12 Sep 7450

Attend Ginger's wedding reception today at Weed.

The first luxury version with ceilings and walls, glass windows at our Grid Railway Chamber (?) It also reveals the passenger car.

Compared to previous passenger cars, this passenger car is about 50 cm wide and 250 cm long, and the composition of the seats is also changed.

Until now, there had been four rows of long bench-shaped seats for eight, but the four-person cushioned box seats had been arranged in three rows, one left and one right.

Since the seat per person is 50 cm wide and ensures a width of as much as 180 cm from dorsal to dorsal across the street, it can be said that the area per person is sufficient with extra space, and the width of the aisle is taken 70 cm.

Around here, I actually refer to the knowledge Claw taught me.

He said JR's normal vehicle, many of its seat widths are only 43 cm and the opposite width of the box seat backhand is between 133 cm and 150 cm.

Despite the large size of the vehicle, the number of seats per pair was reduced to two-thirds, but the legs were stretched out so that they could sit loose.

Also, naturally, it is equipped with a reticle, and there is even an elongated table folded under the window in the box seat so you can have an easy meal.

I also wanted to sell station valves.

In addition to me and Mizchi, Baroness Cove of Hayloon and Minler from Zondir, Sir and Mrs. Kibunal of Lucinda and Alcaine from the village of Hash, and the Associate Duchess of Insenga, there are Sir Valute, Associate of Camry and Associate of Barson in escort, with one or two fully armed guard platoons selected from the Knights' squadron in the truck behind them.

Zulu, Ruby and Jess are the three people who will carry out track safety checks and overall escorts ahead of the carriage railroad.

The reason why passenger cars around the corner are ragged is that this train is a different special arrangement than regular flights that only go round trip once a day, and the Lords are scheduled to come aboard to attend the reception at the Mead, Haros and Damon stations that stop on the way.

The carriage railroad set off to slip when it did, reaching cruise speed in minutes.


As a matter of fact, this new passenger car naturally only got on the carriage railroad itself once when it first opened up to Mead Village, but it's still pretty comfortable to ride.

I also liked the fact that closing the window would reduce the noise considerably.

Well, compared to Japanese trains, you know, it's a lot of things, but I think the place that's pretty quiet because of the zero motor noise is highly regarded by the reincarnators.

...... hmm? A baked egg engine?

Sure, the smell of sound and exhaust gas is going to be a problem.

But the number of locomotives using baked egg engines will increase at the dawn of completion, and this passenger car should be at the rear of the line, right?

As for noise and smell, they're both better than steam locomotives.

Alternatively, only this passenger car, which would be a first-class seat, could be extended to horses.

Mr. Minler, the wife of Associate Baron Cove, who said he rode for the first time, is a big deal, even though he's old enough.

Me, after I captured your eldest son and executed him for rebellion, the Coves themselves demoted him from Baron to Associate Baron, don't you care there?

Or was it not strange that all the clan royalists were executed, and you're thankful they spared that?

Ma, I hope this one just makes you uncomfortable even if you don't look funny.

It should be noted that Associate Baron Cove himself and Mr. and Mrs. Kibunal have ridden to go say hello to Xenom after the opening, but this one is also distracted by the sight of the flowing scenery.

A month after the track to Weed opened, I started running commercially around the middle of last month, but basically it only runs at about 10 kilometers an hour, because it's loaded with heavy luggage such as rails and annual contributions.

but today, only this flight is a special train with no heavy luggage on it, so you won't have to be surprised because it also makes acceleration and cruise speeds go up to about double the usual.

Sometimes I'm riding and I'm wearing magic hooves, so it's natural.

Even if I'm not wearing a magic hoof, I can give an average speed of 20 km/h if it's about this weight.

Anyway, the average speed planned for this flight is 20 km/h.

The journey time from Beglitz to Weed, which is more than 50 km away, is scheduled to be less than three hours each way, including stopping time along the way, so to speak, an express train.

It's a hell of a speed compared to an oath carriage going down a road that hasn't even been paved, but it's 20 miles an hour.

If you try it on me or Mizuchi, I'd say it's this fast.

However, I know that a train is a much faster thing. If you try it on us, this relaxing speed can afford the view along the way, and that even makes me feel quite fragrant and B...

I've managed to fix something like that, but the problem is actually, it's still pretty late.

But after leaving at 8: 00 in the morning and attending the banquet for enough time, we can go back to Beglitz's mansion in the evening. It's nice not to get tired at all because you don't have to manipulate the horse yourself.

You can drink over there!

I thought, for example, it was past Mead Station, the first stop, until I went on for a while.

The track from Beglitz to Mead is almost a straight line, and that is true even if it includes bridges along the way.

In fact, there's only one part of the way that depicts a very loose curve, but, well, it's almost enough to say it's a straight line.

But there are two little curves between Mead and Halos that aren't even comparable, such as that curve.

