13 Sep 7450


Marquis Razod territory of the Kingdom of Dabus.

Fort Vegcarzo.

Hex was dropping off the captives to be escorted as he sat down on a bench set up in the fort alongside Lane.

The prisoners are tied up like a couple of pearls. Yeah, all the few magic users had their right arm broken.

"Whatever it takes, that's too much..."

Words that squealed like a voyage.

You stopped hearing that, and Lane looked at Hex with a kicking look on his face.

And I open my mouth trying to sue you for something.

"Your husband. I foolishly believe that the expression does not make it impossible to be misunderstood by those who have been asked. I was wondering if I could correct you or apologize to His Excellency Gegran..."

Before Lane uttered the word, Jack, who had refrained beside him, said as he stepped forward and knelt.

Taking Jack's word for it, Lane soothes his expression a little.

Hex soon realized his loss, too, and he looked like a bum.

Because the word "too many prisoners" is synonymous with the fact that we should have killed more if we had returned the back.

"Ah... well... sorry. That's not what I meant."

Nodding to Hex, who says the words of apology, Lane says, "Then don't ask me what you were going to do, I'll leave you alone," and puts a small smile on his face and puts his gaze back in the line of prisoners.

Ahead, there are prisoners who drop their shoulders and leave the fort.

There are five, eight, seven of them all.

They are the survivors of the Cambit Royal Army that was packing in this Fort Vegcarzo and Fort Gajour south of this fort.

The Hex and the Davis Royal Army, which have fallen five fortifications in the past three months, underestimated the "power of the artillery" despite their own development and use.

If the effective range is a combination of an average made cannon and archer, it is only less than 50 m (still twice as many bows as a crossbow anyway), but unlike a bow, it can be directly targeted (point blank).

And in addition to the bullet speed, which also exceeds the crossbow, the small surface area of the bullet body is hardly affected under inclement weather, such as wind or rain, as long as it is up to the effective range, and in most situations the hit rate is not comparable to that of bows or crossbows.

Above all, if the goal is a manoeuvre, bows and crossbows may still be swallowed after being fired or prevented by shields (whatever the street art, it can only be in absurd fiction to prevent them by cutting them off with swords and such during the White Soldier War), but the bullets of the artillery are not even visible and such a response is not possible first.

In addition, of those limited to the condition that the subject is not armored by heavy armor, such as metal armor (that said, metal armor is very expensive, so few wear it), it boasts a great power to push non-combatantly in most cases with one shot, even if it exceeds the effective range but even hits to about 200m.

You can also expect to hit an enemy that is different from the target if you shoot against a group of enemies, even if they are outside the effective range, and the probability varies slightly depending on the density of the target, but it seems advisable to expect about 4% from training and combat to date.

This is also a high hit rate that is not comparable to long bows (long bows) and the like with a distance of 200 m to the target.

The training period is also easy for anyone to use as a good archer, as long as they have only about a hundred shots (even a few days longer) of experience unlike bows that will require years of training.

In short, they thought that "power and a short training period" would be a threat to their opponents.

In fact, however, it was feared that there would be noises and white smoke generated during the shooting and that there would be casualties of war on one of the allies shortly thereafter.

Of course, those familiar with artillery, such as Hex and Lane, could not have thought about it, but they thought that they would soon get used to the sound, the light and the smoke.

In fact, even in the process of training archers, they were surprised at first by the roar, the flash and the rising white smoke, but it's no wonder they think so if they see everyone getting used to it after a day.

but there was only one missed.

I had to explain to the shooter in advance what kind of weapon an iron gun was, because I was just practicing shooting in a "basically safe environment except for accidental accidents" without being in the position of the shooter.

It should be noted, of course, that the fact that what they consider "power and a short training period" is a threat is not incorrect, and I can say rather that it is the true price of the cannon there.

Anyway, they were thinking too deeply about the fact that "getting shot is often the first time for the other person".

If you try to shoot someone, they will emit a horrible, hit-precise attack from a distance that this one can't reach, and loud shooting sounds and firing flames can even inhibit the magician's mental concentration as it is the first look.

And if you had even put cavalry and soldiers in formation on Theory Street of the war so far, instantaneously 10% or their numbers would be killed.

Furthermore, the sound of the bullet's wind chipping, even if it does not hit, makes the soldiers' hearts and minds feel cold.

I can tell about something flying invisibly fast.

If it's about the first simultaneous shooting, you can do something to keep your will, but if you eat the second simultaneous shooting, it becomes difficult, too.

Besides, it seemed natural in some ways that Lane's sorcery would have even cut off the way to escape the fort, and if he ate fireballs and other flashy offensive sorcery with no push, he would blow up without a trace of war or anything.

These things have happened, and the Cambit Royal Army, which has fought for some time here, has unexpectedly surrendered quite lightly.

A large number of prisoners could also be described as the harm.

