
Rombertia, king's capital of the Kingdom of Romberto.

At the riverbed training ground on the river that flows through its streets, Miloo finished the mock battle.

"... Phew."

Wipe the sweat flowing from your forehead with the back of your hand and take a breath.

She is preceded by Sir Sagan Kendus, a former superior officer, who became the second squadron leader, squatting holding his flank.

"Damn... we'll do it"

Miloo reached out to Sir Kendus and said, "What do you say? Pass?," he asked.

"Don't ask me if you know. Looks like you got your old reckoning back. That concludes the retraining. Go to HQ now and report that the retraining is over. Probably will leave with the replacement personnel of the Fourth Knights leaving tomorrow at a later date."

Sir Kendus replied, distorting his face, paying the dust.

"Um, are you okay? If you are injured, treat..."

"I got a good one, but I don't know if I'm going to get hurt with your penetration. Different way to work out...... just go"

Retrieving his flat face, Sir waves flirtatiously to get rid of Miloo.

"Ha. We will now report the end of the retraining. Excuse me!

As soon as Miloo answered well, he turned around and ran out.

As soon as you cross the training ground and run up the dirt, you won't be able to see it.

In the meantime, Sir Kendus put his hand on his flank again, distorting his face.


The squadrons watching it come by the Ser.

Sir began to take off his rubber armor.

"Gu... that's a broken rib, damn..."

The squadrons who overheard it started talking.

"Oh, I can't..."

"Don't dress up, really."

"Hang on, Miloo guy, you're looking more beautiful than before"

"Oh, you just took a bottle from Captain Kendus, I thought you'd snap your ribs."

"Hey, you, heal him."

"You can't help it. Captain, let me see your flank."

Sir shows his pitiful face to a squadron member who comes close enough to hang healing witchcraft and says, "Ouch. Maybe two broken. Please," I said.

"Damn, it would be quicker to have Miloo hang it anyway... just stay put..."

10 Jul 7450

"Heh heh... Here's your quote."

Loribathlal, the foreigner, offered to the Dukes of Stoles and Dantes opposite the desk when he spread a piece of parchment with wrinkled hands.

The parchment is filled in with various conditions and amounts.

"… 30 million?"

When I looked at the quote, both dukes muttered without either.

The amount is close to the ceiling but within the range originally anticipated.

"What do you say?

An old woman told me to open their faces.

Both dukes nod when they look at each other.

Seeing how it goes, the old woman opens her mouth even more.

"Can you confirm the terms as well? It should be as it was the other day."

To those words, the two began to look at the text in the quotation.

Silence flows for a while, but before long the Duke of Stoles says, "Fine. I would like to make a formal request on this condition," he said.

Put the box that the Duke of Dantes also brought on his desk and open the lid.

Ten pairs of gold coins were gathered in the box, and the Duke of Dantes pushed it toward the old woman when he took six pairs out of it.

I do not value the amount quoted because the Kingdom of Lyle will not accept anything about negotiating the price.

"Now let me check... Status open... Status open..."

The old woman starts checking the status of the gold coin.

Because it won't take much time because it's 30 sheets, both dukes are watching silently to confirm each piece of gold coin to their hands.

"... status open... status open.... I did get 30 million Z. Heh-heh."

Finishing confirmation of all the gold coins, Lolibaslal's foreigner laughed in a spooky voice.

"Now, as quoted, we will narrow down the candidate by the end of October. I'm sure we'll be able to report back in the middle of January."

With that said, the old woman took a seat and left the room.

"... then I'll be excused for this too. I beg you for the rest."

The Duke of Stoles also speaks to the Duke of Dantes and takes his seat.

Looking up at it, the Duke of Dantes said, "Then I order the Earl of Robotney to recruit adventurers. You could have used the rest of the 20 million as an advance on hiring, right? I said."

"Yeah, I don't think so."

When I turned around and answered, the Duke of Stoles also left the room.

August 18, 7450.

Al had managed to make two weeks to make his way to the King's Capital after he used the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) for another intermission on the Dart Plains.

The aim is once again to obtain permission from the King for courses on railway lines.

Permission to pull railway tracks from Beglitz to Lombertia is granted in itself, but no decision has yet been made as to where it will go through.

Last month, the tracks to Beglitz and Weed and Zondir were opened, but many places remain unknown in the West Dirt lands.

Therefore, there is no need to rush to obtain permission for this, but the engineer and husband have infiltrated us, and as for Al, we just wanted to push these workers to work outside our territory.

Ahead of Al, the Three Horsemen are pushing down a roadless path.

I left Beglitz this morning with the sunrise, and at the moment when the sun hangs over Jomtien, I am also 200 km northward.

The average speed would be as high as 30 km/h.

Looking up into the sky, Al decided to take a big pause for lunch.