Why there are two such curves would have been possible if they had been forced to ask if it was possible or impossible to tie them in a straight line, because then it was virtually impossible to tie them in a straight line because the width of the bridge to be crossed along the way extends to hundreds of meters.

Of course, we knew it was difficult to bend a rail that was only seven meters long at the right angle with a person's hand, so after careful calculation, we responded by creating a dedicated rail with curves drawn at the point of manufacture.

However, when I say I will make a dedicated rail, I cannot make many kinds on boulders.

I just thought about it that way and made a kind of conjunction inside and outside the curve.

And naturally, in a way... there have been no complaints from anyone since the start of the transport of rails for construction or commercial operations.

As a matter of course, I asked the track construction workers and supervisors, as well as the carriage railway drivers and passengers, to report any concerns about the comfort and shaking as soon as possible.

But they don't have comparables unlike reborns like me.

Still, he had Ralpha and Guine on board, from Beglitz to Haros and Damon, such as when he made the dart plain break.

Wouldn't it have been natural to think that if they were them, they would have seen it with tougher eyes than the Oths?

And he was completely relieved that he didn't get any complaints from them either.

Let's get back to it.

A special train that was re-departed at Mead Station with the lords of the village of Zorge, Sir and Mrs. Galosteren and the lords of the village of Mead and Mr. and Mrs. Zincase, but plugged into the first left curve about twenty minutes after departure.

The curve was somewhat loose given the operating speed, which means 250 R (meaning a radius of 250 m curve), but the moment it plugged into the curve, Gakun and I swayed and Mizuchi felt uncomfortable together and looked at each other.

Hence the cant in the curve (outside and inside height of the tracks. The so-called bank angle thing. Normally the outside is higher. By doing this, the combined centrifugal force and gravity will fit inside the orbit) was not sent to the outside of the curve by centrifugal force because it was taken properly.

Of course, it differs from the fact that the inner and outer wheel differences caused the flange of the wheel to make strange contact with the tracks and make the ride uncomfortable.

slack (the width of the track shall be slightly wider than normal depending on the curve. This reduces the contact between the flange and the rail, and not only improves ride comfort and reduces noise, but also allows it to run smoothly on the curve to increase the lifespan of the wheels and the rail itself).

That's right.

The problem was on the rail that I curved.

They did not rail (...) or (...) make 250 Rs.

Because Claw said that was enough...... is more than half a joke, but I mean some of it.

For this reason, it is also Claw who taught me his knowledge of tracks such as Kant and Slack mentioned above.

Take JR in Japan as an example, when the outer rail is 10 mm high and the width of the rail is 5 mm wider.

When I asked for explanations for them, I was impressed by the fact that I instantly responded to them with a satisfactory knowledge and adopted them.

He also told me that the general JR route is 1047 mm (* correctly, 1067 mm at 3 feet 6 inches) for the width of the tracks (called between tracks), and 1430 mm (* correctly, 1435 mm at 4 feet 8 and 5 inches) for Shinkansen and some other foreign country.

It doesn't seem to translate from foot to foot, and I thought it was half-width, so the width of my carriage railway tracks is 1200 mm between them.

No, you feel somewhat more stable with a wider width.

Claw told me there was no problem, and that's the only reason I got 1200 mm between tracks.

Anyway, that's the curvature of the curve.

That claw has pushed my heartbeat that the curvature of the curve would be sufficient if it took as much as 250 Rs.

Whatever, JR says the minimum radius of curvature on routes with operating speeds between 70 and 90 km/h is 250 m, and speeds below that are 160 m.

And I was of the opinion that it would be sufficient to take a 250R just in case a horse or a baked egg engine that could not have exited at such a super high speed, etc.

Neither me nor Mizuchi had any other choice but to adopt the proposal than to admire Claw, who explains that Ralpha, Guine, Marie, and even Thor are just slacks in Kant.

Anyway, as a novel, there are stories of vehicles parked at JR Akaba Station by taking even eighty-five mm of cant on the platform tracks, which caused morning rushes due to the time taken to lift and lower them. However, at Roppongi Station in Tokyo Metro, the station was located in a curved area, and because of the wide gap between the platform and the train, the station personnel were so proud to continue to tell stories like standing and watching the entire platform until this one stopped.

This is all the railway mania said, and I had the assumption that it would be certain.

Mizuchi also tetsu (?) There are many kinds, Claw said, and I guess he's the type who specializes in railway technology and other knowledge.

That's right.

What I overlooked was that I didn't build a rail equivalent to a mitigation curve.

There is a slight shock no matter how loose the curve of 250 R and the low speed of 20 km/h is when it is suddenly pushed into the curve from a straight line.

We should have started with a curve with a lower curvature, such as 1000R, and gradually increased the curvature with 750R and 600R.

I asked Claw in advance about this, and he said, "Isn't that obvious?" He also said, "The rail is inherently 25 meters long and bent by hand at installation."