Especially since prisoners become gold (it is not common in this region to take the other prisoner into its own army to become a soldier), they are welcomed by the majority of Dabus army soldiers.

More importantly, they were literally "having fun and making a lot of money" because in all the fort's offensive strategies, except for the first battle, they were surrendered before they developed into a white soldier battle with enemy soldiers or something.

However, those who were able to see ahead, represented by commanders, troop leaders, reincarnators, and others, were worried about the compression of supplies.

Though they also agree with Alec's idea of keeping as much information as possible about the artillery, which is a recruit weapon, they were nervous about having to feed many prisoners for a long time.

"It's good that we're dropping the fort... but the Blue Tiger Knights seem to be under a lot of strain."

"Oh. It's like an iron cannon, but then someday... it's obvious that it's going to go broke. What are we gonna do?

"Right. The next target is a city with thousands of people."

"Oh. With all that population, there would be a lot of food reserves..."

The next goal, the city of Dar Curry, is said to have a population of about 3,000 people, a city that brings together villages dotted behind it.

According to the information collected, it is also used as a supply base to fortifications and other places that have so far been flattened.

"... but there will also be many prisoners, and no one will pay the ransom because the majority of them are ordinary people who are not military"

Lane changed her complexion to Hex's words I went on to say.

"So what do you do? No way...!?"

"No, you're probably the majority of people who were formerly Dabus nationals, and you're not gonna kill them, are you?


Lane exhales in a ho.

"Yeah. I can't even get ransom, and there's no point in killing even the city's residents...... right?

Saying so, Hex looks up at Jack standing beside him.

"Right. I thought your husband was right... but if we're going to keep the information on the cannon secret..."

"We all have killings," you say? Women, children and non-combatants would be the majority, and His Royal Highness would go that far?

Hex turned his eyes round to Jack, who said in a sober voice.

"No, not to the boulder. But I merely said under the assumption that if we were to limit ourselves to combating information leakage, As you two have been told now, Dar Curry will certainly have quite a few supplies. If we dispose of the residents of the city and other people who are unlikely to get ransom..."

It can take supplies all the way, it can reduce hostile forces and counteract information leakage.

All I said was that it was a good thing.

Out of tune, just out of sight of Lane and Hex looking at each other, Jack glanced at the fortified building that Alec and the others were packing.

- Indeed, the number of prisoners is more than ten times what was initially expected. He also says he's pushing back the messenger about the prisoner exchange offer... I just know he wants to keep the cannons hidden even as far as I'm concerned... like I just said, he's going to kill us all, and what are you really going to do?

Response measures should be in place in the building, but the building was only quietly built.

21 Sep 7450

"What? You already found it?

I looked up at Fio reporting in awe, and I couldn't block my free mouth.

"Yes, the reserves are unknown, but they are roughly 500 meters wide and produce the same kind of coal over a length of more than one kilometer."

According to Fio, it can be picked extensively at the foot west of Mount Weed.

First, we brought some coal that was picked within the limits of what we were able to investigate.

"Status open...... 'Coal'? To the others...?

Being a reincarnator, I and Fio just label it 'coal' in Japanese even if I look at the status, but I'm interested in what kind of label it would be if it was Ragdarios.

"Yes, according to the attendant, there are no burning stones (Baestones)... and no one in the villages of Henson or Damon knew their name."


A burning stone... a burning stone.

Well, I was a little disappointed because what I wanted to know was whether this guy was historically green coal or smokeless coal (I don't think it's brown coal from the shade).

In particular, I think it's similar to the historical green coal I've seen in Hokkaido in the past, and I don't think it's historical green coal because there aren't many parts of the broken cross section that shine like obsidian... I'm not sure it's a good idea.

Well, no.

Either way, if you steam this guy, he'll be a coke, and you'll be able to pick a cole tar.

"Thank you for your hard work. But I need you to keep digging for mineable locations."


He immediately admitted that he was just here to report temporarily as Fio as well.

But...... if we can pick coal, should we build a settlement around there?

Hi. Looks like I can dig in the open air.

Currently, railway tracks are connected from Beglitz to Weed and from Beglitz to Hash.

Between Beglitz-Zondir and Mead-Zorge are now on the verge of opening, and work has just begun on an annular line connecting Halos-Kudomna-Larks-Lad-Garhe-Bege-Midora-Barry-Weed.

That's right, we're going to pull out about two sets of construction groups from the ring line to open up between Halos-Henson.

We need it for the transport of coal, and we need to aim to complete it for the baked egg engine in combination.

Hmm? Steam engines? Um, it's coal. I don't think it's impossible for them to say that.

However, I know the principle of steam engine, but perhaps the amount of knowledge is very different from that of a normal person.

I mean, I don't know enough about steam engines to design engines.

I've never even seen the contents before, and naturally, I haven't had the experience of decomposition and maintenance.

Therefore, unless you are also a fairly familiar reincarnator, I think you have to keep the steam engine for the time being.