The military horse's reins were tied to a nearby tree, and the three of them lowered their hips to the appropriate rock.

"Ah, a stone that doesn't move is good..."

An ancient stock prowess at the Knights of the Leagues, Associate Sir Camry, who is good at crossbows, said with a rubber dish on his lap.

Associate Sir Camry is a werewolf (Wolfwer) and boasts a hairy gray tail.

But now its proud tail is still dripping without power, and it's not even picky.

"Yeah, really. I didn't think you were this tough."

Associate Sir Barson, who is also a woman but excellent at spear arms, answers as he takes out the dishes and rubs his hips.

She's a fume, but proud of her tight body and long, beautiful purple hair that I don't think she has two kids.

"Whoa. What are we gonna do in half a day like that? We're going to Gary today."

Al like that looked delicately in the face.

"Well, let's make it dinner. This time, meals on the road are also being tested for field food."

With that said, Al takes out the soba pasta and puts it in everyone's dishes.

For this reason, the dishes are in elongated form.

Arranging three rectangular dishes with pasta made it feel close to square.

"Camry. Hot water out."

Al commands while holding a shaped lid that perfectly fits the elongated container.

Associate Sir Camry holds his hand over the dish as commanded.

When Al sees it, he cautions, "Oh, we're too close," and soon he serves boiling water.

"Over there!

Whether the bounced water hung on his hands, Associate Sir Camry could only serve less than one serving of dishes.

"If you don't get your hands off me more, you're in danger."

"That's right. About this."

Duke Barson held his hand about 40 cm above the dishes, cleverly served hot water, and stopped the water on the verge of three dishes being filled.

Al quickly covers the lid.

"Wait like this for 15 minutes. Let's have some sauce in the meantime."

Al took out three bottled sauces and said.

It rocked considerably but the bottle wrapped in a towel was not broken.

Al opened a cork stopper in a wide mouth bottle and arranged it in a small frying pan for each bottle.

And cleverly fill the frying pan with hot water more than Associate Duke Barson.

Warm up the sauce like a hot fry.

The sauce was mixed with salt, sugar, fried sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, lemon juice, wine and minced onions and stretched with stock taken from chicken gallows.

Based on its salt sauce, chicken broiled, bacon, thinly sliced and stir-fried pork are added and marinated as ingredients for each bottle.

"Chicken, bacon and pork, which is better?

"Bacon, okay?

"I want pork."

And I finished my meal soothingly.

Apparently, this field meal was passed.

Especially since only Al seemed to be dissatisfied inside, the truth was that the two Associate Dukes reluctantly passed because they were cheeky cheeky that they were able to excel as a field meal without any fire at all.

Have a cup of tea and take a break, and the three will be on horseback again.

And I stayed in the city of Gary as planned on this day.

Naturally, some of the posts in the realm have honestly passed, but many have ignored them by crossing the mountain fields.

but there is nothing wrong with Al because he is a great nobleman and commander of the Confederate General Army.

The next day.

We are scheduled to arrive at Lombertia this evening.

I was still running my horse on a roadless road today at high speeds.

Over the mountains, through the valleys, sometimes running on river surfaces.

"The river doesn't shake much, so it's good"

"Yeah. It's easy, right?"

"Oh, right. But most of the river crosses, and there aren't many courses along the river."

Lick honey mixed with orange (orange) fruit juice while roaming kampan at lunch and have a conversation.

And I started running again for dozens of minutes.

It rarely runs on the street, but because both sides of the street are cut off cliffs, and there are a lot of bitter big rocks rolling on that cliff as well, it drains your health considerably due to too much upward and downward movement on the boulder.

This place itself is about the same distance, so it is difficult to feel uncomfortable even if it is misplaced or chased out, and it is slowing down to the point where people run.

and Al, who runs the lead, raised his open right hand.

"Somebody's here. We're gonna slow it down a little bit."


At the end of the road, there did seem to be a carriage, but it didn't look like it was moving.

"What? Did the carriage even malfunction?

"What are you doing?

"Hmm, sounds like you're not one of those villagers. Is it a caravan?

Seeing it, some of the shadows beside the carriage seem to have swords raised on their hips.

Spears and other long-held weapons are often used by civilians who go to pay taxes, but swords can only be handled well by those who are well trained.

You are likely an escort adventurer.

I came by the carriage while I was doing so.

"Oh? It's the Dark Elves. I'm just gonna say hi."

And when he said that, Al jumped off Uranus and said, "Hey, guys, what's up?" He called out.

It is an act of loading up luggage and wondering if there would be any help if the carriage that seems to be halfway through the trade stopped moving.

"Hmm? Li, Count Riegle!?"

"Yeah. Is this where the carriage breaks down?

The Dark Elves are astonished to see Al speaking out loudly.

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