also know the shape of the tits round.

Thanks to this, I can also see the moles lined up in the triangle at the center of my chest.

I had already anticipated, but the woman looked like Miki.

Except for the pointy ears ahead.


My voice (...) woods in white space.

Because I saw Miki, or it was Japanese.

Representing the same meaning in Ragdarios makes it "Mikina!?".

Miki doesn't reply to anything, and she doesn't move one thing while she's pointing at me.

Similar to what I tasted earlier, it felt like something was blowing through my body.

That started continuously.

But I approached him, trying to keep my eyes open.

Now I can move.

She stops close by, but Miki stands staring straight ahead without moving at all.

An old, young Miki stands.

I reach for it without trying to put my hand on my shoulder, but this one, as always, just feels like nothing in my eyes.

Because of that, I was able to calm down a bit.

Until just now, I was holding Mizuchi.

With that hand, I will now touch Miki and so on...

Miki also said she had been married several times.

Somewhere in my head, the alarm rings.


Still, this guy is Miki.

Miki knew about my reincarnation by peeking into Mizuchi's memory and searched desperately for me.

I even knew there would be less time in the present world, and Miki searched for me to the limit of his magic and covered for Mizuchi back home.

Otherwise, I'm not gonna get anything out of it. Just a hassle, who says?

"It's Alain Gried. Do you know who the woman in front of you is? I'll ask you again in a little while, so answer me then."

You know what I mean!


With that said, my thoughts don't resonate.

I just got a voice.

Does giving you a respite of time mean you should think carefully?

And being allowed to speak out means I can ask you something?


I called the name of the woman I once loved.

Miki seemed to hear me, looking around, "Takeo? 'I replied.

"Where are you?

Miki keeps asking.

Intonation is also in smooth Japanese.

"Right here! I'm right in front of you."

I'll answer that too.

"I can't see..."

Miki reaches out in a nasty manner.

I accidentally lay my hand on it, but my hand slips through Miki's hand invisibly.

'I look better. You're dressed like hell, you.'

I got a voice that included a little laughter while I was talking.

"Huh? Really? But this is the best magic armor I have... '

Oh, yeah...

When I heard it was magical armor, I noticed that I was trying to make an appraisal.

I can't appraise it!

No, I can't use an appraisal, this.

'By the way, I hear there's a time limit, so answer me quickly. First, do you know where this place is?

'I don't know. But! "# $&' (Dear......" Roger that "

Sounds like something I shouldn't be saying in the forbidden matter.

'I'm sorry. Apparently, I can be Immortal. "

When Miki heard my words, she smiled to bless me from the bottom of her heart when she opened her eyes wide only for a moment.

Once upon a time, when I proposed, when I decided to do a big job, when I was promoted in the company, you turned to me somehow, with a loving look on your face.

I had a feeling my tear glands would loosen up too much of my nostalgia, but the tears wouldn't overflow.

Speaking of God, I'm glad I didn't see you zero tears in public...

As always, the feeling of something blowing through my body continues.

"Congratulations, I thought you'd make it..."

And Miki rapidly lost color with all the things he was wearing, and stopped moving like a stone statue.

"Hey!? What's up!? Miki, Miki!?"

I can only be a little wolfish.

"Well, it's Alain Gried. I ask again. Do you know who the woman in front of you is? Please think carefully and answer."





Miki remains solidified as if he had also become a statue.

I already have an answer in me.

But can you keep that in your mouth?

No, it doesn't make sense where I lied.

Well, the other guy is God.

Don't lie to me, you won't see it again.

But I'm not leaking my thoughts in this space right now.

Yeah, stay!


I told you.

But I'm ready.

"She... is Master Lils. Dear Lils Zugtomole"

After a slight silence, my voice sounds again.

"Is that all?

"That's all."

I felt that something was gaining some momentum blowing through my body.


God is suspicious.

"Eh, I don't really remember, but if what I heard was true, it must have been someone reincarnated hundreds or thousands of years ago. If you're sure what you heard, you're from a star that's not an oath or 'Earth'..."

"I see, I get it. I shall now return to the first question. That qualified me to be a family member of our God. Are you willing to serve us directly?


I guess some people are attractive.

"No. No"

I answered clearly.

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