This rail can't be bent by hand on boulder because it is cast and there is a weight problem during installation.

That's why I made a 250R curve in advance.

I thought I was about as shocked as I am, but this shock is a little big.

Whatever, because even a slightly tall glass filled with drinks on the simple table was enough to suppose that it could fall.

The tracks are to be laid not only on and around the Dart Plains, but also to the Far King's Capital, and we should do something about it because along the way we often need to bypass mountains and valleys.

In the future, we aim to operate super express connections between Beglitz-Lombertier at an average speed of more than 30 km/h and in 24 hours by locomotives of baked egg engines.

In addition, if I'm going to have to glass it in the King's Capital forever, that's not really true.

It's all true that we want to finish glazing at Beglitz and carry it by rail.

Because they are buying slaves that unite their species into fumes and are close to their age, and that's why.

...... hmm.

I also have to make a turnstile and think about the production of full steel... I guess not.

But it's a turnstile.

Earth is the technology of the nineteenth century and beyond.

I know the principle, and I have special metals, so the design and materials are anything, and the manufacture of the turning furnace itself would be possible, but the problem is the fuel......

Cokes...... where is coal?

Earth can pick more or less in most places if you whisk back the ground.

Just call it a coal mine where you can pick large quantities.

...... Do you also have a heavy oil boiler?

Yeah, there's gonna be some coal out there on Mount Weed because they're digging all kinds of ore.

Why don't you ask Xenom?

While doing so, they carried the lord Sir Guernoon and his wife at Halos Station and the lord of Henson Village, Sir Lanox Parents and sons, and the lord Sir Wazmar and his wife at Damon Station, and the carriage railroad arrived at Weed.

Ma, you should forget what you hate now and enjoy the banquet.

"How about that Iwayna? Hmm?"

At the banquet, Xenom has bragged about his homemade smoking in an upbeat mood.

"The mace I just had was delicious, but this is good too"

I do just boast, and this smoking of freshwater fish is a great thing, but I want you to stop at the good end because if you ask me the same line every time I mouth smoke that Xenom made it.

"Right. Right. I even thought this Iwayne smoke would be Weed's new specialty."

"... if you can do this, sure."

Fish like this rock fish (Ivana), they can expect to catch quite a lot throughout the year.

To be honest, I totally agree with Zenom that it would be many times better to smoke than the dishes he used to behave when he stayed at Weed.

Smoking seems to be about a hobby at the moment, but whoever eats it must say it tastes good.

As the Baron who governs Weed, I'm also convinced that he wants to make something he made himself a new specialty of the territory.

You anticipated a slight interruption in our conversation, and someone called out.

"Dear Firefrid, of all the dishes of the day, the smoking was made by your Excellency"

This is Brigadier Sir Vendel Lanox, son of the lord of the village of Henson.

A little older than us reincarnators, he used to belong to the Knights of the Counts.

He looks satisfied with a small plate of Iwayne smoked into thin fillets in his hand.

I guess he was fascinated by the taste of Yweina, too.

"Oh. Associate Sir Lanox. Yeah, I made all the smoke I got today."

"It must be hard to make this flavor, this point, this much smoking."

Xenom is in a good mood and boasts that temperature regulation is important.

Seeing how it went, I tried to get to Ginger and the groom because I was going to get away from Xenom successfully.

"Ha. Research is essential. I'm going to try a lot of smoked wood from now on. One of the things I look forward to is the burning mud that can be picked in the East Dart. It seems that if you smoke that burning mud, it will smell good. Now ask for it..."


"Burning mud?

I look back unexpectedly and go back to Xenom's.

"What's sudden?

"When is that going to get there? How much? No, you said you could pick it in the east dart, right?

You just suddenly returned or changed your blood phase and interrupted the conversation. You shy away from me, Brigadier Lord Lanox took a step back.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, Associate Sir"


The Associate Duke laughed bitterly, but seriously tried to forget what I was doing in the nobility.

"I wasn't in a hurry, and next month or so..."

"Right. Amount?"

"I think I'm going to try it as smoked material, and about a barrel for one..."

"That's not much. Who told you that? Who did you order it from?

"I just pinched it in my ear, too. To Ram York merchants...... you know what?

"I just hope it's the same burning mud I know."

Then Associate Sir Lanox came mixed up in the conversation in a nasty manner.

"Um... if it's burning mud, you can pick it by our side..."

What do you mean?

"Associate Duke. And Zenom. Let's talk somewhere calm."

I'm in the middle of Ginger's wedding reception right now, but it's important for the territory to come, so give me a break.

If burning mud and dots are peat, coal can always be picked nearby.

Whether it is brown coal or historical green coal or smokeless coal, I don't know that until I dig it, and I have no idea how deep the reserves are, but I can always pick them.

...... Dart Plains. There are self-injecting wells in the south, and it could have been a lot better land than I originally thought.

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