No, because the baking egg engine is a simple structure, and the parts score is low.

Blah, blah, whatever the number of components, I think the variety is more overwhelming for a 64-style small gun.

Not to mention the number of screws.

But the steam engine won't go that way.

Modern Earth's newest ships are also moving almost in steam engines just because fuel is not coal. Of course, many coal ships are active, so the ship's design technicians and power plant officials (nuclear and thermal power end up boiling water and turning turbines with the power of their steam to generate electricity, so this is also a steam engine with different fuels. Note that thermal power from coal is still common) But I wish I was there, but there's no way I could meet someone so easily and conveniently.

Of course, I think we'll have to work on the development of a steam engine someday because we want to generate electricity.

But to the boulder, that's going to be a long way ahead of us, and there's going to be a lot of trial and error associated with failure, right?

Well, it's time for me to move my body.

We had a mock fight scheduled today where we exchanged cavalry, and I shouldn't be a good rider.

22 Sep 7450

Dar Curry, a city south of the Cambit Kingdom.

No, would it be more appropriate to already say the former Marquis of Farraq territory of the Kingdom of Dabus?

Anyway, the city of Dar Curry still feels like it's going to fall, because the majority of the soldiers standing in the city are occupied by the Royal Dabus Army.

"I'm almost done sweeping the streets. All you have to do is leave Kilgung Castle behind."


Alec nodded and replied to Dantes' report of the Five Hundred.

It was yesterday afternoon that they, the Dabus army, attacked this city of Dar Curry.

He attacked with an army of about a thousand men with only combat personnel.

In contrast, the Cambit army, which took the form of arranging itself in front of the city and welcoming it, was roughly the same as the Dabus army, with about 900 combat personnel.

It is self-evident that the defense is more advantageous if there is no significant difference between the numbers of each other.

Well, we had been receiving reports for quite some time about the invasion of the Dabus army, which seemed to be made up of elites, so the Cambit army had built a defensive facility that would be an alternative to the horse fence by striking in large quantities of piles in front of its own formation.

There was also information about the artillery, but it was expected that it would be a magic device capable of unleashing some kind of attack magic, and it was thought that there would be less valuable magic equipment on the battlefield like a mountain because it was hard to think about it.

Alec, who commands the Dabus army, discarded the assault tactics by horseback riding when he saw the formation of the Cambit army and the large number of piles punched into the ground in front of it.

At the same time, I realized that this was the limit to the secret of the artillery.

The Cambit army was in formation in a critical location in the city's downtown, because it seemed difficult to create a wall that would isolate only the Cambit army, to say nothing of lanes, and it was more obvious than to see the fire that it would take a considerable amount of time even if they were forced to build a wall.

Also, naturally, I have thought that it was not necessary to make wasted efforts because it was considered physically impossible, apart from the ethical aspects, such as killing all the inhabitants of the city who would have been witnesses to the battle even to him.

Therefore, an infantry equipped with artillery was arranged outside the range of the bow and at a distance of about 100 mm from the target, causing them to fire simultaneously.

And even more simultaneous.

Though the number of casualties of war caused by artillery was not significant (there were nevertheless casualties reaching double digits per simultaneous fire), the Cambit army went into havoc with anger pronounced by soldiers and commanders trying to stop them from fleeing the line on their own for fear of a roar.

Naturally, some of them chose to strike back with a bow or something, knowing that they could not be hit that way, and some troops stormed with spears.

However, the bow was prevented by a shield with a large tower shield, and an attractive sniper played a role against the assault with a sword and spear.

Those who saw butterflies and falling and lying allies began to look more frightened and retreat, and those who suddenly saw the face of their neighbor's comrade play screamed and slipped out their hips.

Thus, in an instant, the Cambit army fled into the city of Dar Curry, and the attentive were caged in a small castle named Kilgung in the heart of the city.

In contrast, Alec created 50 pairs of ten men, including two artillery infantry soldiers with five spears and three other archers, and began sweeping away enemy soldiers who would have hidden in various parts of the city.

He himself commanded a unit of 500 men with 30 dings of artillery and approached Kilgung Castle.

If it's a city sweep on a boulder, there's no better way for war victims to get out than ever before.

All that, and some Tiger Child artillery will be captured.

I was prepared about them.

"Lane. I don't want to kill too many. So ask him to surrender in one shot."

Alec commanded the court magician in a rhetoric which he seemed to like.

"... ok. Hex, Jack. Do me a favor. And thank you all very much."

In addition to the two escorts he was following, Lane turned his right palm toward the castle gate and began his mental concentration when he spoke to the skilled shield.

A little late many arrows were released from the top of the castle wall towards the lane, but the majority were inhibited by kite shields erected by Hex and Jack and tower shields of shields of shields, and none even reached the magician's protective shield, which had been specially deformed not to block her sight and the tip of her palms.

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